コード例 #1
ファイル: RigidBody.py プロジェクト: ninod2014/cartwheel-3d
def _createCylinder(proxy, axis, basePos, tipPos, radius, colour, moiScale,
    Private function.
    Use createCylinder() or createArticulatedCylinder() instead.
    if axis != 0 and axis != 1 and axis != 2:
        raise ValueError('Axis must be 0 for x, 1 for y or 2 for z.')

    # Mesh and cdps will be set manually
    proxy.meshes = None
    proxy.cdps = None

    # Compute box moi
    moi = [0, 0, 0]
    height = math.fabs(tipPos - basePos)
    for i in range(3):
        if i == axis:
            moi[i] = proxy.mass * radius * radius / 2.0
            moi[i] = proxy.mass * (3 * radius * radius +
                                   height * height) / 12.0
        ### HACK!
        moi[i] = max(moi[i], 0.01)
    proxy.moi = PyUtils.toVector3d(moi) * moiScale

    cylinder = proxy.createAndFillObject()

    basePoint = [0, 0, 0]
    tipPoint = [0, 0, 0]
    basePoint[axis] = basePos
    tipPoint[axis] = tipPos
    basePoint3d = PyUtils.toPoint3d(basePoint)
    tipPoint3d = PyUtils.toPoint3d(tipPoint)
    baseToTipVector3d = Vector3d(basePoint3d, tipPoint3d)
    if baseToTipVector3d.isZeroVector():
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid points for cylinder: base and tip are equal!')
    baseToTipUnitVector3d = baseToTipVector3d.unit()

    if height <= radius * 2.0:
        cdp = Physics.SphereCDP()
        cdp.setCenter(basePoint3d + baseToTipVector3d * 0.5)
        cdp.setRadius(height / 2.0)
        cdp = Physics.CapsuleCDP()
        cdp.setPoint1(basePoint3d + baseToTipUnitVector3d * radius)
        cdp.setPoint2(tipPoint3d + baseToTipUnitVector3d * -radius)


    if withMesh:
        mesh = Mesh.createCylinder(basePoint, tipPoint, radius, colour)

    return cylinder
コード例 #2
ファイル: RigidBody.py プロジェクト: Phong13/cartwheel-3d
def _createCylinder(proxy, axis, basePos, tipPos, radius, colour, moiScale, withMesh):
    Private function.
    Use createCylinder() or createArticulatedCylinder() instead.
    if axis != 0 and axis != 1 and axis != 2:
        raise ValueError("Axis must be 0 for x, 1 for y or 2 for z.")

    # Mesh and cdps will be set manually
    proxy.meshes = None
    proxy.cdps = None

    # Compute box moi
    moi = [0, 0, 0]
    height = math.fabs(tipPos - basePos)
    for i in range(3):
        if i == axis:
            moi[i] = proxy.mass * radius * radius / 2.0
            moi[i] = proxy.mass * (3 * radius * radius + height * height) / 12.0
        ### HACK!
        moi[i] = max(moi[i], 0.01)
    proxy.moi = PyUtils.toVector3d(moi) * moiScale

    cylinder = proxy.createAndFillObject()

    basePoint = [0, 0, 0]
    tipPoint = [0, 0, 0]
    basePoint[axis] = basePos
    tipPoint[axis] = tipPos
    basePoint3d = PyUtils.toPoint3d(basePoint)
    tipPoint3d = PyUtils.toPoint3d(tipPoint)
    baseToTipVector3d = Vector3d(basePoint3d, tipPoint3d)
    if baseToTipVector3d.isZeroVector():
        raise ValueError("Invalid points for cylinder: base and tip are equal!")
    baseToTipUnitVector3d = baseToTipVector3d.unit()

    if height <= radius * 2.0:
        cdp = Physics.SphereCDP()
        cdp.setCenter(basePoint3d + baseToTipVector3d * 0.5)
        cdp.setRadius(height / 2.0)
        cdp = Physics.CapsuleCDP()
        cdp.setPoint1(basePoint3d + baseToTipUnitVector3d * radius)
        cdp.setPoint2(tipPoint3d + baseToTipUnitVector3d * -radius)


