コード例 #1
ファイル: maphist.py プロジェクト: yprodev/python_ads
class Histogram:
	# Creates a histogram containing the given categories
	def __init__(self, catSeq):
		self._freqCounts = HashMap()
		for cat in catSeq:
			self._freqCounts.add(cat, 0)

	# Returns the frequency count for the given category
	def getCount(self, category):
		assert category in self._freqCounts, "Invalid histogram category"

		return self._freqCounts.valueOf(category)

	# Increments the counter for the given category
	def incCount(self, category):
		assert category in self._freqCounts, "Invalid histogram category"

		value = self._freqCounts.valueOf(category)
		self._freqCounts.add(category, value + 1)

	# Returns the sum of the frequency counts
	def totalCount(self):
		total = 0
		for cat in self._freqCounts:
			total += self._freqCounts.valueOf(cat)

		return total

	# Returns an iterator for traversing the categories
	def __iter__(self):
		return iter(self._freqCounts)
コード例 #2
ファイル: maphist.py プロジェクト: storypku/tlpi
class Histogram:
    """ Implementation of the Histogram ADT using a Hash Map """

    def __init__(self, catSeq):
        """ Creates a histogram containing the given categories """

        self._freqCounts = HashMap()
        for cat in catSeq:
            self._freqCounts.add(cat, 0)

    def getCount(self, category):
        """ Returns the frequency count for the given category. """

        assert category in self._freqCounts, "Invalid histogram category."
        return self._freqCounts.valueOf(category)

    def incCount(self, category):
        """ Increments the counter for the given category """

        assert category in self._freqCounts, "Invalid histogram category."
        value = self._freqCounts.valueOf(category)
        self._freqCounts.add(category, value + 1)

    def totalCount(self):
        """ Returns the sum of the frequency counts. """

        total = 0
        for cat in self._freqCounts:
            total += self._freqCounts.valueOf(cat)
        return total

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Returns an iterator for traversing the categories """

        return iter(self._freqCounts)
コード例 #3
class Histogram(object):
	# Create a histogram containing the given categories.
	def __init__(self, catSeq):
		self._freqCounts = HashMap()
		for cat in catSeq:
			self._freqCounts.add(cat, 0)
	# Return the frequency count for the given category.
	def getCount(self, category):
		assert category in self._freqCounts, 'Invalid histogram category.'
		return self._freqCounts.valueOf(category)
	# Increment the counter for the given category.
	def incCount(self, category):
		assert category in self._freqCounts, 'Invalid histogram category.'
		value = self._freqCounts.valueOf(category)
		self._freqCounts.add(category, value + 1)
	# Return the sum of the frequency counts.
	def totalCount(self):
		total = 0
		for cat in self._freqCounts:
			total += self._freqCounts.valueOf(cat)
		return total
	# Return an iterator for traversing the categories.
	def __iter__(self):
		return iter(self._freqCounts)
コード例 #4
ファイル: function.py プロジェクト: firegladtang/LanhuSaas-1
def get_scene_find_xml(xml, scene_id):
    :param xml:
    :param scene_id:
    root_a = ElementTree.XML(xml)
    parent = root_a.find("root", "mxGraphModel")
    list = parent._children
    # 判断绑定的监控项是否有重复
    items_map = HashMap()
    # 批量入库数组
    add_scene_item_list = []
    for dto in list:
        if dto.tag == "object":
            dto_item_id = str(dto.attrib.get("item_id"))
            # 关联的监控项id非数字直接进入下一个循环
            if dto_item_id.isdigit() is False:
            int_item_id = int(dto_item_id)
            item_name = str(dto.attrib.get("label"))
            # 添加了重复的监控项,直接返回提示
            if items_map.get(int_item_id) is not None:
                return item_name
            items_map.add(int_item_id, item_name)
            temp_dto = Scene_monitor.objects.filter(scene_id=scene_id,
            if temp_dto.count() == 0:
                # 只有等于零时才新增
                scene_dto = Scene_monitor()
                scene_dto.item_id = int_item_id
                scene_dto.scene_id = scene_id
                scene_dto.x = 0
                scene_dto.y = 0
                scene_dto.scale = 0.0
                scene_dto.score = 0
                scene_dto.order = 0
                # scene_dto.save()
                print "场景 " + str(scene_id) + " " + dto_item_id + "保存成功"
                print "场景 " + str(scene_id) + " " + dto_item_id + "已存在,不处理"
    # 如果数组不为空,执行批量入库
    if add_scene_item_list.__len__() > 0:
    return "true"
コード例 #5
class Histogram:
    def __init__( self, catSeq ):
        self._freqCounts = HashMap()
        for cat in catSeq:
            self._freqCounts.add( cat, 0 )

    def getCount( self, category ):
        assert category in self._freqCounts, "Invalid histogram category."
        return self._freqCounts.valueOf( category )

    def incCount( self, category ):
        assert category in self._freqCounts, "Invalid histogram category."
        value = self._freqCounts.valueOf( category )
        self._freqCounts.add( category, value + 1 )

    def totalCount( self ):
        total = 0
        for cat in self._freqCounts:
            total += self._freqCounts.valueOf( cat )
        return total

    def __iter__( self ):
        return iter( self._freqCounts )
コード例 #6
ファイル: testhash.py プロジェクト: alexwade13/AlexsGit
First run some small tests to make sure basic operations in hashmap
work correctly. Then run a large test to examine the number of collisions
when different hash and collision resolution methods are used.

# Create a hashmap
myMap = HashMap()

# Keys and values for testing
keys = [ 6, 13, 100, 29, 12, 5, 15, 18, 101, 56 ]
values = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]

# Test insertion
for i in range( len( keys ) ):
    print( 'inserting ', keys[ i] , '/', values[ i]  )
    myMap.add( keys[ i ], values[ i ] )    # (key, value) pair

# Test the iterator
print( 'original map : ' )
for v in myMap:
    print( '[', v.key, '/', v.value, ']', end = ' ' )

# Test search
print( 'value of key 6 should be 0, it is ', myMap.valueOf( 6 ) )
print( 'value of key 56 should be 9, it is ', myMap.valueOf( 56 ) )
print( 'value of key 12 should be 4, it is ', myMap.valueOf( 12 ) )

# Test removal
myMap.remove( 100 )
myMap.remove( 56 )
コード例 #7
ファイル: instance.py プロジェクト: erkanay/data-structures
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from hashmap import HashMap

h = HashMap(4)  #  4 cells

h.add("erkan", "444-44-44")
h.add("maxime", "333-33-33")
h.add("bob", "555-55-55")
h.add("mike", "666-66-66")
h.add("aude", "777-77-77")
h.add("kosta", "888-88-88")


コード例 #8
def checkMintorDir(app_dir, mintor_dir_path, mintor_md5_filepath):
    print "checkMintorDir()...%s  from file: %s where module is:%s" % (
        mintor_dir_path, mintor_md5_filepath, app_dir)
    if not app_dir or not mintor_dir_path or not mintor_md5_filepath:
        print "###########ERROR###############"
        print "checkMintorDir param error app_dir:%s mintor_dir_path:%s mintor_md5_filepath:%s" % (
            app_dir, mintor_dir_path, mintor_md5_filepath)
    # 读区已经压缩过文件和md5到hashmap
    md5HashMap = HashMap()
    if os.path.exists(mintor_md5_filepath):
        for line in open(mintor_md5_filepath):
            # print line
            line = line.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '')
            lineItems = line.rsplit('--MD5-->', 2)
            #print "%s   %s" %(lineItems[0],lineItems[1])
            md5HashMap.add(lineItems[0], lineItems[1])
        f = open(mintor_md5_filepath, 'w')

    # 遍历被监控的文件夹,计算新的md5值和老的md5Hashmap值是否相等
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(mintor_dir_path):
        # print "dirpath:%s dirnames:%s filenames:%s" %(dirpath,dirnames,filenames)
        # if "build" not in dirpath and "intermediates" not in dirpath and "generated" not in dirpath and "outputs" not in dirpath and "gen" not in dirpath:
        #     continue
        for file in filenames:
            fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)

            simplepath = fullpath.replace(app_dir, '')
            if simplepath and simplepath.startswith('/'):
                simplepath = simplepath[1:len(simplepath)]
            # print "this is: %s" %simplepath
            # 9.png 压缩了之后不能缩放
            if simplepath.endswith(".9.png"):
                print "ignore: %s" % simplepath
            elif simplepath.endswith(".png") or simplepath.endswith(".jpg"):
                oldMd5 = None
                    oldMd5 = md5HashMap.get(simplepath)
                except KeyError, e:
                md5 = util.generateMd5_2(fullpath)
                print "\ncompressing %s oldMd5:%s md5:%s" % (simplepath,
                                                             oldMd5, md5)
                if cmp(oldMd5, md5) == 0:
                    print "%s is already compressed!!! skiped" % simplepath
                    if JUST_CHECK:
                        title = "you have picture not compressed yet!!!"
                        content = "please local run:python lcba/lintCompress.py to compress Resources!!!"
                        print title
                        print content
                        glo.set_value('_reason', title)
                        glo.set_value('_title', title)
                        glo.set_value('_content', content)
                        util.safeQuit(None, None)
                    # 2,上传tinypng压缩图片
                    compressSinglePicLogic(fullpath, fullpath + ".tiny",
                                           simplepath, mintor_md5_filepath)