def openAfterMaybeSave(self): """ This is the method that initiates file opening. It is called by actionOpenSlot to spawn a QFileDialog and connect it to a callback method. """ path = self._fileOpenPath if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window#"/", fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Open Document", path, "cadnano1 / cadnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") self.filesavedialog = None self.openAfterMaybeSaveCallback(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "Open Document", path, "cadnano1 / cadnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptOpen) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.fileopendialog = fdialog self.fileopendialog.filesSelected.connect(self.openAfterMaybeSaveCallback)
def openClicked(self): """docstring for openClicked""" # self.filesavedialog = None # self.openFile('/Users/nick/Downloads/nanorobot.v2.json') # return if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Open Document", "/", "CADnano1 / CADnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") self.filesavedialog = None self.openFile(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "Open Document", "/", "CADnano1 / CADnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptOpen) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) # fdialog.exec_() # or .show(), or .open() self.filesavedialog = fdialog self.filesavedialog.filesSelected.connect(self.openFile) # or .show(), or .open()
def saveFileDialog(self): fname = self.filename() if fname == None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Save As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "%s (*.json)" % QApplication.applicationName()) self.writeDocumentToFile(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Save As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "%s (*.json)" % QApplication.applicationName()) fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.filesavedialog = fdialog self.filesavedialog.filesSelected.connect( self.saveFileDialogCallback)
def saveFileDialog(self): """Spawn a QFileDialog to allow user to choose a filename and path.""" fname = self.filename() if fname == None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Save As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "%s (*.nno)" % QApplication.applicationName(), ) self.writeDocumentToFile(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Save As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "%s (*.nno)" % QApplication.applicationName(), ) fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) # fdialog.exec_() # or .show(), or .open() self.filesavedialog = fdialog self.filesavedialog.filesSelected.connect(self.saveFileDialogCallback)
def exportCSV(self): fname = self.filename() if fname == None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") self.filesavedialog = None self.exportFile(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) # fdialog.exec_() # or .show(), or .open() self.filesavedialog = fdialog self.filesavedialog.filesSelected.connect(self.exportFile)
def actionExportStaplesSlot(self): """ Triggered by clicking Export Staples button. Opens a file dialog to determine where the staples should be saved. The callback is exportCSVCallback which collects the staple sequences and exports the file. """ fname = self.filename() if fname == None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)" ) self.saveCSVdialog = None self.exportFile(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) # fdialog.exec_() # or .show(), or .open() self.saveCSVdialog = fdialog self.saveCSVdialog.filesSelected.connect(self.exportCSVCallback)
def actionCloseSlot(self): """This will trigger a Window closeEvent.""" #print "closing" if util.isWindows(): #print "close win" if not app().isInMaya(): #print "exit app" import sys sys.exit(1)
def initAppWithGui(appArgs=sys.argv): util.qtFrameworkList = ['PyQt', 'PySide'] from cadnanoqt import CadnanoQt global sharedApp sharedApp = CadnanoQt(appArgs) sharedApp.finishInit() if util.isWindows(): pass # import ctypes # myappid = 'harvard.cadnano.cadnano2.2' # arbitrary string # ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) return sharedApp
def actionExportStaplesSlot(self): """ Triggered by clicking Export Staples button. Opens a file dialog to determine where the staples should be saved. The callback is exportStaplesCallback which collects the staple sequences and exports the file. """ # Validate that no staple oligos are loops. part = self.activePart() stapLoopOlgs = part.getStapleLoopOligos() if stapLoopOlgs: from ui.dialogs.ui_warning import Ui_Warning dialog = QDialog() dialogWarning = Ui_Warning() # reusing this dialog, should rename dialog.setStyleSheet("QDialog { background-image: url(ui/dialogs/images/cadnano2-about.png); background-repeat: none; }") dialogWarning.setupUi(dialog) locs = ", ".join([o.locString() for o in stapLoopOlgs]) msg = "Part contains staple loop(s) at %s.\n\nUse the break tool to introduce 5' & 3' ends before exporting. Loops have been colored red; use undo to revert." % locs dialogWarning.title.setText("Staple validation failed") dialogWarning.message.setText(msg) for o in stapLoopOlgs: o.applyColor(styles.stapColors[0].name()) dialog.exec_() return # Proceed with staple export. fname = self.filename() if fname == None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") self.saveStaplesDialog = None self.exportStaplesCallback(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.saveStaplesDialog = fdialog self.saveStaplesDialog.filesSelected.connect(self.exportStaplesCallback)
