def plotImage(self, image, plot=None): '''Plots a tiff image. | image -- Image object | plot -- plot instance to be updated | if None, a plot instance will be created Returns the plot instance. ''' if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data('imagedata', plot = Plot(pd, default_origin = "bottom left", padding=0) plot.bgcolor = 'white' plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 100) plot.x_axis.visible = False plot.y_axis.visible = False self.imageplot = plot imgPlot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", colormap=self.cmap, name='image')[0] self.imgPlot = imgPlot self.appendImageTools(imgPlot) else:'imagedata', plot.aspect_ratio = float([1]) /[0] plot.invalidate_and_redraw() return plot
def plot1DCut(self, image, plot=None): '''Plots a 1D cut of the image. Currently, the 1D cut is a plot of mean intensity vs column #. | image -- Image object | plot -- plot instance to be updated | if None, a plot instance will be created Returns the plot instance. ''' if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData(y=np.array([0]), x=np.array([0])) plot = Plot(pd, padding=(70, 10, 0, 5)) plot.plot(('x', 'y'), name='1D Cut', type='line', color='blue') plot.value_axis.title = '1D Cut' plot.x_axis.visible = False plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 30) plot.value_range.low = 'auto' plot.value_range.high = 'auto' plot.index_range.low = 'auto' plot.index_range.high = 'auto' self.append1DCutTools(plot) else: index = range([1]) values = self.setData(values, index, plot) plot.invalidate_and_redraw() return plot
def _signals_plot_default(self): print('_signals_plot_default') """Create the Plot instance.""" plot = Plot() plot.add(self.signals_renderer) x_axis = PlotAxis(component=plot, mapper=self.signals_renderer.index_mapper, orientation='bottom') # y_axis = PlotAxis(component=plot, # mapper=self.signals_renderer.value_mapper, # orientation='left') plot.overlays.extend([x_axis]) plot.origin_axis_visible = False plot.padding_top = 0 plot.padding_left = 0 plot.padding_right = 0 plot.padding_bottom = 50 plot.border_visible = False plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.use_downsampling = True return plot
def plotHistogram(self, image, plot=None): '''Plots a histogram. | image -- Image object | plot -- plot instance to be updated | if None, a plot instance will be created Returns the plot instance. ''' if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData(y=np.array([0]), x=np.array([0])) plot = Plot(pd, padding=(70, 10, 0, 0)) plot.plot(('x', 'y'), name='Histogram', type='bar', bar_width=1.0) plot.line_color = 'black' plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 30) add_default_grids(plot) plot.value_range.low = 'auto' plot.value_range.high = 'auto' plot.index_range.low = 'auto' plot.index_range.high = 'auto' plot.value_axis.title = "Histogram" self.appendHistogramTools(plot) else: data = np.histogram(, bins=10000) index = np.delete(data[1], data[1].size-1) values = data[0] self.setData(values, index, plot) plot.invalidate_and_redraw() return plot
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some RGBA image data image = zeros((200, 400, 4), dtype=uint8) image[:, 0:40, 0] += 255 # Vertical red stripe image[0:25, :, 1] += 255 # Horizontal green stripe; also yellow square image[-80:, -160:, 2] += 255 # Blue square image[:, :, 3] = 255 # Create a plot data obect and give it this data pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data("imagedata", image) # Create the plot plot = Plot(pd, default_origin="top left") plot.x_axis.orientation = "top" img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata")[0] # Tweak some of the plot properties plot.bgcolor = "white" # Attach some tools to the plot, constrain_key="shift")) plot.overlays.append( ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)) imgtool = ImageInspectorTool(img_plot) plot.overlays.append( ImageInspectorOverlay(component=img_plot, image_inspector=imgtool)) return plot
def plotImage(self, image, title, plot): '''plot one image image: 2d ndarray or ssp matrix title: string, plot title plot: plot instance to be update, if None, a plot instance will be created return: plot instance''' if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data('imagedata', image) plot = Plot(pd, default_origin = "bottom left") plot.title = title plot.bgcolor = 'white' if not title == 'Total Intensity': plot.x_axis.visible = False plot.y_axis.visible = False imgPlot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", colormap=jet, name='image')[0] # TODO: mess with color maps on else block else: imgPlot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", colormap=jet, name='image')[0] self._appendTools(imgPlot, title) else:'imagedata', image) plot.title = title plot.aspect_ratio = float(image.shape[1]) / image.shape[0] plot.invalidate_draw() return plot
def plotImage(self, image, plot=None): '''plot one image image: Image object plot: plot instance to be update, if None, a plot instance will be created return: plot instance''' if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data('imagedata', plot = Plot(pd, default_origin = "bottom left", padding=0) #plot.title = plot.bgcolor = 'white' plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 100) plot.x_axis.visible = False plot.y_axis.visible = False self.imageplot = plot # TODO: mess with color maps on else block imgPlot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", colormap=jet, name='image')[0] self.imgPlot = imgPlot self._appendImageTools(imgPlot) #plot.overlays.append(MyLineDrawer(plot)) else:'imagedata', imgPlot = plot.plots['image'][0] #plot.title = plot.aspect_ratio = float([1]) /[0] plot.invalidate_draw() return plot
def plotRRMap(self, ydata, title, plot=None): '''Plots an RR map. | ydata -- y-data to be plotted | title -- RR type, to be displayed on y-axis | plot -- plot instance to be updated | if None, a plot instance will be created Returns the plot instance. ''' if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData() plot = Plot(pd, padding=(79, 5, 0, 0)) self.setData(ydata, None, plot) plot.plot(('x', 'y'), name='rrplot', type="scatter", color='green', marker="circle", marker_size=6) plot.value_axis.title = title plot.bgcolor = 'white' plot.aspect_ratio = 2.5 plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 50) plot.y_axis.tick_label_formatter = lambda val:('%.2E'%val) plot.x_axis.visible = False hgrid, vgrid = add_default_grids(plot) self.appendRRTools(plot) else: self.setData(ydata, None, plot) plot.invalidate_and_redraw() return plot
def plotHistogram(self, image, plot=None): if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData(y=np.array([0]), x=np.array([0])) plot = Plot(pd, padding=(70, 10, 0, 0)) plot.plot(('x', 'y'), name='Histogram', type='bar', bar_width=5.0, color='auto') #plot.title = 'Histogram' plot.line_color = 'black' plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 30) add_default_grids(plot) plot.value_axis.title = "Histogram" self._appendHistogramTools(plot) ''' plot.overlays.append(PlotAxis(plot, orientation='left')) plot.overlays.append(PlotAxis(plot, orientation='bottom')) ''' else: data = np.histogram(, bins=10000) index = np.delete(data[1], data[1].size-1) values = data[0] plot.index_range.low= np.min(index) plot.index_range.high = np.max(index) plot.value_range.low = 0 plot.value_range.high = np.max(values)'x', index)'y', values) plot.request_redraw() return plot
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some RGBA image data image = zeros((200,400,4), dtype=uint8) image[:,0:40,0] += 255 # Vertical red stripe image[0:25,:,1] += 255 # Horizontal green stripe; also yellow square image[-80:,-160:,2] += 255 # Blue square image[:,:,3] = 255 # Create a plot data obect and give it this data pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data("imagedata", image) # Create the plot plot = Plot(pd, default_origin="top left") plot.x_axis.orientation = "top" img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata")[0] # Tweak some of the plot properties plot.bgcolor = "white" # Attach some tools to the plot, constrain_key="shift")) plot.overlays.append(ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)) imgtool = ImageInspectorTool(img_plot) plot.overlays.append(ImageInspectorOverlay(component=img_plot, image_inspector=imgtool)) return plot
