def draw_date_score(): # dir_name 에는 보간값 있는 폴더 이름 적기 st = time.time() # 프리셋 적용 preset_ds() plt.title(f"소녀전선 한국서버 <허수미궁+> 등급컷 변화 그래프") # 점, 그래프 그리기 ds_plot_in100([1, 10, 50, 100], marker='o', mfc='w') ds_plot([5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50], marker='o', mfc='w') # 가로선 그리기 draw_axhline(200000, '황금요정 확정지급 점수\n200,000점') draw_axhline(400000, '최고등급 보상 확정지급 점수\n400,000점') # 범례 plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), loc="center left") plt.figtext(0.10, 0.04, "36베이스 - 소녀전선 데이터베이스", ha="left", va="top", alpha=0.5, size=12) plt.figtext(0.88, 0.04, "구글 설문 및 36베이스 카카오톡 봇으로 표본 조사중입니다. 많이 참여해주세요.", ha="right", va="top", alpha=0.5, size=12) # 저장 # plt.savefig(f'../image/{event_name}/date_score/{}.png') shutil.copy(f'../image/{event_name}/date_score/{}.png', "../docs/recent.png") print(f">>> {time.time() - st} secs.") return
def plot_3panel(X1, X2, X3, Y, xlims1=None, xlims2=None, xlims3=None, ymax=None, X1lab='dBZ', X2lab='ZDR', X3lab=r'Kdp (dB km$^{-1}$)', ylab=None, label=True, labelTx=' ', labelpos=None): """Create a 3-panel vertical plot of reflectivity, differential reflectivity, and specific differential phase. """ fig, (ax1, ax2, vax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True) if xlims1 is None: xlims1 = (-20, 30.) if xlims2 is None: xlims2 = (-1.5, 1.5) if xlims3 is None: xlims3 = (.2, .4) if ymax is None: ymax = 10. ax1.plot(X1, Y, color='k') ax2.plot(X2, Y, color='k') ax3.plot(X3, Y, color='k') ax1.set_xlim(xlims1) ax2.set_xlim(xlims2) ax3.set_xlim(xlims3) ax1.set_xlabel(X1lab) ax2.set_xlabel(X2lab) ax3.set_xlabel(X3lab) # Set y axis characteristics ax1.set_ylim(0., ymax) if ylab is None: ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') else: ax1.set_ylabel(ylab) ax1.vlines(0, 0, ymax) ax2.vlines(0, 0, ymax) ax1.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=1) ax2.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=1) ax3.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=1) ax1.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) ax2.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) ax3.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) # Add label to above plot unless location specified if label: if labelpos is None: labelpos = (.15, .91) plt.figtext(labelpos[0], labelpos[1], labelTx) return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3
def plot_zdr_rhv(X1, X2, Y, xlims1=None, xlims2=None, ymax=None, label=True, labelTx=' ', labelpos=None): """Create a vertical plot of differential reflectivity and copolar correlation coefficient. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() axes = [ax, ax.twiny()] if xlims1 is None: xlims1 = (-1.5, 1.5) if xlims2 is None: xlims2 = (.8, 1.) if ymax is None: ymax = 10. axes[0].plot(X1, Y, label='Differential Reflectivity', color='b') axes[1].plot(X2, Y, label='CoPolar Correlation Coefficient', color='r') axes[0].set_xlim(xlims1) axes[1].set_xlim(xlims2) axes[0].set_xlabel('Differential Reflectivity (dB)') axes[1].set_xlabel('CoPolar Correlation Coefficient') axes[0].tick_params(axis='x', colors='b') axes[1].tick_params(axis='x', colors='r') axes[0].xaxis.label.set_color('b') axes[1].xaxis.label.set_color('r') axes[0].set_ylim(0., ymax) axes[0].set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') axes[0].vlines(0, 0, ymax) axes[0].xaxis.grid(color='b', ls=':', lw=1) axes[1].xaxis.grid(color='r', ls=':', lw=1) axes[0].yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) handles1, labels1 = axes[0].get_legend_handles_labels() handles2, labels2 = axes[1].get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend( [handles1[0], handles2[0]], ['Differential Reflectivity', 'CoPolar Correlation Coefficient'], loc=6, fontsize=11) # Add label to lower left in plot unless location specified if label: if labelpos is None: labelpos = (.15, .15) plt.figtext(labelpos[0], labelpos[1], labelTx) return fig, ax, axes
def plot_add_stats(instance=None, avg=None, sd=None, points=None, good_samples=None, tot_samples=None, labelpos=None): """Add text to the figure that contains statistics.""" if labelpos is None: labelpos=(.15, .7) if instance == 'single': plt.figtext(labelpos[0], labelpos[1], "Avg Zdr = %g\nStd Dev = %g\nPoints = %g\n"%(avg, sd, points)) elif instance == 'multi': plt.figtext(labelpos[0], labelpos[1], "Avg Zdr = %g\nStd Dev = %g\nSamples = %g used of %g total\nPoints = %g\n"% (avg, sd, good_samples, tot_samples, points)) else: print "Need to supply either single or multiple run statistics!!"
def plot_reg(x, y, out_file): f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.5, 6.5)) sns.despine(f, left=True, bottom=True) i = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(x), np.isfinite(y)) x = x[i] y = y[i] sns.regplot(x, y, ax=ax) r = np.polyfit(x, y, 1) print(i.sum()) print(r) filename = os.path.basename(out_file) plt.title(filename[:-4]) plt.figtext(0.1, 0.95, 'a = {:0.4f}'.format(r[0])) plt.figtext(0.1, 0.90, 'b = {:0.4f}'.format(r[1])) plt.savefig(out_file)
def plot_3panel(X1, X2, X3, Y, xlims1=None, xlims2=None, xlims3=None, ymax=None, X1lab='dBZ', X2lab='ZDR', X3lab=r'Kdp (dB km$^{-1}$)', ylab=None, label=True, labelTx=' ', labelpos=None): """Create a 3-panel vertical plot of reflectivity, differential reflectivity, and specific differential phase. """ fig, (ax1, ax2, vax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharey=True) if xlims1 is None: xlims1 = (-20, 30.) if xlims2 is None: xlims2 = (-1.5, 1.5) if xlims3 is None: xlims3 = (.2, .4) if ymax is None: ymax = 10. ax1.plot(X1, Y, color='k') ax2.plot(X2, Y, color='k') ax3.plot(X3, Y, color='k') ax1.set_xlim(xlims1) ax2.set_xlim(xlims2) ax3.set_xlim(xlims3) ax1.set_xlabel(X1lab) ax2.set_xlabel(X2lab) ax3.set_xlabel(X3lab) # Set y axis characteristics ax1.set_ylim(0., ymax) if ylab is None: ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') else: ax1.set_ylabel(ylab) ax1.vlines(0,0,ymax) ax2.vlines(0,0,ymax) ax1.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=1) ax2.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=1) ax3.xaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=1) ax1.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) ax2.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) ax3.yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) # Add label to above plot unless location specified if label: if labelpos is None: labelpos = (.15,.91) plt.figtext(labelpos[0], labelpos[1], labelTx) return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3
def __init__(self, poll, parties, elections=None, join_coalitions=True): plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 6) self._fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 16 plt.rcParams['axes.labelweight'] = 'bold' plt.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'normal' plt.rcParams['xtick.major.pad']='16' plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 20 plt.rcParams['axes.titleweight'] = 'bold' parties_votes = [] for i, p in enumerate(parties.parties.values()): parties_votes.append((p, poll.get_party(p,join_coalitions))) parties_votes.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) parties_votes = [] for i, p in enumerate(parties.parties.values()): parties_votes.append((p, poll.get_party(p,join_coalitions))) parties_votes.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) width = 0.6 left_lim = 0.1 plt.title(poll.pollster +' - %-d %b'), loc='left', x=0, y=1.1, fontdict={'ha':'left'}) names = [] for i, (p, votes) in enumerate(parties_votes): a =, votes, width=width, color=p.color, edgecolor='none') ax.text(left_lim+i+width/2, votes-4, '{0}%'.format(votes), fontdict={'weight':'bold', 'color':'w', 'fontsize':'20', 'ha':'center', 'va':'center'}) names.append(p.short_name) if elections: vot =elections.get_party(p,join_coalitions) if a: plt.plot([left_lim+i-0.1*width, left_lim+i+width+0.1*width], [vot, vot], color=[0.2,0.2,0.2], linewidth=3) idx = np.arange(len(parties.parties))+width/2 + left_lim ax.set_xticks(idx) ax.set_xlim([0, idx[-1]+width/2 + left_lim]) ax.set_xticklabels(names); ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') if poll.error: plt.figtext(0.125,.94,'({}% error)'.format(poll.error), fontdict={'fontsize': 12})
def draw_plot(states, times, caption): try: with plt.xkcd():'fivethirtyeight') fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=True) fig.suptitle('Spring damping over time', fontsize=18, fontweight='bold') displacement = [n[0] for n in states] ax.plot(times, displacement) ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('Displacement (m)') ax.axis('tight') figtext(.52, .15, caption) except Exception as ex: print(ex)
def plot_zdr_rhv(X1, X2, Y, xlims1=None, xlims2=None, ymax=None, label=True, labelTx=' ', labelpos=None): """Create a vertical plot of differential reflectivity and copolar correlation coefficient. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() axes = [ax, ax.twiny()] if xlims1 is None: xlims1 = (-1.5, 1.5) if xlims2 is None: xlims2 = (.8, 1.) if ymax is None: ymax = 10. axes[0].plot(X1, Y, label='Differential Reflectivity', color='b') axes[1].plot(X2, Y, label='CoPolar Correlation Coefficient', color='r') axes[0].set_xlim(xlims1) axes[1].set_xlim(xlims2) axes[0].set_xlabel('Differential Reflectivity (dB)') axes[1].set_xlabel('CoPolar Correlation Coefficient') axes[0].tick_params(axis='x', colors='b') axes[1].tick_params(axis='x', colors='r') axes[0].xaxis.label.set_color('b') axes[1].xaxis.label.set_color('r') axes[0].set_ylim(0., ymax) axes[0].set_ylabel('Altitude (km)') axes[0].vlines(0, 0, ymax) axes[0].xaxis.grid(color='b', ls=':', lw=1) axes[1].xaxis.grid(color='r', ls=':', lw=1) axes[0].yaxis.grid(color='k', ls=':', lw=.5) handles1, labels1 = axes[0].get_legend_handles_labels() handles2, labels2 = axes[1].get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend([handles1[0], handles2[0]], ['Differential Reflectivity','CoPolar Correlation Coefficient'], loc=6, fontsize =11) # Add label to lower left in plot unless location specified if label: if labelpos is None: labelpos = (.15, .15) plt.figtext(labelpos[0], labelpos[1], labelTx) return fig, ax, axes
def pressSat(event): tempData=np.nan_to_num( maxHarg=np.argmax(tempData[:,1]) minHarg=np.argmin(tempData[:,1]) '''linear fit to saturated data (+- 25 points from max/min field) ''' highFit=np.polyfit([maxHarg-25:maxHarg+25,1],[maxHarg-25:maxHarg+25,2],1) lowFit=np.polyfit([minHarg-25:minHarg+25,1],[minHarg-25:minHarg+25,2],1) ''' Average intercept ''' fitSat=(highFit[1]-lowFit[1])/2 ''' display ms ''' txtSat='ms = '+str(fitSat) plt.figtext(0.75, 0.4,txtSat) theData.fitSat=fitSat
def plot_add_stats(instance=None, avg=None, sd=None, points=None, good_samples=None, tot_samples=None, labelpos=None): """Add text to the figure that contains statistics.""" if labelpos is None: labelpos = (.15, .7) if instance == 'single': plt.figtext( labelpos[0], labelpos[1], "Avg Zdr = %g\nStd Dev = %g\nPoints = %g\n" % (avg, sd, points)) elif instance == 'multi': plt.figtext( labelpos[0], labelpos[1], "Avg Zdr = %g\nStd Dev = %g\nSamples = %g used of %g total\nPoints = %g\n" % (avg, sd, good_samples, tot_samples, points)) else: print "Need to supply either single or multiple run statistics!!"
def print_info(self): try: pat_surname, pat_firstname = self.dicom.PatientName.split('^') except ValueError: pat_surname = self.dicom.PatientName pat_firstname = '' pat_name = ' '.join((pat_surname, pat_firstname.title())) pat_id = self.dicom.PatientID pat_sex = self.dicom.PatientSex pat_bdate = datetime.strptime( self.dicom.PatientBirthDate, '%Y%m%d').strftime("%e %b %Y") info = "%s (%s) sex: %s\nbirthdate: %s" % (pat_name, pat_id, pat_sex, pat_bdate) plt.figtext(0.08, 0.865, info, fontsize=12) info = "duration: %s s | samples: %s | sample freq.: %s/s" % ( self.duration, self.samples, self.sampling_frequency) plt.figtext(0.08, 0.02, info, fontsize=10) info = "%s mm/s | %s mm/mV" % (self.mm_s, self.mm_mv) plt.figtext(0.68, 0.02, info, fontsize=10) plt.figtext(0.5, 0.865, self.legend(), fontsize=10) info = 'E. O. Ospedali Galliera\nECG date: ' date_str = (self.dicom.InstanceCreationDate + self.dicom.InstanceCreationTime) info += datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), '%d %b %Y %H:%M') plt.figtext(0.03, 0.94, info, fontsize=12)
def draw_per_score(date, gets=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50]): st = time.time() # 그래프 기초 설정 preset_ps() plt.title(f"소녀전선 한국서버 <허수미궁+> {date} 분포 그래프") # 점, 그래프 그리기 ps_scatter(date, marker='s', label="전체 표본") ps_plot(date, annotate=gets, label="예상 점수 그래프") # 가로선 그리기 draw_axhline(200000, '황금요정 확정지급 점수\n200,000점') draw_axhline(400000, '최고등급 보상 확정지급 점수\n400,000점') # 범례 plt.legend(loc=1) plt.figtext(0.10, 0.04, "36베이스 - 소녀전선 데이터베이스", ha="left", va="top", alpha=0.5, size=12) plt.figtext(0.94, 0.04, "구글 설문 및 36베이스 카카오톡 봇으로 표본 조사중입니다. 많이 참여해주세요.", ha="right", va="top", alpha=0.5, size=12) # 저장 # plt.savefig(f'../image/{event_name}/per_score/{date}.png') print(f">>> {time.time() - st} secs.") return
def add_header(text_1="", text_2="", text_3="", fontsize=15): """ Add text footer to a figure. Author: Albenis Pérez Alarcón contact:[email protected] Parameters ---------- text_1 : str text_2 : str text_3 : str Returns ------- `matplotlib.image.FigureImage` The `matplotlib.image.FigureImage` instance created """ coords = plt.gca().get_position().get_points() plt.figtext((coords[0, 0] + 0.50) / 2.0, 0.97, text_1, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize, fontweight="bold") plt.figtext((coords[0, 0] + 1.5) / 2.0, 0.97, text_2, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize, fontweight="bold") plt.figtext((coords[0, 0] + 0.44) / 2.0, 0.93, text_3, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize - 2) return
def add_footer(text_1="", text_2="", text_3="", fontsize=13): """Add footer to a figure. Add text footer to a figure. Author: Albenis Pérez Alarcón contact:[email protected] Parameters ---------- text_1 : str text_2 : str text_3 : str text to put in the figure, all text are lower center Returns ------- `matplotlib.image.FigureImage` The `matplotlib.image.FigureImage` instance created """ coords = plt.gca().get_position().get_points() plt.figtext((coords[0, 0] + 1.) / 2.0, 0.09, text_1, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='center', fontweight='bold') plt.figtext((coords[0, 0] + 1.) / 2.0, 0.07, text_2, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize) plt.figtext((coords[0, 0] + 1.) / 2.0, 0.03, text_3, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fontsize) return
def plot_(fig, l1, l2, t): plt.figure(fig) plt.xlabel(l1) plt.ylabel(l2) plt.title(t) j = 0 for i in range(df.shape[1]): df = df.rename(columns={i: header[i]}) if header[i] in continuous: dist = df[header[i]].sort_values() plot_(j, 'values', header[i], header[i]) dist.plot.hist(bins=20) plt.figtext(1, 0.4, df[header[i]].describe()) else: dist = df[header[i]].value_counts(sort=False) miss = [' Not in universe', ' ?', ' Not in universe or children', ' Not in universe under 1 year old'] m = 0 for k in miss: if k in dist.index.tolist(): m = +dist[k] dist = dist.drop(k) dist = dist * 100. / df.shape[0] if df[header[i]].dtype == 'int64': plot_(j, 'categories', 'Frequency', header[i]) df[header[i]].hist(bins=50) else: plot_(j, 'categories', 'Percentage', header[i])
#ablated_fitness[1] = '#cc7a00' connect(axnet2, DA, DD, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[6]) connect(axnet2, AS, DA, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[0]) connect(axnet2, AS, VD, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[1]) connect(axnet2, DA, DB, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[2]) connect(axnet2, DB, AS, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[3]) connect(axnet2, VD, VA, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[4]) connect(axnet2, VD, VB, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[5]) connect(axnet2, VB, DD, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[7]) connect(axnet2, VA, DD, "arc3,rad= 0.00", Rs, ablated_fitness[8]) Gapjunction(axnet2, VD, DD, "arc3,rad= 0.0", Rs, ablated_fitness[9]) for ax in [axnet1, axnet2]: ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 10.5) ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 19.5) ax.axis('off') ax.set_aspect('equal') #################################################################### #################################################################### fz = 88 plt.figtext(0.02, 0.94, 'A', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fz) plt.figtext(0.22, 0.94, 'B', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fz) plt.figtext(0.62, 0.94, 'C', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fz) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.15, right=1.00, top=1.00) plt.savefig('dv_propagation.png', dpi=100) plt.savefig('dv_propagation.pdf') ####################################################################### #######################################################################
def age_plot(dataname2age2num, age2pval, age2label, outfn, plot_type='bar', title='', output_png=False, scale_x=False, xlabel='Age', methods_str=''): """ """ ages = sorted(age2label.keys()) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.27) width = 0.35 plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel('Fraction') # hack to make sure background is last if present data_names = []; bgs = [] for name in sorted(dataname2age2num): if 'ackground' in name: bgs.append(name) else: data_names.append(name) data_names += bgs dataname2avgdepth = {} for dataname_idx, name in enumerate(data_names): # compute average depth, age, and total number of proteins N = 0. avg_depth = 0. avg_age = 0. for age in dataname2age2num[name]: N += dataname2age2num[name][age] avg_depth += (age * dataname2age2num[name][age]) try: avg_age += (float(age2label[age]) * dataname2age2num[name][age]) except ValueError: avg_age += (age * dataname2age2num[name][age]) avg_age /= N avg_depth /= N # plot data heights = [] x_base = [] for age_idx, age in enumerate(ages): if age in dataname2age2num[name] and \ dataname2age2num[name][age] != 0.0: heights.append(dataname2age2num[name][age] / N) x_base.append(age if scale_x else age_idx) else: heights.append(0.0) x_base.append(age if scale_x else age_idx) # line or bar plot if plot_type == 'line': line_color = '#990000' if dataname_idx % 2 == 0 else 'black' ax1.plot(x_base, heights, 'x-', label='%s (N=%d)' % (name, N), linewidth=2, mew=3, markersize=8, color=line_color) else: r = numpy.array(x_base, dtype='float_') bar_color = '#990000' if dataname_idx % 2 == 1 else 'black' r += .03 if dataname_idx % 2 == 1 else -.03 - width * (1-dataname_idx), heights, width, label='%s (N=%d)' % (name, N), color=bar_color) # now set up axes limits and ticks ax1.set_xticks(x_base) x_range = x_base[-1] - x_base[0] pad = max(.03 * x_range, 1) ax1.set_xlim(x_base[0] - pad, x_base[-1] + pad) ymin = ax1.viewLim.ymin ymax = ax1.viewLim.ymax y_range = ymax - ymin ax1.set_ylim(-.05 * y_range, ymax + (.23 * y_range)) leg = ax1.legend(prop={'size': 12}, loc='upper left', numpoints=1) leg.get_frame().set_fill(False) #leg.draw_frame(False) # write p-value *'s for age_idx, age in enumerate(ages): if age in age2pval: pval_str = '' if .01 < age2pval[age] < 0.05: pval_str = '*' elif .001 < age2pval[age] <= 0.01: pval_str = '**' elif age2pval[age] <= 0.001: pval_str = '***' ax1.text(age if scale_x else age_idx, ymin - (.025 * y_range), pval_str, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', weight='bold') # set x_tick names labels = [] for age in ages: if age in age2label: label = age2label[age] if label != str(age): labels.append('%s (%d)' % (label, age)) else: labels.append('%d' % age) else: labels.append('') xtickNames = plt.setp(ax1, xticklabels = labels) plt.setp(xtickNames, fontsize=10) plt.setp(xtickNames, rotation=30) plt.setp(xtickNames, horizontalalignment='right') title_obj = plt.title(title, fontsize=12) plt.figtext(0.07, 0.01, '[DB: '+methods_str+']', size=9) plt.savefig(outfn) if output_png: plt.savefig(outfn.replace('.pdf', '.png')) return
def print_info(self, interpretation): """Print info about the patient and about the ecg signals. """ try: pat_surname, pat_firstname = self.dicom.PatientName.decode('ISO-8859-1').split('^') except ValueError: pat_surname = self.dicom.PatientName pat_firstname = '' pat_name = ' '.join((pat_surname, pat_firstname.title())) pat_age = self.dicom.get('PatientAge', '').strip('Y') pat_id = self.dicom.PatientID pat_sex = self.dicom.PatientSex try: pat_bdate = datetime.strptime( self.dicom.PatientBirthDate, '%Y%m%d').strftime("%e %b %Y") except ValueError: pat_bdate = "" # Strip microseconds from acquisition date regexp = "\.\d+$" acquisition_date_no_micro = re.sub( regexp, '', self.dicom.AcquisitionDateTime) acquisition_date = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime( acquisition_date_no_micro, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), '%d %b %Y %H:%M' ) info = "%s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s (%s %s)\n%s: %s" % ( pat_name, i18n.pat_id, pat_id, i18n.pat_sex, pat_sex, i18n.pat_bdate, pat_bdate, pat_age, i18n.pat_age, i18n.acquisition_date, acquisition_date ) plt.figtext(0.08, 0.87, info, fontsize=8) plt.figtext(0.30, 0.87, self.legend(), fontsize=8) if interpretation: plt.figtext(0.45, 0.87, self.interpretation(), fontsize=8) info = "%s: %s s %s: %s Hz" % ( i18n.duration, self.duration, i18n.sampling_frequency, self.sampling_frequency ) plt.figtext(0.08, 0.025, info, fontsize=8) info = INSTITUTION if not info: info = self.dicom.get('InstitutionName', '') plt.figtext(0.38, 0.025, info, fontsize=8) # TODO: the lowpass filter 0.05-40 Hz will have to became a parameter info = "%s mm/s %s mm/mV 0.05-40 Hz" % (self.mm_s, self.mm_mv) plt.figtext(0.76, 0.025, info, fontsize=8)
def feature_by_age_boxplot(age2vals, age2label, outfn, title='', xlabel='Age', ylabel='Value', scale_x = False, output_png=False, methods_str=''): fig = plt.figure() if len(age2vals.keys()) > 1: fig_width = fig.get_figwidth() fig_height = fig.get_figheight() fig.set_figwidth(fig_width * 1.7) fig.set_figheight(fig_height * 1.2) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.26) ages = sorted(age2label.keys()) box_data = [] box_pos = [] for i, age in enumerate(ages): if age in age2vals: box_data.append(age2vals[age]) box_pos.append(age if scale_x else i) else: box_data.append([]) box_pos.append(age if scale_x else i) bp = plt.boxplot(box_data, widths=.6, sym='', patch_artist=True, positions=box_pos) plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color='#99CCFF', edgecolor="black", lw=1) #plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color='darkkhaki', edgecolor="black", lw=1) plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color='black', lw=1) plt.setp(bp['medians'], color='black', lw=1.5) plt.setp(bp['caps'], color='black', lw=1) for i, age in enumerate(ages): x_pos = age if scale_x else i if age in age2vals: ax1.plot(x_pos, numpy.average(age2vals[age]), 'x', color='red', markersize=6, markeredgewidth=1.5) if age2label: labels = [] for age in ages: if age < 0: labels.append('') elif age in age2label: np = len(age2vals[age]) if age in age2vals else 0 labels.append('%s (%d)' % (age2label[age], age)) #labels.append('%s (n=%d)' % (age2label[age], np)) else: labels.append('') xtickNames = plt.setp(ax1, xticklabels = labels) plt.setp(xtickNames, fontsize=10) plt.setp(xtickNames, rotation=45) plt.setp(xtickNames, horizontalalignment='right') ymin = ax1.viewLim.ymin ymax = ax1.viewLim.ymax y_range = ymax - ymin #ax1.set_ylim(-.05 * ymin, 1.05 * ymax) ax1.set_ylim(ymin - (.02 * y_range), ymax + (.02 * y_range)) xmin = ax1.viewLim.xmin xmax = ax1.viewLim.xmax x_range = xmax - xmin pad = .02 * x_range ax1.set_xlim(xmin - pad, xmax + pad) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title) plt.figtext(0.1, 0.01, '[DB: '+methods_str+']', size=10) plt.savefig(outfn) if output_png: plt.savefig(outfn.replace('.pdf', '.png')) return
for i in range(1, ceval): xeval = -cset[i] / mset[i] yeval = mset[i - 1] * xeval + cset[i - 1] plt.plot([xeval, xeval], [0, yeval], '.k', ms=13) plt.plot([xeval, xeval], [0, yeval], '.g', ms=9) wl += (yeval) / 22. / (ceval - 1) wavelength[ind] = wl ax1.set_xlim(0, 350) ##################################### plt.figtext(0.053, 0.93, 'wavelength ~= %.2f worm length' % (wl), ha='left', va='center', fontsize=20) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.04, right=0.98, top=0.96) plt.savefig('wavelength_figures/plot_sel_%d.png' % ind) ### The script fails in this 7 solution, they were calculated manually. #wavelength[48] = 0.7 #wavelength[52] = 0.75 #wavelength[60] = 0.9 #wavelength[67] = 0.8 #wavelength[72] = 0.8 #wavelength[97] = 0.85 #wavelength[100] = 0.8
def plot_clades_relationships(clade_pairs, folder, remove_highest=0): ds = get_dataset('Stool') ds = compute_relative_values(ds) # Use numeric Tree. We will discreteze relevant values ourselves # and plot the numeric correlations tree = Tree(ds) same_lineages = 0 for clade_1, clade_2 in clade_pairs: # Get the nodes in the phylogenetic tree from_node = tree.node_for_clade_name(clade_1) to_node = tree.node_for_clade_name(clade_2) if from_node.is_in_lineage(to_node): same_lineages += 1 title_text = 'Relative clade abundances' title(title_text) # find from-to bacteria abundances xs = [] ys = [] # Get the total abundance for hte clades in the tree abundance_from = tree.abundance_column_in_subtree(from_node) abundance_to = tree.abundance_column_in_subtree(to_node) x_zeroes = 0 y_zeroes = 0 # List the in-sample values for each sample for index, _row in enumerate(ds[1:]): from_abundance = abundance_from[index] to_abundance = abundance_to[index] if from_abundance == 0.0: x_zeroes += 1 if to_abundance == 0.0: y_zeroes += 1 # if from_abundance < 0.01 and to_abundance < 0.01: xs.append(from_abundance) ys.append(to_abundance) # else: # xs.append(0.0) # ys.append(0.0) if remove_highest > 0.0: xs, ys = pairwise_remove_highest_values(remove_highest, xs, ys) ys, xs = pairwise_remove_highest_values(remove_highest, ys, xs) # All data was eventyally removed if len(xs) == 0: print 'Warning. lowest values:%f removed all data from caldes:%s-%s' % (remove_highest,, continue print 'x zeroes: ', x_zeroes print 'y zeroes: ', y_zeroes grid(True) text_x = 0.67 sample_points = 'Sample points: %d' % len(xs) figtext(text_x, 0.85, sample_points, fontsize=10) from_clade ='|', '-') to_clade ='|', '-') xlabel(from_clade, fontsize=10) ylabel(to_clade, fontsize=10) disc_x, discrete_xs = discretize_row(xs, maxent_discretization_splitter) disc_y, discrete_ys = discretize_row(ys, maxent_discretization_splitter) # plot discretization lines a, b = [disc_x, disc_x], [-0.001, max(ys)] c, d = [-0.001, max(xs)], [disc_y, disc_y] plot(a, b, c='r') plot(c, d, c='r') # Discrete bin sizes pairs = zip(discrete_ys, discrete_xs) _00 = '00: ' + str(len([x for x in pairs if x == (0,0)])) _01 = '01: ' + str(len([x for x in pairs if x == (0,1)])) _10 = '10: ' + str(len([x for x in pairs if x == (1,0)])) _11 = '11: ' + str(len([x for x in pairs if x == (1,1)])) figtext(text_x, 0.82, _00, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.79, _01, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.76, _10, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.73, _11, fontsize=10) phi_coeff, phi_r = pearsonr(discrete_xs, discrete_ys) phi = 'phi: %f, %f' % (phi_coeff, phi_r) figtext(text_x, 0.70, phi, fontsize=10) # Depth of nodes in the phylogenetic tree from_depth = 'x depth: %d' % from_node.depth to_depth = 'y depth: %d' % to_node.depth figtext(text_x, 0.67, from_depth, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.64, to_depth, fontsize=10) # Discretization values median_x = 'splitter x: %f' % disc_x median_y = 'splitter y: %f' % disc_y figtext(text_x, 0.61, median_x, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.58, median_y, fontsize=10) # Same lineage same_lineage = 'False' if tree.nodes_have_same_lineage(from_node, to_node): same_lineage = ' True' figtext(text_x, 0.55, 'Same lineage: ' + same_lineage, fontsize=10) # Pearson and spearman correlations try: pearson = pearsonr(xs, ys) spearman = spearmanr(xs, ys) pearson = 'Pearson: %.3f, %.3f' % (pearson[0], pearson[1]) spearman = 'Spearman: %.3f, %.3f' % (spearman[0], spearman[1]) figtext(text_x, 0.52, pearson, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.49, spearman, fontsize=10) except Exception, e: print e print 'clades1: ', print 'clades2: ', print 'xs: %s', xs print 'ys: %s', ys # vals = vals[:-20] scatter(xs, ys, s=1, color='#0066FF') file_name = folder +'|', '-').replace('/', '%') + '---' +'|', '-').replace('/', '%') # file_name = os.path.join(dir, file_name) # print '[RESULT] ', file_name # print vals savefig(file_name) close()