def actionExportStaplesSlot(self): """ Triggered by clicking Export Staples button. Opens a file dialog to determine where the staples should be saved. The callback is exportStaplesCallback which collects the staple sequences and exports the file. """ # Validate that no staple oligos are loops. part = self.activePart() stapLoopOlgs = part.getStapleLoopOligos() if stapLoopOlgs: from ui.dialogs.ui_warning import Ui_Warning dialog = QDialog() dialogWarning = Ui_Warning() # reusing this dialog, should rename dialog.setStyleSheet( "QDialog { background-image: url(ui/dialogs/images/cadnano2-about.png); background-repeat: none; }" ) dialogWarning.setupUi(dialog) locs = ", ".join([o.locString() for o in stapLoopOlgs]) msg = "Part contains staple loop(s) at %s.\n\nUse the break tool to introduce 5' & 3' ends before exporting. Loops have been colored red; use undo to revert." % locs dialogWarning.title.setText("Staple validation failed") dialogWarning.message.setText(msg) for o in stapLoopOlgs: o.applyColor(styles.stapColors[0].name()) dialog.exec_() return # Proceed with staple export. fname = self.filename() if fname == None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") self.saveStaplesDialog = None self.exportStaplesCallback(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Export As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "(*.csv)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.saveStaplesDialog = fdialog self.saveStaplesDialog.filesSelected.connect( self.exportStaplesCallback)
def openAfterMaybeSave(self): """docstring for openAfterMaybeSave""" if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Open Document", "/", "CADnano1 / CADnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)" ) self.filesavedialog = None self.openAfterMaybeSaveCallback(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "Open Document", "/", "CADnano1 / CADnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptOpen) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) # fdialog.exec_() # or .show(), or .open() self.fileopendialog = fdialog self.fileopendialog.filesSelected.connect(self.openAfterMaybeSaveCallback) # or .show(), or .open()
def writeDocumentToFile(self, filename=None): if filename == None: assert (not self._hasNoAssociatedFile) filename = self.filename() try: if util.isWindows(): filename = filename[0] with open(filename, 'w') as f: helixOrderList = ) encode(self._document, helixOrderList, f) except IOError: flags = Qt.Dialog | Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint | Qt.Sheet errorbox = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Critical, "cadnano", "Could not write to '%s'." % filename, QMessageBox.Ok,, flags) errorbox.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) return False self.undoStack().setClean() self.setFilename(filename) return True
def openAfterMaybeSave(self): """ This is the method that initiates file opening. It is called by actionOpenSlot to spawn a QFileDialog and connect it to a callback method. """ path = self._fileOpenPath if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window#"/", fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Open Document", path, "cadnano1 / cadnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") self.filesavedialog = None self.openAfterMaybeSaveCallback(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "Open Document", path, "cadnano1 / cadnano2 Files (*.nno *.json *.cadnano)") fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptOpen) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.fileopendialog = fdialog self.fileopendialog.filesSelected.connect( self.openAfterMaybeSaveCallback)
def closeClicked(self): """This will trigger a Window closeEvent""" if util.isWindows():
def actionCloseSlot(self): """This will trigger a Window closeEvent.""" if util.isWindows():
''' Created on Aug 13, 2013 @author: KaWsEr ''' import util if util.isLinux():from immjoblinux import * elif util.isWindows():from immjobwin import * elif util.isMac():from immjobmac import *
SEQUENCEFONTMETRICS = QFontMetricsF(SEQUENCEFONT) SEQUENCEFONTCHARWIDTH = SEQUENCEFONTMETRICS.width('A') SEQUENCEFONTCHARHEIGHT = SEQUENCEFONTMETRICS.height() SEQUENCEFONTEXTRAWIDTH = PATH_BASE_WIDTH - SEQUENCEFONTCHARWIDTH SEQUENCEFONT.setLetterSpacing(QFont.AbsoluteSpacing, SEQUENCEFONTEXTRAWIDTH) SEQUENCETEXTXCENTERINGOFFSET = SEQUENCEFONTEXTRAWIDTH / 4. SEQUENCETEXTYCENTERINGOFFSET = PATH_BASE_WIDTH * 0.6 if util.isMac(): thefont = "Times" thefont = "Arial" thefontsize = 10 XOVER_LABEL_FONT = QFont(thefont, thefontsize, QFont.Bold) elif util.isWindows(): thefont = "Segoe UI" thefont = "Calibri" thefont = "Arial" thefontsize = 9 XOVER_LABEL_FONT = QFont(thefont, thefontsize, QFont.Bold) else: # linux thefont = "DejaVu Sans" thefontsize = 9 XOVER_LABEL_FONT = QFont(thefont, thefontsize, QFont.Bold) SLICE_NUM_FONT = QFont(thefont, 10, QFont.Bold) VIRTUALHELIXHANDLEITEM_FONT = QFont(thefont, 3*thefontsize, QFont.Bold) XOVER_LABEL_COLOR = QColor(0,0,0) # Overwrite for Maya