def setupMoveService(): """Initialize the DriveMotors service Establish a connection with the Phidget HC Motor Control and then with the ROS Master as the service DriveMotors """ global motorControl, minAcceleration, maxAcceleration try: motorControl = MotorControl() except: rospy.logerr("Unable to connect to Phidget HC Motor Control") return try: motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(mcDetached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(mcCurrentChanged) motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(mcInputChanged) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) except: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers") return try: motorControl.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: rospy.logerr("Fail to openPhidget() %i: %s", e.code, e.details) return try: motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: rospy.logerr("Fail to attach to Phidget %i: %s", e.code, e.details) return if motorControl.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d", motorControl.getDeviceName(), motorControl.getSerialNum(), motorControl.getDeviceVersion()) minAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMin(leftWheels) maxAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMax(leftWheels) rospy.init_node('DriveMotors', log_level=rospy.DEBUG) phidgetMotorService = rospy.Service('DriveMotors', Move, move) rospy.spin()
def _BuildPhidgetsMotorController(serial_number): #Create an motorcontrol object try: motorControl = MotorControl() motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(motorControlError) motorControl.openPhidget(serial_number) motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) print("Serial number: %i" % motorControl.getSerialNum()) return motorControl except RuntimeError as e: motorControl.closePhidget() print("Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return None
class PhidgetMotorController: def __init__( self, leftMotorId, rightMotorId, leftSignAdjust, rightSignAdjust ): self.leftWheels = leftMotorId self.rightWheels = rightMotorId self.defaultMotorSpeed = 100.0 self.motorMaxSpeed = 100 self.motorMinSpeed = 0 self.leftSignAdjust = leftSignAdjust self.rightSignAdjust = rightSignAdjust self.whichMotorFirst = self.rightWheels self.motorControl = MotorControl() self.motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(self.mcAttached) self.motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(self.mcDetached) self.motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(self.mcError) self.motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(self.mcCurrentChanged) self.motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(self.mcInputChanged) self.motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(self.mcVelocityChanged) try: self.motorControl.openPhidget() except PhidgetException, e: print "openPhidget() failed" print "code: %d" % e.code print "message", e.message raise try: self.motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException, e: print "waitForAttach() failed" print "code: %d" % e.code print "message", e.message raise
def motorControlInputChanged(e): source = e.device print("Motor Control %i: Input %i State: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.state)) def motorControlVelocityChanged(e): source = e.device print("Motor Control %i: Motor %i Current Velocity: %f" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.velocity)) #Main Program Code try: #logging example, uncomment to generate a log file #motorControl.enableLogging(PhidgetLogLevel.PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, "phidgetlog.log") motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(motorControlAttached) motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(motorControlDetached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(motorControlError) motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(motorControlCurrentChanged) motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(motorControlInputChanged) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(motorControlVelocityChanged) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: motorControl.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....")
def setupMoveService(): """Initialize the PhidgetMotor service Establish a connection with the Phidget HC Motor Control and then with the ROS Master as the service PhidgetMotor """ node_name = 'PhidgetMotor' rospy.init_node(node_name, log_level=rospy.DEBUG) serial_no = rospy.get_param("~serial_no", 0) if not serial_no == 0: rospy.loginfo("Using motor controller with serial number %d", serial_no) else: rospy.loginfo( "No serial number specified. This is fine for systems with one controller, but may behave unpredictably for systems with multiple motor controllers" ) global motorControl, motorControlRight, minAcceleration, maxAcceleration, timer, motors_inverted, phidget1065, rightWheels, posdataPub timer = 0 try: motorControl = MotorControl() except: rospy.logerr("Unable to connect to Phidget HC Motor Control") return try: motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(mcDetached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(mcCurrentChanged) motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(mcInputChanged) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) if serial_no != 0: motorControl.openPhidget(serial_no) else: motorControl.openPhidget() #attach the board motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) """use the function getMotorCount() to know how many motors the Phidget board can take if the result is more than 1, we have a 1064 board and we take care of both motors with one motorControl variable. The corobot_phidgetIK handles the Phidget encoder board that is separated of the phidget 1064. if the result is equal to 1, we have two phidget 1065 boards. The one with serial number that is the lowest will be the left will, the other the right weel. The encoder has to be handled in this file as it is part of the 1065 board. """ if motorControl.getMotorCount() == 1: phidget1065 = True rightWheels = 0 motorControlRight.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControlRight.setOnDetachHandler(mcDetached) motorControlRight.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControlRight.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(mcCurrentChanged) motorControlRight.setOnInputChangeHandler(mcInputChanged) motorControlRight.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) if motorControl.getSerialNum() > motorControlRight.getSerialNum(): """ As a rule, we need the serial number of the left board to be lower than for the right board. This is for consistancy for all the robots """ motorControlTemp = motorControl motorControl = motorControlRight motorControlRight = motorControlTemp #Set up the encoders handler motorControl.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(leftEncoderUpdated) motorControlRight.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(rightEncoderUpdated) #attach the board motorControlRight.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %i: %s", e.code, e.details) return except AttributeError as e: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %s", e) return except: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %s", sys.exc_info()[0]) return if motorControl.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d", motorControl.getDeviceName(), motorControl.getSerialNum(), motorControl.getDeviceVersion()) if phidget1065 == True: if motorControlRight.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d", motorControlRight.getDeviceName(), motorControlRight.getSerialNum(), motorControlRight.getDeviceVersion()) minAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMin(leftWheels) maxAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMax(leftWheels) motors_inverted = rospy.get_param('~motors_inverted', False) phidgetMotorTopic = rospy.Subscriber(node_name, MotorCommand, move) phidgetMotorService = rospy.Service(node_name, Move, move) if phidget1065 == True: posdataPub = rospy.Publisher("position_data", PosMsg) rospy.spin()
class IOTools: def __init__(self, onRobot): self.onRobot = onRobot # Camera self._openCam=False # Motor Control self._snMot=-1 self._openMot=False self._attachedMot=False self._cur = [0, 0] # Servo self._snSer=-1 self._openSer=False self._attachedSer=False self._limits = [0, 0] # IF Kit self._snIF=-1 self._openIF=False self._attachedIF=False self._inp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self._sen = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # LEDs self._fistTime = True self._status = [0,0,0] self._mod = [8, 1, 1] self._rep = [-1, 5, 6] self._val = [True, False, False] self._ofs = [0, 0, 0] self._updaterThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__updateLED) self._stop = False self._updaterThread.setDaemon(True) self._updaterThread.start() def destroy(self): # LEDs self._stop = True if self._attachedIF: self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(0, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(1, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(2, 0) # Servo self.servoDisengage() # Camera self._openCam = False if self._openCam: self._cap.release() def open(self): self.__openIF() self.__openMot() self.__openSer() self.__openCam() ###################### Camera ###################### def __openCam(self): if not os.path.exists('/dev/video0'): return False self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture() if not return False self._openCam = True def cameraGrab(self): if self._openCam: return self._cap.grab() else: return False def cameraRead(self): if self._openCam: (ret, img)=self._cap.retrieve() return img else: return False def cameraSetResolution(self, sz): """ :rtype : object """ if self._openCam: sz=sz.lower() if sz=='low': self._cap.set(3,160) self._cap.set(4,120) if sz=='medium': self._cap.set(3,640) self._cap.set(4,480) if sz=='high': self._cap.set(3,800) self._cap.set(4,600) if sz=='full': self._cap.set(3,1280) self._cap.set(4,720) def imshow(self, wnd, img): if not self.onRobot: if img.__class__ != numpy.ndarray: print "imshow - invalid image" return False else: cv2.imshow(wnd,img) cv2.waitKey(5) ####################### Servo ###################### def __openSer(self): try: self._advancedServo = AdvancedServo() except RuntimeError as e: print("Servo - Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return False try: self._advancedServo.setOnAttachHandler(self.__onAttachedSer) self._advancedServo.setOnDetachHandler(self.__onDetachedSer) self._advancedServo.setOnErrorhandler(self.__onErrorSer) except PhidgetException as e: print("Servo - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False try: self._advancedServo.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Servo - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False self._openSer=True return True def __onAttachedSer(self,e): self._snSer = e.device.getSerialNum() self._advancedServo.setServoType(0, ServoTypes.PHIDGET_SERVO_HITEC_HS322HD) self._advancedServo.setAcceleration(0, self._advancedServo.getAccelerationMax(0)) self._advancedServo.setVelocityLimit(0, self._advancedServo.getVelocityMax(0)) self._limits[0] = self._advancedServo.getPositionMin(0) self._limits[1] = self._advancedServo.getPositionMax(0) print("Servo %i Attached! Range: %f - %f" % (self._snSer, self._limits[0], self._limits[1])) self._attachedSer=True def __onDetachedSer(self,e ): print("Servo %i Detached!" % (self._snSer)) self._snSer = -1 self._attachedSer=False def __onErrorSer(self, e): try: source = e.device print("Servo %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Servo - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def __closeSer(self): if self._openSer==True: self.servoDisengage() self._advancedServo.closePhidget() def servoEngage(self): if self._attachedSer==True: self._advancedServo.setEngaged(0, True) def servoDisengage(self): if self._attachedSer==True: self._advancedServo.setEngaged(0, False) def servoSet(self, pos): if self._attachedSer==True: self._advancedServo.setPosition(0, min(max(pos,self._limits[0]),self._limits[1])) ############### Motor Control ###################### def __openMot(self): try: self._motorControl = MotorControl() except RuntimeError as e: print("Motor Control - Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return False try: self._motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(self.__onAttachedMot) self._motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(self.__onDetachedMot) self._motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(self.__onErrorMot) self._motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(self.__onCurrentChangedMot) except PhidgetException as e: print("Motor Control - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False try: self._motorControl.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Motor Control - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False self._openMot=True return True def __onAttachedMot(self,e): self._snMot = e.device.getSerialNum() print("Motor Control %i Attached!" % (self._snMot)) self._attachedMot=True def __onDetachedMot(self,e ): print("Motor Control %i Detached!" % (self._snMot)) self._snMot = -1 self._attachedMot=False def __onErrorMot(self, e): try: source = e.device print("Motor Control %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Motor Control - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def __onCurrentChangedMot(self, e): self._cur[e.index] = e.current def __closeMot(self): if self._openMot==True: self._motorControl.closePhidget() def setMotors(self, speed1=0.0, speed2=0.0, acceleration1=100.0, acceleration2=100.0 ): if self._openMot==True: self._motorControl.setAcceleration(0, acceleration1) self._motorControl.setVelocity(0, speed1) self._motorControl.setAcceleration(1, acceleration2) self._motorControl.setVelocity(1, speed2) ############### Interface Kit ###################### def __closeIF(self): if self._openIF==True: self._interfaceKit.closePhidget() def __openIF(self): try: self._interfaceKit = InterfaceKit() except RuntimeError as e: print("IF Kit - Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return False try: self._interfaceKit.setOnAttachHandler(self.__onAttachedIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnDetachHandler(self.__onDetachedIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnErrorhandler(self.__onErrorIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnInputChangeHandler(self.__onInputChangedIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnSensorChangeHandler(self.