def GeneByGeneOutput(setOfAligns,parameters):'Making the GBG plots...') h = 2.0 # plot hieght l = 4.0 # plot width MB = 0.05 # percent buffer from side LB = 0.01 # percent buffer for corner seq1len = setOfAligns.seqOfInt.length colors = ['b','g','r','c','m'] plotNum = 0 plots = 0 GBGdata = open(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/GBGdata.txt','wb') GBGdata.write('GBGX.pdf:ts1!ts2!ts3!ts4!\n') numToExpect = 0 for pAlign in setOfAligns.aligns: if len(pAlign.localAligns) > 0: numToExpect += 1 for pAlign in setOfAligns.aligns: if len(pAlign.localAligns) > 0: if plotNum%4 == 0: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22,17)) plots += 1 plt.figtext(0.5, 0.965, 'Local Alignments for soi: ' + + ', test seqs (' + str(1+(plots-1)*4) + '-' + str(min(4+(plots-1)*4,numToExpect)) + '/' + str(numToExpect), ha='center', color='black', weight='bold', size='large') gbgstring = 'GBG' + str(plots) + '.pdf:' ax = [] ax.append(fig.add_subplot(411)) plotNum = 0 else: ax.append(fig.add_subplot(411+plotNum%4)) seq2len = pAlign.testSeq.length seq1las = [] seq2las = [] seqRatio = [] scoreRolling = 0 for locA in pAlign.localAligns: for i in range(len(locA.SOIrange)): seq1las.append(locA.SOIrange[i]) seq2las.append(locA.TSrange[i]) if setOfAligns.seqOfInt.dataDepths != 0: scoreSum = sum(locA.fullScoreVec[locA.SOIrange[i][0]:locA.SOIrange[i][1]]) else: scoreSum = sum(locA.fullScoreVec[locA.SOIrange[i][0]:locA.SOIrange[i][1]]) seqRatio.append(scoreSum/float(locA.SOIrange[i][1]-locA.SOIrange[i][0])) scoreRolling += scoreSum totRatio = [scoreRolling/float(seq1len),scoreRolling/float(seq2len)] if seq1len <= seq2len: rL = 0.3 # relitive y start of lower rU = 0.7 # relitive y start of higher ratio = (seq2len - seq1len)/float(2*seq2len) s1xm = MB + ratio s1xx = 1 - MB - ratio else: rL = 0.7 # relitive y start of lower rU = 0.3 # relitive y start of higher ratio = (seq1len - seq2len)/float(2*seq1len) s1xm = MB + ratio s1xx = 1 - MB - ratio # top, smaller line ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rU*h, xmin = s1xm, xmax = s1xx, color='black') ax[plotNum].plot([s1xm*l,s1xm*l],[rU*h - 3*MB, rU*h + 3*MB],color='black') # left bound ax[plotNum].plot([s1xx*l,s1xx*l],[rU*h - 3*MB, rU*h + 3*MB],color='black') # right bound ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rU*h - 3*MB, xmin = s1xm, xmax = s1xm + LB, color='black') # left lower corner ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rU*h + 3*MB, xmin = s1xm, xmax = s1xm + LB, color='black') # left upper corner ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rU*h - 3*MB, xmin = s1xx, xmax = s1xx - LB, color='black') # right lower corner ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rU*h + 3*MB, xmin = s1xx, xmax = s1xx - LB, color='black') # right upper corner # bottom, larger line ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rL*h, xmin = MB, xmax = 1 - MB, color='black') # main line ax[plotNum].plot([MB*l,MB*l],[rL*h - 3*MB, rL*h + 3*MB],color='black') # left bound ax[plotNum].plot([(1 - MB)*l,(1 - MB)*l],[rL*h - 3*MB, rL*h + 3*MB],color='black') # right bound ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rL*h - 3*MB, xmin = MB, xmax = MB + LB, color='black') # left lower corner ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rL*h + 3*MB, xmin = MB, xmax = MB + LB, color='black') # left upper corner ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rL*h - 3*MB, xmin = 1 - MB, xmax = 1 - (MB + LB), color='black') # right lower corner ax[plotNum].axhline(y = rL*h + 3*MB, xmin = 1 - MB, xmax = 1 - (MB + LB), color='black') # right upper corner if seq1len <= seq2len: ax[plotNum].text(MB*l - MB/2*l, rL*h, '0',verticalalignment='center') # left text, bot ax[plotNum].text((1 - MB)*l + MB/4*l, rL*h + 3*MB, str(seq2len),verticalalignment='center') # right text1, bot ax[plotNum].text((1 - MB)*l + MB/4*l, rL*h - 3*MB, str(totRatio[1])[0:5],verticalalignment='center') # right text2, bot ax[plotNum].text(s1xm*l - MB/2*l, rU*h, '0',verticalalignment='center') # left text, top ax[plotNum].text(s1xx*l + MB/4*l, rU*h + 3*MB, str(seq1len),verticalalignment='center') # right text1, top ax[plotNum].text(s1xx*l + MB/4*l, rU*h - 3*MB, str(totRatio[0])[0:5],verticalalignment='center') # right text2, top else: ax[plotNum].text(MB*l - MB/2*l, rL*h, '0',verticalalignment='center') # left text, bot ax[plotNum].text((1 - MB)*l + MB/4*l, rL*h + 3*MB, str(seq1len),verticalalignment='center') # right text1, bot ax[plotNum].text((1 - MB)*l + MB/4*l, rL*h - 3*MB, str(totRatio[0])[0:5],verticalalignment='center') # right text2, bot ax[plotNum].text(s1xm*l - MB/2*l, rU*h, '0',verticalalignment='center') # left text, top ax[plotNum].text(s1xx*l + MB/4*l, rU*h + 3*MB, str(seq2len),verticalalignment='center') # right text1, top ax[plotNum].text(s1xx*l + MB/4*l, rU*h - 3*MB, str(totRatio[1])[0:5],verticalalignment='center') # right text2, top # local alignments for i in range(len(seq1las)): if seq1len <= seq2len: ax[plotNum].text(l*(MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len) + MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len) + s1xm + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq2len) + s1xm + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq2len))/4.0,(rL*h - 10*MB + rL*h - 10*MB + rU*h + 5*MB + rU*h + 5*MB)/4.0,str(seqRatio[i])[0:4],horizontalalignment='center') ax[plotNum].axhspan(rU*h - 3*MB, rU*h + 3*MB, xmin = s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len), xmax = s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len), facecolor = colors[i%5], alpha = 0.35) # top seq ax[plotNum].axhspan(rL*h - 3*MB, rL*h + 3*MB, xmin = MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len), xmax = MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len), facecolor = colors[i%5], alpha = 0.35) # bot seq ax[plotNum].plot([l*(s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len)),l*(MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len))],[rU*h - 3*MB,rL*h + 3*MB],color = 'black', alpha = 0.35) # left line ax[plotNum].plot([l*(s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len)),l*(MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len))],[rU*h - 3*MB,rL*h + 3*MB],color = 'black', alpha = 0.35) # right line ax[plotNum].text(l*(MB + .01 + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len)),rL*h - 10*MB,str(seq2las[i][0]),horizontalalignment='center') # lower left text ax[plotNum].text(l*(MB - .01 + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len)),rL*h - 10*MB,str(seq2las[i][1]),horizontalalignment='center') # lower right text ax[plotNum].text(l*(s1xm + .01 + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len)),rU*h + 5*MB,str(seq1las[i][0]),horizontalalignment='center') # upper left text ax[plotNum].text(l*(s1xm - .01 + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len)),rU*h + 5*MB,str(seq1las[i][1]),horizontalalignment='center') # upper right text else: ax[plotNum].text(l*(MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len) + MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len) + s1xm + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq1len) + s1xm + (1 - 2*MB)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq1len))/4.0,(rL*h - 10*MB + rL*h - 10*MB + rU*h + 5*MB + rU*h + 5*MB)/4.0,str(seqRatio[i])[0:4],horizontalalignment='center') ax[plotNum].axhspan(rU*h - 3*MB, rU*h + 3*MB, xmin = s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len), xmax = s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len), facecolor = colors[i%5], alpha = 0.35) # top seq ax[plotNum].axhspan(rL*h - 3*MB, rL*h + 3*MB, xmin = MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len), xmax = MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len), facecolor = colors[i%5], alpha = 0.35) # bot seq ax[plotNum].plot([l*(s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len)),l*(MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len))],[rU*h + 3*MB,rL*h - 3*MB],color = 'black', alpha = 0.35) # left line ax[plotNum].plot([l*(s1xm + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len)),l*(MB + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len))],[rU*h + 3*MB,rL*h - 3*MB],color = 'black', alpha = 0.35) # right line ax[plotNum].text(l*(MB + .01 + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][0]/float(seq1len)),rL*h + 5*MB,str(seq1las[i][0]),horizontalalignment='center') # lower left text ax[plotNum].text(l*(MB - .01 + (1 - 2*MB)*seq1las[i][1]/float(seq1len)),rL*h + 5*MB,str(seq1las[i][1]),horizontalalignment='center') # lower right text ax[plotNum].text(l*(s1xm + .01 + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq2las[i][0]/float(seq2len)),rU*h - 10*MB,str(seq2las[i][0]),horizontalalignment='center') # upper left text ax[plotNum].text(l*(s1xm - .01 + (1 - 2*MB - 2*ratio)*seq2las[i][1]/float(seq2len)),rU*h - 10*MB,str(seq2las[i][1]),horizontalalignment='center') # upper right text ax[plotNum].set_ylim(0,h) ax[plotNum].set_xlim(0,l) ax[plotNum].set_yticklabels([]) ax[plotNum].set_xticklabels([]) ax[plotNum].set_yticks([]) ax[plotNum].set_xticks([]) plt.xlabel( + ' rf ' + str(pAlign.localAligns[0].offset), multialignment='center') gbgstring += if (plotNum+1)%4 == 0 and plotNum > 1: gbgstring += '\n' GBGdata.write(gbgstring) fig.savefig(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/GBG' + str(plots) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.03) fig.savefig(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/GBG' + str(plots) + '.pdf') logging.debug('Made GBG plot ' + str(plots)) else: gbgstring += '!' plotNum += 1 gbgstring += '\n' GBGdata.write(gbgstring) fig.savefig(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/GBG' + str(plots) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.03) fig.savefig(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/GBG' + str(plots) + '.pdf') logging.debug('Made GBG plot ' + str(plots)) GBGdata.close()
vmin=-10, vmax=10, origin='lower', interpolation='none') ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([6, 16, 41]) ax1.set_yticklabels(['Head', 'Neck', 'Tail'], fontsize=22) ax1.set_xticks([0, 200, 400, 600]) ax1.set_xticklabels(['0', '10', '20', '30'], fontsize=22) ax1.set_xlim(0, 600) ax1.set_ylim(-0.5, 48.5) ax1.set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=22) # ax1.set_ylabel('Body axis', fontsize = 22) plt.figtext(0.5, 0.955, 'Inactivated anterior half of the body, Ind %d' % ind, fontsize=24, va='center', ha='center') #calculate amplitud as in Fouad 2017 amplitude_fouad = np.zeros(3) head, neck, tail = 7, 17, 42 L = 100. p = 0 for position in [head, neck, tail]: dt = 1 / 20. dk = np.diff(curv[:, position]) amplitude_fouad[p] = np.sqrt(L * np.mean(dk**2) / dt) p += 1 np.savetxt('../../data/amplitude_fouad_BWM_%d' % ind, amplitude_fouad)