def main(): # Create some x-y data series to plot x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100) pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x) for i in range(5): pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x)) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot = Plot( pd, bgcolor="none", padding=30, border_visible=True, overlay_border=True, use_backbuffer=False) plot.legend.visible = True plot.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="auto") plot.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="auto") zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(zoom) # Create the mlab test mesh and get references to various parts of the # VTK pipeline f = mlab.figure(size=(600, 500)) m = mlab.test_mesh() scene = mlab.gcf().scene render_window = scene.render_window renderer = scene.renderer rwi = scene.interactor plot.resizable = "" plot.bounds = [200, 200] plot.padding = 25 plot.bgcolor = "lightgray" plot.outer_position = [30, 30], drag_button="right")) container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor="transparent", fit_window=True) container.add(plot) # Create the Enable Window window = EnableVTKWindow( rwi, renderer, component=container, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleSwitch, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyle, istyle_class=tvtk.InteractorStyleTrackballCamera, bgcolor="transparent", event_passthrough=True, ) return window, render_window
def _TracePlot_default(self): plot = Plot(self.TraceData, width=500, height=500, resizable='hv') plot.plot(('t', 'y8'), type='line', line_style='solid', color=0xFFFFFF, line_width=2, render_style='connectedpoints', name='ch0 & ch1') plot.bgcolor = scheme['background'] plot.value_range.low = 0.0 plot.x_grid = None plot.y_grid = None return plot
def _create_line_plot(self): line_data = ArrayPlotData(frequency=np.array((0.,1.)), counts=np.array((0.,0.)), fit=np.array((0.,0.))) line_plot = Plot(line_data, padding=8, padding_left=64, padding_bottom=32) line_plot.plot(('frequency','counts'), style='line', color=scheme['data 1'], line_width=2) line_plot.bgcolor = scheme['background'] line_plot.x_grid = None line_plot.y_grid = None line_plot.index_axis.title = 'Frequency [MHz]' line_plot.value_axis.title = 'Fluorescence counts' line_plot.value_range.low = 0.0 line_plot.overlays.append(SimpleZoom(line_plot, enable_wheel=False)) self.line_data = line_data self.line_plot = line_plot
def main(): # Create some x-y data series to plot x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100) pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x) for i in range(5): pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i,x)) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot = Plot(pd, bgcolor="none", padding=30, border_visible=True, overlay_border=True, use_backbuffer=False) plot.legend.visible = True plot.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="auto") plot.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="auto") zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot.overlays.append(zoom) # Create the mlab test mesh and get references to various parts of the # VTK pipeline f = mlab.figure(size=(600,500)) m = mlab.test_mesh() scene = mlab.gcf().scene render_window = scene.render_window renderer = scene.renderer rwi = scene.interactor plot.resizable = "" plot.bounds = [200,200] plot.padding = 25 plot.bgcolor = "lightgray" plot.outer_position = [30,30],drag_button="right")) container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor = "transparent", fit_window = True) container.add(plot) # Create the Enable Window window = EnableVTKWindow(rwi, renderer, component=container, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleSwitch, #istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyle, istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleTrackballCamera, bgcolor = "transparent", event_passthrough = True, ) return window, render_window
def _create_plot_component(): # Create some x-y data series to plot x = linspace(-2.0, 10.0, 100) pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x) for i in range(5): pd.set_data("y" + str(i), jn(i, x)) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot1 = Plot(pd) plot1.plot(("index", "y0", "y1", "y2"), name="j_n, n<3", color="red") plot1.plot(("index", "y3"), name="j_3", color="blue") # Tweak some of the plot properties plot1.title = "Inset Plot" plot1.padding = 50 # Attach some tools to the plot zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot1, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot1.overlays.append(zoom) # Create a second scatter plot of one of the datasets, linking its # range to the first plot plot2 = Plot(pd, range2d=plot1.range2d, padding=50) plot2.plot(('index', 'y3'), type="scatter", color="blue", marker="circle") plot2.resizable = "" plot2.bounds = [250, 250] plot2.position = [550, 150] plot2.bgcolor = "white" plot2.border_visible = True plot2.unified_draw = True, drag_button="right")) zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot2, tool_mode="box", always_on=False) plot2.overlays.append(zoom) # Create a container and add our plots container = OverlayPlotContainer() container.add(plot1) container.add(plot2) return container
def plotRRMap(self, rr, rrchoice, plot=None): if plot == None: pd = ArrayPlotData(y=np.array([0]), x=np.array([0])) plot = Plot(pd, padding=(70, 5, 0, 0)) self._setData(rr, plot) plot.plot(('x', 'y'), name='rrplot', type="scatter", color='green', marker="circle", marker_size=6) #plot.title = 'rrplot' plot.value_axis.title = rrchoice #plot.y_axis.visible = False plot.bgcolor = 'white' plot.aspect_ratio = 2.5 plot.fixed_preferred_size = (100, 50) #left, bottom = add_default_axes(plot) hgrid, vgrid = add_default_grids(plot) self._appendCMapTools(plot) else: self._setData(rr, plot) plot.request_redraw() return plot
def _create_plot_component(self): # Create the plot pd = self.pd plot = Plot(pd, default_origin="top left", orientation="h") plot.x_axis.orientation = "top" plot.padding = 20 #plot.y_axis.orientation = "top" # Tweak some of the plot properties #plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.bgcolor = bg_color # Attach some tools to the plot #,constrain_key="shift", drag_button = 'right')) printer = DataPrinter(component=plot, process=self.process_selection) plot.overlays.append( ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)) return plot
def _create_1D1_plot(self): index = 0 plot0 = Plot(self.plotdata, padding=0) plot0.padding_left = 5 plot0.padding_bottom = 5 Container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding=50, fill_padding=True, bgcolor="lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) y1 = range(len(self.PCAData.batchs[0].prescores)) points = [] for batch in self.PCAData.batchs: if (self.active_scores_combobox == "Post Scores"): x1 = self.PCAData.batchs[index].postscores else: x1 = self.PCAData.batchs[index].prescores '''if (self.Shape == self.phenotypes[0]): a = 1 elif (self.Shape == self.phenotypes[1]): a = batch.number elif (self.Shape == self.phenotypes[2]): a = batch.type else: a = 0 if (self.Color == self.phenotypes[0]): b = 0 elif(self.Color == self.phenotypes[1]): b = batch.number elif(self.Color == self.phenotypes[2]): b = batch.type else: b = 0 ''' a = batch.type b = batch.number tmarker = shapes[a] bcolor = self.colors[b] for i in range(len(x1)): points.append((x1[i], y1[i])) plot0 = create_scatter_plot((x1, y1), marker=tmarker, color=getColor(bcolor)) if batch.isSelected: plot0.alpha = 1 plot0.alpha = 1 else: plot0.fill_alpha = 0.2 plot0.edge_alpha = 0.2 plot0.bgcolor = "white" plot0.border_visible = True if index == 0: value_mapper = plot0.value_mapper index_mapper = plot0.index_mapper add_default_grids(plot0) add_default_axes(plot0, vtitle='PCA Indices', htitle='PCA Scores') plot0.index_range.tight_bounds = False plot0.index_range.refresh() plot0.value_range.tight_bounds = False plot0.value_range.refresh() zoom = ZoomTool(plot0, tool_mode="box", always_on=False, maintain_aspect_ratio=False) plot0.overlays.append(zoom) dragzoom = DragZoom(plot0, drag_button="right", maintain_aspect_ratio=False) else: plot0.value_mapper = value_mapper value_mapper.range.add(plot0.value) plot0.index_mapper = index_mapper index_mapper.range.add(plot0.index) if batch.isSelected: Container.add(plot0) index = index + 1 self.RightPlot = Container
def _create_1D1_plot(self): index = 0 plot0 = Plot(self.plotdata, padding=0) plot0.padding_left = 5 plot0.padding_bottom = 5 Container = OverlayPlotContainer(padding = 50, fill_padding = True, bgcolor = "lightgray", use_backbuffer=True) y1 = range(len(self.PCAData.batchs[0].prescores)) points = [] for batch in self.PCAData.batchs: if (self.active_scores_combobox == "Post Scores"): x1 = self.PCAData.batchs[index].postscores else: x1 = self.PCAData.batchs[index].prescores if (self.Shape == self.phenotypes[0]): a = 1 elif (self.Shape == self.phenotypes[1]): a = batch.number elif (self.Shape == self.phenotypes[2]): a = batch.type else: a = 0 if (self.Color == self.phenotypes[0]): b = 0 elif(self.Color == self.phenotypes[1]): b = batch.number elif(self.Color == self.phenotypes[2]): b = batch.type else: b = 0 tmarker = shapes[a] bcolor = self.colors[b] for i in range(len(x1)): points.append((x1[i],y1[i])) plot0 = create_scatter_plot((x1,y1), marker = tmarker, color=getColor(bcolor)) if batch.isSelected: plot0.alpha = 1 else: plot0.alpha = 0.2 plot0.bgcolor = "white" plot0.border_visible = True if index == 0: value_mapper = plot0.value_mapper index_mapper = plot0.index_mapper add_default_grids(plot0) add_default_axes(plot0, vtitle='PCA Indices', htitle='PCA Scores') plot0.index_range.tight_bounds = False plot0.index_range.refresh() plot0.value_range.tight_bounds = False plot0.value_range.refresh() zoom = ZoomTool(plot0, tool_mode="box", always_on=False, maintain_aspect_ratio=False) plot0.overlays.append(zoom) dragzoom = DragZoom(plot0, drag_button="right", maintain_aspect_ratio=False) else: plot0.value_mapper = value_mapper value_mapper.range.add(plot0.value) plot0.index_mapper = index_mapper index_mapper.range.add(plot0.index) Container.add(plot0) index = index +1 self.RightPlot = Container
def _brain_default(self): plot = Plot(self.brain_data, padding=0) plot.width = self.brain_voxels.shape[1] plot.height = self.brain_voxels.shape[0] plot.aspect_ratio = 1. plot.index_axis.visible = False plot.value_axis.visible = False renderer = plot.img_plot("axial", colormap=gray)[0] plot.color_mapper.range = DataRange1D(low=0., high=1.0) plot.bgcolor = 'pink' # Brain tools, drag_button="right")) imgtool = ImageInspectorTool(renderer) overlay = ImageInspectorOverlay(component=renderer, image_inspector=imgtool, bgcolor="white", border_visible=True) renderer.overlays.append(overlay) # Brain track cursor self.cursor = CursorTool2D(renderer, drag_button='left', color='red', line_width=2.0) #self.cursor.on_trait_change(self.update_stackedhist, 'current_index') self.cursor.current_positionyou = (0., 0.) renderer.overlays.append(self.cursor) # Brain colorbar colormap = plot.color_mapper colorbar = ColorBar(index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=colormap.range), color_mapper=colormap, plot=plot, orientation='v', resizable='v', width=20, padding=(30, 0, 0, 0)) colorbar.padding_top = plot.padding_top colorbar.padding_bottom = plot.padding_bottom # Noisy brain plot2 = Plot(self.brain_data, padding=0) plot2.width = self.brain_voxels.shape[1] plot2.height = self.brain_voxels.shape[0] plot2.aspect_ratio = 1. plot2.index_axis.visible = False plot2.value_axis.visible = False renderer2 = plot2.img_plot("noisy_axial", colormap=gray)[0] plot2.color_mapper.range = DataRange1D(low=0., high=1.0) plot2.bgcolor = 'pink' plot2.range2d = plot.range2d # Brain_map tools, drag_button="right")) imgtool2 = ImageInspectorTool(renderer2) overlay2 = ImageInspectorOverlay(component=renderer2, image_inspector=imgtool2, bgcolor="white", border_visible=True) renderer2.overlays.append(overlay2) # Brain_map track cursor self.cursor2 = CursorTool2D(renderer2, drag_button='left', color='red', line_width=2.0) #self.cursor2.on_trait_change(self.cursor2_changed, 'current_index') self.cursor2.current_position = (0., 0.) renderer2.overlays.append(self.cursor2) # Brain_map colorbar colormap2 = plot2.color_mapper colorbar2 = ColorBar(index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=colormap2.range), color_mapper=colormap2, plot=plot2, orientation='v', resizable='v', width=20, padding=(30, 0, 0, 0)) colorbar2.padding_top = plot2.padding_top colorbar2.padding_bottom = plot2.padding_bottom # Create a container to position the plot and the colorbar side-by-side container = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True, padding=(0, 0, 10, 10)) container.add(plot) container.add(colorbar) container.bgcolor = "lightgray" container2 = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True, padding=(0, 0, 10, 10)) container2.add(plot2) container2.add(colorbar2) container2.bgcolor = "lightgray" Hcontainer = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True) Hcontainer.add(container) Hcontainer.add(container2) Hcontainer.bgcolor = "lightgray" return Hcontainer
def _plot(self, x, y, z, scale): pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data("imagedata", z) plot = Plot(pd, padding_left=60, fill_padding=True) plot.bgcolor = "white" cmap = fix(jet, (0, z.max())) origin = "bottom left" # origin = 'top left' # to flip y-axis plot.img_plot( "imagedata", name="surface2d", xbounds=(np.min(x), np.max(x)), ybounds=(1.0, y[-1, -1]), colormap=cmap, hide_grids=True, interpolation="nearest", origin=origin, ) plot.default_origin = origin plot.x_axis.title = u"Angle (2\u0398)" tick_font = settings.tick_font plot.x_axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font plot.y_axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font plot.x_axis.tick_label_font = tick_font plot.y_axis.tick_label_font = tick_font plot.y_axis.title = "Dataset" plot.y_axis.tick_interval = 1.0 actual_plot = plot.plots["surface2d"][0] self.plot_zoom_tool = ClickUndoZoomTool( plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=True, pointer="cross", drag_button=settings.zoom_button, undo_button=settings.undo_button, x_min_zoom_factor=-np.inf, y_min_zoom_factor=-np.inf, ) plot.overlays.append(self.plot_zoom_tool) # Add a color bar colormap = actual_plot.color_mapper colorbar = ColorBar( index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=colormap.range), color_mapper=colormap, plot=actual_plot, orientation="v", resizable="v", width=30, padding=40, padding_top=50, fill_padding=True, ) colorbar._axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font colorbar._axis.tick_label_font = settings.tick_font # Add pan and zoom tools to the colorbar self.colorbar_zoom_tool = ClickUndoZoomTool( colorbar, axis="index", tool_mode="range", always_on=True, drag_button=settings.zoom_button, undo_button=settings.undo_button, ) pan_tool = PanToolWithHistory( colorbar, history_tool=self.colorbar_zoom_tool, constrain_direction="y", constrain=True, drag_button=settings.pan_button, ) colorbar.overlays.append(self.colorbar_zoom_tool) # Add a label to the top of the color bar colorbar_label = PlotLabel( u"Intensity\n{:^9}".format("(" + get_value_scale_label(scale) + ")"), component=colorbar, font=settings.axis_title_font, ) colorbar.overlays.append(colorbar_label) # Add the plot and colorbar side-by-side container = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True) container.add(plot) container.add(colorbar) return container