__onSensorChangedIF) except PhidgetException as e: print("IF Kit - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False try: self._interfaceKit.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("IF Kit - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False self._openIF=True return True def __onAttachedIF(self,e): self._snIF = e.device.getSerialNum() print("InterfaceKit %i Attached!" % (self._snIF)) self._attachedIF=True if self._fistTime: for i in range(0,3): self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(0, 1) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(1, 1) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(2, 1) time.sleep(0.1) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(0, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(1, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(2, 0) time.sleep(0.1) self._fistTime = False def __onDetachedIF(self,e ): print("InterfaceKit %i Detached!" % (self._snIF)) self._snIF = -1 self._inp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self._sen = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self._attachedIF=False def __onErrorIF(self, e): try: source = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("IF Kit - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def __onSensorChangedIF(self, e): self._sen[e.index] = e.value def __onInputChangedIF(self, e): self._inp[e.index] = e.state def getSensors(self): """ :rtype : object """ return self._sen; def getInputs(self): return self._inp; ################ LEDs ####################### def __updateLED(self): t=0 while self._stop==False: t=(t+1)%100 for i in range(0,3): self._status[i]=((t+self._ofs[i])%self._mod[i]==0) and self._val[i] and bool(self._rep[i]) self._rep[i]=self._rep[i]-int(self._rep[i]>0 and self._status[i]) if self._attachedIF: self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(i, self._status[i]) time.sleep(0.15) def __setModeLED(self, i, mode, hz=2, cnt=1, ofs=0): if mode=='on': self._rep[i]=-1 self._val[i]=True self._ofs[i]=0 self._mod[i]=1 if mode=='off': self._rep[i]=-1 self._val[i]=False self._ofs[i]=0 self._mod[i]=1 if mode=='flash': hz=min(max(hz,1),100) self._rep[i]=min(max(cnt,1),20) self._val[i]=True self._ofs[i]=min(max(ofs,0),hz) self._mod[i]=hz def setStatus(self, mode, hz=2, cnt=1, ofs=0): self.__setModeLED(1,mode, hz, cnt, ofs) def setError(self, mode, hz=2, cnt=1, ofs=0): self.__setModeLED(2,mode, hz, cnt, ofs) def setSemaphor(self): self.__setModeLED(1,'flash', 2, 6, 0) self.__setModeLED(2,'flash', 2, 6, 1)
source = e.device print("Motor Control %i: Input %i State: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.state)) def motorControlVelocityChanged(e): source = e.device print("Motor Control %i: Motor %i Current Velocity: %f" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.index, e.velocity)) #Main Program Code try: motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(motorControlAttached) motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(motorControlDetached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(motorControlError) motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(motorControlCurrentChanged) motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(motorControlInputChanged) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(motorControlVelocityChanged) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....") exit(1) print("Opening phidget object....") try: motorControl.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting....")
def setupMoveService(): """Initialize the PhidgetLinear service Establish a connection with the Phidget 1065 Motor Control and then with the ROS Master as the service PhidgetLinear """ rospy.init_node('PhidgetLinear', log_level=rospy.DEBUG) serial_no = rospy.get_param("~serial_no", 0) if not serial_no == 0: rospy.loginfo("Using motor controller with serial number %d", serial_no) else: rospy.loginfo( "No serial number specified. This is fine for systems with one controller, but may behave unpredictably for systems with multiple motor controllers" ) global motorControl, minAcceleration, maxAcceleration, timer, invert_speed, posdataPub timer = 0 try: motorControl = MotorControl() except: rospy.logerr("Unable to connect to Phidget Motor Control") return try: motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(mcDetached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(mcCurrentChanged) motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(mcInputChanged) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) motorControl.setOnSensorUpdateHandler(mcSensorUpdated) if serial_no != 0: motorControl.openPhidget(serial_no) else: motorControl.openPhidget() #attach the board motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %i: %s", e.code, e.details) return except AttributeError as e: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %s", e) return except: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %s", sys.exc_info()[0]) return if motorControl.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d", motorControl.getDeviceName(), motorControl.getSerialNum(), motorControl.getDeviceVersion()) # ensure the motor controller attempts to brake the linear # when velocity is cut to 0 motorControl.setBraking(linear, 100) # print motorControl.getBraking(linear) minAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMin(linear) maxAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMax(linear) invert_speed = rospy.get_param('~invert_speed', False) maxPos = rospy.get_param('~max_pos', 1014) minPos = rospy.get_param('~min_pos', 10) phidgetMotorTopic = rospy.Subscriber("PhidgetLinear", LinearCommand, move) phidgetMotorService = rospy.Service('PhidgetLinear', Move, move) posdataPub = rospy.Publisher("position", UInt32, latch=True) rospy.spin()