    if withMesh:
        mesh = Mesh.createCylinder(basePoint, tipPoint, radius, colour)

    return cylinder
コード例 #3
def createCylinder(basePoint=(0, -1, 0),
                   tipPoint=(0, 1, 0),
                   colour=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
    Creates the mesh for a cylinder between the two specified points.
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)

    basePoint = PyUtils.toPoint3d(basePoint)
    tipPoint = PyUtils.toPoint3d(tipPoint)
    baseToTipVector = Vector3d(basePoint, tipPoint)
    if baseToTipVector.isZeroVector():
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid points for cylinder: base and tip are equal!')
    baseToTipUnitVector = baseToTipVector.unit()
    xUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith(Vector3d(0, 0, 1))
    if xUnitVector.length() < 0.5:
        xUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith(Vector3d(0, -1, 0))
    yUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith(Vector3d(-1, 0, 0))
    if yUnitVector.length() < 0.5:
        yUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith(Vector3d(0, 1, 0))

    vertices = []
    for i in range(samples):
        theta = i * 2 * math.pi / float(samples)
        vertices.append(basePoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius +
                        yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius)
    for i in range(samples):
        theta = i * 2 * math.pi / float(samples)
        vertices.append(tipPoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius +
                        yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius)
    for i in range(samples):
        theta = i * 2 * math.pi / float(samples)
        vertices.append(basePoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius +
                        yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius)
        vertices.append(tipPoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius +
                        yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius)

    faces = [range(0, samples), range(samples, 2 * samples)]
    for i in range(0, 2 * samples, 2):
        base = 2 * samples
        size = 2 * samples
        faces.append((base + i, base + i + 1, base + (i + 3) % size,
                      base + (i + 2) % size))

    return create(vertices, faces, colour)
コード例 #4
def createBox(size=(1, 1, 1), position=(0, 0, 0), colour=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)):
    Creates the mesh for a box having the specified size and a specified position.
    The size should be a 3-tuple (xSize, ySize, zSize).
    The position should be a 3-tuple.
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)

    size = PyUtils.toVector3d(size)
    position = PyUtils.toPoint3d(position)
    vertices = []
    delta = MathLib.Vector3d()
    for repeat in range(3):
        for x in (-0.5, 0.5):
            delta.x = size.x * x
            for y in (-0.5, 0.5):
                delta.y = size.y * y
                for z in (-0.5, 0.5):
                    delta.z = size.z * z
                    vertices.append(position + delta)

    faces = [
        (0, 1, 3, 2),
        (5, 4, 6, 7),  # YZ Faces
        (9, 13, 15, 11),
        (12, 8, 10, 14),  # XY Faces
        (18, 19, 23, 22),
        (17, 16, 20, 21)
    ]  # XZ Faces

    return create(vertices, faces, colour)
コード例 #5
def create(vertices, faces, colour=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)):
    Creates a mesh having the specified vertices and faces.
    Vertices should be a list of 3-tuples of float or Point3d (positions).
    Faces should be a list of tuples of indices.
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)

    mesh = GLUtils.GLMesh()

    for vertex in vertices:

    for face in faces:
        poly = GLUtils.GLIndexedPoly()
        for index in face:

    except TypeError:
        mesh.setColour(*(colour + (1, )))


    return mesh
コード例 #6
 def load(self):
     assert not self._loaded, "Cannot load scenario twice!"
     self._loaded = True
     # Create the rigid bodies for the main staircase        
     orientation = PyUtils.angleAxisToQuaternion( (self._angle,(0,1,0)) )
     size = MathLib.Vector3d( self._staircaseWidth, self._riserHeight, self._threadDepth )
     pos = PyUtils.toPoint3d( self._position ) + MathLib.Vector3d( 0, -self._riserHeight/2.0, 0 )
     delta = MathLib.Vector3d(size)
     delta.x = 0
     delta = orientation.rotate( delta )
     for i in range(self._stepCount):
         box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox( size, pos = pos + delta * (i+1), locked = True, orientation=orientation )
     # Create the rigid bodies for both ramps
     rampHeights = ( self._leftRampHeight, self._rightRampHeight )
     deltaRamp = MathLib.Vector3d(self._staircaseWidth/2.0,0,0)
     deltaRamp = orientation.rotate( deltaRamp )
     deltaRamps = (deltaRamp, deltaRamp * -1)
     for deltaRamp, rampHeight in zip( deltaRamps, rampHeights ):
         if rampHeight is None: continue
         deltaRamp.y = rampHeight/2.0
         box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox( (0.02,rampHeight,0.02), pos = pos + deltaRamp + delta , locked = True, orientation=orientation )
         box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox( (0.02,rampHeight,0.02), pos = pos + deltaRamp + (delta * self._stepCount) , locked = True, orientation=orientation )
         deltaRamp.y = rampHeight
         rampOrientation = orientation * PyUtils.angleAxisToQuaternion( (math.atan2(self._riserHeight, self._threadDepth), (-1,0,0)) )
         rampLen = self._stepCount * math.sqrt( self._riserHeight*self._riserHeight + self._threadDepth*self._threadDepth )
         box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox( (0.04,0.02,rampLen), pos = pos + deltaRamp + (delta * ((self._stepCount+1) * 0.5)) , locked = True, orientation=rampOrientation )
コード例 #7
def createBox( size=(1,1,1), position=(0,0,0), colour=(0.6,0.6,0.6) ):
    Creates the mesh for a box having the specified size and a specified position.
    The size should be a 3-tuple (xSize, ySize, zSize).
    The position should be a 3-tuple.
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)
    size     = PyUtils.toVector3d(size)
    position = PyUtils.toPoint3d(position)
    vertices = []
    delta = MathLib.Vector3d()
    for repeat in range(3):
        for x in (-0.5,0.5) :
            delta.x = size.x * x
            for y in (-0.5,0.5) :
                delta.y = size.y * y
                for z in (-0.5,0.5) :
                    delta.z = size.z * z
                    vertices.append( position + delta )
    faces = [(0,1,3,2),(5,4,6,7),  # YZ Faces
             (9,13,15,11),(12,8,10,14),  # XY Faces
             (18,19,23,22),(17,16,20,21)]  # XZ Faces
    return create( vertices, faces, colour )
コード例 #8
def create( vertices, faces, colour=(0.6,0.6,0.6) ):
    Creates a mesh having the specified vertices and faces.
    Vertices should be a list of 3-tuples of float or Point3d (positions).
    Faces should be a list of tuples of indices.
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)
    mesh = GLUtils.GLMesh()
    for vertex in vertices:
        mesh.addVertex( PyUtils.toPoint3d(vertex) )
    for face in faces:
        poly = GLUtils.GLIndexedPoly()
        for index in face:
            poly.addVertexIndex( index )
        mesh.setColour( *colour )
    except TypeError:
        mesh.setColour( *(colour + (1,)) )


    return mesh
コード例 #9
def createEllipsoid(position=(0, 0, 0),
                    radius=(1, 1, 1),
                    colour=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
    Creates the mesh for an ellipsoid having the specified position and radius
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)

    if exponentBottom < 2.0 or exponentTop < 2.0 or exponentSide < 2.0:
        raise ValueError('Exponents for ellipsoid must all be under 2.0!')

