Esempio n. 1
    def init(self, module_name):
        Add model in ir.model and ir.model.field.

        :param module_name: the module name
        translation_obj = Pool().get('ir.translation')

        cursor = Transaction().cursor
        # Add model in ir_model
        cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM ir_model WHERE model = %s",
        model_id = None
        if cursor.rowcount == -1 or cursor.rowcount is None:
            data = cursor.fetchone()
            if data:
                model_id, = data
        elif cursor.rowcount != 0:
            model_id, = cursor.fetchone()
        if not model_id:
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ir_model " \
                    "(model, name, info, module) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                    (self._name, self._description, self.__doc__,
            cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM ir_model WHERE model = %s",
            (model_id,) = cursor.fetchone()
            cursor.execute('UPDATE ir_model ' \
                    'SET name = %s, ' \
                        'info = %s ' \
                    'WHERE id = %s',
                    (self._description, self.__doc__, model_id))

        # Update translation of model
        for name, src in [(self._name + ',name', self._description)]:
            cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM ir_translation '
                'WHERE lang = %s '
                    'AND type = %s '
                    'AND name = %s '
                    'AND (res_id IS NULL OR res_id = %s)',
                ('en_US', 'model', name, 0))
            trans_id = None
            if cursor.rowcount == -1 or cursor.rowcount is None:
                data = cursor.fetchone()
                if data:
                    trans_id, = data
            elif cursor.rowcount != 0:
                trans_id, = cursor.fetchone()
            src_md5 = translation_obj.get_src_md5(src)
            if trans_id is None:
                cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ir_translation '
                    '(name, lang, type, src, src_md5, value, module, fuzzy) '
                    'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                    (name, 'en_US', 'model', src, src_md5, '', module_name,
                cursor.execute('UPDATE ir_translation '
                    'SET src = %s, src_md5 = %s '
                    'WHERE id = %s',
                        (src, src_md5, trans_id))

        # Add field in ir_model_field and update translation
        cursor.execute('SELECT AS id, AS name, ' \
                    'f.field_description AS field_description, ' \
                    'f.ttype AS ttype, f.relation AS relation, ' \
                    'f.module as module, AS help '\
                'FROM ir_model_field AS f, ir_model AS m ' \
                'WHERE f.model = ' \
                    'AND m.model = %s ',
        model_fields = {}
        for field in cursor.dictfetchall():
            model_fields[field['name']] = field

        # Prefetch field translations
        if self._columns:
            cursor.execute('SELECT id, name, src, type FROM ir_translation ' \
                    'WHERE lang = %s ' \
                        'AND type IN (%s, %s, %s) ' \
                        'AND name IN ' \
                            '(' + ','.join(('%s',) * len(self._columns)) + ')',
                            ('en_US', 'field', 'help', 'selection') + \
                                    tuple([self._name + ',' + x \
                                        for x in self._columns]))
        trans_fields = {}
        trans_help = {}
        trans_selection = {}
        for trans in cursor.dictfetchall():
            if trans['type'] == 'field':
                trans_fields[trans['name']] = trans
            elif trans['type'] == 'help':
                trans_help[trans['name']] = trans
            elif trans['type'] == 'selection':
                trans_selection.setdefault(trans['name'], {})
                trans_selection[trans['name']][trans['src']] = trans

        for field_name in self._columns:
            field = self._columns[field_name]
            relation = ''
            if hasattr(field, 'model_name'):
                relation = field.model_name
            elif hasattr(field, 'relation_name'):
                relation = field.relation_name
            if field_name not in model_fields:
                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO ir_model_field " \
                        "(model, name, field_description, ttype, " \
                            "relation, help, module) " \
                        "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                        (model_id, field_name, field.string, field._type,
                            relation,, module_name))
            elif (model_fields[field_name]['field_description'] != field.string
                    or model_fields[field_name]['ttype'] != field._type
                    or model_fields[field_name]['relation'] != relation
                    or model_fields[field_name]['help'] !=
                cursor.execute('UPDATE ir_model_field ' \
                        'SET field_description = %s, ' \
                            'ttype = %s, ' \
                            'relation = %s, ' \
                            'help = %s ' \
                        'WHERE id = %s ',
                        (field.string, field._type, relation,
                  , model_fields[field_name]['id']))
            trans_name = self._name + ',' + field_name
            string_md5 = translation_obj.get_src_md5(field.string)
            if trans_name not in trans_fields:
                cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ir_translation '
                    '(name, lang, type, src, src_md5, value, module, fuzzy) '
                    'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                    (trans_name, 'en_US', 'field', field.string,
                        string_md5, '', module_name, False))
            elif trans_fields[trans_name]['src'] != field.string:
                cursor.execute('UPDATE ir_translation '
                    'SET src = %s, src_md5 = %s '
                    'WHERE id = %s ',
                    (field.string, string_md5, trans_fields[trans_name]['id']))
            help_md5 = translation_obj.get_src_md5(
            if trans_name not in trans_help:
                    cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ir_translation '
                        '(name, lang, type, src, src_md5, value, module, '
                            'fuzzy) '
                        'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                        (trans_name, 'en_US', 'help',, help_md5, '',
                            module_name, False))
            elif trans_help[trans_name]['src'] !=
                cursor.execute('UPDATE ir_translation '
                    'SET src = %s, src_md5 = %s '
                    'WHERE id = %s ',
                    (, help_md5, trans_help[trans_name]['id']))
            if hasattr(field, 'selection') \
                    and isinstance(field.selection, (tuple, list)) \
                    and ((hasattr(field, 'translate_selection') \
                        and field.translate_selection)
                        or not hasattr(field, 'translate_selection')):
                for (_, val) in field.selection:
                    if trans_name not in trans_selection \
                            or val not in trans_selection[trans_name]:
                        val_md5 = translation_obj.get_src_md5(val)
                        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ir_translation '
                            '(name, lang, type, src, src_md5, value, module, '
                                'fuzzy) '
                            'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                            (trans_name, 'en_US', 'selection', val, val_md5,
                                '', module_name, False))
        # Clean ir_model_field from field that are no more existing.
        for field_name in model_fields:
            if model_fields[field_name]['module'] == module_name \
                    and field_name not in self._columns:
                #XXX This delete field even when it is defined later
                # in the module
                cursor.execute('DELETE FROM ir_model_field '\
                                   'WHERE id = %s',

        # Add error messages in ir_translation
        cursor.execute('SELECT id, src FROM ir_translation ' \
                'WHERE lang = %s ' \
                    'AND type = %s ' \
                    'AND name = %s',
                ('en_US', 'error', self._name))
        trans_error = {}
        for trans in cursor.dictfetchall():
            trans_error[trans['src']] = trans

        errors = self._get_error_messages()
        for error in set(errors):
            if error not in trans_error:
                error_md5 = translation_obj.get_src_md5(error)
                cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ir_translation '
                    '(name, lang, type, src, src_md5, value, module, fuzzy) '
                    'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                    (self._name, 'en_US', 'error', error, error_md5, '',
                        module_name, False))