def _plot(self, x, y, z, scale): pd = ArrayPlotData() pd.set_data("imagedata", z) plot = Plot(pd, padding_left=60, fill_padding=True) plot.bgcolor = 'white' cmap = fix(jet, (0, z.max())) origin = 'bottom left' # origin = 'top left' # to flip y-axis plot.img_plot("imagedata", name="surface2d", xbounds=(np.min(x), np.max(x)), ybounds=(1.0, y[-1,-1]), colormap=cmap, hide_grids=True, interpolation='nearest', origin=origin, ) plot.default_origin = origin plot.x_axis.title = u'Angle (2\u0398)' tick_font = settings.tick_font plot.x_axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font plot.y_axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font plot.x_axis.tick_label_font = tick_font plot.y_axis.tick_label_font = tick_font plot.y_axis.title = "Dataset" plot.y_axis.tick_interval = 1.0 actual_plot = plot.plots["surface2d"][0] self.plot_zoom_tool = ClickUndoZoomTool( plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=True, pointer="cross", drag_button=settings.zoom_button, undo_button=settings.undo_button, x_min_zoom_factor=-np.inf, y_min_zoom_factor=-np.inf, ) plot.overlays.append(self.plot_zoom_tool) # Add a color bar colormap = actual_plot.color_mapper colorbar = ColorBar(index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=colormap.range), color_mapper=colormap, plot=actual_plot, orientation='v', resizable='v', width=30, padding=40, padding_top=50, fill_padding=True) colorbar._axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font colorbar._axis.tick_label_font = settings.tick_font # Add pan and zoom tools to the colorbar self.colorbar_zoom_tool = ClickUndoZoomTool(colorbar, axis="index", tool_mode="range", always_on=True, drag_button=settings.zoom_button, undo_button=settings.undo_button) pan_tool = PanToolWithHistory(colorbar, history_tool=self.colorbar_zoom_tool, constrain_direction="y", constrain=True, drag_button=settings.pan_button) colorbar.overlays.append(self.colorbar_zoom_tool) # Add a label to the top of the color bar colorbar_label = PlotLabel( u'Intensity\n{:^9}'.format('(' + get_value_scale_label(scale) + ')'), component=colorbar, font=settings.axis_title_font, ) colorbar.overlays.append(colorbar_label) # Add the plot and colorbar side-by-side container = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True) container.add(plot) container.add(colorbar) return container
def _plot(self, x, y, z, scale): pd = ArrayPlotData() # pd.set_data("imagedata", z) plot = Plot(pd, padding_left=60, fill_padding=True) plot.bgcolor = 'white' cmap = fix(jet, (0, z.max())) plot.default_origin = 'bottom left' # origin = 'top left' # to flip y-axis fid = FunctionImageData(func=self._prepare_data_for_window, data_range=plot.range2d) pd.set_data("imagedata", fid) self.img_plot = plot.img_plot("imagedata", name="surface2d", xbounds=(np.min(x), np.max(x)), ybounds=(1.0, y[-1,-1]), colormap=cmap, hide_grids=True, interpolation='nearest' # origin=origin, )[0] #plot.default_origin = origin plot.x_axis = MyPlotAxis(component=plot, orientation='bottom') plot.y_axis = MyPlotAxis(component=plot, orientation='left') plot.x_axis.title = u'Angle (2\u0398)' tick_font = settings.tick_font plot.x_axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font plot.y_axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font plot.x_axis.tick_label_font = tick_font plot.y_axis.tick_label_font = tick_font plot.y_axis.title = "Dataset" # if <10 datasets we want to reduce down the tickmarks to multiples if len(y)<10: plot.y_axis.tick_interval = 1.0 else: plot.y_axis.tick_interval = len(y)/10 actual_plot = plot.plots["surface2d"][0] self.plot_zoom_tool = ClickUndoZoomTool( plot, always_on=True, pointer="cross", tool_mode="range", axis="index", drag_button=settings.zoom_button, undo_button=settings.undo_button, x_min_zoom_factor=-np.inf, y_min_zoom_factor=-np.inf, ) plot.overlays.append(self.plot_zoom_tool) # Add