def cli(point, circle, sympy, filename): """Comparing the `sympy.geometry` and `matplotlib.path` libraries""" figure = plt.figure() x, y = point plt.scatter([x], [y], c='r', marker='X') cx, cy, r = circle theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 500) plt.scatter([cx], [cy], c='b', marker='x') plt.plot(r * np.cos(theta) + cx, r * np.sin(theta) + cy, 'b--') plt.title(f'Comparing the .{sympy} and .contains_point methods') plt.grid() plt.xlim((-(r + 1) + cx, +(r + 1) + cx)) plt.ylim((-(r + 1) + cy, +(r + 1) + cy)) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.tight_layout() c1 = ['red', 'blue'][, cy), r).contains_point(point)] c2 = ['red', 'blue'][getattr(Circle((cx, cy), r), sympy)(Point(x, y))] p1 = mpatches.Patch(color=c1, label='.contains_point') p2 = mpatches.Patch(color=c2, label=f'.{sympy}') plt.legend(handles=[p1, p2], loc='upper left') if filename is None: else: figure.savefig(filename, format="png")
def nearest_point(self, lon, lat, lons, lats, length=0.06): #0.3/5==0.06 '''Find the nearest point to (lon,lat) from (lons,lats), return the nearest-point (lon,lat) author: Bingwei''' p =,lat),radius=length) #numpy.vstack(tup):Stack arrays in sequence vertically points = np.vstack((lons.flatten(),lats.flatten())).T insidep = [] #collect the points included in Path. for i in xrange(len(points)): if p.contains_point(points[i]):# .contains_point return 0 or 1 insidep.append(points[i]) # if insidep is null, there is no point in the path. if not insidep: #print 'This point out of the model area or hits the land.' raise Exception() #calculate the distance of every points in insidep to (lon,lat) distancelist = [] for i in insidep: ss=math.sqrt((lon-i[0])**2+(lat-i[1])**2) distancelist.append(ss) # find index of the min-distance mindex = np.argmin(distancelist) # location the point lonp = insidep[mindex][0]; latp = insidep[mindex][1] return lonp,latp
def circumpolar_axis(ax): """ Draw a circumpolar grid of longitudes around a map at latitude 62 degrees N License ------- GNU-GPLv3, (C) A. R. ( """ circle = proj = ax.projection ax.set_boundary(circle, transform=proj) # collections are only clipped when added after this point, so re-add them for c in ax.collections: c.remove() ax.add_collection(c) lat = 62 def rotation(lon): if abs(lon) <= 90: return lon else: return lon - 180 for lon in np.arange(-180, 180, 60): lon_text = '{:3d}$^\circ${}'.format(abs(lon), { True: 'E', False: 'W' }[lon >= 0]) textopts = dict(va='center', ha='center', rotation=rotation(lon)) ax.text(*proj.transform_point(lon, lat, ccrs.PlateCarree()), lon_text, **textopts)
def nearest_point(self, lon, lat, lons, lats, length): #0.3/5==0.06 '''Find the nearest point to (lon,lat) from (lons,lats), return the nearest-point (lon,lat) author: Bingwei''' p =, lat), radius=length) #numpy.vstack(tup):Stack arrays in sequence vertically points = np.vstack((lons.flatten(), lats.flatten())).T insidep = [] #collect the points included in Path. for i in xrange(len(points)): if p.contains_point(points[i]): # .contains_point return 0 or 1 insidep.append(points[i]) # if insidep is null, there is no point in the path. if not insidep: print 'There is no model-point near the given-point.' raise Exception() #calculate the distance of every points in insidep to (lon,lat) distancelist = [] for i in insidep: ss = math.sqrt((lon - i[0])**2 + (lat - i[1])**2) distancelist.append(ss) # find index of the min-distance mindex = np.argmin(distancelist) # location the point lonp = insidep[mindex][0] latp = insidep[mindex][1] return lonp, latp
def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): # def __call__(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size): ''' x0 and y0 are the lower left corner of original bbox. They are set automatically by matplotlib. ''' xc, yc = x0 + width / 2, y0 + height / 2 # Center of the circle pad = mutation_size * self.pad radius = max(self.width / 2, width / 2 + pad) return, yc), radius) # Return a Path object as the new bbox
def gpf(infile, masked_image, aperture): ts = time() mask = # mask image w = WCS(mask_image) # wcs imdata = mask[0].data # mask data mask.close() xscale, yscale = abs(mask[0].header['CD1_1']), abs( mask[0].header['CD2_2']) # 2.3979657626886E-4 degrees/pixel xpixarcmin, ypixarcmin = (1 / (60 * xscale)), ( 1 / (60 * yscale)) # pixels/arcmin along the X(Y) axis pix_arcmin = (xpixarcmin + ypixarcmin) / 2.0 # <pixels>/arcmin aperture = aperture * pix_arcmin # in pixels pxcrd = w.wcs_world2pix(infile['ra'], infile['dec'], 0) # source table in pixel coords pix_cat = np.column_stack([pxcrd[0], pxcrd[1]]) pix_dict = {key: [] for key in ['tpix', 'gpix', 'gpf']} for rn in range(len(pix_cat)): if rn % 5000 == 0: print(rn) # boundaries: larger box than the box which fits the circle with a given aperture radius cmin, cmax = int(round(pix_cat[rn, 0] - 1.1 * aperture)), int( round(pix_cat[rn, 0] + 1.1 * aperture)) rmin, rmax = int(round(pix_cat[rn, 1] - 1.1 * aperture)), int( round(pix_cat[rn, 1] + 1.1 * aperture)) pts_inside_box = [ k for k in product(range(cmin, cmax + 1, 1), range(rmin, rmax + 1, 1)) ] # points inside box circ =[rn][0], pix_cat[rn][1]), radius=aperture) # circle with the given aperture truth_array = np.where(circ.contains_points(pts_inside_box))[ 0] # point indices that are within the circle pts_inside_circ = [pts_inside_box[inx] for inx in truth_array ] # points that are within the circle good_pixels = sum([ 1 for pt in pts_inside_circ if imdata[pt[1], pt[0]] == 0 ]) # good pixels in the circle gp_frac = round(good_pixels / float(len(pts_inside_circ)), 3) # good pixel fraction pix_dict['tpix'].append(len(pts_inside_circ)) # of total pixels pix_dict['gpix'].append(good_pixels) # good pixels pix_dict['gpf'].append(gp_frac) # gpf print(time() - ts) return pix_dict
def _circle(xy, radius, facecolor, edgecolor, config): main_path =, radius) inner_path =, radius - config["goalless_edge_thickness"]) main_path_data = list(zip(, main_path.vertices)) inner_path_data = list(zip(, inner_path.vertices)) main_path_data += ([inner_path_data[0]] + inner_path_data[1:-2][::-1] + inner_path_data[-2:]) codes, verts = zip(*main_path_data) main_path = Path(verts, codes) outer_patch = PathPatch(main_path, facecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=0) codes, verts = zip(*inner_path_data) inner_path = Path(verts, codes) inner_patch = PathPatch(inner_path, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=facecolor, linewidth=2) return [outer_patch, inner_patch]
def __init__(self, shape, xy, radius, **kwargs): self.shape = shape self.xy = xy self.radius = radius if shape == 'o': # circle self.numVertices = None self.orientation = 0 elif shape == '^': # triangle up self.numVertices = 3 self.orientation = 0 elif shape == '<': # triangle left self.numVertices = 3 self.orientation = np.pi * 0.5 elif shape == 'v': # triangle down self.numVertices = 3 self.orientation = np.pi elif shape == '>': # triangle right self.numVertices = 3 self.orientation = np.pi * 1.5 elif shape == 's': # square self.numVertices = 4 self.orientation = np.pi * 0.25 elif shape == 'd': # diamond self.numVertices = 4 self.orientation = np.pi * 0.5 elif shape == 'p': # pentagon self.numVertices = 5 self.orientation = 0 elif shape == 'h': # hexagon self.numVertices = 6 self.orientation = 0 elif shape == '8': # octagon self.numVertices = 8 self.orientation = 0 else: raise ValueError( "Node shape should be one of: 'so^>v<dph8'. Current shape:{}". format(shape)) if self.shape == 'o': # circle self.linewidth_correction = 2 self._path = else: # regular polygon self.linewidth_correction = 2 * np.sin( np.pi / self.numVertices ) # derives from the ratio between a side and the radius in a regular polygon. self._path = Path.unit_regular_polygon(self.numVertices) self._patch_transform = transforms.Affine2D() super().__init__(path=self._path, **kwargs)
def shrink_data(self,lon,lat,lons,lats): # ind = argwhere((lonc >= size[0]) & (lonc <= size[1]) & (latc >= size[2]) & (latc <= size[3])) lont = []; latt = [] p =,lat),radius=0.6) pints = np.vstack((lons.flatten(),lats.flatten())).T for i in range(len(pints)): if p.contains_point(pints[i]): lont.append(pints[i][0]) latt.append(pints[i][1]) lonl=np.array(lont); latl=np.array(latt)#''' if not lont: print 'point position error! shrink_data' sys.exit() return lonl,latl
def draw_lineage_graph(graph: DiGraph) -> None: try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch from matplotlib.path import Path except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()") from e except RuntimeError: logger.error("Matplotlib unable to open display") raise try: import pygraphviz # noqa except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("requires pygraphviz") from e pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(graph, prog="dot", args="-Grankdir='LR'") edge_color, node_color, font_color = "#9ab5c7", "#3499d9", "#35393e" arrowsize = font_size = radius = 10 node_size = 30 ha, va = "left", "bottom" nx.draw( graph, pos=pos, with_labels=True, edge_color=edge_color, arrowsize=arrowsize, node_color=node_color, node_size=node_size, font_color=font_color, font_size=font_size, horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, ) # selfloop edges for edge in nx.selfloop_edges(graph): x, y = pos[edge[0]] arrow = FancyArrowPatch(, y + radius), radius), arrowstyle="-|>", color=colorConverter.to_rgba_array(edge_color)[0], mutation_scale=arrowsize, linewidth=1.0, zorder=1, ) plt.gca().add_patch(arrow)
def nearest_point(lon, lat, lons, lats, length,x): #0.3/5==0.06 '''Find the nearest point to (lon,lat) from (lons,lats), return the nearest-point (lon,lat) author: Bingwei''' #FN='necscoast_worldvec.dat' #CL=np.genfromtxt(FN,names=['lon','lat']) p =,lat),radius=length) #plt.figure(figsize=(8,7)) #numpy.vstack(tup):Stack arrays in sequence vertically points = np.vstack((lons.flatten(),lats.flatten())).T insidep = [] #collect the points included in Path. for i in np.arange(len(points)): if p.contains_point(points[i]):# .contains_point return 0 or 1 insidep.append(points[i]) # if insidep is null, there is no point in the path. if len(insidep)<2: print ('There is no model-point near the given-point.') raise Exception() #calculate the distance of every points in insidep to (lon,lat) distancelist = [] for i in insidep: #print (lon,i[0],'########',lat,i[1]) ss=haversine(lon, lat, i[0], i[1]) #plt.scatter(i[0],i[1],color='blue',s=1) #print (ss) distancelist.append(ss) mindex = np.argmin(distancelist) distancelist[mindex]=100000000 mindex1 = np.argmin(distancelist) #plt.scatter(lon,lat,color='green',s=1) #plt.scatter(insidep[mindex1][0],insidep[mindex1][1],color='red',s=1) #plt.axis([-70.75,-70,41.72,42.07]) #plt.plot(CL['lon'],CL['lat'],color='black',linewidth=1) #plt.title('cape cod') #plt.savefig('cape cod %s'%(x)) return distancelist[mindex1]