    position = PyUtils.toPoint3d(position)
    vertices = []
    for i in range(1, samplesY):
        thetaI = i * math.pi / float(samplesY)
        if i < samplesY / 2:
            n = exponentTop
            n = exponentBottom
        cos = math.cos(thetaI)
        y = cos * radius[1]
        scaleXZ = math.pow(1 - math.pow(math.fabs(cos), n), 1.0 / float(n))
        for j in range(0, samplesXZ):
            thetaJ = j * 2.0 * math.pi / float(samplesXZ)
            n = exponentSide
            cos = math.cos(thetaJ)
            x = cos * scaleXZ * radius[0]
            z = math.pow(1 - math.pow(math.fabs(cos), n),
                         1.0 / float(n)) * math.copysign(
                             1, math.sin(thetaJ)) * scaleXZ * radius[2]
            vertices.append(position + Vector3d(x, y, z))
    vertices.append(position + Vector3d(0, radius[1], 0))
    vertices.append(position + Vector3d(0, -radius[1], 0))

    faces = []
    for i in range(0, (samplesY - 2) * samplesXZ, samplesXZ):
        for j in range(0, samplesXZ):
                (i + j, i + (j + 1) % samplesXZ,
                 i + samplesXZ + (j + 1) % samplesXZ, i + samplesXZ + j))

    for i in range(0, samplesXZ):
        base = (samplesY - 2) * samplesXZ
        faces.append(((i + 1) % samplesXZ, i, (samplesY - 1) * samplesXZ))
        faces.append((base + i, base + (i + 1) % samplesXZ,
                      (samplesY - 1) * samplesXZ + 1))

    return create(vertices, faces, colour)
コード例 #10
    def load(self):
        assert not self._loaded, "Cannot load scenario twice!"

        self._loaded = True

        # Create the rigid bodies for the main staircase
        orientation = PyUtils.angleAxisToQuaternion((self._angle, (0, 1, 0)))
        size = MathLib.Vector3d(self._staircaseWidth, self._riserHeight,
        pos = PyUtils.toPoint3d(self._position) + MathLib.Vector3d(
            0, -self._riserHeight / 2.0, 0)
        delta = MathLib.Vector3d(size)
        delta.x = 0
        delta = orientation.rotate(delta)
        for i in range(self._stepCount):
            box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox(size,
                                              pos=pos + delta * (i + 1),

        # Create the rigid bodies for both ramps
        rampHeights = (self._leftRampHeight, self._rightRampHeight)

        deltaRamp = MathLib.Vector3d(self._staircaseWidth / 2.0, 0, 0)
        deltaRamp = orientation.rotate(deltaRamp)
        deltaRamps = (deltaRamp, deltaRamp * -1)
        for deltaRamp, rampHeight in zip(deltaRamps, rampHeights):
            if rampHeight is None: continue
            deltaRamp.y = rampHeight / 2.0
            box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox((0.02, rampHeight, 0.02),
                                              pos=pos + deltaRamp + delta,
            box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox(
                (0.02, rampHeight, 0.02),
                pos=pos + deltaRamp + (delta * self._stepCount),
            deltaRamp.y = rampHeight
            rampOrientation = orientation * PyUtils.angleAxisToQuaternion(
                (math.atan2(self._riserHeight, self._threadDepth), (-1, 0, 0)))
            rampLen = self._stepCount * math.sqrt(
                self._riserHeight * self._riserHeight +
                self._threadDepth * self._threadDepth)
            box = PyUtils.RigidBody.createBox(
                (0.04, 0.02, rampLen),
                pos=pos + deltaRamp + (delta * ((self._stepCount + 1) * 0.5)),
コード例 #11
def createCylinder( basePoint=(0,-1,0), tipPoint=(0,1,0), radius = 1.0, colour=(0.6,0.6,0.6), samples = 20 ):
    Creates the mesh for a cylinder between the two specified points.
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)
    basePoint = PyUtils.toPoint3d(basePoint)
    tipPoint = PyUtils.toPoint3d(tipPoint)
    baseToTipVector = Vector3d(basePoint,tipPoint)
    if baseToTipVector.isZeroVector() :
        raise ValueError( 'Invalid points for cylinder: base and tip are equal!' )
    baseToTipUnitVector = baseToTipVector.unit()
    xUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith( Vector3d(0,0,1) )
    if xUnitVector.length() < 0.5 :
        xUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith( Vector3d(0,-1,0) )
    yUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith( Vector3d(-1,0,0) )
    if yUnitVector.length() < 0.5 :
        yUnitVector = baseToTipUnitVector.crossProductWith( Vector3d(0,1,0) )

