コード例 #1
	def addChunkShell( self ):

			(pChunkSection,chunkName) = WorldEditor.createInsideChunkDataSection()

			if ( pChunkSection == None ):
				WorldEditor.addCommentaryMsg( "Could not create data section", 1 )
				# fill in the model information
				pChunkSection.writeString( "shell/resource", \
					self.objInfo.getBrowsePath() )

				# open the model data section
				pModelSection = ResMgr.openSection( self.objInfo.getBrowsePath() )
				if ( not pModelSection ):
					WorldEditor.addCommentaryMsg( \
							"Could not open model file. Shell not added", 1 )
					# check to see whether the model is nodefull, if so, warn the user
					testSection = pModelSection["nodefullVisual"]
					if testSection != None:
						WorldEditor.addCommentaryMsg( \
							"warning: model is nodefull, shell not statically lit", 1 )

					# create initial data
					WorldEditor.chunkFromModel( pChunkSection, pModelSection )

					# copy from the template
					pTemplateSection = ResMgr.openSection( self.objInfo.getBrowsePath() + ".template" )
					if pTemplateSection:
						deepCopyTemplate( pChunkSection, pTemplateSection )

					group = WorldEditor.createChunk( pChunkSection, \
						chunkName, \
						self.mouseLocator.subLocator )

					if ( group != None ):
						self.chunkItemAdded( self.objInfo.getBrowsePath() );

		except Exception, e:
			WorldEditor.addCommentaryMsg( e.args[0], 1 )