def initMotorAndEncoderBoards(): global motorControl, motorControlRight, rightWheels, phidget1065, encoders, leftEncoderPosition, rightEncoderPosition, motors_inverted, encoders_inverted try: motorControl = MotorControl() except: rospy.logerr("Unable to connect to Phidget HC Motor Control") return try: motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) motorControl.openPhidget() #attach the board motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) """use the function getMotorCount() to know how many motors the Phidget board can take if the result is more than 1, we have a 1064 board and we take care of both motors with one motorControl variable. We need to handle the Phidget encoder board that is separated from the phidget 1064. if the result is equal to 1, we have two phidget 1065 boards. The one with serial number that is the lowest will be the left will, the other the right weel. The encoder has to be handled in this file as it is part of the 1065 board. """ if motorControl.getMotorCount() == 1: phidget1065 = True rightWheels = 0 motorControlRight = MotorControl() motorControlRight.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControlRight.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControlRight.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) if motorControl.getSerialNum() > motorControlRight.getSerialNum(): """ As a rule, we need the serial number of the left board to be lower than for the right board. This is for consistancy for all the robots """ motorControlTemp = motorControl motorControl = motorControlRight motorControlRight = motorControlTemp #Set up the encoders handler motorControl.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(leftEncoderUpdated) motorControlRight.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(rightEncoderUpdated) #attach the board motorControlRight.openPhidget() motorControlRight.waitForAttach(10000) # we have a motor controller board that control 2 motors but doesn't get any encoder input, so we need to initialize the encoder board. else: encoders = Encoder() encoders.setOnPositionChangeHandler(encoderBoardPositionChange) encoders.openPhidget() encoders.waitForAttach(10000) # some robots have the left and right encoders switched by mistake if(motors_inverted or encoders_inverted): leftEncoderPosition = 1; rightEncoderPosition = 0; encoders.setEnabled(leftEncoderPosition, True) encoders.setEnabled(rightEncoderPosition, True) except PhidgetException as e: motorsError = 1 encodersError = 1 rospy.logerr("Unable to initialize the motors and encoders board: %i: %s", e.code, e.details) return except: motorsError = 1 encodersError = 1 rospy.logerr("Unable to register the motors and encoders board") return if motorControl.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d",motorControl.getDeviceName(),motorControl.getSerialNum(),motorControl.getDeviceVersion()) if phidget1065 == True: if motorControlRight.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d",motorControlRight.getDeviceName(),motorControlRight.getSerialNum(),motorControlRight.getDeviceVersion()) else: rospy.loginfo("Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d",encoders.getDeviceName(),encoders.getSerialNum(),encoders.getDeviceVersion()) if stop_when_obstacle: timer = Timer(1.0, checkEncoders) timer.start() return
class IOTools: def __init__(self, onRobot): self.onRobot = onRobot # Camera self._openCam = False # Motor Control self._snMot = -1 self._openMot = False self._attachedMot = False self._cur = [0, 0] # Servo self._snSer = -1 self._openSer = False self._attachedSer = False self._limits = [0, 0] # IF Kit self._snIF = -1 self._openIF = False self._attachedIF = False self._inp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self._sen = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # LEDs self._fistTime = True self._status = [0, 0, 0] self._mod = [8, 1, 1] self._rep = [-1, 5, 6] self._val = [True, False, False] self._ofs = [0, 0, 0] self._updaterThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__updateLED) self._stop = False self._updaterThread.setDaemon(True) self._updaterThread.start() def destroy(self): # LEDs self._stop = True if self._attachedIF: self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(0, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(1, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(2, 0) # Servo self.servoDisengage() # Camera self._openCam = False if self._openCam: self._cap.release() def open(self): self.__openIF() self.__openMot() self.__openSer() self.