コード例 #1
 def test_create_report(self):
     ''' Tests the creation of the final report file '''
     # We need to first create the complete metrics dictionary
     metrics_file = resource_filename(__name__, "data/nist_metrics.msqc")
     nist_metrics = parse_metrics._extract_nist_metrics(metrics_file)
     # Add generic metrics
     nist_metrics['generic'] = parse_metrics._extract_generic_metrics(self.rawfile, time.time())
     # Create report (move to the QC directory, otherwise template is not found
     restore_path = os.getcwd()
     run_msqc_pipeline._create_report(self.temp_folder, self.rawfilebase, nist_metrics)
     # Test for presence of the report file
     report_file = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.temp_folder, 'index.html')
     # Return to the test directory
コード例 #2
    def test_extract_generic_metrics(self):
        ''' Checks the few generic metrics that are shown on each report '''
        # Rawfile in this case is only used to get the file size, so substituted by another 'large' file
        rawfile = self.mzxmlfile

        # Sleep for one second, this should result in a runtime of 1sec
        # Note: test failure can be caused by interfering processes increasing runtime
        # Current date / time formatting
        ctime = time.gmtime()   
        date = '{year}/{month}/{day} - {hour}:{min}'.format(year=time.strftime("%Y", ctime),
                                                            month=time.strftime("%b", ctime),
                                                            day=time.strftime("%d", ctime),
                                                            hour=time.strftime("%H", ctime),
                                                            min=time.strftime("%M", ctime))
        generic_metrics = parse_metrics._extract_generic_metrics(rawfile, self.t_start)
        self.assertEquals(generic_metrics, {'date': date, 'runtime': '0:00:01', 'f_size': ['File Size (MB)', '97.8']})