Esempio n. 1
Bouncing ball example (using for loop)

In this example, we want to shoot a ball from the ground up so that after 2
bounces, it will reach the height of 0.5 meter.

from rockit import Ocp, DirectMethod, MultipleShooting, FreeTime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ocp = Ocp()

stage = ocp.stage(t0=FreeTime(0), T=FreeTime(1))
p = stage.state()
v = stage.state()

stage.set_der(p, v)
stage.set_der(v, -9.81)

stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(v) >= 0)
stage.subject_to(p >= 0)
stage.method(MultipleShooting(N=1, M=20, intg='rk'))

stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(p) == 0)

ocp.subject_to(stage.t0 == 0)

stage_prev = stage
Esempio n. 2
    def test_stage_cloning_t0_T(self):
        for t0_stage, t0_sol_stage in [(None, 0), (-1, -1),
                                       (FreeTime(-1), -1)]:
            for T_stage, T_sol_stage in [(None, 2), (2, 2), (FreeTime(1), 2)]:
                kwargs = {}
                if t0_stage is not None:
                    kwargs["t0"] = t0_stage
                if T_stage is not None:
                    kwargs["T"] = T_stage
                stage = Stage(**kwargs)

                p = stage.state()
                v = stage.state()
                u = stage.control()

                stage.set_der(p, v)
                stage.set_der(v, u)

                stage.subject_to(u <= 1)
                stage.subject_to(-1 <= u)

                stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(p) == 0)
                stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(v) == 0)
                stage.subject_to(stage.at_tf(p) == 1)
                stage.subject_to(stage.at_tf(v) == 0)

                for t0, t0_sol in ([] if t0_stage is None else [
                    (None, t0_sol_stage)
                ]) + [(-1, -1), (FreeTime(-1), -1)]:
                    for T, T_sol in ([] if T_stage is None else [
                        (None, T_sol_stage)
                    ]) + [(2, 2), (FreeTime(1), 2)]:
                        ocp = Ocp()

                        kwargs = {}
                        if t0 is not None:
                            kwargs["t0"] = t0
                        if T is not None:
                            kwargs["T"] = T
                        mystage = ocp.stage(stage, **kwargs)

                        if mystage.is_free_starttime():
                            ocp.subject_to(mystage.t0 >= t0_sol)


                        sol = ocp.solve()

                        tolerance = 1e-6

                        ts, ps = sol(mystage).sample(p,

                        ps_ref = np.hstack(
                            ((0.5 * np.linspace(0, 1, 10 + 1)**2)[:-1],
                             np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 10 + 1) -
                             0.5 * np.linspace(0, 1, 10 + 1)**2))
                        np.testing.assert_allclose(ps, ps_ref, atol=tolerance)

                        ts_ref = t0_sol + np.linspace(0, 2, 10 * 2 + 1)

                        ts, vs = sol(mystage).sample(v,
                        np.testing.assert_allclose(ts, ts_ref, atol=tolerance)

                        vs_ref = np.hstack((np.linspace(0, 1, 10 + 1)[:-1],
                                            np.linspace(1, 0, 10 + 1)))
                        np.testing.assert_allclose(vs, vs_ref, atol=tolerance)

                        u_ref = np.array([1.0] * 10 + [-1.0] * 11)
                        ts, us = sol(mystage).sample(u,
                        np.testing.assert_allclose(us, u_ref, atol=tolerance)
Esempio n. 3
from rockit import Ocp, DirectMethod, MultipleShooting

ocp = Ocp()

# Rocket example

stage = ocp.stage(t0=0, T=1)  # Omitting means variable

p = stage.state()  # Position
v = stage.state()  # Velocity
m = stage.control()  # Mass

u = stage.control()  # Thrust

stage.set_der(p, v)
stage.set_der(v, (u - 0.05 * v * v) / m)
stage.set_der(m, -0.1 * u * u)

# Regularize the control

# Path constraints
stage.subject_to(u >= 0)
stage.subject_to(u <= 0.5)

# Initial constraints
stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(p) == 0)
stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(v) == 0)
stage.subject_to(stage.at_t0(m) == 1)