__openCam() ###################### Camera ###################### def __openCam(self): if not os.path.exists('/dev/video0'): return False self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture() if not return False self._openCam = True def cameraGrab(self): if self._openCam: return self._cap.grab() else: return False def cameraRead(self): if self._openCam: (ret, img) = self._cap.retrieve() return img else: return False def cameraSetResolution(self, sz): if self._openCam: sz = sz.lower() if sz == 'low': self._cap.set(3, 160) self._cap.set(4, 120) if sz == 'medium': self._cap.set(3, 640) self._cap.set(4, 480) if sz == 'high': self._cap.set(3, 800) self._cap.set(4, 600) if sz == 'full': self._cap.set(3, 1280) self._cap.set(4, 720) def imshow(self, wnd, img): if not self.onRobot: if img.__class__ != numpy.ndarray: print "imshow - invalid image" return False else: cv2.imshow(wnd, img) cv2.waitKey(5) ####################### Servo ###################### def __openSer(self): try: self._advancedServo = AdvancedServo() except RuntimeError as e: print("Servo - Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return False try: self._advancedServo.setOnAttachHandler(self.__onAttachedSer) self._advancedServo.setOnDetachHandler(self.__onDetachedSer) self._advancedServo.setOnErrorhandler(self.__onErrorSer) except PhidgetException as e: print("Servo - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False try: self._advancedServo.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Servo - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False self._openSer = True return True def __onAttachedSer(self, e): self._snSer = e.device.getSerialNum() self._advancedServo.setServoType( 0, ServoTypes.PHIDGET_SERVO_HITEC_HS322HD) self._advancedServo.setAcceleration( 0, self._advancedServo.getAccelerationMax(0)) self._advancedServo.setVelocityLimit( 0, self._advancedServo.getVelocityMax(0)) self._limits[0] = self._advancedServo.getPositionMin(0) self._limits[1] = self._advancedServo.getPositionMax(0) print("Servo %i Attached! Range: %f - %f" % (self._snSer, self._limits[0], self._limits[1])) self._attachedSer = True def __onDetachedSer(self, e): print("Servo %i Detached!" % (self._snSer)) self._snSer = -1 self._attachedSer = False def __onErrorSer(self, e): try: source = e.device print("Servo %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Servo - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def __closeSer(self): if self._openSer == True: self.servoDisengage() self._advancedServo.closePhidget() def servoEngage(self): if self._attachedSer == True: self._advancedServo.setEngaged(0, True) def servoDisengage(self): if self._attachedSer == True: self._advancedServo.setEngaged(0, False) def servoSet(self, pos): if self._attachedSer == True: self._advancedServo.setPosition( 0, min(max(pos, self._limits[0]), self._limits[1])) ############### Motor Control ###################### def __openMot(self): try: self._motorControl = MotorControl() except RuntimeError as e: print("Motor Control - Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return False try: self._motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(self.__onAttachedMot) self._motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(self.__onDetachedMot) self._motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(self.__onErrorMot) self._motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler( self.__onCurrentChangedMot) except PhidgetException as e: print("Motor Control - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False try: self._motorControl.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("Motor Control - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False self._openMot = True return True def __onAttachedMot(self, e): self._snMot = e.device.getSerialNum() print("Motor Control %i Attached!" % (self._snMot)) self._attachedMot = True def __onDetachedMot(self, e): print("Motor Control %i Detached!" % (self._snMot)) self._snMot = -1 self._attachedMot = False def __onErrorMot(self, e): try: source = e.device print("Motor Control %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("Motor Control - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def __onCurrentChangedMot(self, e): self._cur[e.index] = e.current def __closeMot(self): if self._openMot == True: self._motorControl.closePhidget() def setMotors(self, speed1=0.0, speed2=0.0, acceleration1=100.0, acceleration2=100.0): if self._openMot == True: self._motorControl.setAcceleration(0, acceleration1) self._motorControl.setVelocity(0, speed1) self._motorControl.setAcceleration(1, acceleration2) self._motorControl.setVelocity(1, speed2) ############### Interface Kit ###################### def __closeIF(self): if self._openIF == True: self._interfaceKit.closePhidget() def __openIF(self): try: self._interfaceKit = InterfaceKit() except RuntimeError as e: print("IF Kit - Runtime Exception: %s" % e.details) return False try: self._interfaceKit.setOnAttachHandler(self.__onAttachedIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnDetachHandler(self.__onDetachedIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnErrorhandler(self.__onErrorIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnInputChangeHandler(self.