fontsize=fz) axnet3.annotate('', xy=(0.3, yloc), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(0.95, yloc), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle=lstyle_inter, color='k', linewidth=1)) ################################################################## ###################################################################### xpos = 0.015, 0.340, 0.675 ypos = [0.94, 0.43] fzl = 70 letters = ['A', 'B', 'C'] [ plt.figtext(xpos[i], ypos[0], letters[i], fontsize=fzl, ha='center', va='center') for i in range(3) ] #[plt.figtext(xpos[i], ypos[1], 'B%d'%(i+1), fontsize = fzl, ha = 'center', va = 'center') for i in range(3)] ###################################################################### fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, bottom=0.00, right=0.98, top=1.02) plt.savefig('phase_delay.png' % (), dpi=100) plt.savefig('phase_delay.pdf') #plt.savefig('phase_delay.svg')
def main(): infilenames = [ "mc_ttbar.dat", "", "regular_save_data_400k.npy", "compressed_save_data_400k.npz", "pickle_save_data_400k.dat", "onebyonesixty400k.npz", "onebyonesixty400kcompressed.npz", "fourbyforty400k.npz", "fourbyforty400kcompressed.npz", "thirtytwobyfive400k.npz", "thirtytwobyfive400kcompressed.npz" ] #infilenames = ["mc_ttbar.dat", "onebyonesixty400k.npz"] #infilenames = [ "onebyonesixty400k.npz"] #infilenames = ["mc_ttbar.dat",""] #infilenames = ["mc_dy_1000collisions.dat"] #infilenames = ["thirtytwobyfive400k.npz", "thirtytwobyfive400kcompressed.npz"] read_times = [] process_times = [] #infilenames = ["thirtytwobyfive400kcompressed.npz", "mc_ttbar.dat"] for i, infilename in enumerate(infilenames): print infilename infile = open(infilename) collisions = None start_time = time() if infilename[0] == 'm': collisions = cms_tools.get_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 'z': collisions = cms_tools.get_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 'r': collisions = cms_tools.get_array_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 'c': collisions = cms_tools.get_compressed_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 'p': collisions = cms_tools.get_pickle_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 'o': collisions = cms_tools.get_onebyonesixty_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 'f': collisions = cms_tools.get_fourbyforty_collisions(infile) elif infilename[0] == 't': collisions = cms_tools.get_thirtytwobyfive_collisions(infile) #print "type collisions: ",type(collisions) #print "# collisions: %d" % (len(collisions)) time_to_read_in_data = time() - start_time read_times.append(time_to_read_in_data) start_time = time() masses = do_some_standard_analysis(collisions) print "type masses: ", type(masses) time_to_process_data = time() - start_time process_times.append(time_to_process_data) # print collisions[0] # Make a diagnostic plot. masses = np.array(masses) plt.figure() plt.hist(masses[masses > 0], bins=100, range=(0, 80)) plt.xlim(0, 80) plt.figtext(0.4, 0.8, infilename, size=18) name = "diagnostic_plot_%s.png" % (infilename.split('.')[0]) plt.savefig(name) print read_times print process_times for n, r, p in zip(infilenames, read_times, process_times): print "%-40s %5.2f %5.2f" % (n, r, p) plt.figure() plt.plot(read_times, 'ko') plt.xlim(-1, len(read_times)) plt.figure() plt.plot(process_times, 'ro') plt.xlim(-1, len(process_times)) points = [] for name in infilenames: points.append(os.path.getsize(name)) plt.figure() for i, (point, name) in enumerate(zip(points, infilenames)): plt.plot(i, point, 'o', markersize=20, label=name) plt.legend() plt.xlim(-1, len(points)) for i in range(len(points)): plt.plot(points[i], process_times[i], 'o', markersize=15, label=infilenames[i]) plt.legend()
plt.ylabel('mag Y [G]') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.plot(power_resampled[idx], magZ_body[idx], 'yo', power_resampled[idx], pz[idx][0] * power_resampled[idx] + pz[idx][1], '--k') plt.xlabel('current [kA]') plt.ylabel('mag Z [G]') # display results plt.figtext(0.24, 0.03, 'CAL_MAG{}_XCOMP: {:.3f} {}'.format(calibration_instance[idx], factor * px[idx][0], unit), horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=12, multialignment='left', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor='#D8D8D8', ec="0.5", pad=0.5, alpha=1), fontweight='bold') plt.figtext(0.51, 0.03, 'CAL_MAG{}_YCOMP: {:.3f} {}'.format(calibration_instance[idx], factor * py[idx][0], unit), horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=12, multialignment='left', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor='#D8D8D8',
RC0 = sc.array([R0, C0]) pops, infodict = integrate.odeint(dCR_dt, RC0, t, full_output=True) print(infodict['message']) # >>> 'Integration successful.' f1 = p.figure() # Open empty figure object p.plot(t, pops[:, 0], 'g-', label='Resource density') # Plot p.plot(t, pops[:, 1], 'b-', label='Consumer density') p.grid() p.legend(loc='best') p.xlabel('Time') p.ylabel('Population density') p.title('Consumer-Resource population dynamics') p.figtext(.79, .58, " r =" + str(r) + "\n a =" + str(a) + "\n z = " + str(z) + "\n e = " + str(e) + "\n K = " + str(K)) # # To display the figure # Plot consumer density against resource density f2 = p.figure() p.plot(pops[:, 0], pops[:, 1], 'r-', label='Consumer density') p.grid() p.xlabel('Resource density') p.ylabel('Consumer density') p.title('Consumer-Resource population dynamics') p.figtext(.79, .58, " r =" + str(r) + "\n a =" + str(a) + "\n z = " + str(z) + "\n e = " + str(e) + "\n K = " + str(K)) # # To display the figure # Save both figures into a single pdf
def cmdline_chart_compare(db, options, *args): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt labels = [] timing_sets = [] command_names = None run_kinds = parse_timings_selections(db, *args) # iterate the timings selections and accumulate data for run_kind in run_kinds: query = TimingQuery(db, run_kind) timings = query.get_timings() if not timings: print("No timings for %s" % run_kind.label()) continue labels.append(run_kind.label()) timing_sets.append(timings) # it only makes sense to compare those commands that have timings # in the first selection, because that is the one everything else # is compared to. Remember the first selection's command names. if not command_names: command_names = query.get_sorted_command_names() if len(timing_sets) < 2: bail("Not enough timings") if options.command_names: command_names = [ name for name in command_names if name in options.command_names ] chart_path = options.chart_path if not chart_path: chart_path = 'compare_' + '_'.join( [filesystem_safe_string(l) for l in labels]) + '.svg' N = len(command_names) M = len(timing_sets) - 1 if M < 2: M = 2 group_positions = np.arange(N) # the y locations for the groups dist = 1. / (1. + M) height = (1. - dist) / M # the height of the bars fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5 + 0.2 * N * M)) plot1 = fig.add_subplot(121) plot2 = fig.add_subplot(122) left = timing_sets[0] # Iterate timing sets. Each loop produces one bar for each command name # group. for label_i, label in enumerate(labels[1:], 1): right = timing_sets[label_i] if not right: continue for cmd_i, command_name in enumerate(command_names): if command_name not in right: #skip continue left_N, left_min, left_max, left_avg = left[command_name] right_N, right_min, right_max, right_avg = right[command_name] div_avg = 100. * (do_div(left_avg, right_avg) - 1.0) if div_avg <= 0: col = '#55dd55' else: col = '#dd5555' diff_val = do_diff(left_avg, right_avg) ofs = (dist + height) / 2. + height * (label_i - 1) barheight = height * (1.0 - dist) y = float(cmd_i) + ofs plot1.barh((y, ), (div_avg, ), barheight, color=col, edgecolor='white') plot1.text(0., y + height / 2., '%s %+5.1f%%' % (label, div_avg), ha='right', va='center', size='small', rotation=0, family='monospace') plot2.barh((y, ), (diff_val, ), barheight, color=col, edgecolor='white') plot2.text(0., y + height / 2., '%s %+6.2fs' % (label, diff_val), ha='right', va='center', size='small', rotation=0, family='monospace') for p in (plot1, plot2): xlim = list(p.get_xlim()) if xlim[1] < 10.: xlim[1] = 10. # make sure the zero line is far enough right so that the annotations # fit inside the chart. About half the width should suffice. if xlim[0] > -xlim[1]: xlim[0] = -xlim[1] p.set_xlim(*xlim) p.set_xticks((0, )) p.set_yticks(group_positions + (height / 2.)) p.set_yticklabels(()) p.set_ylim((len(command_names), 0)) p.grid() plot1.set_xticklabels(('+-0%', ), rotation=0) plot1.set_title('Average runtime change from %s in %%' % labels[0], size='medium') plot2.set_xticklabels(('+-0s', ), rotation=0) plot2.set_title('Average runtime change from %s in seconds' % labels[0], size='medium') margin = 1. / (2 + N * M) titlemargin = 0 if options.title: titlemargin = margin * 1.5 fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.005, right=0.995, wspace=0.3, bottom=margin, top=1.0 - margin - titlemargin) ystep = (1.0 - 2. * margin - titlemargin) / len(command_names) for idx, command_name in enumerate(command_names): ylabel = '%s\nvs. %.1fs' % (command_name, left[command_name][3]) ypos = 1.0 - margin - titlemargin - ystep / M - ystep * idx plt.figtext(0.5, ypos, command_name, ha='center', va='top', size='medium', weight='bold') plt.figtext(0.5, ypos - ystep / (M + 1), '%s\n= %.2fs' % (labels[0], left[command_name][3]), ha='center', va='top', size='small') if options.title: plt.figtext(0.5, 1. - titlemargin / 2, options.title, ha='center', va='center', weight='bold') plt.savefig(chart_path) print('wrote chart file:', chart_path)
