Esempio n. 1
    def test_variables(self):
        N = 10
        ocp = Ocp(t0=2 * pi, T=10)
        p = ocp.parameter(grid='control')
        v = ocp.variable(grid='control')
        x = ocp.state()
        ocp.set_der(x, 0)
        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(x) == 0)

        ts = linspace(0, 10, N)

        ocp.add_objective(ocp.integral(sin(v - p)**2, grid='control'))
        ocp.set_value(p, ts)
        ocp.set_initial(v, ts)
        sol = ocp.solve()
        _, xs = sol.sample(v, grid='control')

        assert_array_almost_equal(xs[:-1], ts)
        ocp.set_initial(v, 0.1 + 2 * pi + ts)
        sol = ocp.solve()
        _, xs = sol.sample(v, grid='control')
        assert_array_almost_equal(xs[:-1], 2 * pi + ts)
        ocp.set_initial(v, 0.1 + ocp.t)
        sol = ocp.solve()
        _, xs = sol.sample(v, grid='control')
        assert_array_almost_equal(xs[:-1], 2 * pi + ts)
        ocp.set_initial(v, 0.1 + 2 * pi)
        sol = ocp.solve()
        _, xs = sol.sample(v, grid='control')
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            assert_array_almost_equal(xs[:-1], 2 * pi + ts)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_dae_casadi(self):
        # cross check with dae_colloation

        xref = 0.1  # chariot reference

        l = 1.  #- -> crane, + -> pendulum
        m = 1.
        M = 1.
        g = 9.81

        ocp = Ocp(T=5)

        x = ocp.state()
        y = ocp.state()
        w = ocp.state()
        dx = ocp.state()
        dy = ocp.state()
        dw = ocp.state()

        xa = ocp.algebraic()
        u = ocp.control()

        ocp.set_der(x, dx)
        ocp.set_der(y, dy)
        ocp.set_der(w, dw)
        ddx = (w - x) * xa / m
        ddy = g - y * xa / m
        ddw = ((x - w) * xa - u) / M
        ocp.set_der(dx, ddx)
        ocp.set_der(dy, ddy)
        ocp.set_der(dw, ddw)
        ocp.add_alg((x - w) * (ddx - ddw) + y * ddy + dy * dy + (dx - dw)**2)

            ocp.at_tf((x - xref) * (x - xref) + (w - xref) * (w - xref) +
                      dx * dx + dy * dy))
            ocp.integral((x - xref) * (x - xref) + (w - xref) * (w - xref)))

        ocp.subject_to(-2 <= (u <= 2))

        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(x) == 0)
        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(y) == l)
        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(w) == 0)
        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(dx) == 0)
        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(dy) == 0)
        ocp.subject_to(ocp.at_t0(dw) == 0)

        ocp.set_initial(y, l)
        ocp.set_initial(xa, 9.81)

        # Pick an NLP solver backend
        # NOTE: default scaling strategy of MUMPS leads to a singular matrix error
            'ipopt', {
                "ipopt.linear_solver": "mumps",
                "ipopt.mumps_scaling": 0,
                "ipopt.tol": 1e-12

        # Pick a solution method
        method = DirectCollocation(N=50)

        # Solve
        sol = ocp.solve()

            sol.sample(xa, grid='integrator', refine=1)[1][0],
            sol.sample(xa, grid='integrator', refine=1)[1][1],
            sol.sample(xa, grid='integrator')[1][0], 9.81011622448889)
            sol.sample(xa, grid='integrator')[1][1], 9.865726317147214)
            sol.sample(xa, grid='control')[1][0], 9.81011622448889)
            sol.sample(xa, grid='control')[1][1], 9.865726317147214)
Esempio n. 3
#----------------------------- constraints on controls

ocp.subject_to(0 <= (v <= 1))
ocp.subject_to(-1 <= (w <= 1))
ocp.subject_to(sdot_obs >= 0)

# ------------------------ Initial guess ------------------------

# Initial guess of  ACADOS and  IPOPT are made the same

# path guess = global path
path_guess_x = np.linspace(0, global_end_goal_x, N + 1)
path_guess_y = np.linspace(0, global_end_goal_y, N + 1)

ocp.set_initial(x, path_guess_x)
ocp.set_initial(y, path_guess_y)

# path parameters
s_guess = np.linspace(0, 1, N + 1)
sdot_guess = (s_guess[1] - s_guess[0]) / dt

sdot_guess = sdot_guess * np.ones(N)  #controls guess are N

ocp.set_initial(sdot_obs, s_guess)
ocp.set_initial(sdot_obs, sdot_guess)

#controls v,w guess + theta
v_guess = np.zeros(N)  #controls are N not N+1
w_guess = np.zeros(N)
Esempio n. 4
ocp.set_value( end_goal_x, global_end_goal_x)
ocp.set_value( end_goal_y, global_end_goal_y)

#----------------------------- constraints on controls 

ocp.subject_to(  0          <= ( v  <= 1   ))
ocp.subject_to( -pi         <= ( w  <= pi  ))       
ocp.subject_to( sdot_obs    >=   0)

# ------------------------ Initial guess ------------------------

ocp.set_initial(x, np.zeros(N+1)) 
ocp.set_initial(y, np.zeros(N+1)) 
ocp.set_initial(theta, np.zeros(N+1))
ocp.set_initial(sdot_obs, np.zeros(N+1)) 
ocp.set_initial(sdot_obs, np.zeros(N+1))
ocp.set_initial(v , np.zeros(N+1))
ocp.set_initial(w , np.zeros(N+1))

#--------------- Bubbles with s 

bubbles_x       =  ocp.parameter(N+1)
bubbles_y       =  ocp.parameter(N+1)
bubbles_radii   =  ocp.parameter(N+1)