def add_path(self, path, facecolor='k', edgecolor='k', alpha=None, lw=1, clipping_radius=0, clipping_pt=(0, 0)): stroke_patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, lw=lw, antialiased=True) if clipping_radius > 0: circle =, clipping_radius) patch = patches.PathPatch(circle, visible=False) self._axes.add_patch(patch) self._axes.add_patch(stroke_patch).set_clip_path(patch) else: self._axes.add_patch(stroke_patch) self._patches.append(stroke_patch)
def plotObstacles(ax): Source1_location = [150, 120] Source2_location = [366, 76] Source3_location = [620, 120] Cask1_location = [200, 100] Cask2_location = [400, 100] Cask3_location = [600, 100] Cask_rad = 20 def makeRect(xcoord, ycoord, length, width): x = np.linspace((xcoord - length / 2), (xcoord + length / 2), length + 1, dtype=int) y = np.linspace((ycoord + width / 2), (ycoord - width / 2), width + 1, dtype=int) x_1, y_1 = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='xy') points = np.array(list(zip(x_1.flatten(), y_1.flatten()))) vertices = [((xcoord - length / 2), (ycoord - width / 2)), ((xcoord - length / 2), (ycoord + width / 2)), ((xcoord + length / 2), (ycoord + width / 2)), ((xcoord + length / 2), (ycoord - width / 2)), (0, 0)] return points, vertices #################### ROBOT COORDINATE robot_x_coord = 30 #LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT ENTRY DOOR WHERE ROBOT WILL START robot_y_coord = 30 #LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT ENTRY DOOR WHERE ROBOT WILL START robot_height = 6 robot_breadth = 6 Robot_points, rvertices = makeRect(robot_x_coord, robot_y_coord, robot_breadth, robot_height) ########### PLOTTING THE ROBOT ################ rcodes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] robot = Path(rvertices, rcodes) robotpatch = PathPatch(robot, facecolor='green', edgecolor='green') #################### PLOTTING SOURCE 1 circle =, radius=1) source1patch = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') #################### PLOTTING SOURCE 2 circle =, radius=1) source2patch = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') #################### PLOTTING SOURCE 3 circle =, radius=1) source3patch = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') #################### PLOTTING DRY STORAGE CASK 1 circle =, radius=Cask_rad) sourcedrycast1 = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='white', edgecolor='black') #################### PLOTTING DRY STORAGE CASK 2 circle =, radius=Cask_rad) sourcedrycast2 = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='white', edgecolor='black') #################### PLOTTING DRY STORAGE CASK 3 circle =, radius=Cask_rad) sourcedrycast3 = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='white', edgecolor='black') #################### TOOL BOX COORDINATE TB_x_coord = 400 # LOCATION OF TOOL BOX CENTER TB_y_coord = 40 # LOCATION OF TOOL BOX CENTER TB_length = 200 TB_height = 10 TB_points, TBvertices = makeRect(TB_x_coord, TB_y_coord, TB_length, TB_height) TB = Path(TBvertices, rcodes) TBpatch = PathPatch(TB, facecolor='purple', edgecolor='purple') ax.add_patch(robotpatch) ax.add_patch(TBpatch) ax.add_patch(source1patch) ax.add_patch(source2patch) ax.add_patch(source3patch) ax.add_patch(sourcedrycast1) ax.add_patch(sourcedrycast2) ax.add_patch(sourcedrycast3) return ax