__onInputChangedIF) self._interfaceKit.setOnSensorChangeHandler( self.__onSensorChangedIF) except PhidgetException as e: print("IF Kit - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False try: self._interfaceKit.openPhidget() except PhidgetException as e: print("IF Kit - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) return False self._openIF = True return True def __onAttachedIF(self, e): self._snIF = e.device.getSerialNum() print("InterfaceKit %i Attached!" % (self._snIF)) self._attachedIF = True if self._fistTime: for i in range(0, 3): self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(0, 1) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(1, 1) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(2, 1) time.sleep(0.1) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(0, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(1, 0) self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(2, 0) time.sleep(0.1) self._fistTime = False def __onDetachedIF(self, e): print("InterfaceKit %i Detached!" % (self._snIF)) self._snIF = -1 self._inp = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self._sen = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self._attachedIF = False def __onErrorIF(self, e): try: source = e.device print("InterfaceKit %i: Phidget Error %i: %s" % (source.getSerialNum(), e.eCode, e.description)) except PhidgetException as e: print("IF Kit - Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) def __onSensorChangedIF(self, e): self._sen[e.index] = e.value def __onInputChangedIF(self, e): self._inp[e.index] = e.state def getSensors(self): return self._sen def getInputs(self): return self._inp ################ LEDs ####################### def __updateLED(self): t = 0 while self._stop == False: t = (t + 1) % 100 for i in range(0, 3): self._status[i] = ((t + self._ofs[i]) % self._mod[i] == 0) and self._val[i] and bool( self._rep[i]) self._rep[i] = self._rep[i] - int(self._rep[i] > 0 and self._status[i]) if self._attachedIF: self._interfaceKit.setOutputState(i, self._status[i]) time.sleep(0.15) def __setModeLED(self, i, mode, hz=2, cnt=1, ofs=0): if mode == 'on': self._rep[i] = -1 self._val[i] = True self._ofs[i] = 0 self._mod[i] = 1 if mode == 'off': self._rep[i] = -1 self._val[i] = False self._ofs[i] = 0 self._mod[i] = 1 if mode == 'flash': hz = min(max(hz, 1), 100) self._rep[i] = min(max(cnt, 1), 20) self._val[i] = True self._ofs[i] = min(max(ofs, 0), hz) self._mod[i] = hz def setStatus(self, mode, hz=2, cnt=1, ofs=0): self.__setModeLED(1, mode, hz, cnt, ofs) def setError(self, mode, hz=2, cnt=1, ofs=0): self.__setModeLED(2, mode, hz, cnt, ofs) def setSemaphor(self): self.__setModeLED(1, 'flash', 2, 6, 0) self.__setModeLED(2, 'flash', 2, 6, 1)
def setupMoveService(): """Initialize the PhidgetMotor service Establish a connection with the Phidget HC Motor Control and then with the ROS Master as the service PhidgetMotor """ rospy.init_node( 'PhidgetMotor', log_level = rospy.DEBUG ) global motorControl, motorControlRight, minAcceleration, maxAcceleration, timer, motors_inverted, phidget1065, rightWheels, posdataPub timer = 0 try: motorControl = MotorControl() except: rospy.logerr("Unable to connect to Phidget HC Motor Control") return try: motorControl.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControl.setOnDetachHandler(mcDetached) motorControl.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControl.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(mcCurrentChanged) motorControl.setOnInputChangeHandler(mcInputChanged) motorControl.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) motorControl.openPhidget() #attach the board motorControl.waitForAttach(10000) """use the function getMotorCount() to know how many motors the Phidget board can take if the result is more than 1, we have a 1064 board and we take care of both motors with one motorControl variable. The corobot_phidgetIK handles the Phidget encoder board that is separated of the phidget 1064. if the result is equal to 1, we have two phidget 1065 boards. The one with serial number that is the lowest will be the left will, the other the right weel. The encoder has to be handled in this file as it is part of the 1065 board. """ if motorControl.getMotorCount() == 1: phidget1065 = True rightWheels = 0 motorControlRight.setOnAttachHandler(mcAttached) motorControlRight.setOnDetachHandler(mcDetached) motorControlRight.setOnErrorhandler(mcError) motorControlRight.setOnCurrentChangeHandler(mcCurrentChanged) motorControlRight.setOnInputChangeHandler(mcInputChanged) motorControlRight.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(mcVelocityChanged) if motorControl.getSerialNum() > motorControlRight.getSerialNum(): """ As a rule, we need the serial number of the left board to be lower than for the right board. This is for consistancy for all the robots """ motorControlTemp = motorControl motorControl = motorControlRight motorControlRight = motorControlTemp #Set up the encoders handler motorControl.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(leftEncoderUpdated) motorControlRight.