def main(): """Runs the main program""" hash_map = HashMap() def count(key): """Function to return the value attached to the key given""" number = hash_map.get(key, 0) return number with open("AliceInWonderland.txt", 'r') as alice: for line in alice: words = clean_line(line) for i in words: hash_map.set(i, count(i) + 1) ranking = [] position = 0 while hash_map.lyst[position] is not None: ranking.append(hash_map.lyst[position]) position += 1 ranking.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) top_15 = [] for i in range(15): top_15.append(ranking[i]) print("The most common words are:") for i in top_15: if len(i[0]) >= 3: print(i[0], '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', i[1]) else: print(i[0], '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', i[1])
def test_can_set_and_get_basic_case(self): hashmap = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 0) hashmap.set('key', 'val') self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 1) self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('key'), 'val') self.assertIsNone(hashmap.get('otherval'))
def test_rehashing(self): keys = [ "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth" ] values = list(range(1, 11)) hm = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 0) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8) for i in range(0, 5): hm.set(keys[i], values[i]) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 5) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8) output = hm.keys() self.assertEqual(len(output), 5) for key in output: self.assertIn(key, keys) for i in range(5, 10): hm.set(keys[i], values[i]) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 10) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 16) output = hm.keys() for key in output: self.assertIn(key, keys) for key in keys: self.assertIn(key, output)
def test_rehashing(): keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) hm = HashMap() for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) assert hm.size() == 10 assert hm.capacity() == 13
def test_key_present(self): hm = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hm.get("asdf"), None) self.assertEqual(hm.get("asdf", 0), 0) hm.set("qwerty", 12345) self.assertEqual(hm.get("qwerty"), 12345) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 1) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 8)
def test_keys(): hm = HashMap() keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) keys2 = hm.keys() keys2.sort() assert keys == keys2
def test_clear(): hm = HashMap() keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) hm.clear() assert hm.capacity() == 7 assert hm.size() == 0
def main(): '''Driver function for''' hm = HashMap() with open('AliceInWonderland.txt', 'r') as file: for line in file: for word in clean_line(line): hm.set(word, 1) print('The most common words are:') get_most_used_words(hm)
def test_can_set_and_get_many_values(self): hashmap = HashMap() for number in range(0, 20): key, val = str(number), number hashmap.set(key, val) self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 20) for number in range(0, 20): key, expected_val = str(number), number self.assertEqual(hashmap.get(key), expected_val)
def test_can_set_and_get_multiple_values(self): hashmap = HashMap() self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 0) hashmap.set('key', 'val') self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 1) self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('key'), 'val') hashmap.set('otherkey', 'otherval') self.assertEqual(hashmap._number_of_elements, 2) self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('otherkey'), 'otherval') self.assertEqual(hashmap.get('key'), 'val') self.assertIsNone(hashmap.get('blah'))
def test_remove(): hm = HashMap() keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) hm.remove((3, 3)) print(hm) with pytest.raises(KeyError): hm.get((3, 3)) assert hm.get((5, 5)) == 6
def test_ten_keys(self): hm = HashMap() keys = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth"] values = list(range(1, 11)) for i in range(len(keys)): hm.set(keys[i], values[i]) self.assertEqual(hm.get("sixth"), 6) self.assertNotEqual(hm.get("sixth"), 7) self.assertNotEqual(hm.get("sixth"), 5) hm.set("third", 409) self.assertEqual(hm.get("third"), 409) self.assertEqual(hm.size(), 10) self.assertEqual(hm.capacity(), 16)
def test_get_set(): hm = HashMap() with pytest.raises(KeyError): hm.get((0, 0)) keys = [(r, r) for r in (range(10))] values = list(range(1, 11)) for k, v in zip(keys, values): hm.set(k, v) assert hm.get((5, 5)) == 6 assert hm.get((9, 9)) == 10 hm.set((2, 2), 409) assert hm.get((2, 2)) == 409
def main(): ''' driver for project ''' hash_map = HashMap() with open("AliceInWonderland.txt", encoding='utf8') as input_file: for raw_line in input_file: words = clean_line(raw_line) for word in words: hash_map.set(word, hash_map.get(word, 0) + 1) keys = hash_map.keys() key_values = [(key, hash_map.get(key)) for key in keys] key_values.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1]) print("The most common words are:") for element in key_values[:15]: print(f'{element[0]}\t\t{element[1]}') print()
def main(): """ Main driver to run program. """ hashmap = HashMap() text_file = open("AliceInWonderland.txt", "r", encoding="utf8") for line in text_file: temp = clean_line(line) for word in temp: if hashmap.contains(word) is True: tempvalue = hashmap.get(word) hashmap.set(word, (tempvalue + 1)) else: hashmap.set(word, 1) hashmap.print_top() text_file.close()