x_1,y_1=np.meshgrid(x,y, indexing='xy') points = np.array(list(zip(x_1.flatten(),y_1.flatten()))) vertices = [((xcoord-length/2), (ycoord-width/2)), ((xcoord-length/2), (ycoord+width/2)), ((xcoord+length/2), (ycoord+width/2)), ((xcoord+length/2), (ycoord-width/2)), (0, 0)] return points, vertices #################### ROBOT COORDINATE robot_x_coord=30 #LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT ENTRY DOOR WHERE ROBOT WILL START robot_y_coord=30 #LOCATION OF THE EQUIPMENT ENTRY DOOR WHERE ROBOT WILL START robot_height=6 robot_breadth=6 Robot_points,rvertices=makeRect(robot_x_coord,robot_y_coord,robot_breadth,robot_height) ########### PLOTTING THE ROBOT ################ rcodes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO]*3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] robot = Path(rvertices,rcodes) robotpatch = PathPatch(robot, facecolor='green', edgecolor='green') #################### PLOTTING SOURCE 1, radius=1) source1patch=PathPatch(circle, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') #################### PLOTTING SOURCE 2, radius=1) source2patch=PathPatch(circle, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') #################### PLOTTING SOURCE 3, radius=1) source3patch=PathPatch(circle, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') #################### PLOTTING DRY STORAGE CASK 1, radius=Cask_rad) sourcedrycast1=PathPatch(circle, facecolor='white', edgecolor='none') #################### PLOTTING DRY STORAGE CASK 2, radius=Cask_rad) sourcedrycast2=PathPatch(circle, facecolor='white', edgecolor='none') #################### PLOTTING DRY STORAGE CASK 3
#print model_points['lon'][a][j],model_points['lat'][a][j],dmlon[a][j],dmlat[a][j],d #print 'd',d d = haversine(dmlon[a + 1], dmlat[a + 1], dmlon[a], dmlat[a]) dd = dd + d #print 'dd',dd return dd FN = 'necscoast_worldvec.dat' CL = np.genfromtxt(FN, names=['lon', 'lat']) length = 60 * 0.009009009 latc = np.linspace(44.65, 45.02, 10) lonc = np.linspace(-66.6, -65.93, 10) p1 =[5] + lonc[4]) / 2, (latc[5] + latc[4]) / 2), radius=length) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10)) #figure() cl = plt.Circle(((lonc[5] + lonc[4]) / 2, (latc[5] + latc[4]) / 2), length, alpha=0.6, color='yellow') axes.add_patch(cl) latc = np.linspace(44.65, 45.02, 10) lonc = np.linspace(-66.6, -65.93, 10) lon1 = [] latc1 = np.linspace(44.65, 45.02, 6) #lat1=[] for a in np.arange(len(lonc) - 2): lon1.append((lonc[a] + lonc[a + 1]) / 2)
def circle(self, offset, radius, linewidth, edgecolor, facecolor): path =, radius) self.path(path, linewidth, edgecolor, facecolor)
########### PLOTTING THE MAP SPACE ############# vertices = [] codes = [] ######## POLYGON OBSTACLES ################### codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 5 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] vertices = [(20, 120), (25, 185), (75, 185), (100, 150), (75, 120), (50, 150), (0, 0)] codes += [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] vertices += [(30, 67.54603), (40, 84.88341025), (105, 47.32472), (95, 35), (0, 0)] codes += [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] vertices += [(200, 25), (225, 40), (250, 25), (225, 10), (0, 0)] vertices = np.array(vertices, float) path = Path(vertices, codes) ####### CIRCLE OBSTACLE ##################### circle =, 150), radius=25, readonly=False) ####### ELIPSE OBSTACLE #################### elipse = Ellipse((150, 100), 80, 40, 0, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green') ###### PATCHING THEM TOGETHER ############### pathpatch = PathPatch(path, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green') pathpatch2 = PathPatch(circle, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green') pathpatch3 = Ellipse((150, 100), 80, 40, 0, facecolor='None', edgecolor='green') ####### CHECKING TO SEE IF ROBOT IS IN OBSTACLE ################ inside_polygons = (path.contains_points(points, radius=1e-9) ) #true if it is inside the polygon,otherwise false
