def solve(self, bounds=None):
        """Solve the variational problem.

        :arg bounds: Optional bounds on the solution (lower, upper).
            ``lower`` and ``upper`` must both be
            :class:`~.Function`\s. or :class:`~.Vector`\s.

        .. note::

           If bounds are provided the ``snes_type`` must be set to
           ``vinewtonssls`` or ``vinewtonrsls``.
        # Make sure appcontext is attached to the DM before we solve.
        dm = self.snes.getDM()
        dmhooks.set_appctx(dm, self._ctx)
        # Apply the boundary conditions to the initial guess.
        for bc in self._problem.bcs:

        if bounds is not None:
            lower, upper = bounds
            with lower.dat.vec_ro as lb, upper.dat.vec_ro as ub:
                self.snes.setVariableBounds(lb, ub)
        work = self._work.dat
        # Ensure options database has full set of options (so monitors work right)
        with self.inserted_options():
            with work.vec as v:
                with self._problem.u.dat.vec as u:
                    self.snes.solve(None, v)

Esempio n. 2
    def solve(self, bounds=None):
        """Solve the variational problem.

        :arg bounds: Optional bounds on the solution (lower, upper).
            ``lower`` and ``upper`` must both be
            :class:`~.Function`\s. or :class:`~.Vector`\s.

        .. note::

           If bounds are provided the ``snes_type`` must be set to
           ``vinewtonssls`` or ``vinewtonrsls``.
        # Make sure appcontext is attached to the DM before we solve.
        dm = self.snes.getDM()
        dmhooks.set_appctx(dm, self._ctx)
        # Apply the boundary conditions to the initial guess.
        for bc in self._problem.bcs:

        if bounds is not None:
            lower, upper = bounds
            with lower.dat.vec_ro as lb, upper.dat.vec_ro as ub:
                self.snes.setVariableBounds(lb, ub)
        work = self._work.dat
        # Ensure options database has full set of options (so monitors work right)
        with self.inserted_options():
            with work.vec as v:
                with self._problem.u.dat.vec as u:
                    self.snes.solve(None, v)

    def __init__(self, problem, **kwargs):
        :arg problem: A :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem` to solve.
        :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
               :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null
               space of the operator.
        :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
               make the right hand side consistent.
        :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
               specify the near nullspace (for multigrid solvers).
        :kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc.
               This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values.
        :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
               PETSc options.  If not provided a unique prefix will be
               created.  Use this option if you want to pass options
               to the solver from the command line in addition to
               through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.

        Example usage of the ``solver_parameters`` option: to set the
        nonlinear solver type to just use a linear solver, use

        .. code-block:: python

            {'snes_type': 'ksponly'}

        PETSc flag options should be specified with `bool` values.
        For example:

        .. code-block:: python

            {'snes_monitor': True}

        assert isinstance(problem, NonlinearVariationalProblem)

        parameters = kwargs.get("solver_parameters")
        if "parameters" in kwargs:
            raise TypeError("Use solver_parameters, not parameters")
        nullspace = kwargs.get("nullspace")
        nullspace_T = kwargs.get("transpose_nullspace")
        near_nullspace = kwargs.get("near_nullspace")
        options_prefix = kwargs.get("options_prefix")

        super(NonlinearVariationalSolver, self).__init__(parameters, options_prefix)

        # Allow anything, interpret "matfree" as matrix_free.
        mat_type = self.parameters.get("mat_type")
        pmat_type = self.parameters.get("pmat_type")
        matfree = mat_type == "matfree"
        pmatfree = pmat_type == "matfree"

        appctx = kwargs.get("appctx")

        ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(problem,

        # No preconditioner by default for matrix-free
        if (problem.Jp is not None and pmatfree) or matfree:
            self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "none")
        elif ctx.is_mixed:
            # Mixed problem, use jacobi pc if user has not supplied
            # one.
            self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "jacobi")

        self.snes = PETSc.SNES().create(

        self._problem = problem

        self._ctx = ctx
        self._work = type(problem.u)(problem.u.function_space())

        ctx.set_nullspace(nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises,
                          transpose=False, near=False)
        ctx.set_nullspace(nullspace_T, problem.J.arguments()[1].function_space()._ises,
                          transpose=True, near=False)
        ctx.set_nullspace(near_nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises,
                          transpose=False, near=True)

        # Set from options now, so that people who want to noodle with
        # the snes object directly (mostly Patrick), can.  We need the
        # DM with an app context in place so that if the DM is active
        # on a subKSP the context is available.
        dm = self.snes.getDM()
        dmhooks.set_appctx(dm, self._ctx)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, problem, **kwargs):
        :arg problem: A :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem` to solve.
        :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
               :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null
               space of the operator.
        :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
               make the right hand side consistent.
        :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
               specify the near nullspace (for multigrid solvers).
        :kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc.
               This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values.
        :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
               PETSc options.  If not provided a unique prefix will be
               created.  Use this option if you want to pass options
               to the solver from the command line in addition to
               through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.
        :kwarg pre_jacobian_callback: A user-defined function that will
               be called immediately before Jacobian assembly. This can
               be used, for example, to update a coefficient function
               that has a complicated dependence on the unknown solution.
        :kwarg pre_function_callback: As above, but called immediately
               before residual assembly

        Example usage of the ``solver_parameters`` option: to set the
        nonlinear solver type to just use a linear solver, use

        .. code-block:: python

            {'snes_type': 'ksponly'}

        PETSc flag options should be specified with `bool` values.
        For example:

        .. code-block:: python

            {'snes_monitor': True}

        To use the ``pre_jacobian_callback`` or ``pre_function_callback``
        functionality, the user-defined function must accept the current
        solution as a petsc4py Vec. Example usage is given below:

        .. code-block:: python

            def update_diffusivity(current_solution):
                with cursol.dat.vec as v:
                solve(trial*test*dx == dot(grad(cursol), grad(test))*dx, diffusivity)

            solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem,

        assert isinstance(problem, NonlinearVariationalProblem)

        parameters = kwargs.get("solver_parameters")
        if "parameters" in kwargs:
            raise TypeError("Use solver_parameters, not parameters")
        nullspace = kwargs.get("nullspace")
        nullspace_T = kwargs.get("transpose_nullspace")
        near_nullspace = kwargs.get("near_nullspace")
        options_prefix = kwargs.get("options_prefix")
        pre_j_callback = kwargs.get("pre_jacobian_callback")
        pre_f_callback = kwargs.get("pre_function_callback")

              self).__init__(parameters, options_prefix)

        # Allow anything, interpret "matfree" as matrix_free.
        mat_type = self.parameters.get("mat_type")
        pmat_type = self.parameters.get("pmat_type")
        matfree = mat_type == "matfree"
        pmatfree = pmat_type == "matfree"

        appctx = kwargs.get("appctx")

        ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(problem,

        # No preconditioner by default for matrix-free
        if (problem.Jp is not None and pmatfree) or matfree:
            self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "none")
        elif ctx.is_mixed:
            # Mixed problem, use jacobi pc if user has not supplied
            # one.
            self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "jacobi")

        self.snes = PETSc.SNES().create(

        self._problem = problem

        self._ctx = ctx
        self._work = type(problem.u)(problem.u.function_space())


        # Set from options now, so that people who want to noodle with
        # the snes object directly (mostly Patrick), can.  We need the
        # DM with an app context in place so that if the DM is active
        # on a subKSP the context is available.
        dm = self.snes.getDM()
        dmhooks.set_appctx(dm, self._ctx)
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, problem, **kwargs):
        :arg problem: A :class:`NonlinearVariationalProblem` to solve.
        :kwarg nullspace: an optional :class:`.VectorSpaceBasis` (or
               :class:`.MixedVectorSpaceBasis`) spanning the null
               space of the operator.
        :kwarg transpose_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
               make the right hand side consistent.
        :kwarg near_nullspace: as for the nullspace, but used to
               specify the near nullspace (for multigrid solvers).
        :kwarg solver_parameters: Solver parameters to pass to PETSc.
               This should be a dict mapping PETSc options to values.
        :kwarg options_prefix: an optional prefix used to distinguish
               PETSc options.  If not provided a unique prefix will be
               created.  Use this option if you want to pass options
               to the solver from the command line in addition to
               through the ``solver_parameters`` dict.
        :kwarg pre_jacobian_callback: A user-defined function that will
               be called immediately before Jacobian assembly. This can
               be used, for example, to update a coefficient function
               that has a complicated dependence on the unknown solution.
        :kwarg pre_function_callback: As above, but called immediately
               before residual assembly

        Example usage of the ``solver_parameters`` option: to set the
        nonlinear solver type to just use a linear solver, use

        .. code-block:: python

            {'snes_type': 'ksponly'}

        PETSc flag options should be specified with `bool` values.
        For example:

        .. code-block:: python

            {'snes_monitor': True}

        To use the ``pre_jacobian_callback`` or ``pre_function_callback``
        functionality, the user-defined function must accept the current
        solution as a petsc4py Vec. Example usage is given below:

        .. code-block:: python

            def update_diffusivity(current_solution):
                with cursol.dat.vec as v:
                solve(trial*test*dx == dot(grad(cursol), grad(test))*dx, diffusivity)

            solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem,

        assert isinstance(problem, NonlinearVariationalProblem)

        parameters = kwargs.get("solver_parameters")
        if "parameters" in kwargs:
            raise TypeError("Use solver_parameters, not parameters")
        nullspace = kwargs.get("nullspace")
        nullspace_T = kwargs.get("transpose_nullspace")
        near_nullspace = kwargs.get("near_nullspace")
        options_prefix = kwargs.get("options_prefix")
        pre_j_callback = kwargs.get("pre_jacobian_callback")
        pre_f_callback = kwargs.get("pre_function_callback")

        super(NonlinearVariationalSolver, self).__init__(parameters, options_prefix)

        # Allow anything, interpret "matfree" as matrix_free.
        mat_type = self.parameters.get("mat_type")
        pmat_type = self.parameters.get("pmat_type")
        matfree = mat_type == "matfree"
        pmatfree = pmat_type == "matfree"

        appctx = kwargs.get("appctx")

        ctx = solving_utils._SNESContext(problem,

        # No preconditioner by default for matrix-free
        if (problem.Jp is not None and pmatfree) or matfree:
            self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "none")
        elif ctx.is_mixed:
            # Mixed problem, use jacobi pc if user has not supplied
            # one.
            self.set_default_parameter("pc_type", "jacobi")

        self.snes = PETSc.SNES().create(

        self._problem = problem

        self._ctx = ctx
        self._work = type(problem.u)(problem.u.function_space())

        ctx.set_nullspace(nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises,
                          transpose=False, near=False)
        ctx.set_nullspace(nullspace_T, problem.J.arguments()[1].function_space()._ises,
                          transpose=True, near=False)
        ctx.set_nullspace(near_nullspace, problem.J.arguments()[0].function_space()._ises,
                          transpose=False, near=True)

        # Set from options now, so that people who want to noodle with
        # the snes object directly (mostly Patrick), can.  We need the
        # DM with an app context in place so that if the DM is active
        # on a subKSP the context is available.
        dm = self.snes.getDM()
        dmhooks.set_appctx(dm, self._ctx)