def plot_bacteria_hist(folder, depth=6, mid_quantile=False): """ Saves a histogram of abundances binned :return: """ # Get the stool dataset and discretize it ds = parser.get_dataset() ds = compute_relative_values(ds) t = Tree(ds) ds = t.dataset_at_depth(depth) # Get header names to priint on the plots headers = ds[0][2:] for index, header in enumerate(headers): node = t.node_for_clade_name(header) abundances = t.abundance_column_in_subtree(node) abundances = [round(x,3) for x in abundances] if mid_quantile: abundances.sort() abundances = abundances[int(len(abundances)*0.25): -int(len(abundances)*0.25)] xlabel('Relative abundance') ylabel('Bin size') title_text = header.replace('/','-').replace('|', '-') title(title_text) binwidth = 0.001 bins, bin_sizes, patches = hist(abundances, bins=np.arange(min(abundances), max(abundances) + binwidth, binwidth), color='#0066FF') # Write discretized values threshold, discretized_abundances = discretize_row(abundances, maxent_discretization_splitter) _0 = '0: ' + str(len([x for x in discretized_abundances if x == 0])) _1 = '1: ' + str(len([x for x in discretized_abundances if x == 1])) text_x = 0.7 smaples_text = 'Samples: %d' % len(abundances) figtext(text_x, 0.85, smaples_text, fontsize=10) threshold_text = 'Splitter: %f' % threshold figtext(text_x, 0.82, threshold_text, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.79, _0, fontsize=10) figtext(text_x, 0.76, _1, fontsize=10) # Draw threshold line max_bin = len(abundances) if len(bins) != 0: max_bin = max(bins) a, b = [threshold, threshold], [0, max_bin] plot(a, b, c='r') grid(True) # Write max and avg # max_abundance = 'max: %f' % max(abundances) # avg_abundance = 'avg: %f' % (sum(abundances) / float(len(abundances))) # figtext(text_x, 0.76, max_abundance, fontsize=10) # figtext(text_x, 0.73, avg_abundance, fontsize=10) # write variance # variance = 'var: %f' % tvar(abundances) # figtext(text_x, 0.70, variance, fontsize=10) # Save fig to folder if not (os.path.exists(folder)): os.makedirs(folder) file_name = os.path.join(folder, title_text) print 'Hist: ', file_name savefig(file_name) close()
plt.title('2D Background Frequency', fontsize=14) H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(bkg_template[1],bkg_template[0],bins=50,range=[[0,1],[0,1]]) imbkg = plt.imshow(H, interpolation='nearest', origin='low', extent=[xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]]) ax = plt.gca() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax)'Frequency') plt.savefig('2D_Histograms.png') #plt.ylim(0,10) #plt.xlim(12,21) txt = 'Figure A: The location of a sphere in both radius density plots indidcates the location of a data point for the background and signal datasets. \nThe radius of the sphere indicates the neighbor density of the particular datapoint. Note how the radii of the background points are \ngenerally the same and the points are scattered throughout the plot in the signal plot the points are concentrated in the center and those \nclosest to the center have the largest radii indicated that they have the largest neighbor densities in the center of the plot.' fig_template = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) fig_template.add_subplot(1,2,1) plt.figtext(.5, -.01,txt, horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center') plt.scatter(data[0],data[1],s=sigFD*50,alpha=0.1) plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0,1) plt.xlabel('Signal Dataset #1') plt.ylabel('Signal Dataset #2') plt.title('Signal Function Density', fontsize=14) fig_template.add_subplot(1,2,2) plt.scatter(data[0],data[1],s=bkgFD*50,alpha=0.1) plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0,1) plt.xlabel('Background Dataset 1') plt.ylabel('Background Dataset 2') plt.title('Background Function Density', fontsize=14) plt.savefig('bubble_plots.png')
ax22 = plt.subplot(gm[60:77, 97:175]) #################### axo1 = plt.subplot(gm[:52, 200:288]) axoc = plt.subplot(gm[:52, 291:294]) axo2 = plt.subplot(gm[60:77, 200:288]) ######################################################################################### selected, wt, ns, bwm, wt2, ns2, bwm2, curv, curv_prof, speeds_mean = np.load( 'myfile.npy') ####################################################################### x1, x2, x3, y1, y2 = 0.015, 0.31, 0.61, 0.96, 0.30 letters = [[x1, y1, 'A'], [x1, y2, 'B'], [x2, y1, 'C'], [x2, y2, 'D'], [x3, y1, 'E'], [x3, y2, 'F']] for l in letters: plt.figtext(l[0], l[1], l[2], fontsize=34, ha='center', va='center') ######################################################################################### ####################################################################### control, headparal, midbodyparal, edge = '#1b9e77', '#d95f02', '#7570b3', 'k' [head, neck, tail] = [0, 1, 2] ax1.scatter(1 * np.ones(15), wt[:, head], lw=0.5, s=100, color=control, edgecolors=edge, label='Control') #wild type head amplitude ax1.scatter(2 * np.ones(15), ns[:, head], lw=0.5,
def skydip(data, averagepol=True, tsky=300., plot=False, temperature=288, pressure=101325., humidity=0.5): """Determine the opacity from a set of 'skydip' obervations. This can be any set of observations over a range of elevations, but will ususally be a dedicated (set of) scan(s). Return a list of 'n' opacities for 'n' IFs. In case of averagepol being 'False' a list of 'n*m' elements where 'm' is the number of polarisations, e.g. nIF = 3, nPol = 2 => [if0pol0, if0pol1, if1pol0, if1pol1, if2pol0, if2pol1] The opacity is determined by fitting a first order polynomial to: Tsys(airmass) = p0 + airmass*p1 where airmass = 1/sin(elevation) tau = p1/Tsky Parameters: data: a list of file names or scantables or a single file name or scantable. averagepol: Return the average of the opacities for the polarisations This might be useful to set to 'False' if one polarisation is corrupted (Mopra). If set to 'False', an opacity value per polarisation is returned. tsky: The sky temperature (default 300.0K). This might be read from the data in the future. plot: Plot each fit (airmass vs. Tsys). Default is 'False' """ # quiten output verbose = rcParams["verbose"] rcParams["verbose"] = False try: if plot: from matplotlib import pylab scan = _import_data(data) f = fitter() f.set_function(poly=1) sel = selector() basesel = scan.get_selection() inos = scan.getifnos() pnos = scan.getpolnos() opacities = [] om = model(temperature, pressure, humidity) for ino in inos: sel.set_ifs(ino) opacity = [] fits = [] airms = [] tsyss = [] if plot: pylab.cla() pylab.ioff() pylab.clf() pylab.xlabel("Airmass") pylab.ylabel(r"$T_{sys}$") for pno in pnos: sel.set_polarisations(pno) scan.set_selection(basesel + sel) freq = scan.get_coordinate(0).get_reference_value() / 1e9 freqstr = "%0.4f GHz" % freq tsys = scan.get_tsys() elev = scan.get_elevation() airmass = [1. / math.sin(i) for i in elev] airms.append(airmass) tsyss.append(tsys) f.set_data(airmass, tsys) fits.append(f.get_fit()) params = f.get_parameters()["params"] opacity.append(params[1] / tsky) if averagepol: opacities.append(sum(opacity) / len(opacity)) else: opacities += opacity if plot: colors = ['b', 'g', 'k'] n = len(airms) for i in range(n): pylab.plot(airms[i], tsyss[i], 'o', color=colors[i]) pylab.plot(airms[i], fits[i], '-', color=colors[i]) pylab.figtext(0.7, 0.3 - (i / 30.0), r"$\tau_{fit}=%0.2f$" % opacity[i], color=colors[i]) if averagepol: pylab.figtext(0.7, 0.3 - (n / 30.0), r"$\tau_{avg}=%0.2f$" % opacities[-1], color='r') n += 1 pylab.figtext(0.7, 0.3 - (n / 30.0), r"$\tau_{model}=%0.2f$" % om.get_opacities(freq * 1e9), color='grey') pylab.title("IF%d : %s" % (ino, freqstr)) pylab.ion() pylab.draw() raw_input("Hit <return> for next fit...") sel.reset() scan.set_selection(basesel) if plot: pylab.close() return opacities finally: rcParams["verbose"] = verbose
vmin=-10, vmax=10, origin='lower') ax1.set_xlim(0, 120) ax1.set_xticks([0, 40, 80, 120]) ax1.set_xticklabels([]) ax1.set_yticks([1, 21]) ax1.set_yticklabels(['', '']) ax1.text(-1, 1, 'Head', va='center', ha='right', fontsize=fzl) ax1.text(-1, 21, 'Tail', va='center', ha='right', fontsize=fzl) ############ Velocity ####### ############################### s = np.where(np.array(sel) == 23)[0] ax2.plot(np.linspace(0, 10, len(v[s][0])), 1000 * v[s][0], 'k', linewidth=3) ax2.axhline(y=0.22, linestyle='--', color='r') ax2.set_ylim(0.05, 0.35) ax2.set_xlim(0, 6) ax2.set_yticks([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) ax2.set_ylabel('Velocity (mm/s)', fontsize=fzl, labelpad=24) ax2.set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=fzl, labelpad=22) ############################### fz = 70 plt.figtext(0.018, 0.95, 'A', fontsize=fz, ha='center', va='center') plt.figtext(0.018, 0.46, 'B', fontsize=fz, ha='center', va='center') plt.figtext(0.460, 0.95, 'C', fontsize=fz, ha='center', va='center') ############################### fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.02, right=1.0, top=0.98) plt.savefig('behavior.png', dpi=100) plt.savefig('behavior.pdf')