    vertices = []
    for i in range(samples):
        theta = i * 2 * math.pi / float(samples)
        vertices.append( basePoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius + yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius )
    for i in range(samples):
        theta = i * 2 * math.pi / float(samples)
        vertices.append( tipPoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius + yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius )
    for i in range(samples):
        theta = i * 2 * math.pi / float(samples)
        vertices.append( basePoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius + yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius )
        vertices.append( tipPoint + xUnitVector * math.cos(theta) * radius + yUnitVector * math.sin(theta) * radius )
    faces = [ range(0,samples), range(samples,2*samples) ]
    for i in range(0,2*samples,2) :
        base = 2*samples
        size = 2*samples
        faces.append( (base+i, base+i+1, base+(i+3)%size, base+(i+2)%size ) )
    return create( vertices, faces, colour )
コード例 #12
def createEllipsoid( position=(0,0,0), radius=(1,1,1), colour=(0.6,0.6,0.6), samplesY = 20, samplesXZ = 20, exponentBottom = 2, exponentTop = 2, exponentSide = 2 ):
    Creates the mesh for an ellipsoid having the specified position and radius
    Colour should be a 3-tuple (R,G,B) or a 4-tuple (R,G,B,A)
    if exponentBottom < 2.0 or exponentTop < 2.0 or exponentSide < 2.0 :
        raise ValueError( 'Exponents for ellipsoid must all be under 2.0!' )
    position = PyUtils.toPoint3d(position)
    vertices = []
    for i in range(1,samplesY):
        thetaI = i*math.pi/float(samplesY)
        if i < samplesY / 2 : 
            n = exponentTop
            n = exponentBottom
        cos = math.cos(thetaI)  
        y = cos * radius[1]
        scaleXZ = math.pow( 1-math.pow(math.fabs(cos),n), 1.0/float(n) )
        for j in range(0,samplesXZ):
            thetaJ = j*2.0*math.pi/float(samplesXZ)
            n = exponentSide
            cos = math.cos(thetaJ)
            x = cos * scaleXZ * radius[0]
            z = math.pow( 1-math.pow(math.fabs(cos),n), 1.0/float(n) ) * math.copysign(1, math.sin(thetaJ)) * scaleXZ * radius[2]
            vertices.append( position + Vector3d(x,y,z) )
    vertices.append( position + Vector3d(0,radius[1],0) )
    vertices.append( position + Vector3d(0,-radius[1],0) )    

    faces = []
    for i in range(0,(samplesY-2)*samplesXZ,samplesXZ) :
        for j in range(0,samplesXZ) :
            faces.append( (i+j, i+(j+1)%samplesXZ, i+samplesXZ+(j+1)%samplesXZ, i+samplesXZ+j) ) 

    for i in range(0,samplesXZ) :
        base = (samplesY-2)*samplesXZ
        faces.append( ((i+1)%samplesXZ, i, (samplesY-1)*samplesXZ) ) 
        faces.append( (base+i, base+(i+1)%samplesXZ, (samplesY-1)*samplesXZ+1) ) 

    return create( vertices, faces, colour )
コード例 #13
 def interpret(self, value):
     value = self.basicInterpret(value)
     if isinstance(value, MathLib.Point3d) : return value
     else : return PyUtils.toPoint3d( value )
コード例 #14
 def interpret(self, value):
     value = self.basicInterpret(value)
     if isinstance(value, MathLib.Point3d): return value
     else: return PyUtils.toPoint3d(value)