Esempio n. 1
from SphinxReport.Tracker import *
from SphinxReport.odict import OrderedDict as odict

# get from config file
EXPORTDIR = "export"

# Run configuration script

from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P
EXPORTDIR = P.get('medip_exportdir', P.get('exportdir', 'export'))
DATADIR = P.get('medip_datadir', P.get('datadir', '.'))
DATABASE = P.get('medip_backend', P.get('sql_backend', 'sqlite:///./csvdb'))

# cf.
# This should be automatically gleaned from
import Pipeline
PARAMS_PIPELINE = Pipeline.peekParameters(".",

import PipelineTracks

Sample = PipelineTracks.Sample3
Esempio n. 2
import re
import types
import itertools
import glob

from SphinxReport.Tracker import *

# Run configuration script

from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P

EXPORTDIR = P.get('windows_exportdir', P.get('exportdir', 'export'))
DATADIR = P.get('windows_datadir', P.get('datadir', '.'))
DATABASE = P.get('windows_backend', P.get('sql_backend', 'sqlite:///./csvdb'))


class ProjectTracker(TrackerSQL):
    '''Define convenience tracks for plots'''
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        TrackerSQL.__init__(self, *args, backend=DATABASE, **kwargs)

class PicardDuplicatesMetrics(ProjectTracker, SingleTableTrackerRows):
Esempio n. 3
import itertools
import glob

from SphinxReport.Tracker import *
from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

import CGAT.IOTools as IOTools
import CGAT.Stats as Stats

from SphinxReport.ResultBlock import ResultBlock, ResultBlocks
from SphinxReport import Utils

# parameterization
EXPORTDIR = P.get('intervals_exportdir',
                  P.get('exportdir', 'export'))
DATADIR = P.get('intervals_datadir',
                P.get('datadir', '.'))
DATABASE = P.get('intervals_backend',
                 P.get('sql_backend', 'sqlite:///./csvdb'))

class IntervalTracker(TrackerSQL):

    '''Define convenience tracks for plots'''

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        TrackerSQL.__init__(self, *args, backend=DATABASE, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
import re
import types
import itertools
import glob

from SphinxReport.Tracker import *

# Run configuration script

from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P

EXPORTDIR = P.get("windows_exportdir", P.get("exportdir", "export"))
DATADIR = P.get("windows_datadir", P.get("datadir", "."))
DATABASE = P.get("windows_backend", P.get("sql_backend", "sqlite:///./csvdb"))


class ProjectTracker(TrackerSQL):

    """Define convenience tracks for plots"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        TrackerSQL.__init__(self, *args, backend=DATABASE, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 5
import os
import sys
import re
import types
import itertools
import glob

from SphinxReport.Tracker import *
from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

EXPORTDIR = P.get('motifs_exportdir',
                  P.get('report_exportdir', "export"))
DATADIR = P.get('motifs_datadir',
                P.get('report_datadir', "."))
DATABASE = P.get('motifs_backend',
                 P.get('report_backend', "sqlite:///./csvdb"))

class IntervalTracker(TrackerSQL):
    '''Define convenience tracks for plots'''

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Esempio n. 6
from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

# get from config file
UCSC_DATABASE = P["genome"]
ENSEMBL_DATABASE = P["ensembl_database"]
RX_ENSEMBL_GENE = re.compile(P["ensembl_gene_prefix"])
RX_ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT = re.compile(P["ensembl_transcript_prefix"])

REFERENCE = "refcoding"

# parameterization

EXPORTDIR = P.get('rnaseqdiffexpression_exportdir',
                  P.get('exportdir', 'export'))
DATADIR = P.get('rnaseqdiffexpression_datadir', P.get('datadir', '.'))
DATABASE = P.get('rnaseqdiffexpression_backend',
                 P.get('sql_backend', 'sqlite:///./csvdb'))

DATABASE_ANNOTATIONS = P['annotations_database']

# cf.
# This should be automatically gleaned from
import CGATPipelines.PipelineTracks as PipelineTracks

TRACKS = PipelineTracks.Tracks(PipelineTracks.Sample).loadFromDirectory(
    glob.glob("%s/*.bam" % DATADIR), "(\S+).bam")
Esempio n. 7
from SphinxReport.Utils import PARAMS as P
from collections import OrderedDict as odict

# get from config file
UCSC_DATABASE = P["genome"]
ENSEMBL_DATABASE = P["ensembl_database"]
RX_ENSEMBL_GENE = re.compile(P["ensembl_gene_prefix"])
RX_ENSEMBL_TRANSCRIPT = re.compile(P["ensembl_transcript_prefix"])

REFERENCE = "refcoding"

# parameterization

    'rnaseqdiffexpression_exportdir', P.get('exportdir', 'export'))
DATADIR = P.get('rnaseqdiffexpression_datadir', P.get('datadir', '.'))
DATABASE = P.get('rnaseqdiffexpression_backend', P.get(
    'sql_backend', 'sqlite:///./csvdb'))

DATABASE_ANNOTATIONS = P['annotations_database']

# cf.
# This should be automatically gleaned from
import CGATPipelines.PipelineTracks as PipelineTracks

TRACKS = PipelineTracks.Tracks(PipelineTracks.Sample).loadFromDirectory(
    glob.glob("%s/*.bam" % DATADIR), "(\S+).bam")