def send_email(self, email_id):
        Send out the given email using the SMTP_CLIENT if configured in the
        Tryton Server configuration

        :param email_id: ID of the email to be sent
        email_obj = Pool().get('electronic_mail')

        email_record = email_obj.browse(email_id)
        recepients = recepients_from_fields(email_record)

        server = get_smtp_server()
        server.sendmail(email_record.from_, recepients,
        return True
    def send_email(self, email_id):
        Send out the given email using the SMTP_CLIENT if configured in the
        Tryton Server configuration

        :param email_id: ID of the email to be sent
        email_obj = Pool().get('electronic_mail')

        email_record = email_obj.browse(email_id)
        recepients = recepients_from_fields(email_record)

        server = get_smtp_server()
        server.sendmail(email_record.from_, recepients,
        return True