def eline_path(self,lon,lat): ''' When drifter close to boundary(less than 0.1),find one nearest point to drifter from boundary points, then find two nearest boundary points to previous boundary point, create a boundary path using that three boundary points. ''' def boundary_location(locindex,pointt,wl): ''' Return the index of boundary points nearest to 'locindex'. ''' loca = [] dx = pointt[locindex]; #print 'func',dx for i in dx: # i is a number. #print i if i ==0 : continue dx1 = pointt[i-1]; #print dx1 if 0 in dx1: loca.append(i-1) else: for j in dx1: if j != locindex+1: if wl[j-1] == 1: loca.append(j-1) return loca p =,lat),radius=0.02) #0.06 dis = []; bps = []; pa = [] tlons = []; tlats = []; loca = [] for i in self.b_points: if p.contains_point(i): bps.append((i[0],i[1])) d = math.sqrt((lon-i[0])**2+(lat-i[1])**2) dis.append(d) bps = np.array(bps) if not dis: return None else: #print "Close to boundary." dnp = np.array(dis) dmin = np.argmin(dnp) lonp = bps[dmin][0]; latp = bps[dmin][1] index1 = np.where(self.lonc==lonp) index2 = np.where(self.latc==latp) elementindex = np.intersect1d(index1,index2)[0] # location 753''' #print index1,index2,elementindex loc1 = boundary_location(elementindex,self.pointt,self.wl) ; #print 'loc1',loc1 loca.extend(loc1) loca.insert(1,elementindex) for i in range(len(loc1)): loc2 = boundary_location(loc1[i],self.pointt,self.wl); #print 'loc2',loc2 if len(loc2)==1: continue for j in loc2: if j != elementindex: if i ==0: loca.insert(0,j) else: loca.append(j) for i in loca: tlons.append(self.lonc[i]); tlats.append(self.latc[i]) for i in xrange(len(tlons)): pa.append((tlons[i],tlats[i])) path = Path(pa)#,codes return path
rotcodes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] rotrobot = Path(rotvertices, rotcodes) rotrobotpatch = PathPatch(rotrobot, facecolor='blue', edgecolor='blue') ########### PLOTTING THE GOAL - change to circle? ################ gcodes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] gvertices = [ ((goal_x_coord - robot_breadth / 2), (goal_y_coord - robot_height / 2)), ((goal_x_coord - robot_breadth / 2), (goal_y_coord + robot_height / 2)), ((goal_x_coord + robot_breadth / 2), (goal_y_coord + robot_height / 2)), ((goal_x_coord + robot_breadth / 2), (goal_y_coord - robot_height / 2)), (0, 0) ] goal = Path(gvertices, gcodes) goalpatch = PathPatch(goal, facecolor='red', edgecolor='red') ######### CIRCLE OBSTACLES ##################### circle1 =, 5), radius=1, readonly=False) circle2 =, 2), radius=1, readonly=False) circle3 =, 2), radius=1, readonly=False) circle4 =, 8), radius=1, readonly=False) pathpatch1 = PathPatch(circle1, facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue') pathpatch2 = PathPatch(circle2, facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue') pathpatch3 = PathPatch(circle3, facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue') pathpatch4 = PathPatch(circle4, facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue') ############# RECTANGULAR OBSTACLES ############# vertices = [] codes = [] ########## POLYGON OBSTACLES ################### codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] vertices = [(0.25, 5.25), (1.75, 5.25), (1.75, 3.75), (0.25, 3.75), (0, 0)] codes += [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] vertices += [(2.25, 8.75), (3.75, 8.75), (3.75, 7.25), (2.25, 7.25), (0, 0)]