def GeneCDFplots(setOfAligns, numGenes,parameters):'Making the CDF plots (This may take a while)...') lensoi = setOfAligns.seqOfInt.length colors = ['b','g','r','c','m'] if numGenes > len(setOfAligns.testSeqs)/setOfAligns.seqOfInt.readingFrames or numGenes < 1: numGenes = len(setOfAligns.testSeqs)*setOfAligns.seqOfInt.readingFrames geneCount = 0 plots = 0 CDFdata = open(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/CDFdata.txt','wb') CDFdata.write('CDFX.pdf:soi!testseq\n') for pAlign in setOfAligns.aligns: if len(pAlign.localAligns) > 0: if geneCount < numGenes: geneCount += 1 plotNum = 0 totalForLocA = 0 for locA in pAlign.localAligns: totalForLocA += 1 # get density ratio seqRatio = [] if setOfAligns.seqOfInt.dataDepths != 0: for i in range(len(locA.SOIrange)): scoreSum = (sum(locA.fullScoreVec[locA.SOIrange[i][0]:locA.SOIrange[i][1]])) seqRatio.append(scoreSum/float(locA.SOIrange[i][1]-locA.SOIrange[i][0])) else: for i in range(len(locA.SOIrange)): scoreSum = (sum(locA.fullScoreVec[locA.SOIrange[i][0]:locA.SOIrange[i][1]])) seqRatio.append(scoreSum/float(locA.SOIrange[i][1]-locA.SOIrange[i][0])) # make the empty plot, 4 per page if plotNum%4 == 0: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22,17)) plt.figtext(0.5, 0.965, 'Local Alignments for soi: ' + + ' vs ' + + ' rf ' + str(pAlign.localAligns[0].offset), ha='center', color='black', weight='bold', size='large') ax = [] ax.append(fig.add_subplot(811)) ax.append(fig.add_subplot(812)) plotNum = 0 plots += 1 else: ax.append(fig.add_subplot(811+(plotNum%4)*2)) ax.append(fig.add_subplot(811+(plotNum%4)*2+1)) # make the upper plot, the match vector temp = numpy.zeros(lensoi) for i in range(len(locA.SOIrange)): temp[locA.SOIrange[i][0]:locA.SOIrange[i][1]] = 2*numpy.ones(locA.SOIrange[i][1]-locA.SOIrange[i][0]) ax[plotNum*2].pcolor(numpy.reshape(numpy.array(locA.fullScoreVec) + temp,(1,lensoi))) # plot the cdfs ax[plotNum*2+1].plot(locA.cdfL) ax[plotNum*2+1].plot(locA.cdfR) for i in range(len(locA.SOIrange)): ax[plotNum*2+1].axvspan(locA.SOIrange[i][0],locA.SOIrange[i][1], facecolor = 'r', alpha = 0.35) # mark off the intron area intronArea = numpy.asarray(numpy.asarray(locA.cdfL) == numpy.asarray(locA.cdfR),dtype=numpy.int32) ranges = rangeFinder(intronArea) for i in range(len(ranges)): ax[plotNum*2+1].axvspan(ranges[i][0],ranges[i][1], facecolor = 'm', alpha = 0.35) #ax[plotNum*2+1].text((locA.SOIrange[0]+locA.SOIrange[1])/2.0,(max(max(locA.cdfL),max(locA.cdfR)) + min(min(locA.cdfL),min(locA.cdfR)))/2*1.66,str(seqRatio)[0:4],verticalalignment='center',horizontalalignment='center') # make the tick marks ax[plotNum].set_yticklabels([]) ax[plotNum*2].set_yticks([]) prevTicks = [] prevLabs = [] for i in range(len(locA.SOIrange)): prevTicks.extend([locA.SOIrange[i][0],(locA.SOIrange[i][0]+locA.SOIrange[i][1])/2.0,locA.SOIrange[i][1]]) prevLabs.extend([str(locA.SOIrange[i][0]),str(seqRatio[i])[0:4],str(locA.SOIrange[i][1])]) newXticks, newXtickLabels = intronAdderXticks(prevTicks,prevLabs,ranges) ax[plotNum*2].set_xticks(newXticks) ax[plotNum*2].set_xticklabels(newXtickLabels) #ax[plotNum*2].set_xticks([locA.SOIrange[0],(locA.SOIrange[0]+locA.SOIrange[1])/2.0,locA.SOIrange[1]]) #ax[plotNum*2].set_xticklabels([str(locA.SOIrange[0]),str(seqRatio)[0:4],str(locA.SOIrange[1])]) ax[plotNum*2+1].set_yticklabels([]) ax[plotNum*2+1].set_yticks([]) ax[plotNum*2].set_xlim(0,lensoi) ax[plotNum*2+1].set_xlim(0,lensoi) plotNum += 1 if ((plotNum)%4 == 0 and plotNum > 1) or totalForLocA == len(pAlign.localAligns): #print plotNum, (plotNum)%4, totalForLocA, len(pAlign.localAligns) CDFdata.write('CDF' + str(plots) + '.pdf:' + + '!' + + '\n') fig.savefig(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/CDF' + str(plots) + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.03) fig.savefig(parameters['OUTFILE'] + '/images/CDF' + str(plots) + '.pdf') logging.debug('Made CDF plot ' + str(plots) + '...') #return 0 else: CDFdata.close() return 0 CDFdata.close()
qry_c = '' for w in qry_raw: qry_c += w + ' ' cap = ('DOC: ' + '\n'.join( [''.join(doc_c[idx:idx + CH]) for idx in range(0, len(doc_c), CH)]) + '\n\n' + 'QRY: ' + '\n'.join([ ''.join(qry_c[idx:idx + CH]) for idx in range(0, len(qry_c), CH) ]) + '\n' + 'ANS: ' + ''.join(text[6].rstrip())) num_lines = cap.count('\n') if num_lines < 10: bot = 0.35 elif num_lines < 13: bot = 0.40 elif num_lines < 16: bot = 0.45 elif num_lines < 19: bot = 0.50 else: bot = 0.55 fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=bot) plt.figtext( 0.06, 0.0, cap, weight='medium', ) # add colorbar fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.95) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.97, bot, 0.01, 0.90 - bot]) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) plt.savefig(root_dir + '%s.png' % X[0], bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
numb_growing_in_rad += 1 else: ax10.plot(curv_profile_rad[ind], color='green') for ax in [ax0, ax10]: ax.set_xlim(pos_norm, n_seg - 1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) ax.set_ylim(0.4, 2.1) ax.set_ylabel('Normalized curvature', fontsize=15) ax10.set_xticks([1 + pos_norm, n_seg - 2]) ax10.set_xticklabels(['Head', 'Tail'], fontsize=15) plt.figtext(0.5, 0.96, 'Negative slope N=%d' % (numb_growing_in_rad), color='k', fontsize=20, ha='center') plt.figtext(0.5, 0.485, 'Positive slope N=%d' % (nsel - numb_growing_in_rad), color='k', fontsize=20, ha='center') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, bottom=0.05, right=0.99, top=0.95) plt.savefig('plot_2.png', dpi=200)
def cmdline_chart_compare(db, options, *args): import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt labels = [] timing_sets = [] command_names = None run_kinds = parse_timings_selections(db, *args) # iterate the timings selections and accumulate data for run_kind in run_kinds: query = TimingQuery(db, run_kind) timings = query.get_timings() if not timings: print "No timings for %s" % run_kind.label() continue labels.append(run_kind.label()) timing_sets.append(timings) # it only makes sense to compare those commands that have timings # in the first selection, because that is the one everything else # is compared to. Remember the first selection's command names. if not command_names: command_names = query.get_sorted_command_names() if len(timing_sets) < 2: bail("Not enough timings") if options.command_names: command_names = [name for name in command_names if name in options.command_names] chart_path = options.chart_path if not chart_path: chart_path = 'compare_' + '_'.join( [ filesystem_safe_string(l) for l in labels ] ) + '.svg' N = len(command_names) M = len(timing_sets) - 1 if M < 2: M = 2 group_positions = np.arange(N) # the y locations for the groups dist = 1. / (1. + M) height = (1. - dist) / M # the height of the bars fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5 + 0.2*N*M)) plot1 = fig.add_subplot(121) plot2 = fig.add_subplot(122) left = timing_sets[0] # Iterate timing sets. Each loop produces one bar for each command name # group. for label_i,label in enumerate(labels[1:],1): right = timing_sets[label_i] if not right: continue for cmd_i, command_name in enumerate(command_names): if command_name not in right: #skip continue left_N, left_min, left_max, left_avg = left[command_name] right_N, right_min, right_max, right_avg = right[command_name] div_avg = 100. * (do_div(left_avg, right_avg) - 1.0) if div_avg <= 0: col = '#55dd55' else: col = '#dd5555' diff_val = do_diff(left_avg, right_avg) ofs = (dist + height) / 2. + height * (label_i - 1) barheight = height * (1.0 - dist) y = float(cmd_i) + ofs plot1.barh((y, ), (div_avg, ), barheight, color=col, edgecolor='white') plot1.text(0., y + height/2., '%s %+5.1f%%' % (label, div_avg), ha='right', va='center', size='small', rotation=0, family='monospace') plot2.barh((y, ), (diff_val, ), barheight, color=col, edgecolor='white') plot2.text(0., y + height/2., '%s %+6.2fs' % (label, diff_val), ha='right', va='center', size='small', rotation=0, family='monospace') for p in (plot1, plot2): xlim = list(p.get_xlim()) if xlim[1] < 10.: xlim[1] = 10. # make sure the zero line is far enough right so that the annotations # fit inside the chart. About half the width should suffice. if xlim[0] > -xlim[1]: xlim[0] = -xlim[1] p.set_xlim(*xlim) p.set_xticks((0,)) p.set_yticks(group_positions + (height / 2.)) p.set_yticklabels(()) p.set_ylim((len(command_names), 0)) p.grid() plot1.set_xticklabels(('+-0%',), rotation=0) plot1.set_title('Average runtime change from %s in %%' % labels[0], size='medium') plot2.set_xticklabels(('+-0s',), rotation=0) plot2.set_title('Average runtime change from %s in seconds' % labels[0], size='medium') margin = 1./(2 + N*M) titlemargin = 0 if options.title: titlemargin = margin * 1.5 fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.005, right=0.995, wspace=0.3, bottom=margin, top=1.0-margin-titlemargin) ystep = (1.0 - 2.*margin - titlemargin) / len(command_names) for idx,command_name in enumerate(command_names): ylabel = '%s\nvs. %.1fs' % ( command_name, left[command_name][3]) ypos=1.0 - margin - titlemargin - ystep/M - ystep * idx plt.figtext(0.5, ypos, command_name, ha='center', va='top', size='medium', weight='bold') plt.figtext(0.5, ypos - ystep/(M+1), '%s\n= %.2fs' % ( labels[0], left[command_name][3]), ha='center', va='top', size='small') if options.title: plt.figtext(0.5, 1. - titlemargin/2, options.title, ha='center', va='center', weight='bold') plt.savefig(chart_path) print 'wrote chart file:', chart_path
plt.xticks([0, min(durations), max(durations)], ['0', str(int(math.ceil(min(durations)))), str(int(math.ceil(max(durations))))]) plt.xlabel('Time since start (s)') for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.tick1On = False tick.tick2On = False #ax.tick_params(top='off', right='off') #ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') #ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') # ax = plt.subplot(212, frame_on=False) # plt.plot(xseries2, yseries2, 'r-') # plt.xlim(0, math.ceil(max(duration1, duration2))) # plt.ylim(0, 21) # ax.tick_params(top='off', right='off') # plt.xticks([0, math.ceil(duration1), math.ceil(duration2)]) # plt.yticks([0, 20], ['0', '20']) # #ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') # #ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') # plt.ylabel('Hadoop') # plt.xticks((0, math.ceil(min(duration1, duration2)), math.ceil(max(duration1, duration2))), ('0', str(int(math.ceil(min(duration1, duration2)))), str(int(math.ceil(max(duration1, duration2)))))) plt.figtext(0.0, (0.2+0.95)/2, 'Number of chunks', rotation='vertical', verticalalignment='center') plt.savefig('smithwaterman-util.pdf', format='pdf')