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(rightEncoderUpdated) #attach the board motorControlRight.waitForAttach(10000) except PhidgetException as e: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers: %i: %s", e.code, e.details) return except: rospy.logerr("Unable to register the handlers") return if motorControl.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo( "Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d", motorControl.getDeviceName(), motorControl.getSerialNum(), motorControl.getDeviceVersion() ) if phidget1065 == True: if motorControlRight.isAttached(): rospy.loginfo( "Device: %s, Serial: %d, Version: %d", motorControlRight.getDeviceName(), motorControlRight.getSerialNum(), motorControlRight.getDeviceVersion() ) minAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMin(leftWheels) maxAcceleration = motorControl.getAccelerationMax(leftWheels) motors_inverted = rospy.get_param('~motors_inverted', False) phidgetMotorTopic = rospy.Subscriber("PhidgetMotor", MotorCommand ,move) phidgetMotorService = rospy.Service('PhidgetMotor',Move, move) if phidget1065 == True: posdataPub = rospy.Publisher("position_data", PosMsg) rospy.spin()
def AttachMotorControl(databasepath, serialNumber): def onAttachHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Attached " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) DisplayAttachedDeviceInfo(event.device) def onDetachHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Detached " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) DisplayDetachedDeviceInfo(event.device) event.device.closePhidget() def onErrorHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Error " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) + ", Error: " + event.description print(logString) DisplayErrorDeviceInfo(event.device) def onServerConnectHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Server Connect " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) def onServerDisconnectHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Server Disconnect " + str(event.device.getSerialNum()) #print(logString) def backEMFUpdateHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl BackEMF Update" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_BACKEMFUPDATE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.voltage)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def currentChangeHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Current Change" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_CURRENTCHANGE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.current)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def currentUpdateHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Current Update" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_CURRENTUPDATE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.current)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def inputChangeHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Input Change" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_INPUTCHANGE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.state)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def positionChangeHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Position Change" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_POSITIONCHANGE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.current)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def positionUpdateHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Position Update" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_POSITIONUPDATE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.position)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def sensorUpdateHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Sensor Update" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) #conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_SENSORUPDATE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", #(event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.value)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] def velocityChangeHandler(event): logString = "MotorControl Velocity Change" #print(logString) try: conn = sqlite3.connect(databasepath) conn.execute("INSERT INTO MOTORCONTROL_VELOCITYCHANGE VALUES(NULL, DateTime('now'), ?, ?, ?)", (event.device.getSerialNum(), event.index, event.velocity)) conn.commit() conn.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: print "An error occurred:", e.args[0] try: p = MotorControl() p.setOnAttachHandler(onAttachHandler) p.setOnDetachHandler(onDetachHandler) p.setOnErrorhandler(onErrorHandler) p.setOnServerConnectHandler(onServerConnectHandler) p.setOnServerDisconnectHandler(onServerDisconnectHandler) p.setOnBackEMFUpdateHandler (backEMFUpdateHandler) p.setOnCurrentChangeHandler (currentChangeHandler) p.setOnCurrentUpdateHandler (currentUpdateHandler) p.setOnInputChangeHandler (inputChangeHandler) p.setOnPositionChangeHandler(positionChangeHandler) p.setOnPositionUpdateHandler(positionUpdateHandler) p.setOnSensorUpdateHandler (sensorUpdateHandler) p.setOnVelocityChangeHandler(velocityChangeHandler) p.openPhidget(serialNumber) except PhidgetException as e: print("Phidget Exception %i: %s" % (e.code, e.details)) print("Exiting...") exit(1)