ds = SemEvalData(blank=True)
        for j in range(num_folds):
            if j != i:
                ds = ds + datasets[j]

        input, tags, order = NeuralNet.format_dataset(ds, embedder)

        # Train the network.
        network = NeuralNet(hidden=128, layers=2, input=len(input[0]), output=2)

        # Train on non-test datasets.
        loss, accuracy = network.train(input, tags, iterations=100)
        accuracies += [accuracy]

        # Test on test dataset.
        test, _, order = NeuralNet.format_dataset(datasets[i], embedder)
        network_predictions.update(network.predict(test, order))

    # Evaluate neural network.
    neural_cm = Evaluator.confidence_compare(dataset.tags, network_predictions)
    print("Neural Network Accuracy: " + str(round(
        Evaluator.accuracy(neural_cm)*100, 2)) + "%")

    # Save similarity measures to csv.
    with open(args.csv_file(), 'w') as writefile:

    # Save neural network to csv.
    with open('output.csv', 'w') as writefile: