def test_init(self): hash_map = HashMap() self.assertEqual(len(hash_map._bucket_array), 10) hash_map = HashMap(('key', 'value')) self.assertEqual(len(hash_map._bucket_array), 10) hash_map = HashMap([ (self.key_1, self.value_1), (self.key_2, self.value_2) ]) self.assertEqual(len(hash_map._bucket_array), 10) self.assertRaises(TypeError, HashMap, 'string')
def test_insert(self): d = HashMap() d.insert(lower_to_upper.items()) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(lowercase)) for ll, ul in zip(lowercase, uppercase): self.assertEqual(d[ll], ul)
def main(): m = HashMap() ops = [ ('insert', (5, 6), (True, )), ('lookup', (5, ), (6, )), ('insert', (7, 3), (True, )), ('lookup', (7, ), (3, )), ('lookup', (5, ), (6, )), ('insert', (5, 2), (False, )), ('lookup', (5, ), (2, )), ('erase', (5, ), (True, )), ('lookup', (5, ), (None, )), ('erase', (3, ), (False, )), ] for op, input, expected_output in ops: if op == 'insert': output = (m.insert(*input), ) elif op == 'lookup': output = (m.lookup(*input), ) else: output = (m.erase(*input), ) assert output == expected_output, 'Expected {} == {}'.format( output, expected_output) print('Succeed')
def test_update(self): d = HashMap() d.update(lower_to_upper) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(lowercase)) for ll, ul in lower_to_upper.items(): self.assertEqual(d[ll], ul)
def test_rehashing(self): keys = [ "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth" ] values = list(range(1, 11)) hm = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 0) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8) for i in range(0, 5): hm.set(keys[i], values[i]) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 5) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8) output = hm.keys() self.assertEqual(len(output), 5) for key in output: self.assertIn(key, keys) for i in range(5, 10): hm.set(keys[i], values[i]) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 10) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 16) output = hm.keys() for key in output: self.assertIn(key, keys) for key in keys: self.assertIn(key, output)
def download(client, container, object, path): res = client.retrieve_object_hashmap(container, object) blocksize = int(res['block_size']) blockhash = res['block_hash'] bytes = res['bytes'] map = res['hashes'] if os.path.exists(path): h = HashMap(blocksize, blockhash) h.load(open(path)) hashes = [hexlify(x) for x in h] else: open(path, 'w').close() # Create an empty file hashes = [] with open(path, 'a+') as fp: if bytes != 0: for i, h in enumerate(map): if i < len(hashes) and h == hashes[i]: continue start = i * blocksize end = '' if i == len(map) - 1 else ((i + 1) * blocksize) - 1 data = client.retrieve_object( container, object, range='bytes=%s-%s' % (start, end)) if i != len(map) - 1: data += (blocksize - len(data)) * '\x00' fp.write(data) fp.truncate(bytes)
def test_getitem_magic_method_raises_value_error_when_target_key_not_extant( self): hashmap = HashMap() hashmap['key'] = 'val' self.assertEqual(hashmap['key'], 'val') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): hashmap['not_key']
def test_multiprocessing_update(self): d = HashMap(key_type=ctypes.c_int, value_type=ctypes.c_int, lock=mp.Lock()) def update_1(): d.update({1: 1, 11: 11, 111: 111}) def update_2(): d.update({2: 2, 22: 22, 222: 222}) p1 = mp.Process(target=update_1) p2 = mp.Process(target=update_2) p1.start() p2.start() p1.join() p2.join() for n in [1, 11, 111]: self.assertTrue(n in d) for n in [2, 22, 222]: self.assertTrue(n in d) self.assertEqual(len(d), 6)
def test_can_set_and_get_basic_case(self): hashmap = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 0) hashmap.set('key', 'val') self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 1) self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('key'), 'val') self.assertIsNone(hashmap.get('otherval'))
def test_has(self): # New HashMap object HM = HashMap() # For Normal Inputs # Putting Value self.assertTrue(HM.put(1, "one")) self.assertTrue(HM.put(2, "two")) # Testing has() self.assertTrue(HM.has(1)) self.assertTrue(HM.has(2)) # For Inputs with colliding hash values self.assertTrue(HM.put(3, "three")) self.assertTrue(HM.put(25, "twenty-five")) self.assertTrue(HM.put(36, "thirty-six")) self.assertTrue(HM.put(47, "forty-seven")) self.assertTrue(HM.has(3)) self.assertTrue(HM.has(25)) self.assertTrue(HM.has(36)) self.assertTrue(HM.has(47)) self.assertTrue(HM.has(1)) self.assertTrue(HM.has(2)) self.assertFalse(HM.has(4))
def main(): """Runs the main program""" hash_map = HashMap() def count(key): """Function to return the value attached to the key given""" number = hash_map.get(key, 0) return number with open("AliceInWonderland.txt", 'r') as alice: for line in alice: words = clean_line(line) for i in words: hash_map.set(i, count(i) + 1) ranking = [] position = 0 while hash_map.lyst[position] is not None: ranking.append(hash_map.lyst[position]) position += 1 ranking.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) top_15 = [] for i in range(15): top_15.append(ranking[i]) print("The most common words are:") for i in top_15: if len(i[0]) >= 3: print(i[0], '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', i[1]) else: print(i[0], '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', i[1])
def test_rehashing(): keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) hm = HashMap() for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) assert hm.size() == 10 assert hm.capacity() == 13
def test_init(self): hash_map = HashMap() assert hash_map.capacity == 17 assert len(hash_map.array) == 17 assert len(hash_map) == 0 for item in hash_map.array: assert item is None
def test_key_present(self): hm = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hm.get("asdf"), None) self.assertEqual(hm.get("asdf", 0), 0) hm.set("qwerty", 12345) self.assertEqual(hm.get("qwerty"), 12345) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 1) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8)
def test_hash_map_updates_with_other_hashmap(self): self.hashmap["FirstKey"] = "FirstValue" other_hashmap = HashMap() other_hashmap["FirstKey"] = "OtherFirstValue" other_hashmap["SeondKey"] = "SecondValue" self.hashmap.update(other_hashmap) self.assertEqual("OtherFirstValue", self.hashmap["FirstKey"])
def main(): '''Driver function for''' hm = HashMap() with open('AliceInWonderland.txt', 'r') as file: for line in file: for word in clean_line(line): hm.set(word, 1) print('The most common words are:') get_most_used_words(hm)
def test_clear(): hm = HashMap() keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) hm.clear() assert hm.capacity() == 7 assert hm.size() == 0
def test_memory_error(self): d = HashMap(capacity=4) d[b'a'] = b"a" d[b'b'] = b"tester" d[b'c'] = b"something new" d[b'd'] = b"DEE" with self.assertRaises(MemoryError): d[b'oh no'] = b'too many!'