a color bar colormap = actual_plot.color_mapper colorbar = ColorBar(index_mapper=LinearMapper(range=colormap.range), color_mapper=colormap, plot=actual_plot, orientation='v', resizable='v', width=30, padding=40, padding_top=50, fill_padding=True) colorbar._axis.title_font = settings.axis_title_font colorbar._axis.tick_label_font = settings.tick_font # Add pan and zoom tools to the colorbar self.colorbar_zoom_tool = ClickUndoZoomTool(colorbar, axis="index", tool_mode="range", always_on=True, drag_button=settings.zoom_button, undo_button=settings.undo_button) pan_tool = PanToolWithHistory(colorbar, history_tool=self.colorbar_zoom_tool, constrain_direction="y", constrain=True, drag_button=settings.pan_button) colorbar.overlays.append(self.colorbar_zoom_tool) # Add a label to the top of the color bar colorbar_label = PlotLabel( u'Intensity\n{:^9}'.format('(' + get_value_scale_label(scale) + ')'), component=colorbar, font=settings.axis_title_font, ) colorbar.overlays.append(colorbar_label) # Add the plot and colorbar side-by-side container = HPlotContainer(use_backbuffer=True) container.add(plot) container.add(colorbar) self.twod_plot = plot return container
def __init__(self, **kw): super(MLabChacoPlot, self).__init__(**kw) self.prices = get_data() x = self.prices['Date'] pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x) pd.set_data("y", self.prices["Crude Supply"]) # Create some line plots of some of the data plot = Plot(pd, bgcolor="none", padding=30, border_visible=True, overlay_border=True, use_backbuffer=False) #plot.legend.visible = True plot.plot(("index", "y"), name="Crude Price", color=(.3, .3, .8, .8)), constrain=True, drag_button="right", constrain_direction="x")) range_plt = plot.plots['Crude Price'][0] range_selection = RangeSelection(range_plt, left_button_selects=True) range_selection.on_trait_change(self.update_interval, 'selection') range_plt.overlays.append(RangeSelectionOverlay(range_plt)) zoom = ZoomTool(component=plot, tool_mode="range", always_on=False, axis="index", max_zoom_out_factor=1.0,) plot.overlays.append(zoom) # Set the plot's bottom axis to use the Scales ticking system scale_sys = CalendarScaleSystem(fill_ratio=0.4, default_numlabels=5, default_numticks=10,) tick_gen = ScalesTickGenerator(scale=scale_sys) bottom_axis = ScalesPlotAxis(plot, orientation="bottom", tick_generator=tick_gen, label_color="white", line_color="white") # Hack to remove default axis - FIXME: how do I *replace* an axis? del(plot.underlays[-2]) plot.overlays.append(bottom_axis) # Create the mlab test mesh and get references to various parts of the # VTK pipeline f = mlab.figure(size=(700,500)) self.m = mlab.points3d(self.prices['Gasoline Supply'], self.prices['Jet Fuel Supply'], self.prices['Distillate Supply'], self.prices['Crude Supply']) # Add another glyph module to render the full set of points g2 = Glyph() g2.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.glyph_type = "circle" g2.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.filled = True = 0.75 self.m.module_manager.source.add_module(g2) # Set a bunch of properties on the scene to make things look right self.m.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut_mode = 'PuBuGn' self.m.glyph.mask_points.random_mode = False self.m.glyph.mask_points.on_ratio = 1 self.m.scene.isometric_view() self.m.scene.background = (.9, 0.95, 1.0) scene = mlab.gcf().scene render_window = scene.render_window renderer = scene.renderer rwi = scene.interactor plot.resizable = "" plot.bounds = [600,120] plot.padding = 25 plot.bgcolor = "white" plot.outer_position = [30,30],drag_button="right")) container = OverlayPlotContainer(bgcolor = "transparent", fit_window = True) container.add(plot) # Create the Enable Window window = EnableVTKWindow(rwi, renderer, component=container, istyle_class = tvtk.InteractorStyleTrackballCamera, bgcolor = "transparent", event_passthrough = True, )