CL = np.genfromtxt(FNCL, names=['lon', 'lat']) cl = dict(lon=[], lat=[]) for a in np.arange(len(CL['lon'])): if CL['lon'][a] > lon - size and CL['lon'][a] < lon + size and CL['lat'][ a] < lat + size and CL['lat'][a] > lat - size: cl['lon'].append(CL['lon'][a]) cl['lat'].append(CL['lat'][a]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(cl['lon'], cl['lat'], color='black') ax.scatter(lon, lat, color='red') ax.axis([lon - size, lon + size, lat - size, lat + size]) cir1 = Circle(xy=(lon, lat), radius=r, alpha=0.5) ax.add_patch(cir1) p =, lat), radius=r) points = np.vstack( (np.array(cl['lon']).flatten(), np.array(cl['lat']).flatten())).T insidep = [] #collect the points included in Path. for i in np.arange(len(points)): if p.contains_point(points[i]): # .contains_point return 0 or 1 insidep.append(points[i]) lon1 = insidep[0][0] lat1 = insidep[0][1] lon2 = insidep[-1][0] lat2 = insidep[-1][1] ax.scatter(lon1, lat1) ax.scatter(lon2, lat2)
def compress_points(points): bi, bj, bx, by = get_boundary_intersections(points) f = bi == bj alone_points = points[bi[f]] alone_paths = [, 0.5) for xy in alone_points] edge_lists = [[] for i in range(len(points))] n = 0 for i, j, x, y in zip(bi, bj, bx, by): if i != j: edge_lists[j].append((i, x, y)) n += 1 print("%s points in total: %s edges, %s alone points" % (len(points), n, len(alone_points))) def patan2(dy, dx): """ Return pseudo-arctangent of dy/dx such that patan2(y1, x1) < patan2(y2, x2) if and only if atan2(y1, x1) < atan2(y2, x2) """ if dy > 0 and dx > 0: return (0, dy - dx) elif dy > 0 and dx <= 0: return (1, -dy - dx) elif dy <= 0 and dx > 0: return (2, dx - dy) else: return (3, dx + dy) def shift(u, v): if v < u: return (v[0] + 4, v[1]) else: return v def pop_next(i, ox, oy): def local_patan2(y, x): return patan2(y - points[i, 1], x - points[i, 0]) u = local_patan2(oy, ox) j = min(range(len(edge_lists[i])), key=lambda j: shift(u, local_patan2(edge_lists[i][j][2], edge_lists[i][j][1]))) return edge_lists[i].pop(j) paths = [] # print("<path fill=\"black\" fillrule=\"wind\">") while n > 0: assert sum(len(e) for e in edge_lists) == n i = 0 while not edge_lists[i]: i += 1 start = i j, ox, oy = edge_lists[i].pop(0) startx, starty = ox, oy ux, uy = ox, oy # path = ['%s %s m' % (startx, starty)] path_vert_lists = [[[startx, starty]]] path_code_lists = [[Path.MOVETO]] n -= 1 while j != start: i = j j, vx, vy = pop_next(i, ux, uy) n -= 1 # path.append( # '%s 0 0 %s %s %s %s %s a' % # (R, R, points[i, 0], points[i, 1], ox, oy)) ox, oy = points[i] theta1 = np.arctan2(uy - oy, ux - ox) theta2 = np.arctan2(vy - oy, vx - ox) a = Path.arc(theta1 * 180 / np.pi, theta2 * 180 / np.pi) a = a.transformed(Affine2D().scale(0.5).translate(ox, oy)) path_vert_lists.append(a._vertices[1:]) path_code_lists.append(a._codes[1:]) ux, uy = vx, vy # path.append( # '%s 0 0 %s %s %s %s %s a' % # (R, R, points[j, 0], points[j, 1], startx, starty)) ox, oy = points[j] theta1 = np.arctan2(uy - oy, ux - ox) theta2 = np.arctan2(starty - oy, startx - ox) a = Path.arc(theta1 * 180 / np.pi, theta2 * 180 / np.pi) a = a.transformed(Affine2D().scale(0.5).translate(ox, oy)) path_vert_lists.append(a._vertices[1:]) path_code_lists.append(a._codes[1:]) # print('\n'.join(path)) paths.append( Path(np.concatenate(path_vert_lists), np.concatenate(path_code_lists).astype(Path.code_type))) # print("</path>") return Path.make_compound_path(*(alone_paths + paths))