def __init__(self, hash_function, initial_size=10, max_load_factor=0.7): """ This function is used to initialize the hashtable based on the hashfunction provided with a certain load factor which is used to increase the size of the hash table :param hash_function: a particular hash value calculating function :param initial_size: initial size of the table :param max_load_factor: loac factor for a table """ self.hash_table = HashMap(initsz=initial_size, hash_func=hash_function, maxload=max_load_factor)
def test_keys(): hm = HashMap() keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) keys2 = hm.keys() keys2.sort() assert keys == keys2
def test_can_set_and_get_many_values(self): hashmap = HashMap() for number in range(0, 20): key, val = str(number), number hashmap.set(key, val) self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 20) for number in range(0, 20): key, expected_val = str(number), number self.assertEqual(hashmap.get(key), expected_val)
def build_data(dat): for restaurant in dat: resto = resto_styles.retrieve(restaurant[0]) resto.insert_beginning(HashMap(4)) node = resto.get_head_node().get_value() node.assign('Name', restaurant[1]) node.assign('Price', restaurant[2]) node.assign('Rating', restaurant[3]) node.assign('Address', restaurant[4]) return resto_styles
def test_clear(self): d = HashMap(upper_to_i.items(), key_type=ctypes.c_char_p, value_type=ctypes.c_int) d.clear() self.assertEqual(len(d), 0) d.update(upper_to_i) self.assertEqual(len(d), len(upper_to_i))
def test_setting(self): d = HashMap(capacity=4) d[b'a'] = b'A' d[b'b'] = b'B' self.assertEqual(d[b'a'], b'A', "Failed to insert A") self.assertEqual(d[b'b'], b'B', "Failed to insert B") d[b'a'] = b'H' self.assertEqual(d[b'a'], b'H', "Failed to change a") self.assertEqual(d[b'b'], b'B', "Changing a changed b")
def test_contains(self): d = HashMap(capacity=4) d[b'a'] = b'hi' d[b'b'] = b'Bee' self.assertTrue(b'a' in d) self.assertTrue(b'b' in d) self.assertTrue(b'nope' not in d) d = HashMap(key_type=ctypes.c_char_p, value_type=ctypes.c_int) for i, letter in enumerate(uppercase): d[letter] = i for i, letter in enumerate(uppercase): self.assertTrue(letter in d, "Didn't contain letter: %s" % letter) for i, letter in enumerate(lowercase): self.assertTrue(letter not in d, "Somehow contains letter: %s" % letter)
def test_can_set_and_get_multiple_values(self): hashmap = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 0) hashmap.set('key', 'val') self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 1) self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('key'), 'val') hashmap.set('otherkey', 'otherval') self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 2) self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('otherkey'), 'otherval') self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('key'), 'val') self.assertIsNone(hashmap.get('blah'))
def setUpClass(cls): # class variable run before the test suite. # We'll be making changes to this with each # test. cls.hashmap = HashMap() cls.key_list = [ ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for i in xrange(100)) for j in xrange(26) ] # 26 random keys cls.value_list = random.sample(range(1000), 26) # 26 random values
def test_remove(): hm = HashMap() keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) hm.remove((3, 3)) print(hm) with pytest.raises(KeyError): hm.get((3, 3)) assert hm.get((5, 5)) == 6
def performance_test(): import time import dbm from itertools import permutations def test_dict(d): for p in [''.join(p) for p in permutations('1234567')]: d[p.encode()] = p.encode() def test_lookup(d): for p in [''.join(p) for p in permutations('1234567')]: if p.encode() in d: pass d = {} t = time.time() test_dict(d) print("dict insert: %s" % (time.time() - t)) t = time.time() test_lookup(d) print("dict lookup: %s" % (time.time() - t)) d = HashMap(key_type=ctypes.c_char_p, value_type=ctypes.c_char_p, capacity=1000000) t = time.time() test_dict(d) print("Shared-Memory HashMap insert: %s" % (time.time() - t)) t = time.time() test_lookup(d) print("Shared-Memory HashMap lookup: %s" % (time.time() - t)) d = mp.Manager().dict() t = time.time() test_dict(d) print("Manager().dict insert: %s" % (time.time() - t)) t = time.time() test_lookup(d) print("Manager().dict lookup: %s" % (time.time() - t)) db ='cache', 'c') t = time.time() test_dict(db) print("dbm insert time: %s" % (time.time() - t)) t = time.time() test_lookup(db) print("dbm lookup time: %s" % (time.time() - t)) db.close()
def test_add_collision(self): key1 = "hysh" key2 = "vwtuyy" hash_map = HashMap() hash_map[key1] = True hash_map[key2] = False assert len(hash_map) == 2 assert hash_map[key1] == True assert hash_map[key2] == False