def main(): """ Main function """ hashmap = HashMap() file = open('AliceInWonderland.txt', 'r') for line in file: text = clean_line(line) for word in text: hashmap.set(word) file.close() mylist = [] for i in hashmap.dictionary: if i is not None: mylist.append(i) mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print('The most common words are:') for i in range(0, 15): index = mylist[i] print(index[0] + ' ' + str(index[1]))
class test_hashmap(unittest.TestCase): """ Test class for class Hashmap In all the quadratic probing tests unexpected errors can occur, for example if size of hashmap is small even one element can fill up a significant amount of size of the hashmap. Therefore I didn't use loop testing in quadratic probing it was causing random errors! """ def setUp(self): size = math.floor( random.random() * 30) + 30 # minimum size 15 to avoid coflicts with line 26 self._dict = HashMap(size, probing='quadratic', verbose=False) def test_hash_index(self): idx = self._dict.hash_index('divyansh') verify = 'divyansh'.__hash__() & ( self._dict.size - 1 ) # __hash__ returns different hashes for different python runs self.assertEqual(idx, verify) def test_sanity_check_key(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._dict.sanity_check_key, 23) # passed any number to raise exception self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._dict.sanity_check_key, [2, 3, 4]) # passed a list to raise exception self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._dict.sanity_check_key, ('asd', 'asd')) # passed a tuple to raise exception def test_probe_linear(self): self._dict.probing = 'linear' num = self._dict.probe(5) self.assertEqual(num, 6) self._dict.ctr = 1 num = self._dict.probe(self._dict.size + 3) self.assertEqual(num, 4) def test_probe_quadratic(self): self._dict.probing = 'quadratic' self.assertEqual(self._dict.probe(5), 6) self.assertEqual(self._dict.probe(6), 10) self.assertEqual(self._dict.probe(1), 10) self._dict.reset() self.assertEqual(self._dict.probe(self._dict.size - 1), 0) self.assertEqual(self._dict.probe(self._dict.size - 1), 3) def test_set_quadratic(self): self.assertEqual(self._dict.set('animal', 'monkey'), True) self.assertEqual(self._dict.set('animal', 'lion'), True) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._dict.set, 23, 'twenty_three') def test_set_linear(self): self._dict.probing = 'linear' self.assertEqual(self._dict.set('animal', 'monkey'), True) self.assertEqual(self._dict.set('animal', 'lion'), True) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self._dict.set, 23, 'twenty_three') self._dict.reset() for i in range(self._dict.size): self.assertEqual( self._dict.set('animal' + str(i), 'monkey' + str(i)), True) self.assertEqual(self._dict.load(), 1) self.assertEqual( self._dict.set('one_more_key_to_cause_overflow', 'monkey_n'), False) def test_get_quadratic(self): self.probing = 'quadratic' self.assertEqual(self._dict.set('animal' + str(3), 'monkey' + str(3)), True) self.assertEqual(self._dict.get('animal' + str(3)), 'monkey' + str(3)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._dict.get, 'bird') def test_get_linear(self): self._dict.probing = 'linear' for i in range(self._dict.size): self.assertEqual( self._dict.set('animal' + str(i), 'monkey' + str(i)), True) for i in reversed(range(self._dict.size)): self.assertEqual(self._dict.get('animal' + str(i)), 'monkey' + str(i)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._dict.get, 'bird') def test_delete_quadratic(self): self._dict.probing = 'quadratic' self._dict.set('animal', 'monkey') self._dict.delete('animal') self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._dict.get, 'animal') def test_delete_linear(self): self._dict.probing = 'linear' self._dict.set('animal', 'monkey') self._dict.delete('animal') for i in range(self._dict.size): self.assertEqual( self._dict.set('animal' + str(i), 'monkey' + str(i)), True) for i in reversed(range(self._dict.size)): self.assertEqual(self._dict.delete('animal' + str(i)), None) self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._dict.delete, 'animal' + str(i)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._dict.get, 'animal') def test_load_quadratic(self): self.probing = 'quadratic' itr = math.floor(random.random() * self._dict.size / 2 + 5) for i in range(itr): random_key = ''.join( random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=15)) self._dict.set(random_key, 'monkey' + str(i)) load_value = self._dict.load() self.assertLessEqual(load_value, 0.6) def test_load_linear(self): self.probing = 'linear' itr = math.floor(random.random() * self._dict.size + 5) for i in range(itr): random_key = ''.join( random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=15)) self._dict.set(random_key, 'monkey' + str(i)) load_value = self._dict.load() self.assertLessEqual(load_value, 1)
from hashmap import HashMap my_dict1 = HashMap(100, probing='quadratic') my_dict1.set('animal', 'lion') print("obj=mydict1, key = animal, value = %s" % my_dict1.get('animal')) my_dict2 = HashMap(10, 'linear') my_dict2.set('animal', 'monkey') print("obj=mydict2, key = animal, value = %s" % my_dict2.get('animal'))
def test_len_method(self): hashmap = HashMap() self.assertEqual(len(hashmap), 0) for number in range(0, 20): hashmap.set(str(number), number) self.assertEqual(len(hashmap), 20)