def eline_path(self, lon, lat): ''' When drifter close to boundary(less than 0.1),find one nearest point to drifter from boundary points, then find two nearest boundary points to previous boundary point, create a boundary path using that three boundary points. ''' def boundary_location(locindex, pointt, wl): ''' Return the index of boundary points nearest to 'locindex'. ''' loca = [] dx = pointt[locindex] #print 'func',dx for i in dx: # i is a number. #print i if i == 0: continue dx1 = pointt[i - 1] #print dx1 if 0 in dx1: loca.append(i - 1) else: for j in dx1: if j != locindex + 1: if wl[j - 1] == 1: loca.append(j - 1) return loca p =, lat), radius=0.02) #0.06 dis = [] bps = [] pa = [] tlons = [] tlats = [] loca = [] for i in self.b_points: if p.contains_point(i): bps.append((i[0], i[1])) d = math.sqrt((lon - i[0])**2 + (lat - i[1])**2) dis.append(d) bps = np.array(bps) if not dis: return None else: print "Close to boundary." dnp = np.array(dis) dmin = np.argmin(dnp) lonp = bps[dmin][0] latp = bps[dmin][1] index1 = np.where(self.lonc == lonp) index2 = np.where(self.latc == latp) elementindex = np.intersect1d(index1, index2)[0] # location 753''' #print index1,index2,elementindex loc1 = boundary_location(elementindex, self.pointt, self.wl) #print 'loc1',loc1 loca.extend(loc1) loca.insert(1, elementindex) for i in range(len(loc1)): loc2 = boundary_location(loc1[i], self.pointt, self.wl) #print 'loc2',loc2 if len(loc2) == 1: continue for j in loc2: if j != elementindex: if i == 0: loca.insert(0, j) else: loca.append(j) for i in loca: tlons.append(self.lonc[i]) tlats.append(self.latc[i]) for i in xrange(len(tlons)): pa.append((tlons[i], tlats[i])) #path = Path(pa)#,codes return pa
def get_points(x_coord,y_coord): x=np.linspace((robot_x_coord-robot_breadth//2), (robot_x_coord+robot_breadth//2), robot_breadth+1, dtype=int) y=np.linspace((robot_y_coord+ robot_height//2), (robot_y_coord- robot_height//2), robot_height+1, dtype=int) x_1,y_1=np.meshgrid(x,y, indexing='xy') return np.array(list(zip(x_1.flatten(),y_1.flatten()))) robot_points = get_points(robot_x_coord,robot_y_coord) goal_points = get_points( goal_x_coord, goal_y_coord) #print(robot_points==goal_points) ############# PLOTTING THE ROBOT - changed to circle, can see rotation from plotted curves ################ #rcodes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO]*3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] #rvertices = [((robot_x_coord-robot_breadth/2), (robot_y_coord-robot_height/2)), ((robot_x_coord-robot_breadth/2), (robot_y_coord+robot_height/2)), ((robot_x_coord+robot_breadth/2), (robot_y_coord+robot_height/2)), ((robot_x_coord+robot_breadth/2), (robot_y_coord-robot_height/2)), (0, 0)] #robot = Path(rvertices,rcodes) robot =,robot_y_coord), radius=rob_radius) robotpatch = PathPatch(robot, facecolor='green', edgecolor='green') #print("vertices ",rvertices,"shape ", np.shape(rvertices)) #rotvertices=[] #for i in np.array(rvertices): # i=np.array(i) # t=i-rvertices[0] # #print("t",t) # roti=drotmatrix(t,theta_s) # rotvertices.append((roti+rvertices[0])) ###print("new vertices ",rotvertices,"shape ", np.shape(rotvertices)) #rotcodes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO]*3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] #rotrobot = Path(rotvertices,rotcodes) #rotrobotpatch = PathPatch(rotrobot, facecolor='blue', edgecolor='blue') ########### PLOTTING THE GOAL - changed to circle ################