def skydip(data, averagepol=True, tsky=300., plot=False, temperature=288, pressure=101325., humidity=0.5): """Determine the opacity from a set of 'skydip' obervations. This can be any set of observations over a range of elevations, but will ususally be a dedicated (set of) scan(s). Return a list of 'n' opacities for 'n' IFs. In case of averagepol being 'False' a list of 'n*m' elements where 'm' is the number of polarisations, e.g. nIF = 3, nPol = 2 => [if0pol0, if0pol1, if1pol0, if1pol1, if2pol0, if2pol1] The opacity is determined by fitting a first order polynomial to: Tsys(airmass) = p0 + airmass*p1 where airmass = 1/sin(elevation) tau = p1/Tsky Parameters: data: a list of file names or scantables or a single file name or scantable. averagepol: Return the average of the opacities for the polarisations This might be useful to set to 'False' if one polarisation is corrupted (Mopra). If set to 'False', an opacity value per polarisation is returned. tsky: The sky temperature (default 300.0K). This might be read from the data in the future. plot: Plot each fit (airmass vs. Tsys). Default is 'False' """ # quiten output verbose = rcParams["verbose"] rcParams["verbose"] = False try: if plot: from matplotlib import pylab scan = _import_data(data) f = fitter() f.set_function(poly=1) sel = selector() basesel = scan.get_selection() inos = scan.getifnos() pnos = scan.getpolnos() opacities = [] om = model(temperature, pressure, humidity) for ino in inos: sel.set_ifs(ino) opacity = [] fits = [] airms = [] tsyss = [] if plot: pylab.cla() pylab.ioff() pylab.clf() pylab.xlabel("Airmass") pylab.ylabel(r"$T_{sys}$") for pno in pnos: sel.set_polarisations(pno) scan.set_selection(basesel+sel) freq = scan.get_coordinate(0).get_reference_value()/1e9 freqstr = "%0.4f GHz" % freq tsys = scan.get_tsys() elev = scan.get_elevation() airmass = [ 1./math.sin(i) for i in elev ] airms.append(airmass) tsyss.append(tsys) f.set_data(airmass, tsys) fits.append(f.get_fit()) params = f.get_parameters()["params"] opacity.append(params[1]/tsky) if averagepol: opacities.append(sum(opacity)/len(opacity)) else: opacities += opacity if plot: colors = ['b','g','k'] n = len(airms) for i in range(n): pylab.plot(airms[i], tsyss[i], 'o', color=colors[i]) pylab.plot(airms[i], fits[i], '-', color=colors[i]) pylab.figtext(0.7,0.3-(i/30.0), r"$\tau_{fit}=%0.2f$" % opacity[i], color=colors[i]) if averagepol: pylab.figtext(0.7,0.3-(n/30.0), r"$\tau_{avg}=%0.2f$" % opacities[-1], color='r') n +=1 pylab.figtext(0.7,0.3-(n/30.0), r"$\tau_{model}=%0.2f$" % om.get_opacities(freq*1e9), color='grey') pylab.title("IF%d : %s" % (ino, freqstr)) pylab.ion() pylab.draw() raw_input("Hit <return> for next fit...") sel.reset() scan.set_selection(basesel) if plot: pylab.close() return opacities finally: rcParams["verbose"] = verbose
def cupper(self, event): theta = np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 1000) Lx = np.array([0.2, 0.4, 0.6]) Ly = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000) fig = plt.figure( "Rectangular_x_Beam_pattern", figsize=(22, 12), facecolor="white", edgecolor="blue", ) fig.set_size_inches(15, 10) P_rectangular1 = np.sin((np.pi * Lx[0] / wavelength[2]) * np.sin(theta)) / ( (np.pi * Lx[0] / wavelength[2]) * np.sin(theta) ) P_rectangular2 = np.sin((np.pi * Lx[1] / wavelength[2]) * np.sin(theta)) / ( (np.pi * Lx[1] / wavelength[2]) * np.sin(theta) ) P_rectangular3 = np.sin((np.pi * Lx[2] / wavelength[2]) * np.sin(theta)) / ( (np.pi * Lx[2] / wavelength[2]) * np.sin(theta) ) ax = plt.subplot(131) plt.figtext( 0.5, 0.5, z, style="italic", wrap=True, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=18, color="gray", ) plt.plot( np.degrees(theta), 10 * np.log10((P_rectangular1 / np.amax(P_rectangular1)) ** 2), "b", label="0.2m", ) plt.xlabel(r"Angle $\theta$($\circ$)") plt.ylabel("Power(dB)") plt.yticks(np.linspace(-40, 0, 5)) plt.ylim([-40, 0]) plt.grid(True) plt.title("Dx = 0.2 m") ax = plt.subplot(132) plt.plot( np.degrees(theta), 10 * np.log10((P_rectangular2 / np.amax(P_rectangular2)) ** 2), "g", label="0.4m", ) plt.xlabel(r"Dy $\theta$($\circ$)") plt.ylabel("Power(dB)") plt.yticks(np.linspace(-40, 0, 5)) plt.ylim([-40, 0]) plt.grid(True) plt.title("Dx = 0.4 m") ax = plt.subplot(133) plt.plot( np.degrees(theta), 10 * np.log10((P_rectangular3 / np.amax(P_rectangular3)) ** 2), "purple", label=" 0.6 m", ) plt.xlabel("Dy ( m )") plt.ylabel(r"Power $\theta$($\circ$)") plt.yticks(np.linspace(-40, 0, 5)) plt.ylim([-40, 0]) plt.grid(True) plt.title("Dx = 0.6 m") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("Rectangular_x_Beam_pattern.png")
plt.subplot(2, 3, 6) plt.plot(thrust_resampled[idx], magZ_body[idx], 'yo', thrust_resampled[idx], pz_th[idx][0] * thrust_resampled[idx] + pz_th[idx][1], '--k') plt.xlabel('thrust []') plt.ylabel('mag Z [G]') # display results plt.figtext( 0.24, 0.03, 'Thrust CAL_MAG{}_XCOMP: {:.3f}[G] \nCurrent CAL_MAG{}_XCOMP: {:.3f}[G/kA]' .format(calibration_instance[idx], px_th[idx][0], calibration_instance[idx], -px_curr[idx][0]), horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=12, multialignment='left', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor='#D8D8D8', ec="0.5", pad=0.5, alpha=1), fontweight='bold') plt.figtext( 0.51, 0.03, 'Thrust CAL_MAG{}_YCOMP: {:.3f}[G] \nCurrent CAL_MAG{}_YCOMP: {:.3f}[G/kA]' .format(calibration_instance[idx], py_th[idx][0], calibration_instance[idx], -py_curr[idx][0]), horizontalalignment='center',
plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 6]) gm = gridspec.GridSpec(100, 190) ax2 = plt.subplot(gm[:, :]) h = ax2.hist(1. / curvature, bins=20, range=[0, 2100], orientation="vertical", color='b') ax2.set_xlim(0, 2100) #ax2.yaxis.tick_right() #ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax2.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=18, rotation=270, labelpad=13) ax2.set_ylim(0, 15) ax2.set_xlabel('Curvature (1/m)', fontsize=18, labelpad=2) #ax0.set_xticks([]) #ax2.set_yticks([25, 50, 75, 100]) #ax2.get_children()[19].set_facecolor('r') plt.figtext(0.5, 0.94, 'Trayectory curvature distribution', fontsize=20, va='center', ha='center') plt.savefig('trayectory_curvature_distribution.png')
def print_info(self, interpretation): """Print info about the patient and about the ecg signals. """ try: pat_surname, pat_firstname = self.dicom.PatientName.decode('ISO-8859-1').split('^') except ValueError: pat_surname = self.dicom.PatientName pat_firstname = '' pat_name = ' '.join((pat_surname, pat_firstname.title())) pat_age = self.dicom.get('PatientAge', '').strip('Y') pat_id = self.dicom.PatientID pat_sex = self.dicom.PatientSex try: pat_bdate = datetime.strptime( self.dicom.PatientBirthDate, '%Y%m%d').strftime("%e %b %Y") except ValueError: pat_bdate = "" acquisition_date = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime( self.dicom.AcquisitionDateTime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), '%d %b %Y %H:%M') info = "%s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s (%s %s)\n%s: %s" % ( pat_name, i18n.pat_id, pat_id, i18n.pat_sex, pat_sex, i18n.pat_bdate, pat_bdate, pat_age, i18n.pat_age, i18n.acquisition_date, acquisition_date ) plt.figtext(0.08, 0.87, info, fontsize=8) plt.figtext(0.30, 0.87, self.legend(), fontsize=8) if interpretation: plt.figtext(0.45, 0.87, self.interpretation(), fontsize=8) info = "%s: %s s %s: %s Hz" % ( i18n.duration, self.duration, i18n.sampling_frequency, self.sampling_frequency ) plt.figtext(0.08, 0.025, info, fontsize=8) info = INSTITUTION if not info: info = self.dicom.get('InstitutionName', '') plt.figtext(0.38, 0.025, info, fontsize=8) # TODO: the lowpass filter 0.05-40 Hz will have to became a parameter info = "%s mm/s %s mm/mV 0.05-40 Hz" % (self.mm_s, self.mm_mv) plt.figtext(0.76, 0.025, info, fontsize=8)
10 * np.log10((P_rectangular2 / np.amax(P_rectangular2)) ** 2), "g", label="0.4m", ) plt.xlabel(r"Dy $\theta$($\circ$)") plt.ylabel("Power(dB)") plt.yticks(np.linspace(-40, 0, 5)) plt.ylim([-40, 0]) plt.grid(True) plt.title("Dx = 0.4 m") ax = plt.subplot(133) plt.figtext( 0.5, 0.5, z, style="italic", wrap=True, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=18, color="gray", ) plt.plot( np.degrees(theta), 10 * np.log10((P_rectangular3 / np.amax(P_rectangular3)) ** 2), "purple", label=" 0.6 m", ) plt.xlabel("Dy ( m )") plt.ylabel(r"Power $\theta$($\circ$)") plt.yticks(np.linspace(-40, 0, 5)) plt.ylim([-40, 0]) plt.grid(True)
all_crit) ################### c = venn3(subsets=sets, set_labels=('Ablations', 'Posture', 'Trayectory'), ax=ax4, alpha=0.65) for text in c.set_labels: text.set_fontsize(18) for text in c.subset_labels: text.set_fontsize(18) plt.figtext(0.09, 0.92, 'A and B class neuron ablation analysis', fontsize=22, bbox={ 'facecolor': colors[0], 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 18 }) plt.figtext(0.62, 0.92, 'Body posture analysis', fontsize=22, bbox={ 'facecolor': colors[1], 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 18 }) plt.figtext(0.132, 0.4,