コード例 #1
def mySolve(xf,boltz_eqs,rtol,atol,verbosity=50):
    """Sets the main options for the ODE solver and solve the equations. Returns the
    array of x,y points for all components.
    If numerical instabilities are found, re-do the problematic part of the evolution with smaller steps"""
    boltz_solver = CVode(boltz_eqs)  #Define solver method
    boltz_solver.rtol = rtol
    boltz_solver.atol = atol
    boltz_solver.verbosity = verbosity
    boltz_solver.linear_solver = 'SPGMR'
    boltz_solver.maxh = xf/300.
    xfinal = xf
    xres = []
    yres = []
    sw = boltz_solver.sw[:]
    while xfinal <= xf:
            boltz_solver.sw = sw[:]
            x,y = boltz_solver.simulate(xfinal)
            xres += x
            for ypt in y: yres.append(ypt)
            if xfinal == xf: break   #Evolution has been performed until xf -> exit            
        except Exception,e:
            print e
            if not e.t or 'first call' in e.msg[e.value]:
                logger.error("Error solving equations:\n "+str(e))
                return False
            xfinal = max(e.t*random.uniform(0.85,0.95),boltz_eqs.t0+boltz_solver.maxh)  #Try again, but now only until the error
            logger.warning("Numerical instability found. Restarting evolution from x = "
                           +str(boltz_eqs.t0)+" to x = "+str(xfinal))
        xfinal = xf  #In the next step try to evolve from xfinal -> xf
        sw = boltz_solver.sw[:]
        x0 = float(x[-1])
        y0 = [float(yval) for yval in y[-1]]