Esempio n. 1
def main():
    args = get_args()
    # f1_matrix holds for every training annotator: the list of tuples of 
    # avg/med f1_row based on avg/med threshold
    f1_matrix = []
    # holds for every training annotator: the list of tuples of avg/med threshold
    t_matrix = []
    current_label_list = []
    f1_final = [] # holds 4-tuples of avgs over (f1_avg_avg, f1_avg_med, f1_med_avg, f1_med_med) f.e. tr 
    t_final  = [] # holds 4-tuples of (t_avg_avg, t_avg_med, t_med_avg, t_med_med) f.e. tr

    #X_tr, _, v = feats_and_classify_py2.collect_features(args.parsed_file)
    with open('X_train.pickle', 'rb') as pf:
        X_tr = pickle.load(pf)
    with open('X_test.pickle', 'rb') as pf:
        X_te = pickle.load(pf)
    y_tr = feats_and_classify_py2.collect_labels_positive_threshold(args.all_annotations_file, 1)

    #X_out, _, _ = feats_and_classify_py2.collect_features(args.predictfile)
    # filter for targets
    #X_out = [x for x in X_out if not x.label == '?']

    conf = NeuralNetConfig(X=X_tr, y=y_tr, layers=args.layers, iterations=args.iterations, verbose=args.verbose)
    nn = NN(conf)
    nn.train(X_tr, y_tr)
    if args.threshold:
        preds = nn.predict_for_threshold(X_te, args.threshold)
        preds = nn.get_output(X_te) 
    with open(args.output, 'w') as outfile:
        for p in preds: