コード例 #1
    def spawn(self, game, player, shipId=None):
        Scenario.spawn(self, game, player, shipId)

        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_CARGO

        (x, y) = (self.orbitalbase.xp + 50, self.orbitalbase.yp + 60)

        flagship = FlagShip(player, shipStats, AiCaptain(player), x, y, 0, 0,
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = 0
        flagship.energy = 0
        flagship.ori = 7 / 8 * pi + pi / 2


        player.flagship = flagship

        for i in xrange(3):
            harvester = HarvesterShip(player, player.race.defaultHarvester,
                                      AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0, 0, 0, 4,
                                      0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

        player.needToUpdateRelations = True
コード例 #2
ファイル: HostScanning.py プロジェクト: KeiranY/DVNI
    def create_network(self, controller=Controller):
        Adds a switch, a Kali container, and several mininet hosts to the network created in the base class.

            An __init__ parameter should be used to allow overriding prefixlen and host count
        Scenario.create_network(self, controller)
        # Add switch
        switch = self.net.addSwitch('s1')
        # Create a random subnet to add hosts to
        self.prefixlen = random.randint(24, 27)
        self.subnet = subnet.generate(self.prefixlen)
        hosts = list(self.subnet.hosts())
        # Add kali
        self.kali = self.net.addDocker('kali',
                                       ip="%s/%s" %
                                       (hosts.pop(), self.prefixlen))

        self.net.addLink(switch, self.kali)
        for i in range(0, random.randint(10, 25)):
            # If the host list is empty, exit
            if not hosts:
            # Get a random IP from the list of hosts
            ip = hosts.pop(random.randrange(len(hosts)))
            # Add a host
            host = self.net.addHost('h' + str(i),
                                    ip="%s/%s" % (ip, self.prefixlen))
            # Link host to switch
            self.net.addLink(switch, host)
コード例 #3
    def create_network(self, controller=None):
        """Adds a switch, Kali, vsftpd, and some hosts to the network."""

        Scenario.create_network(self, controller)
        # Create a random subnet to add hosts to
        prefixlen = random.randint(27, 29)
        hosts = list(subnet.generate(prefixlen).hosts())
        # Add kali
        self.kali = self.net.addDocker('kali',
                                       ip="%s/%s" % (hosts.pop(), prefixlen))
        self.net.addLink(self.switch, self.kali)
        # Add ftpd
        self.ftpd = self.net.addDocker('ftp',
                                       ip="%s/%s" % (hosts.pop(), prefixlen))
        self.net.addLink(self.switch, self.ftpd)
        # Add ftp client
        for i in range(random.randrange(1, 5)):
            ftpc = self.net.addHost('ftpc'+str(i),
                                    ip="%s/%s" % (hosts.pop(), prefixlen))
            self.net.addLink(self.switch, ftpc)
コード例 #4
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: thelou1s/ndt
 def createNewScenario(self):
     scenario = Scenario(self, "New Scenario")
     self.root = self.tree.AddRoot(scenario.getName())
     self.tree.SetPyData(self.root, scenario)
     self.tree.SetItemImage(self.root, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
     self.tree.SetItemImage(self.root, self.fldropenidx,
コード例 #5
    def __init__( self, game, nSystems=3, nPlanets=12, nAsteroidFields=9 ):
        self.nSystems = nSystems
        self.nPlanets = nPlanets
        self.nAsteroidFields = nAsteroidFields

        self.distBetweenSuns = 30000
        self.distBetweenSunsMod = 4000
        self.planetDistFromSun = 9000 # also asteroids
        self.planetDistFromSunMod = 5000 # also asteroids
        self.minDistBetweenPlanets = 1000

        self.player = None

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 0

        Scenario.__init__(self, game )
        self.suns = []
        self.planets = []
        game.astres = []

        self.ennemyShips = []

        self.generate( game )
コード例 #6
ファイル: VlanDoubleTagging.py プロジェクト: KeiranY/DVNI
 def generate_task(self, doc):
     Scenario.generate_task(self, doc)
     doc.add_paragraph("In this scenario you have access to two Kali machines in seperate VLANs in the same network. "
                       "The VLANs are somewhere in the range 1-10. ")
         "The tool arp-scan is able to find which VLAN you are a part of by specifying a VLAN to scan.")
         "The vconfig tool can be used to add a VLAN tag to an interface.")
     doc.add_paragraph("Answer the following questions: ")
コード例 #7
ファイル: DHCPStarvation.py プロジェクト: KeiranY/DVNI
 def generate_task(self, doc=Document()):
     Scenario.generate_task(self, doc)
         "DHCP servers assign IP addresses within a set range for a set amount of time. "
         "This makes them vulnerable to 'starvation' attacks, where a malicious device requests every IP by pretending to be many devices simultaneously."
         "In this task you'll be performing a starvation attack. To do this you'll need to use Yersinia. NOTE: Do NOT run dhclient until told."
     doc.add_paragraph("Answer the following questions:")
コード例 #8
 def generate_task(self, doc):
     Scenario.generate_task(self, doc)
         'In this scenario your kali machine is connected to a switch capable of learning connected MAC adresses, '
         'this means that traffic will be delivered to the correct device once it\'s location has been learned.')
         'This task requires you to use ettercap/arpspoof to trick devices into sending traffic to you instead of the intended recipient, '
         'then Wireshark/tcpdump can be used to analyse packets.')
         'Answer the following questions:')
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self, game):
        Scenario.__init__(self, game)

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 10

        self.sol = Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0)
        self.mercury = Planet(game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400)  # 4332
        self.venus = Planet(game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2200)  # 5462
        self.earth = Planet(game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700)  # 7382
        self.mars = Planet(game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2200)  # 8104
        self.moon = Planet(game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400)
        self.jupiter = Planet(game.stats.P_JUPITER, -12000, -4800)  # 12924
        self.saturn = Planet(game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500)  # 13238
        self.neptune = Planet(game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000)  # 16552

        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth

        self.blackHole = BlackHole(game.stats.BH_0, 10000, -10000)

        for i in xrange(10):  # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint(100, 800)
            angle = 2 * pi * random()

            (x, y) = (self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                      self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle))
            s = Ship(game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20)

        for i in range(60):  # asteroids between self.saturn and self.neptune
            dist = 15000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 10 + pi / 7
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 300)

        for i in range(50):  # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 8 + pi * 9 / 8  # 2*random()*pi #
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 200)

        game.astres = [
            self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon,
            self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon,

        for i in xrange(self.wantedBadGuys):
コード例 #10
ファイル: extras.py プロジェクト: LHood/pycaptain
    def spawn(self, game, player, shipId):
        #  if not player.flagship and player.points >= game.stats.PlayableShips[ shipId ].points:
        player.race = game.stats.PlayableShips[shipId].race
        shipStats = game.stats.PlayableShips[shipId].stats

        dist = randint(10, self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius)
        angle = 2 * pi * random()
        (x, y) = (self.gamma[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                  self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle))

        flagship = FlagShip(player, shipStats, AiCaptain(player), x, y, 0, 0,
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre / 2
        flagship.energy = flagship.stats.maxEnergy / 2
        flagship.ori = 2 * pi * random()

        if player.race == game.stats.R_EVOLVED:
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_BURST_LASER_0
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_SUBSPACE_WAVE_0
        elif player.race == game.stats.R_NOMAD:
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_REPEATER_1
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_NOMAD_CANNON_0
        elif player.race == game.stats.R_AI:
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_AI_FLAK_1
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_AI_OMNI_LASER_0
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_MASS_SR_0
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0

        for t in flagship.turrets[:2]:

        for t in flagship.turrets[-2:]:

        player.flagship = flagship


        for i in range(self.harvestersAtSpawn):
            harvester = HarvesterShip(player, player.race.defaultHarvester,
                                      AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0, 0, 0, 4,
                                      0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

        Scenario.spawn(self, game, player, shipId=shipId)

        for i in xrange(0, 3):
            frigate = Frigate(player, player.race.defaults[ids.B_FRIGATE],
                              AiEscortFrigate(player), x + 100, y + 100)
コード例 #11
ファイル: PortScanning.py プロジェクト: KeiranY/DVNI
 def run_network(self):
     """Runs `netcat` on hosts in the network to provide open ports to scan"""
     # Open random top ports for scanning
     for host in self.net.hosts:
         if host.name == 'kali':
         host.taskPorts = []
         for port in range(0, random.randint(0, 4)):
         for port in host.taskPorts:
             host.cmd('nc', '-l', '-d', '-p', port, '&')
     if self.developer:
         self.kali.cmd('ip a')
         self.kali.cmd('nmap -v %s/%s' % (self.kali.defaultIntf().IP(), self.prefixlen))
コード例 #12
ファイル: randommultiple.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def spawn( self, game, player, shipId ):
        player.race = game.stats.PlayableShips[ shipId ].race
        shipStats = game.stats.PlayableShips[ shipId ].stats

        planet = choice( self.planets )
        dist = randint( 10, planet.stats.maxRadius )
        angle = 2*pi*random()
        (x,y) = ( planet.xp+dist*cos(angle), planet.yp+dist*sin(angle) )

        flagship = FlagShip( player, shipStats, AiCaptain( player ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre/2
        flagship.energy = flagship.stats.maxEnergy / 2
        flagship.ori = 2*pi*random()
        if player.race == game.stats.R_EVOLVED:
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_ESPHERE_0
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_SUBSPACE_WAVE_0
        elif player.race == game.stats.R_NOMAD:
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_REPEATER_1
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_NOMAD_CANNON_0
        elif player.race == game.stats.R_AI:
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_AI_FLAK_1
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_AI_OMNI_LASER_0
            smallTurret = game.stats.T_MASS_SR_0
            mediumTurret = game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0

        for t in flagship.turrets[:2]:
            t.buildInstall( mediumTurret )
        for t in flagship.turrets[-2:]:
            t.buildInstall( smallTurret )
        player.flagship = flagship
        game.objects.append( flagship )

        for i in range(self.harvestersAtSpawn):
           harvester = HarvesterShip(player, player.race.defaultHarvester, AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
           flagship.shipyards[ harvester.stats.img ].docked.append( harvester )

        Scenario.spawn( self, game, player, shipId=shipId )

        for i in xrange( 0, 3 ):
            frigate = Frigate( player, player.race.defaults[ ids.B_FRIGATE ], 
                               AiEscortFrigate( player ), x+100, y+100 )
            game.objects.append( frigate )
コード例 #13
ファイル: sol.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game):
        Scenario.__init__(self, game )

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 10

        self.sol = Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0 )
        self.mercury = Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400 ) # 4332
        self.venus = Planet( game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2200 ) # 5462
        self.earth = Planet( game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700 ) # 7382
        self.mars = Planet( game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2200 ) # 8104
        self.moon = Planet( game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400 )
        self.jupiter = Planet( game.stats.P_JUPITER, -12000, -4800 ) # 12924
        self.saturn = Planet( game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500 ) # 13238
        self.neptune = Planet( game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000 ) # 16552

        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth

        self.blackHole = BlackHole( game.stats.BH_0, 10000, -10000 )
        for i in xrange( 10 ): # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        for i in range( 60 ): # asteroids between self.saturn and self.neptune
            dist = 15000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/10+pi/7
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 300 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        for i in range( 50 ): # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/8+pi*9/8 # 2*random()*pi # 
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 200 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        game.astres = [self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon, self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon, self.blackHole ]

        for i in xrange( self.wantedBadGuys ):
            self.addRandomNpc( game )
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_beehive.py プロジェクト: liujiantong/Beehive
    def testScenario(self):
        from scenarios import Scenario, scenario_config
        s = []
        for sc in scenario_config:

        self.assertEqual(12, s[0].N_Months)
        self.assertEqual(1000, s[0].honeycomb_size_in_hive)
コード例 #15
ファイル: tutorial1.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def spawn( self, game, player, shipId=None ):
        Scenario.spawn( self, game, player, shipId )
        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_SCOUT

        (x,y) = self.startingPoint

        flagship = FlagShip( player, shipStats, AiCaptain( player ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre
        flagship.energy = 0
        flagship.ori = 7/8*pi+pi/2

        player.flagship = flagship        
        game.objects.append( flagship )

        player.needToUpdateRelations = True
コード例 #16
    def spawn(self, game, player, shipId=None):
        Scenario.spawn(self, game, player, shipId)

        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_SCOUT

        (x, y) = self.startingPoint

        flagship = FlagShip(player, shipStats, AiCaptain(player), x, y, 0, 0,
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre
        flagship.energy = 0
        flagship.ori = 7 / 8 * pi + pi / 2

        player.flagship = flagship

        player.needToUpdateRelations = True
コード例 #17
ファイル: CAMFlooding.py プロジェクト: KeiranY/DVNI
 def generate_task(self, doc):
     Scenario.generate_task(self, doc)
         'In this scenario your kali machine is connected to a switch capable of learning connected MAC adresses, '
         'this means that traffic will be delivered to the correct device rather than all devices after seeing the device\'s MAC send a packet. '
         'MAC Addresses in this scenario are learned by storing them in a Content Addressable Memory (CAM) table, a dictionary of MACs to Ports. '
         'CAM tables such as this one are vulnerable to an attack known as flooding, where by filling the CAM table the switch is forced to relearn the MAC. '
         'Until the MAC address is relearned any packets sent to it are flooded on all of the switches ports, and visable to devices connected to those ports. '
         'This task requires you to use the \'macof\' to peform CAM Table flooding, then Wireshark/tcpdump can be used to analyse packets. '
         'NOTE: The macof tool generates a large amount of traffic that slow the network to a crawl like a DOS attack. If you aren\'t succesful in capturing traffic, pause your attack for a bit'
     doc.add_paragraph('Answer the following questions:')
コード例 #18
ファイル: dragons.py プロジェクト: LHood/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):

        stats = Stats()
        #    stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [ stats.T_SOLAR_0 ]
        #    stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = []
        #    stats.R_HUMAN.ships = []
        stats.PlayableShips = {}

        steps = []
        for i in xrange(8):
                Step(goal=lambda self, game: not filter(
                    lambda ship: ship.alive, self.ennemyShips),
                     onBegin=lambda self, game, stepNbr=i + 1: self.
                     stepFunction(game, stepNbr),
                     failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                     not self.player.flagship.alive,
                     texts=[(1, "Clear the area.")]))

        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats)

        self.sol = Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 4000, 0)

        for i in range(75):  # asteroids
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, -2000, 0, 800)

        game.astres = [self.sol]

        self.player = None
        self.startingPoint = (-1000, 0)

        self.ennemyPosition = (-2000, 0)
        self.ennemy = Faction(game.stats.R_EXTRA, "Unknown")

        self.infestedAsteroid = Asteroid(game, self.ennemyPosition[0],
                                         self.ennemyPosition[1], 0)

        self.ennemyShips = []
コード例 #19
ファイル: dragons.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def spawn( self, game, player, shipId=None ):
        print "spawning"
        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_FS_0

        (x,y) = self.startingPoint

        flagship = FlagShip( player, shipStats, AiCaptain( player ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre
        flagship.energy = 1000
        flagship.ori = 7/8*pi+pi/2
        for turret in flagship.turrets[2:4]:
            turret.buildInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_SR_1 )

        player.flagship = flagship        
        game.objects.append( flagship )

     #   self.player = player
        Scenario.spawn( self, game, player, shipId )
コード例 #20
ファイル: dragons.py プロジェクト: LHood/pycaptain
    def spawn(self, game, player, shipId=None):
        print "spawning"

        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_FS_0

        (x, y) = self.startingPoint

        flagship = FlagShip(player, shipStats, AiCaptain(player), x, y, 0, 0,
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre
        flagship.energy = 1000
        flagship.ori = 7 / 8 * pi + pi / 2

        for turret in flagship.turrets[2:4]:

        player.flagship = flagship

        #   self.player = player
        Scenario.spawn(self, game, player, shipId)
コード例 #21
ファイル: dragons.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):
        stats = Stats()
    #    stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [ stats.T_SOLAR_0 ]
    #    stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = []
    #    stats.R_HUMAN.ships = []
        stats.PlayableShips = {}
        steps = []
        for i in xrange( 8 ):
            steps.append( Step( 
                goal=lambda self, game: not filter( lambda ship: ship.alive, self.ennemyShips ),
                onBegin=lambda self, game, stepNbr=i+1: self.stepFunction( game, stepNbr ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (1,"Clear the area.")] )
        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats )
        self.sol = Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 4000, 0 )

        for i in range( 75 ): # asteroids
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, -2000, 0, 800 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )
        game.astres = [ self.sol ]
        self.player = None
        self.startingPoint = ( -1000, 0 )
        self.ennemyPosition = ( -2000, 0 )
        self.ennemy = Faction( game.stats.R_EXTRA, "Unknown" )
        game.addPlayer( self.ennemy )
        self.infestedAsteroid = Asteroid( game, self.ennemyPosition[0], self.ennemyPosition[1], 0 )
        game.harvestables.append( self.infestedAsteroid )
        self.ennemyShips = []
コード例 #22
    def spawn( self, game, player, shipId=None ):
        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_BASE_MINING

        (x,y) = ( self.earth.xp-320, self.earth.yp+380 )

        flagship = OrbitalBase( player, shipStats, AiGovernor( player ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = 5000
        flagship.energy = 1000
        flagship.ri = -0.01

        flagship.turrets[3].buildInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0 )
        flagship.turrets[1].buildInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0 )

        player.flagship = flagship        
        game.objects.append( flagship )

        for i in xrange( 6 ):
           harvester = HarvesterShip(player, player.race.defaultHarvester, AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
           flagship.shipyards[ harvester.stats.img ].docked.append( harvester )

        player.needToUpdateRelations = True
        Scenario.spawn( self, game, player, shipId )
コード例 #23
ファイル: tutorial2.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def spawn( self, game, player, shipId=None ):
        Scenario.spawn( self, game, player, shipId )
        player.race = game.stats.R_HUMAN
        shipStats = game.stats.HUMAN_CARGO

        (x,y) = ( self.orbitalbase.xp+50, self.orbitalbase.yp+60 )

        flagship = FlagShip( player, shipStats, AiCaptain( player ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = 0
        flagship.energy = 0
        flagship.ori = 7/8*pi+pi/2

        flagship.turrets[1].buildInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_SR_0 )
        flagship.turrets[0].buildInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0 )

        player.flagship = flagship        
        game.objects.append( flagship )

        for i in xrange( 3 ):
           harvester = HarvesterShip(player, player.race.defaultHarvester, AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
           flagship.shipyards[ harvester.stats.img ].docked.append( harvester )

        player.needToUpdateRelations = True
コード例 #24
ファイル: tutorial1.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):
        stats = Stats()
        stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [ stats.T_SOLAR_0 ]
        stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = []
        stats.R_HUMAN.ships = []
        stats.PlayableShips = {}
        steps = [
                goal=lambda self, game: game.tick-9*config.fps>=self.lastStepAt and self.player.inputs.xc and not utils.distLowerThan( (self.player.inputs.xc+self.player.inputs.wc/2, self.player.inputs.yc+self.player.inputs.hc/2 ), self.player.flagship.pos, 200 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("Look around your ship a bit.")),
    (config.fps*3, _("To move the camera, either use the arrow keys...")),
    (config.fps*6, _("or click on the radar in the upper left corner."))] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: game.tick-6*config.fps>=self.lastStepAt and utils.distLowerThan( (self.player.inputs.xc+self.player.inputs.wc/2, self.player.inputs.yc+self.player.inputs.hc/2 ), self.player.flagship.pos, 2 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("Good, now stick the camera to your ship.")),
    (config.fps*3, _("To do so, click on the center of the radar.")),] ),
                goal=lambda self, game:  game.tick-9*config.fps>=self.lastStepAt and not utils.distLowerThan( self.startingPoint, self.player.flagship.pos, 100 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("Now move away from the orbital station.")),
      (3*config.fps, _("To move the ship, left-click on the destination and your crew will manoeuver towards there.") ),
      (6*config.fps, _("To give the order to stop, left-click on the ship.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda turret: turret.building==stats.T_SOLAR_0, self.player.flagship.turrets ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("Let's prepare ourselves before going out to explore.")),
          (3*config.fps, _("Jumping uses a lot of energy, so first build 2 solar arrays on your ship.") ),
          (6*config.fps, _("To do so, left-click on one of the black circle at the right of the screen.") ),           
          (9*config.fps, _("Then select the solar array from the list.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats==stats.T_SOLAR_0, self.player.flagship.turrets ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("Well done, it will take a little while for it to be completed.")),
                          (3*config.fps, _("Begin building the second one right away.") ),
                          (9*config.fps, _("Notice the green bar in the top right corner...") ),
                          (12*config.fps, _("it indicates the proportion of energy in your battery.") ),
                          (15*config.fps, _("The quantity is indicated in green text next to it..") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: len(filter( lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats==stats.T_SOLAR_0, self.player.flagship.turrets ) ) >= 2 and game.tick-6*config.fps>=self.lastStepAt,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("Every ship benefits from solar energy the closer they are to a sun.") ),
                    (3*config.fps,_("A solar array will capture even more solar energy but will consume a little when in deep space.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0,_("We still need to fill the battery before jumping.")),
                          (3*config.fps, _("Use the long-range sensor in fullscreen mode to see our destination.") ),
                          (6*config.fps, _("Left-click on the Radar button in the upper-left corner.") ),
                          (12*config.fps, _("Notice your poition over Earth. It will be useful to come back.") ),
                          (15*config.fps, _("Mars is the 4th planet from the sun.") ),
                          (18*config.fps, _("You can see it on the right of the asteroid field down left from you.")),
                          (21*config.fps, _("To execute the jump, left-click on the blue button at the top of the screen") ),
                          (24*config.fps, _("the left-click on the destination, the planet Mars.") ), ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addEnnemyShip( game, self.ennemyPosition ),
                texts = [ ( 0, _("Know that you can change the destination of the jump while it charges.") ),
                          (3*config.fps, _("Go back to normal view by clicking on the radar button again.") ), ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThan( self.ennemyPosition, self.player.flagship.pos, 500 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ ( config.fps, _("Now head for the asteroid field.") ),
                    ( 4*config.fps, _("Reports are that there is a anormal rotating asteroid towards the bottom of the field.") ),
                    ( 7*config.fps, _("Investigate it.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThan( self.ennemyPosition, self.player.flagship.pos, 200 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ ( 0, _("It may be dangerous but get closer to gather data.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ ( 0, _("What ever it is. It is hostile!") ),
                    ( 1*config.fps, _("Enough data collected.") ),
                    ( 2*config.fps, _("Jump away now!") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ ( 0, _("Don't worry, your shield and hull should be able to handle the hits for a little longer.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects( self.player.flagship, self.orbitalbase, 2000 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ ( 1, _("Head back to Earth.") ) ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects( self.player.flagship, self.orbitalbase, 100 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, _("Return to the orbital station.")),
                    ( 3*config.fps, _("Collected data will be useful if they ever try to get closer to Earth.") ) ] ),
        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats )
        ### redefining stats, dangerous
        self.sol = Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0 )
        self.mercury = Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400 )
        self.venus = Planet( game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2300 )
        self.earth = Planet( game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700 )
        self.mars = Planet( game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2300 )
        self.moon = Planet( game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400 )
        self.jupiter = Planet( game.stats.P_JUPITER, -13000, -4800 )
        self.saturn = Planet( game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500 )
        self.neptune = Planet( game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000 )
        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth

        for i in range( 50 ): # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/8+pi*9/8
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 300 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        for i in range( 60 ): # asteroids between self.saturn and self.neptune
            dist = 15000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/10+pi/7
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 300 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )
        game.astres = [self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon, self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon ]
        dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius*1.5
        angle = 5*pi/8
        self.orbitalbase = OrbitalBase( None, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE_MINING, None, self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle),self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
        self.orbitalbase.ri = -0.013
        game.objects.append( self.orbitalbase )
        self.player = None
        self.startingPoint = ( self.orbitalbase.xp+50, self.orbitalbase.yp+60 )
        dist = 9000
        angle = pi*9/8+pi/8*2/3
        self.ennemyPosition = ( self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle) )
コード例 #25
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: stephen-soltesz/ndt
 def createNewScenario(self):
     scenario = Scenario(self, "New Scenario")
     self.root = self.tree.AddRoot(scenario.getName())
     self.tree.SetPyData(self.root, scenario)
     self.tree.SetItemImage(self.root, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
     self.tree.SetItemImage(self.root, self.fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
コード例 #26
ファイル: r2d2.py プロジェクト: vanallenlab/r2d2
            counts[input_type] = {
                'ref_count': ref_count,
                'alt_count': alt_count,
                'vaf': vaf

        # row_dest either points to the output_rows or expected_rows OrderedDicts
        row_dest = None
        scenario_name = None
            # Construct VAF quad out of counts (pull vaf value out)
            vaf_quad = {}
            for input_type in input_mafs.keys():
                vaf_quad[input_type] = counts[input_type]['vaf']

            scenario = Scenario(vaf_quad, scenarios_config_file_path)
            row_dest = output_rows
            scenario_name = scenario.name
        except Scenario.NoScenarioException as e:
            if not args.total_output:
                row_dest = expected_rows

        for output_column in output_maf_map:
            input_column = output_maf_map[output_column]

        for maf_type in maf_types:
            ref_output_column = '%s_%s' % (ref_count_column_prefix,
コード例 #27
 def run_network(self):
     """Runs the network. Adds an OpenFlow rule the the network switch for flood packets on all ports."""
     # Add a rule to the switch to flood packets
     self.switch.dpctl("add-flow", "action=flood")
コード例 #28
ファイル: extras.py プロジェクト: LHood/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game):
        self.player = None

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 9

        steps = [
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: not filter(lambda ship: ship.alive,
                 onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addExtrasInFields(
                     game, count=self.wantedBadGuys),
                 failure=lambda self, game: False,
                 texts=[(config.fps * 10,
                         "You are at the Human outpost over Gamma 1."),
                        (config.fps * 20,
                         "There is hostile life forms in the system."),
                        (config.fps * 30,
                         "Clear the asteroids fields above the star Gamma.")]),
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: not filter(lambda ship: ship.alive,
                 onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addAttackingExtras(
                     game, count=self.wantedBadGuys),
                 failure=lambda self, game: False,
                     (0, "The human outpost above Gamma 1 is under attack!"),
                     (config.fps * 10, "Jump to their help in 10s..."),
                     (config.fps * 17, "3s"), (config.fps * 18, "2s"),
                     (config.fps * 19, "1s"), (config.fps * 20, "Jump!")
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: game.tick - 20 * config.fps >= self.
                 onBegin=lambda self, game: False,
                 failure=lambda self, game: False,
                     (0, "The alien's attack has been succesfully repelled!"),
                     (config.fps * 10, "Congratulations ;)")

        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps)

        self.ennemyShips = []

        self.gamma = [
            Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 1000, 4000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_MERCURY_1, 0, -2200),
            Planet(game.stats.P_X_1, -1000, 11500)
        for i in range(20):  # asteroids around self.gamma[1]
            dist = 750
            angle = 2 * pi * random()
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.gamma[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle), 80)
        for i in range(100):  # asteroids around self.gamma
            area = choice([(7000, 300, 5 * pi / 8, pi / 9),
                           (10000, 400, 6 * pi / 8, pi / 8),
                           (12000, 500, 5 * pi / 8, pi / 11)])  # , 3000
            dist = area[0]  #randint( area[0]-area[1], area[0]+area[1] )
            angle = area[2] + area[3] * (1 - 2 * random())
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.gamma[0].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.gamma[0].yp + dist * sin(angle), area[1])

        for i in xrange(10):  # civilians around self.gamma[1]
            dist = randint(100, 800)
            angle = 2 * pi * random()

            (x, y) = (self.gamma[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                      self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle))
            s = Ship(game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20)

        game.astres = self.gamma

        # for i in range( 5 ):
        #     self.addExtrasInFields( game )

        spots = []
        for o in game.astres:
            if isinstance(o, Planet) and not isinstance(o, Sun):

        for i in xrange(30):  # random civilians
            spot = choice(spots)
            dist = randint(100, 800)
            angle = 2 * pi * random()

            (x, y) = (spot.xp + dist * cos(angle), spot.yp + dist * sin(angle))
            s = Ship(game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20)

        self.humanDefense = Faction(game.stats.R_HUMAN, "Human Defenses")
        nbrBases = 3
        for i in xrange(nbrBases):
            dist = self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius * 1.8  #(1.8+0.4*random())
            angle = pi * i * 2 / nbrBases
            obase = OrbitalBase(self.humanDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE,
                                self.gamma[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle), 0, 0,
                                0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
            for t in obase.turrets:
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_MASS_SR_1)
                    t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_MASS_SR_1)
                    t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_MASS_MR_1)
                    t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_MASS_MR)
                t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
            obase.ori = angle + pi / 2
            obase.orbiting = self.gamma[1]
            obase.xi = cos(obase.ori)
            obase.yi = sin(obase.ori)
            obase.ore = obase.stats.maxOre
            obase.ri = -0.008

        for i in xrange(10):
            radius = self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius * (2.5)
            dist = self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius * (1.5 + 1 * random())
            angle = 2 * pi * random()  # AiPilotDefense
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.humanDefense,
                                       AiPilotPolice(self.gamma[1], radius),
                                       self.gamma[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                       self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle), 0,
                                       4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

    # self.humanDefense.bases.append( obase )

        ## Extra
        self.extraRock0 = Faction(game.stats.R_EXTRA, "Rocks")
コード例 #29
ファイル: policies.py プロジェクト: lyltc1/trc-nn
def train_mine_policy(scenario: Scenario,
                      horizon: int,
                      batch_size: int,
                      epochs: int,
                      ntrvs: int,
                      mine_class: nn.Module,
                      q_net: nn.Module,
                      pi_net: nn.Module,
                      tradeoff: float,
                      lr: float,
                      tag: str = None,
                      save_every: int = 100,
                      log_video_every: Union[int, None] = None,

    opt = pt.optim.Adam(list(pi_net.parameters()) + list(q_net.parameters()),
    mine = [mine_class().to(device=device) for t in range(horizon)]
    last_time = time.time()
    mi = pt.zeros(horizon).to(device=device)

    scenario.device = pt.device('cpu')

    prev_best_value = np.inf
    current_value = np.inf

    if minibatch_size == 0:
        minibatch_size = batch_size

    if tag is not None:
        writer = SummaryWriter(f'runs/{tag}', flush_secs=1)

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        #if epoch % save_every == 0 or epoch == epochs - 1:
        start_epoch_event = pt.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
        end_epoch_event = pt.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
        end_rollout_event = pt.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)


        pi_log_probs = pt.zeros((horizon, minibatch_size), device=device)
        q_log_probs = pt.zeros((horizon, minibatch_size), device=device)


        states, outputs, samples, trvs, inputs, costs = rollout(
            pi_net, q_net, ntrvs, scenario, horizon, batch_size,
        elapsed_rollout_time = start_epoch_event.elapsed_time(
            end_rollout_event) / 1000

        print(f'Rollout Time: {elapsed_rollout_time:.3f}')
            f'Mean Abs. Displacement: {pt.abs(states[0, -1, :] - states[1, -1, :]).mean().detach().item()}'

        states = states.to(device)
        outputs = outputs.to(device)
        samples = samples.to(device)
        trvs = trvs.to(device)
        inputs = inputs.to(device)
        costs = costs.to(device)


        for s in range(batch_size):
            trv = pt.zeros(ntrvs, device=device)

            for t in range(horizon):
                trvs[:, t, s] = q_net(outputs[:, t, s], trv, t, samples[:, t,
                trv = trvs[:, t, s]

        value = costs.sum(axis=0).mean().item()

        if tradeoff > -1:
            states_mi = states.detach().cuda()
            trvs_mi = trvs.detach().cuda()

            for t in range(horizon):
                if epoch == 0:
                    values = train_mine_network(
                        mine[t], (states_mi[:, t, :], trvs_mi[:, t, :]),
                        epochs=100 * mine_params['epochs'])
                                       (states_mi[:, t, :], trvs_mi[:, t, :]),

            for t in range(horizon):
                num_datapts = states.shape[2]
                batch_size = num_datapts

                joint_batch_idx = np.random.choice(range(num_datapts),
                marginal_batch_idx1 = np.random.choice(range(num_datapts),
                marginal_batch_idx2 = np.random.choice(range(num_datapts),

                joint_batch = pt.cat(
                    (states[:, t, joint_batch_idx], trvs[:, t,
                marginal_batch = pt.cat((states[:, t, marginal_batch_idx1],
                                         trvs[:, t, marginal_batch_idx2]),

                j_T = mine[t](joint_batch)
                m_T = mine[t](marginal_batch)

                mi[t] = j_T.mean() - pt.log(pt.mean(pt.exp(m_T)))

        mi_sum = mi.sum()
        baseline = costs.sum(axis=0).mean()

        current_value = value + tradeoff * mi_sum.detach()

        if value < cutoff and mi_sum < lowest_mi:
            print('Saving Model...')
            lowest_mi = mi_sum.item()
                    'pi_net_state_dict': pi_net.state_dict(),
                    'q_net_state_dict': q_net.state_dict()
                }, f'models/{tag}_epoch_{epoch}_mi_{lowest_mi:.3f}')
            print(f'Current Best: {prev_best_value}')

        for iter in range(opt_iters):
            print(f'Computing Iteration {iter}')
            minibatch_idx = np.random.choice(range(batch_size),

            outputs_minibatch = outputs[:, :, minibatch_idx]
            trvs_minibatch = trvs[:, :, minibatch_idx]
            inputs_minibatch = inputs[:, :, minibatch_idx]
            costs_minibatch = costs[:, minibatch_idx]

            for s in range(minibatch_size):
                trv = pt.zeros(ntrvs, device=device)

                for t in range(horizon):
                                s] = q_net.log_prob(trvs[:, t, s].detach(),
                                                    outputs_minibatch[:, t, s],
                                                    trv.detach(), t)
                    pi_log_probs[t, s] = pi_net.log_prob(
                        inputs_minibatch[:, t, s].detach(),
                        trvs_minibatch[:, t, s].detach(), t)
                    trv = trvs_minibatch[:, t, s]

            loss = pt.mul(pi_log_probs.sum(axis=0), costs_minibatch.sum(axis=0) - baseline).mean() + \
                   pt.mul(q_log_probs.sum(axis=0), costs_minibatch.sum(axis=0) - baseline).mean() + \
                   tradeoff * mi_sum

            pi_log_probs = pi_log_probs.detach()
            q_log_probs = pi_log_probs.detach()

        if tag is not None:
            writer.add_scalar('Loss/Total', value + tradeoff * mi.sum().item(),
            writer.add_scalar('Loss/MI', mi_sum, epoch)
            writer.add_scalar('Loss/Cost', value, epoch)
            writer.add_histogram('Loss/Cost Dist', costs.sum(axis=0), epoch)

            if log_video_every is not None and epoch % log_video_every == 0:
                print('Saving Video...')

                best_traj_idx = pt.argmin(costs.sum(axis=0))
                worst_traj_idx = pt.argmax(costs.sum(axis=0))

                best_traj_vid = pt.stack([
                        outputs[:, t, best_traj_idx].view(3, 64, 64)
                        for t in range(horizon)
                worst_traj_vid = pt.stack([
                        outputs[:, t, worst_traj_idx].view(3, 64, 64)
                        for t in range(horizon)

                writer.add_video('Loss/Worst Traj', worst_traj_vid, epoch)
                writer.add_video('Loss/Best Traj', best_traj_vid, epoch)

        mi = mi.detach()
        elapsed_epoch_time = start_epoch_event.elapsed_time(
            end_epoch_event) / 1000

            f'[{tradeoff}.{epoch}: {elapsed_epoch_time:.3f}]\t\tAvg. Cost: {value:.3f}\t\tEst. MI: {mi_sum.item():.5f}\t\tTotal: {value + tradeoff * mi_sum.item():.3f}\t\t Lowest MI: {lowest_mi:.3f}'

        if epoch == epochs - 1:
            return lowest_mi
コード例 #30
ファイル: extras.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__( self, game ):
        self.player = None

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 9

        steps = [
                goal=lambda self, game: not filter( lambda ship: ship.alive, self.ennemyShips ),
                onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addExtrasInFields( game, count=self.wantedBadGuys ),
                failure=lambda self, game: False,
                texts = [ (config.fps*10,"You are at the Human outpost over Gamma 1."),
                          (config.fps*20,"There is hostile life forms in the system."),
                          (config.fps*30,"Clear the asteroids fields above the star Gamma.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: not filter( lambda ship: ship.alive, self.ennemyShips ),
                onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addAttackingExtras( game, count=self.wantedBadGuys ),
                failure=lambda self, game: False,
                texts = [ (0,"The human outpost above Gamma 1 is under attack!"),
                          (config.fps*10,"Jump to their help in 10s..."),
                          (config.fps*20,"Jump!") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: game.tick - 20*config.fps >= self.lastStepAt,
                onBegin=lambda self, game: False,
                failure=lambda self, game: False,
                texts = [ (0,"The alien's attack has been succesfully repelled!"),
                          (config.fps*10,"Congratulations ;)") ] )

        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps )

        self.ennemyShips = []

        self.gamma = [Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 1000, 4000 ),
                 Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY_1, 0, -2200 ),
                 Planet( game.stats.P_X_1, -1000, 11500 ) ]
        for i in range( 20 ): # asteroids around self.gamma[1]
            dist = 750
            angle = 2*pi*random()
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.gamma[1].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.gamma[1].yp+dist*sin(angle), 80 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )
        for i in range( 100 ): # asteroids around self.gamma
            area = choice( [(7000, 300, 5*pi/8, pi/9), (10000, 400, 6*pi/8, pi/8), (12000, 500, 5*pi/8, pi/11) ] ) # , 3000
            dist = area[0] #randint( area[0]-area[1], area[0]+area[1] )
            angle = area[2]+area[3]*(1-2*random())
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.gamma[0].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.gamma[0].yp+dist*sin(angle), area[1] )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        for i in xrange( 10 ): # civilians around self.gamma[1]
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (self.gamma[1].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.gamma[1].yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        game.astres = self.gamma

       # for i in range( 5 ):
       #     self.addExtrasInFields( game )

        spots = []
        for o in game.astres:
          if isinstance( o, Planet ) and not isinstance( o, Sun ):
            spots.append( o )

        for i in xrange( 30 ): # random civilians
            spot = choice( spots )
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (spot.xp+dist*cos(angle), spot.yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        self.humanDefense = Faction( game.stats.R_HUMAN, "Human Defenses" )
        nbrBases = 3
        for i in xrange( nbrBases ):
          dist =  self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius*1.8 #(1.8+0.4*random())
          angle = pi*i*2/nbrBases
          obase = OrbitalBase( self.humanDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE, AiGovernor( self.humanDefense ),self.gamma[1].xp+dist*cos(angle),self.gamma[1].yp+dist*sin(angle),0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
          for t in obase.turrets:
            if i%2==0:    
              t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_SR_1 )
              t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_MASS_SR_1 )
              t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_MR_1 )
              t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_MASS_MR )
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
          obase.ori = angle+pi/2
          obase.orbiting = self.gamma[1]
          obase.xi = cos( obase.ori)
          obase.yi = sin( obase.ori)
          obase.ore = obase.stats.maxOre
          obase.ri = -0.008
          game.objects.append( obase )
          self.humanDefense.bases.append( obase )

        for i in xrange( 10 ):
            radius = self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius*(2.5)
            dist = self.gamma[1].stats.maxRadius*(1.5+1*random())
            angle = 2*pi*random() # AiPilotDefense
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.humanDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_FIGHTER, AiPilotPolice(self.gamma[1],radius),self.gamma[1].xp+dist*cos(angle),self.gamma[1].yp+dist*sin(angle),0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
            game.objects.append( fighter )
            self.humanDefense.ships.append( fighter )

       # self.humanDefense.bases.append( obase )
        game.addPlayer( self.humanDefense )

      ## Extra
        self.extraRock0 = Faction( game.stats.R_EXTRA, "Rocks" )
        game.addPlayer( self.extraRock0 )
コード例 #31
 def generate_task(self, doc):
     Scenario.generate_task(self, doc)
コード例 #32
 def doTurn(self, game):
     Scenario.doTurn(self, game)
コード例 #33
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: Mi5aka/text_adventure_game
 def start_game(self) -> None:
     scenario = Scenario()
コード例 #34
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):

        stats = Stats()
        stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [stats.T_SOLAR_0]
        stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = []
        stats.R_HUMAN.ships = []
        stats.PlayableShips = {}

        steps = [
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: game.tick - 9 * config.fps >= self.
                 lastStepAt and self.player.inputs.xc and not utils.
                 distLowerThan((self.player.inputs.xc + self.player.inputs.wc /
                                2, self.player.inputs.yc + self.player.inputs.
                                hc / 2), self.player.flagship.pos, 200),
                 failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                 not self.player.flagship.alive,
                     (0, _("Look around your ship a bit.")),
                     (config.fps * 3,
                      _("To move the camera, either use the arrow keys...")),
                     (config.fps * 6,
                      _("or click on the radar in the upper left corner."))
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: game.tick - 6 * config.fps >= self.
                 lastStepAt and utils.distLowerThan(
                     (self.player.inputs.xc + self.player.inputs.wc / 2, self.
                      player.inputs.yc + self.player.inputs.hc / 2), self.
                     player.flagship.pos, 2),
                 failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                 not self.player.flagship.alive,
                     (0, _("Good, now stick the camera to your ship.")),
                     (config.fps * 3,
                      _("To do so, click on the center of the radar.")),
                goal=lambda self, game: game.tick - 9 * config.fps >= self.
                lastStepAt and not utils.distLowerThan(
                    self.startingPoint, self.player.flagship.pos, 100),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                [(0, _("Now move away from the orbital station.")),
                 (3 * config.fps,
                  _("To move the ship, left-click on the destination and your crew will manoeuver towards there."
                 (6 * config.fps,
                  _("To give the order to stop, left-click on the ship."))]),
                goal=lambda self, game: filter(
                    lambda turret: turret.building == stats.T_SOLAR_0, self.
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                  _("Let's prepare ourselves before going out to explore.")),
                 (3 * config.fps,
                  _("Jumping uses a lot of energy, so first build 2 solar arrays on your ship."
                 (6 * config.fps,
                  _("To do so, left-click on one of the black circle at the right of the screen."
                 (9 * config.fps,
                  _("Then select the solar array from the list."))]),
                goal=lambda self, game: filter(
                    lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats ==
                    stats.T_SOLAR_0, self.player.flagship.turrets),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                  _("Well done, it will take a little while for it to be completed."
                 (3 * config.fps,
                  _("Begin building the second one right away.")),
                 (9 * config.fps,
                  _("Notice the green bar in the top right corner...")),
                 (12 * config.fps,
                  _("it indicates the proportion of energy in your battery.")),
                 (15 * config.fps,
                  _("The quantity is indicated in green text next to it.."))]),
                goal=lambda self, game: len(
                        lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats
                        == stats.T_SOLAR_0, self.player.flagship.turrets)
                ) >= 2 and game.tick - 6 * config.fps >= self.lastStepAt,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                  _("Every ship benefits from solar energy the closer they are to a sun."
                 (3 * config.fps,
                  _("A solar array will capture even more solar energy but will consume a little when in deep space."
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                     _("We still need to fill the battery before jumping.")),
                    (3 * config.fps,
                     _("Use the long-range sensor in fullscreen mode to see our destination."
                    (6 * config.fps,
                     _("Left-click on the Radar button in the upper-left corner."
                    (12 * config.fps,
                     _("Notice your poition over Earth. It will be useful to come back."
                    (15 * config.fps,
                     _("Mars is the 4th planet from the sun.")),
                    (18 * config.fps,
                     _("You can see it on the right of the asteroid field down left from you."
                    (21 * config.fps,
                     _("To execute the jump, left-click on the blue button at the top of the screen"
                    (24 * config.fps,
                     _("the left-click on the destination, the planet Mars.")),
                goal=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addEnnemyShip(
                    game, self.ennemyPosition),
                     _("Know that you can change the destination of the jump while it charges."
                    (3 * config.fps,
                     _("Go back to normal view by clicking on the radar button again."
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThan(
                    self.ennemyPosition, self.player.flagship.pos, 500),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                [(config.fps, _("Now head for the asteroid field.")),
                 (4 * config.fps,
                  _("Reports are that there is a anormal rotating asteroid towards the bottom of the field."
                    )), (7 * config.fps, _("Investigate it."))]),
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThan(
                self.ennemyPosition, self.player.flagship.pos, 200),
                 failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                 not self.player.flagship.alive,
                      _("It may be dangerous but get closer to gather data."))
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.jumping,
                 failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                 not self.player.flagship.alive,
                 texts=[(0, _("What ever it is. It is hostile!")),
                        (1 * config.fps, _("Enough data collected.")),
                        (2 * config.fps, _("Jump away now!"))]),
                goal=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship.jumping,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                  _("Don't worry, your shield and hull should be able to handle the hits for a little longer."
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects(
                self.player.flagship, self.orbitalbase, 2000),
                 failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                 not self.player.flagship.alive,
                 texts=[(1, _("Head back to Earth."))]),
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects(
                    self.player.flagship, self.orbitalbase, 100),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                [(0, _("Return to the orbital station.")),
                 (3 * config.fps,
                  _("Collected data will be useful if they ever try to get closer to Earth."

        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats)

        ### redefining stats, dangerous

        self.sol = Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0)
        self.mercury = Planet(game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400)
        self.venus = Planet(game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2300)
        self.earth = Planet(game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700)
        self.mars = Planet(game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2300)
        self.moon = Planet(game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400)
        self.jupiter = Planet(game.stats.P_JUPITER, -13000, -4800)
        self.saturn = Planet(game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500)
        self.neptune = Planet(game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000)

        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth

        for i in range(50):  # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 8 + pi * 9 / 8
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 300)

        for i in range(60):  # asteroids between self.saturn and self.neptune
            dist = 15000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 10 + pi / 7
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 300)

        game.astres = [
            self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon,
            self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon

        dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius * 1.5
        angle = 5 * pi / 8
        self.orbitalbase = OrbitalBase(None, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE_MINING,
                                       None, self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                       self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle))
        self.orbitalbase.ri = -0.013

        self.player = None
        self.startingPoint = (self.orbitalbase.xp + 50,
                              self.orbitalbase.yp + 60)

        dist = 9000
        angle = pi * 9 / 8 + pi / 8 * 2 / 3
        self.ennemyPosition = (self.sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                               self.sol.yp + dist * sin(angle))
コード例 #35
ファイル: runscen.py プロジェクト: iFlex/SociableJavascript
import sys
import os
from scenarios.Scenario import *
from Plotter.plotter import *
import subprocess
import time

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
	print "USAGE:python runscen.py path_to_scenario_file collection_path(*optional) policy_name(*optional)"
	scenario = Scenario(sys.argv[1],0) 

	if len(sys.argv) > 3 :
		print "Collecting results..."
		if("autoCollect" in sys.argv):
			raw_input("Press any key to start collection")

		print "collect_path:"+sys.argv[2]
		print "policy_name:"+sys.argv[3]
		collectPath = sys.argv[2]
		scenario.policyName = sys.argv[3]

		plotpath = "./out/plots/"+scenario.pStartDate
		scenfile = sys.argv[1][sys.argv[1].rfind("/")+1:]
		scenfile = scenfile[:scenfile.rfind(".")]
コード例 #36
ファイル: quad.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__( self, game ):
        Scenario.__init__(self, game )

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 5

        sol = Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0 )
        mercury = Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400 )
        venus = Planet( game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2200 )
        self.earth = Planet( game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700 )
        self.mars = Planet( game.stats.P_MARS, -7800, -2200 )
        moon = Planet( game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400 )
        jupiter = Planet( game.stats.P_JUPITER, -12000, -4800 )
        saturn = Planet( game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500 )
        neptune = Planet( game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000 )

        moon.zp = -50
        moon.yi = 0.1
        moon.orbiting = self.earth

        for i in xrange( 20 ): # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        for i in range( 60 ): # asteroids between saturn and neptune
            dist = 15000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/10+pi/7
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 300 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        for i in range( 30 ): # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/8+pi*9/8
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 200 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        nebula = Nebula( game.stats.A_NEBULA, 4800, 500 )
        for i in range( 15 ): # asteroids in nebula
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, 4800, 800, 800 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        self.alphaCentaury = [ Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, -32000, 16000 ),
                          Planet( game.stats.P_MARS_2, -28300, 12000 ),
                          Planet( game.stats.P_SATURN_1, -39000, 8000 ) ]
        for i in range( 40 ): # asteroids around self.alphaCentaury
            dist = 4600
            #angle = 2*pi*i/50
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/4-pi/8
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.alphaCentaury[0].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.alphaCentaury[0].yp+dist*sin(angle), 200 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        self.beta = [ Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 8000, -24000 ),
                 Planet( game.stats.P_MARS_1, 12000, -22000 ),
                 Planet( game.stats.P_X, 500, -21000 ) ,
                 Planet( game.stats.P_JUPITER_1, 17000, -24700 )]
        for i in range( 20 ): # asteroids around self.beta[1]
            dist = 600
            angle = 2*pi*random()
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.beta[1].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.beta[1].yp+dist*sin(angle), 80 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        self.gamma = [Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 40000, 4000 ),
                 Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY_1, 39000, -2200 ),
                 Planet( game.stats.P_X_1, 38000, 11500 ) ]
        for i in range( 20 ): # asteroids around self.gamma[1]
            dist = 750
            angle = 2*pi*random()
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.gamma[1].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.gamma[1].yp+dist*sin(angle), 80 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )
        for i in range( 100 ): # asteroids around self.gamma
            area = choice( [(7000, 300, 5*pi/8, pi/9), (10000, 400, 6*pi/8, pi/8), (12000, 500, 5*pi/8, pi/11) ] ) # , 3000
            dist = area[0] #randint( area[0]-area[1], area[0]+area[1] )
            angle = area[2]+area[3]*(1-2*random())
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.gamma[0].xp+dist*cos(angle), self.gamma[0].yp+dist*sin(angle), area[1] )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        nebula2 = Nebula( game.stats.A_NEBULA, 8000, -16000 )

        blackHole0 = BlackHole( game.stats.BH_0, -30000, -20000 )

#        for i in range( 15 ):
 #           asteroid = Asteroid( game, -7000, -3200, 800 )
 #           game.objects.append( asteroid )

  #      for i in range( 15 ):
   #         asteroid = Asteroid( game, 8500, 6800, 800 )
     #       game.objects.append( asteroid )
        self.sol = [sol, mercury, venus, self.earth, moon, self.mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, nebula, nebula2 ]
        game.astres = [sol, mercury, venus, self.earth, moon, self.mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, nebula, nebula2, blackHole0 ] + self.alphaCentaury + self.beta + self.gamma
     #   game.objects = game.objects #  + [sol, mercury, venus, self.earth, moon, self.mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, nebula, nebula2 ] + self.alphaCentaury + self.beta

        for i in range( 5 ):
            self.addRandomNpc( game )

        spots = []
        for o in game.astres:
          if isinstance( o, Planet ) and not isinstance( o, Sun ):
            spots.append( o )

        for i in xrange( 30 ): # random civilians
            spot = choice( spots )
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (spot.xp+dist*cos(angle), spot.yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        self.marsDefense = Faction( game.stats.R_HUMAN, "Mars Defenses" )
        obase = OrbitalBase( self.marsDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE, AiGovernor( self.marsDefense ),self.mars.xp+self.mars.stats.maxRadius*1.5,self.mars.yp+self.mars.stats.maxRadius*1.5,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        for t in obase.turrets:
            t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_SR_0 )
            t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_MASS_SR_0 )
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
        obase.orbiting = self.mars
        obase.yi = 1
        obase.ore = obase.stats.maxOre
        obase.ri = -0.008
        game.objects.append( obase )

        for i in xrange( 20 ):
            radius = self.mars.stats.maxRadius*(2.5)
            dist = self.mars.stats.maxRadius*(1.5+1*random())
            angle = 2*pi*random() # AiPilotDefense
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.marsDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_FIGHTER, AiPilotDefense(self.mars,radius),self.mars.xp+dist*cos(angle),self.mars.yp+dist*sin(angle),0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
            game.objects.append( fighter )
            self.marsDefense.ships.append( fighter )

        self.marsDefense.bases.append( obase )
        game.addPlayer( self.marsDefense )

        self.earthDefense = Faction( game.stats.R_HUMAN, "Earth Defenses" )
        nbrBases = 3
        for i in xrange( nbrBases ):
          dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius*1.8 #(1.8+0.4*random())
          angle = pi*i*2/nbrBases
          obase = OrbitalBase( self.earthDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE, AiGovernor( self.earthDefense ),self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle),self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle),0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
          for t in obase.turrets:
            t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0 )
            t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_MASS_MR )
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
          obase.ori = angle+pi/2
          obase.orbiting = self.earth
          obase.xi = cos( obase.ori)
          obase.yi = sin( obase.ori)
          obase.ore = obase.stats.maxOre
          obase.ri = -0.008
          game.objects.append( obase )
          self.earthDefense.bases.append( obase )

        for i in xrange( 20 ):
            radius = self.earth.stats.maxRadius*(2.5)
            dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius*(1.5+1*random())
            angle = 2*pi*random() # AiPilotDefense
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.earthDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_FIGHTER, AiPilotPolice(self.earth,radius),self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle),self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle),0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
            game.objects.append( fighter )
            self.earthDefense.ships.append( fighter )

       # self.earthDefense.bases.append( obase )
        game.addPlayer( self.earthDefense )

       ## ai forces
        self.addAiBase( game, "Neptune base", neptune )
        self.addAiBase( game, "Saturn base", saturn )
        self.addAiBase( game, "Jupiter base", jupiter, 2 )

       ## Evolved
        self.evolvedSwarm0 = Faction( game.stats.R_EVOLVED, "First Swarm", territories=[Territory((self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].xp, self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].yp), 500), Territory((self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].xp-1000, self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].yp-500), 500)] )

        (x,y) = self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].xp-self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].stats.maxRadius*1.5,self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].yp+self.alphaCentaury[ 1 ].stats.maxRadius*1.5
        flagship = FlagShip( self.evolvedSwarm0, game.stats.EVOLVED_FS_1, AiCaptain( self.evolvedSwarm0 ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre
        for t in flagship.turrets[:-2]:
            t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0 )
            t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_MASS_MR )
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
        for t in flagship.turrets[-2:]:
            t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_LASER_SR_0 )
            t.weapon = LaserWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_LASER_SR )
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
        for i in range(4):
           harvester = HarvesterShip(self.evolvedSwarm0, self.evolvedSwarm0.race.defaultHarvester, AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
           flagship.shipyards[ harvester.stats.img ].docked.append( harvester )

        for i in xrange( 5 ):
            if i>=3:
                fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.evolvedSwarm0, game.stats.EVOLVED_BOMBER, AiPilotFighter(flagship),0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
                fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.evolvedSwarm0, game.stats.EVOLVED_FIGHTER, AiPilotFighter(flagship),0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)

        for i in xrange( 10 ):
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.evolvedSwarm0, game.stats.EVOLVED_FIGHTER, AiPilotDefense(flagship, 500),0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
            (fighter.xp,fighter.yp) = (flagship.xp,flagship.yp)
            game.objects.append( fighter )
            self.evolvedSwarm0.ships.append( fighter )
        #    flagship.shipyards[ fighter.stats.img ].docked.append( fighter )
        game.objects.append( flagship )
        self.evolvedSwarm0.flagships.append( flagship )
        game.addPlayer( self.evolvedSwarm0 )

      ## Extra TODO remove section
        self.extraRock0 = Faction( game.stats.R_EXTRA, "Rocks" )
        for i in xrange( 0 ): # 4 ):
          angle = 2*pi*random()
          dist = 750 # self.gamma[ 1 ].stats.maxRadius*
          (x,y) = self.gamma[ 1 ].xp-dist*cos(angle),self.gamma[ 1 ].yp+dist*sin(angle)

          if i%4==0:
              flagship = FlagShip( self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_BASE, AiCaptain( self.extraRock0 ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
              for k,t in enumerate(flagship.turrets):
                  t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_ROCK_THROWER_1 )
                  t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_ROCK_THROWER_1 )
                  t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
          elif i%4==1:
              flagship = FlagShip( self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_FS_1, AiCaptain( self.extraRock0 ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
              for k,t in enumerate(flagship.turrets):
                  t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_DRAGON_0 )
                  t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_DRAGON_0 )
                  t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
          elif i%4==2:
              flagship = FlagShip( self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_BASE, AiCaptain( self.extraRock0 ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
              for k,t in enumerate(flagship.turrets):
                  t.install = TurretInstall( game.stats.T_LARVA_0 )
                  t.weapon = MissileWeaponTurret( game.stats.W_LARVA_0 )
                  t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
              flagship = FlagShip( self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_FS_2, AiCaptain( self.extraRock0 ),x,y,0, 0, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
              for i in xrange( 8 ):
                  fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_FIGHTER, AiPilotFighter(flagship),0,0,0, 4, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0)
                  flagship.shipyards[ fighter.stats.img ].docked.append( fighter )

          flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre

          game.objects.append( flagship )
          self.extraRock0.flagships.append( flagship )
          flagship.missiles[ ids.M_LARVA ].amount = 100

        for i in xrange( 16 ):
          self.addRandomExtra( game )
コード例 #37
ファイル: quad.py プロジェクト: LHood/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game):
        Scenario.__init__(self, game)

        self.harvestersAtSpawn = 4
        self.wantedBadGuys = 5

        sol = Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0)
        mercury = Planet(game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400)
        venus = Planet(game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2200)
        self.earth = Planet(game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700)
        self.mars = Planet(game.stats.P_MARS, -7800, -2200)
        moon = Planet(game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400)
        jupiter = Planet(game.stats.P_JUPITER, -12000, -4800)
        saturn = Planet(game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500)
        neptune = Planet(game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000)

        moon.zp = -50
        moon.yi = 0.1
        moon.orbiting = self.earth

        for i in xrange(20):  # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint(100, 800)
            angle = 2 * pi * random()

            (x, y) = (self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                      self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle))
            s = Ship(game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20)

        for i in range(60):  # asteroids between saturn and neptune
            dist = 15000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 10 + pi / 7
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 300)

        for i in range(30):  # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 8 + pi * 9 / 8
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 200)

        nebula = Nebula(game.stats.A_NEBULA, 4800, 500)
        for i in range(15):  # asteroids in nebula
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, 4800, 800, 800)

        self.alphaCentaury = [
            Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, -32000, 16000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_MARS_2, -28300, 12000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_SATURN_1, -39000, 8000)
        for i in range(40):  # asteroids around self.alphaCentaury
            dist = 4600
            #angle = 2*pi*i/50
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 4 - pi / 8
            asteroid = Asteroid(game,
                                self.alphaCentaury[0].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.alphaCentaury[0].yp + dist * sin(angle),

        self.beta = [
            Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 8000, -24000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_MARS_1, 12000, -22000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_X, 500, -21000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_JUPITER_1, 17000, -24700)
        for i in range(20):  # asteroids around self.beta[1]
            dist = 600
            angle = 2 * pi * random()
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.beta[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.beta[1].yp + dist * sin(angle), 80)

        self.gamma = [
            Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 40000, 4000),
            Planet(game.stats.P_MERCURY_1, 39000, -2200),
            Planet(game.stats.P_X_1, 38000, 11500)
        for i in range(20):  # asteroids around self.gamma[1]
            dist = 750
            angle = 2 * pi * random()
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.gamma[1].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle), 80)
        for i in range(100):  # asteroids around self.gamma
            area = choice([(7000, 300, 5 * pi / 8, pi / 9),
                           (10000, 400, 6 * pi / 8, pi / 8),
                           (12000, 500, 5 * pi / 8, pi / 11)])  # , 3000
            dist = area[0]  #randint( area[0]-area[1], area[0]+area[1] )
            angle = area[2] + area[3] * (1 - 2 * random())
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.gamma[0].xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.gamma[0].yp + dist * sin(angle), area[1])

        nebula2 = Nebula(game.stats.A_NEBULA, 8000, -16000)

        blackHole0 = BlackHole(game.stats.BH_0, -30000, -20000)

        #        for i in range( 15 ):
        #           asteroid = Asteroid( game, -7000, -3200, 800 )
        #           game.objects.append( asteroid )

        #      for i in range( 15 ):
        #         asteroid = Asteroid( game, 8500, 6800, 800 )
        #       game.objects.append( asteroid )
        self.sol = [
            sol, mercury, venus, self.earth, moon, self.mars, jupiter, saturn,
            neptune, nebula, nebula2
        game.astres = [
            sol, mercury, venus, self.earth, moon, self.mars, jupiter, saturn,
            neptune, nebula, nebula2, blackHole0
        ] + self.alphaCentaury + self.beta + self.gamma
        #   game.objects = game.objects #  + [sol, mercury, venus, self.earth, moon, self.mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, nebula, nebula2 ] + self.alphaCentaury + self.beta

        for i in range(5):

        spots = []
        for o in game.astres:
            if isinstance(o, Planet) and not isinstance(o, Sun):

        for i in xrange(30):  # random civilians
            spot = choice(spots)
            dist = randint(100, 800)
            angle = 2 * pi * random()

            (x, y) = (spot.xp + dist * cos(angle), spot.yp + dist * sin(angle))
            s = Ship(game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20)

        self.marsDefense = Faction(game.stats.R_HUMAN, "Mars Defenses")
        obase = OrbitalBase(self.marsDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE,
                            self.mars.xp + self.mars.stats.maxRadius * 1.5,
                            self.mars.yp + self.mars.stats.maxRadius * 1.5, 0,
                            0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
        for t in obase.turrets:
            t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_MASS_SR_0)
            t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_MASS_SR_0)
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
        obase.orbiting = self.mars
        obase.yi = 1
        obase.ore = obase.stats.maxOre
        obase.ri = -0.008

        for i in xrange(20):
            radius = self.mars.stats.maxRadius * (2.5)
            dist = self.mars.stats.maxRadius * (1.5 + 1 * random())
            angle = 2 * pi * random()  # AiPilotDefense
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.marsDefense,
                                       AiPilotDefense(self.mars, radius),
                                       self.mars.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                       self.mars.yp + dist * sin(angle), 0, 4,
                                       0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)


        self.earthDefense = Faction(game.stats.R_HUMAN, "Earth Defenses")
        nbrBases = 3
        for i in xrange(nbrBases):
            dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius * 1.8  #(1.8+0.4*random())
            angle = pi * i * 2 / nbrBases
            obase = OrbitalBase(self.earthDefense, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE,
                                self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle), 0, 0, 0.0,
                                0.0, 0.0, 0)
            for t in obase.turrets:
                t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0)
                t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_MASS_MR)
                t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
            obase.ori = angle + pi / 2
            obase.orbiting = self.earth
            obase.xi = cos(obase.ori)
            obase.yi = sin(obase.ori)
            obase.ore = obase.stats.maxOre
            obase.ri = -0.008

        for i in xrange(20):
            radius = self.earth.stats.maxRadius * (2.5)
            dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius * (1.5 + 1 * random())
            angle = 2 * pi * random()  # AiPilotDefense
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.earthDefense,
                                       AiPilotPolice(self.earth, radius),
                                       self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                       self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle), 0, 4,
                                       0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

    # self.earthDefense.bases.append( obase )

        ## ai forces
        self.addAiBase(game, "Neptune base", neptune)
        self.addAiBase(game, "Saturn base", saturn)
        self.addAiBase(game, "Jupiter base", jupiter, 2)

        ## Evolved
        self.evolvedSwarm0 = Faction(
            "First Swarm",
                Territory((self.alphaCentaury[1].xp, self.alphaCentaury[1].yp),
                Territory((self.alphaCentaury[1].xp - 1000,
                           self.alphaCentaury[1].yp - 500), 500)

        (x, y) = self.alphaCentaury[1].xp - self.alphaCentaury[
            1].stats.maxRadius * 1.5, self.alphaCentaury[
                1].yp + self.alphaCentaury[1].stats.maxRadius * 1.5
        flagship = FlagShip(self.evolvedSwarm0, game.stats.EVOLVED_FS_1,
                            AiCaptain(self.evolvedSwarm0), x, y, 0, 0, 0.0,
                            0.0, 0.0, 0)
        flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre
        for t in flagship.turrets[:-2]:
            t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_MASS_MR_0)
            t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_MASS_MR)
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
        for t in flagship.turrets[-2:]:
            t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_LASER_SR_0)
            t.weapon = LaserWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_LASER_SR)
            t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
        for i in range(4):
            harvester = HarvesterShip(self.evolvedSwarm0,
                                      AiPilotHarvester(flagship), 0, 0, 0, 4,
                                      0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

        for i in xrange(5):
            if i >= 3:
                fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.evolvedSwarm0,
                                           AiPilotFighter(flagship), 0, 0, 0,
                                           4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
                fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.evolvedSwarm0,
                                           AiPilotFighter(flagship), 0, 0, 0,
                                           4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

        for i in xrange(10):
            fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.evolvedSwarm0,
                                       AiPilotDefense(flagship, 500), 0, 0, 0,
                                       4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
            (fighter.xp, fighter.yp) = (flagship.xp, flagship.yp)
        #    flagship.shipyards[ fighter.stats.img ].docked.append( fighter )

        ## Extra TODO remove section
        self.extraRock0 = Faction(game.stats.R_EXTRA, "Rocks")
        for i in xrange(0):  # 4 ):
            angle = 2 * pi * random()
            dist = 750  # self.gamma[ 1 ].stats.maxRadius*
            (x, y) = self.gamma[1].xp - dist * cos(
                angle), self.gamma[1].yp + dist * sin(angle)

            if i % 4 == 0:
                flagship = FlagShip(self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_BASE,
                                    AiCaptain(self.extraRock0), x, y, 0, 0,
                                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
                for k, t in enumerate(flagship.turrets):
                    t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_ROCK_THROWER_1)
                    t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_ROCK_THROWER_1)
                    t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
            elif i % 4 == 1:
                flagship = FlagShip(self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_FS_1,
                                    AiCaptain(self.extraRock0), x, y, 0, 0,
                                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
                for k, t in enumerate(flagship.turrets):
                    t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_DRAGON_0)
                    t.weapon = MassWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_DRAGON_0)
                    t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
            elif i % 4 == 2:
                flagship = FlagShip(self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_BASE,
                                    AiCaptain(self.extraRock0), x, y, 0, 0,
                                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
                for k, t in enumerate(flagship.turrets):
                    t.install = TurretInstall(game.stats.T_LARVA_0)
                    t.weapon = MissileWeaponTurret(game.stats.W_LARVA_0)
                    t.ai = AiWeaponTurret()
                flagship = FlagShip(self.extraRock0, game.stats.EXTRA_FS_2,
                                    AiCaptain(self.extraRock0), x, y, 0, 0,
                                    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
                for i in xrange(8):
                    fighter = ShipSingleWeapon(self.extraRock0,
                                               AiPilotFighter(flagship), 0, 0,
                                               0, 4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0)

            flagship.ore = flagship.stats.maxOre

            flagship.missiles[ids.M_LARVA].amount = 100

        for i in xrange(16):
コード例 #38
ファイル: httpRequests.py プロジェクト: iduque/ThesisModules
 def __init__(self):
     self._dao = DataAccess()
     self._scenarios = Scenario()
     self._host = "nathan@sf1-1-pc1"
     self._robot = Factory.getCurrentRobot()
コード例 #39
ファイル: tutorial2.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
 def doTurn( self, game ):
     Scenario.doTurn( self, game )
コード例 #40
ファイル: httpRequests.py プロジェクト: iduque/ThesisModules
class RobotCommands(object):

    exposed = True

    def __init__(self):
        self._dao = DataAccess()
        self._scenarios = Scenario()
        self._host = "nathan@sf1-1-pc1"
        self._robot = Factory.getCurrentRobot()

    def POST(self, *args, **kwargs):

        request = json.loads(cherrypy.request.body.read())

        # Send the robot to certain location (The behaviour depends on the scenario)
        if request.has_key('location'):

            if request['scenario'] == 1:
                if request['scenarioType'] == 'HallDoorbell':
                    self._scenarios.ScenarioDoorbell1(request, self._host)
                    self._scenarios.Scenario1(request, self._host)

            elif request['scenario'] == 2:
                if request['scenarioType'] == 'HallDoorbell':
                    self._scenarios.ScenarioDoorbell2(request, self._host)
                elif request['scenarioType'] == 'LivingDrink':
                    self._scenarios.Scenario2(request, self._host)
                    self._scenarios.Scenario1(request, self._host)

            elif request['scenario'] == 3:
                if request['scenarioType'] == 'HallDoorbell':
                    self._scenarios.ScenarioDoorbell1(request, self._host)
                    self._scenarios.Scenario3(request, self._host)

        # Send voice command to the robot (espeak software required)
        elif request.has_key(
                'speech') and self._dao.getActiveQuestion()['repeated'] == 0:

            #Block other interfaces to repeat the message
            self._dao.setResponse(request['messageId'], None, 1)
            self._preferences = self._dao.users.getUserPreferences()

            if request['scenario'] == 3 or request[
                    'messageId'] == 'doorbellAssistLowPro':
                time.sleep(0.5)  #Including delay to help transition
            elif request['scenario'] == 1 or request['scenario'] == 2:
                time.sleep(7)  #Time to wait for the body movement to finish

            if self._preferences[0]['voice'] == 1:
                self._robot.setComponentState('head', 'front')

                #Compose speech
                if request['scenario'] == 1 or request['scenario'] == 2:
                    message = request['speech'].replace(
                        "User,", request['username'] + ",")
                    message = request['speech'].replace("User, ", "")
                message = message.replace("<br/>",
                                          "")  #Remove end of line if exists

                #subprocess.call(['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\eSpeak\\command_line\\espeak.exe', request['speech']]) #Windows
                #subprocess.call(['espeak', message]) #Linux
                     "%s" % self._host,
                     "espeak -s 135 '%s'" % message],
                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE)  #Remote Linux

                if request['scenario'] == 1 or request['scenario'] == 2:
                    self._robot.setComponentState('head', 'front_bend_left')
                    self._robot.setComponentState('head', 'front_bend_right')
                    self._robot.setComponentState('head', 'front')

                ## Determine the speech time
                wait = 0.3 * (len(message.split()) - 1)

            #It means the robot has already spoken and the dialog can be shown
            self._dao.setResponse(request['messageId'], None, 2)

            # Open Tray
            if self._robot.getComponentState('tray')[0] == 'lowered':
                self._robot.setComponentState('tray', 'raised')

            #Finish Action
            self._robot.setComponentState('head', 'back')

            # Open Tray (Sometimes the first attempt is failing)
            if self._robot.getComponentState('tray')[0] != 'raised':
                self._robot.setComponentState('tray', 'raised')

            raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400)
コード例 #41
ファイル: tutorial2.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):
        stats = Stats()
        stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [ stats.T_LASER_SR_1, stats.T_LASER_SR_0,
stats.T_MASS_SR_1, stats.T_MASS_SR_0, stats.T_MASS_MR_0 ]
        stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = []
        stats.R_HUMAN.ships = [ stats.HARVESTER ]
        stats.PlayableShips = {}
        steps = [
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects( self.player.flagship, self.asteroid, 300 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
             #   onBegin=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ore = 500,
                texts = [ (0, "We need some materials."),
                            (4*config.fps, "There is an asteroid close to the Moon."),
                            (8*config.fps, "Get close to it.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ai.launching[ self.player.race.defaultHarvester.img ],
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "Begin collecting raw ore."),
     (4*config.fps, "To do so, launch your harvester by pressing the blue arrow button at the bottom of the screen.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.oreProcess,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "Now wait for them to bring back the ore."),
                (6*config.fps, "Don't worry about the ships following you around."),
                (10*config.fps, "They are civilian and while they are under your protection they speed up building processes.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ore >= 100,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "They have now added the raw ore to the processing queue."),
                (4*config.fps, "Wait a little while and it will be transformed into usable materials."),
                (8*config.fps, "Keep harvesting and processing the ore until you reach 100 material."),
                (12*config.fps, "Notice the moving bars at the bottom right corner of the screen..."),
                (14*config.fps, "they represents the ore being processed."),
                (18*config.fps, "once they reach the right, they are usable!"),
                (22*config.fps, "They will then be added to the ore stock indicated by the blue gage in the bottom right corner."), ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.shipyards[ self.player.race.defaultHarvester.img ].getCount() >= 4,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "You now have enough material to build a new harvester and speed it up!"),
    (2*config.fps, "To do so, click on the icon of the harvester at the bottom of the screen, under the launch button.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ore >= 300,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "Keep harvesting and processing ore util you reach 300 material."),
                (4*config.fps, "It will follow the orders the others already received."),
                (8*config.fps, "Notice the blue bar in the upper right corner and the green one in the bottm right..."),
                (12*config.fps, "the blue one represents your shield and the green one your hull.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: len( filter( lambda turret: turret.install, self.player.flagship.turrets ) ) >= 3,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "There are rumors of pirates in the area."),
                (4*config.fps, "Build one more mass cannon turret on your ship."),
                (8*config.fps, "To do so, click on an empty slot on the right of the screen and select an affordable turret."), ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: not self.ennemyShip.alive,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                onBegin=lambda self, game: (self.addAttackingEnnemy( game, (self.moon.xp-1500,self.moon.yp-800), self.player.flagship, "Pirate lambda" ), game.setRelationBetween( self.player, self.ennemy, 1 )),
                texts = [ (0, "Defend yourself from the incoming pirate ship."),
                (4*config.fps, "To attack it, simply left-click on it once."),
                (8*config.fps, "Your crew will aim and fire the turrets."),
                (12*config.fps, "You can still help them by manoeuvering the ship so that the ennemy is in range of the turrets.") ] ),
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects( self.player.flagship, self.orbitalbase, 100 ),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
                texts = [ (0, "Well done!"),
                (2*config.fps, "Recall your harvester and return to the orbital base.") ] ),
        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats )
        ### redefining stats, dangerous
        self.sol = Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0 )
        self.mercury = Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400 )
        self.venus = Planet( game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2300 )
        self.earth = Planet( game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700 )
        self.mars = Planet( game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2300 )
        self.moon = Planet( game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400 )
        self.jupiter = Planet( game.stats.P_JUPITER, -13000, -4800 )
        self.saturn = Planet( game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500 )
        self.neptune = Planet( game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000 )
        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth
        # asteroids over the moon, vital to scenario
        for i in xrange( 1 ):
            self.asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.moon.xp-200, self.moon.yp+150, 10 )
            game.harvestables.append( self.asteroid )
        for i in xrange( 3 ): # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        for i in range( 50 ): # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/8+pi*9/8
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 300 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        game.astres = [self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon, self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon ]
        dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius*1.5
        angle = 5*pi/8
        self.orbitalbase = OrbitalBase( None, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE_MINING, None, self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle),self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
        self.orbitalbase.ri = -0.013
        game.objects.append( self.orbitalbase )
        self.player = None
コード例 #42
 def run_network(self):
コード例 #43
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):

        stats = Stats()
        stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [
            stats.T_LASER_SR_1, stats.T_LASER_SR_0, stats.T_MASS_SR_1,
            stats.T_MASS_SR_0, stats.T_MASS_MR_0
        stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = []
        stats.R_HUMAN.ships = [stats.HARVESTER]
        stats.PlayableShips = {}

        steps = [
                goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects(
                    self.player.flagship, self.asteroid, 300),
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                #   onBegin=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ore = 500,
                texts=[(0, "We need some materials."),
                       (4 * config.fps,
                        "There is an asteroid close to the Moon."),
                       (8 * config.fps, "Get close to it.")]),
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ai.launching[
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                [(0, "Begin collecting raw ore."),
                 (4 * config.fps,
                  "To do so, launch your harvester by pressing the blue arrow button at the bottom of the screen."
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.oreProcess,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                [(0, "Now wait for them to bring back the ore."),
                 (6 * config.fps,
                  "Don't worry about the ships following you around."),
                 (10 * config.fps,
                  "They are civilian and while they are under your protection they speed up building processes."
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ore >= 100,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                     "They have now added the raw ore to the processing queue."
                    (4 * config.fps,
                     "Wait a little while and it will be transformed into usable materials."
                    (8 * config.fps,
                     "Keep harvesting and processing the ore until you reach 100 material."
                    (12 * config.fps,
                     "Notice the moving bars at the bottom right corner of the screen..."
                    (14 * config.fps,
                     "they represents the ore being processed."),
                    (18 * config.fps,
                     "once they reach the right, they are usable!"),
                    (22 * config.fps,
                     "They will then be added to the ore stock indicated by the blue gage in the bottom right corner."
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.shipyards[
                    self.player.race.defaultHarvester.img].getCount() >= 4,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                  "You now have enough material to build a new harvester and speed it up!"
                 (2 * config.fps,
                  "To do so, click on the icon of the harvester at the bottom of the screen, under the launch button."
                goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ore >= 300,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                  "Keep harvesting and processing ore util you reach 300 material."
                 (4 * config.fps,
                  "It will follow the orders the others already received."),
                 (8 * config.fps,
                  "Notice the blue bar in the upper right corner and the green one in the bottm right..."
                 (12 * config.fps,
                  "the blue one represents your shield and the green one your hull."
                goal=lambda self, game: len(
                    filter(lambda turret: turret.install, self.player.flagship.
                           turrets)) >= 3,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                    (0, "There are rumors of pirates in the area."),
                    (4 * config.fps,
                     "Build one more mass cannon turret on your ship."),
                    (8 * config.fps,
                     "To do so, click on an empty slot on the right of the screen and select an affordable turret."
                goal=lambda self, game: not self.ennemyShip.alive,
                failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self
                onBegin=lambda self, game: (self.addAttackingEnnemy(
                    game, (self.moon.xp - 1500, self.moon.yp
                           - 800), self.player.flagship, "Pirate lambda"
                ), game.setRelationBetween(self.player, self.ennemy, 1)),
                [(0, "Defend yourself from the incoming pirate ship."),
                 (4 * config.fps,
                  "To attack it, simply left-click on it once."),
                 (8 * config.fps,
                  "Your crew will aim and fire the turrets."),
                 (12 * config.fps,
                  "You can still help them by manoeuvering the ship so that the ennemy is in range of the turrets."
            Step(goal=lambda self, game: utils.distLowerThanObjects(
                self.player.flagship, self.orbitalbase, 100),
                 failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or
                 not self.player.flagship.alive,
                     (0, "Well done!"),
                     (2 * config.fps,
                      "Recall your harvester and return to the orbital base.")

        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats)

        ### redefining stats, dangerous

        self.sol = Sun(game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0)
        self.mercury = Planet(game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400)
        self.venus = Planet(game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2300)
        self.earth = Planet(game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700)
        self.mars = Planet(game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2300)
        self.moon = Planet(game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400)
        self.jupiter = Planet(game.stats.P_JUPITER, -13000, -4800)
        self.saturn = Planet(game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500)
        self.neptune = Planet(game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000)

        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth

        # asteroids over the moon, vital to scenario
        for i in xrange(1):
            self.asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.moon.xp - 200,
                                     self.moon.yp + 150, 10)

        for i in xrange(3):  # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint(100, 800)
            angle = 2 * pi * random()

            (x, y) = (self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                      self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle))
            s = Ship(game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20)

        for i in range(50):  # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1 - 2 * random()) * pi / 8 + pi * 9 / 8
            asteroid = Asteroid(game, self.sol.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                self.sol.yp + dist * sin(angle), 300)

        game.astres = [
            self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon,
            self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon

        dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius * 1.5
        angle = 5 * pi / 8
        self.orbitalbase = OrbitalBase(None, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE_MINING,
                                       None, self.earth.xp + dist * cos(angle),
                                       self.earth.yp + dist * sin(angle))
        self.orbitalbase.ri = -0.013

        self.player = None
コード例 #44
ファイル: tutorial3.py プロジェクト: xymus/pycaptain
    def __init__(self, game, steps=None, name=None, description=None, year=0):
        stats = Stats()
        stats.R_HUMAN.turrets = [ stats.T_LASER_SR_1, stats.T_LASER_SR_0, stats.T_LASER_MR_0,
    stats.T_MASS_SR_1, stats.T_MASS_SR_0, stats.T_MASS_LR, stats.T_MASS_MR_0,
    stats.T_MISSILE_1, stats.T_MISSILE_0,
    stats.T_PULSE, stats.T_MINER, 
    stats.T_SOLAR_0,  ]
        stats.R_HUMAN.missiles = [ids.M_NORMAL, ids.M_PULSE, ids.M_MINER]
        stats.R_HUMAN.ships = [ stats.HARVESTER, stats.HUMAN_FIGHTER ]
        stats.PlayableShips = {}
        steps = []
        ### missiles
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats==stats.T_MISSILE_0, self.player.flagship.turrets ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addEnnemyShip( game, (self.player.flagship.xp+stats.T_MASS_MR_0.weapon.maxRange+100, self.player.flagship.yp), None ),
            texts = [(0,"There's an ennemy ship on the other side of Earth, directly to your right."),
                (config.fps*4, "It is too far away to reach with your current weapons."),
                (config.fps*8, "Select an empty turret, on the right of the screen, and build a missile launcher."),
                (config.fps*16, "It would also be a good idea to begin harvesting the asteroid close by."),
                (config.fps*20, "Build more harvester if you feel that it's necessary." )] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.missiles[ids.M_NORMAL].amount >= 10,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            texts = [(0,"Now that the launcher is ready you will need some missiles!"),
                (config.fps*4, "Click on the missile icon at the botom of the screen to start building them."),
                (config.fps*8, "10 should be enough to initiate the combat.") ] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: not self.ennemyShip.alive,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: (game.setRelationBetween( self.player, self.ennemy, 1 ), game.setRelationBetween( self.ennemy, self.player, 1 )),
            texts = [(0,"Now attack it!"),
                (config.fps*4, "It is the blue dot on the radar screen, left-click on it to begin the attack." ) ] ) )
        ### mass turret / upgrading
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats==stats.T_MASS_LR, self.player.flagship.turrets ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addEnnemyShip( game, (self.player.flagship.xp+stats.T_MASS_LR.weapon.maxRange-400, self.player.flagship.yp), None ),
            texts = [(0,"One appeared even further away!"),
                (config.fps*4, "Upgrade at least one of your mass cannon to a mass driver turret." ) ] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: not self.ennemyShip.alive,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: (game.setRelationBetween( self.player, self.ennemy, 1 ), game.setRelationBetween( self.ennemy, self.player, 1 )),
            text = "Now that you can reach it, attack it!" ) )
        ### fighters
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.shipyards[ ids.S_HUMAN_FIGHTER ].getCount() >= 5,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addEnnemyShips( game, (self.player.flagship.xp+stats.T_MASS_LR.weapon.maxRange+1000, self.player.flagship.yp), 200, count=2 ),
            texts = [(0,"There's another one too far away for your turrets."),
            (config.fps*4, "You need to build at leats 5 fighters."),
            (config.fps*8, "To do so, click on the fighter icon, at the bottom of the screen next to the harvester." )] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.ai.launching[ ids.S_HUMAN_FIGHTER ],
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            texts = [(0,"Launch your fighters."),
            (config.fps*4, "To do so, press the blue arrow button at the bottom of the screen." )] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: not self.ennemy.flagships,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: (game.setRelationBetween( self.player, self.ennemy, 1 ), game.setRelationBetween( self.ennemy, self.player, 1 )),
            text = "Now order your fighters to attack it by left-clicking on it." ) )
         ### mines
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats==stats.T_MINER, self.player.flagship.turrets ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            texts = [(0, "The pirates always come from the same direction."),
                (config.fps*4, "Let's think ahead and build a mine field."),
                (config.fps*8, "First, build a mine layer turret."),
                (config.fps*12, "It would be a good idea to recall your fighters before laying the mine field."),
                (config.fps*16, "To do so, press  onthe green arrow over the fighter icon." )] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.missiles[ids.M_MINER].amount >= 1,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            text = "Build 8 or more miner missiles.\nThe button appeared next to the missile button." ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda obj: isinstance( obj, MinerMissile ), game.objects.objects ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            text = "A missile is ready.\nShoot it by clicking on the red targetting button over its icon.",
            texts= [
    (config.fps*4,"Then click on the target, in this case target at a little distance to the right of the station."),
    (config.fps*8,"You can always cancel the launch of a missile by right clicking on the screen when targetting.")
                    ] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: len( filter( lambda obj: isinstance( obj, Mine ), game.objects.objects ) ) >= stats.T_MINER.specialValue[1]*8,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            text = "Build and deploy a total of at least 8 missiles." ) )
         ### pulse
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda turret: turret.install and turret.install.stats==stats.T_PULSE, self.player.flagship.turrets ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
           onBegin=lambda self, game: self.addEnnemyShips( game, (self.player.flagship.xp+stats.T_MASS_LR.weapon.maxRange+200, self.player.flagship.yp), 200, count=4 ),
            texts = [(0, "A group of pirates can now be seen far away."),
            (config.fps*4, "To trap them and give us a head start let's hit them with an EMP weapon first!"),
            (config.fps*8, "Build a pulse launcher.") ] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: self.player.flagship.missiles[ids.M_PULSE].amount >= 1,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            text = "Build at least one pulse missile." ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: filter( lambda obj: isinstance( obj, PulseMissile ), game.objects.objects ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            text = "A missile is ready.\nShoot it in the middle of the pirates." ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: not filter( lambda obj: isinstance( obj, PulseMissile ), game.objects.objects ),
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            onBegin=lambda self, game: (game.setRelationBetween( self.player, self.ennemy, 1 ), game.setRelationBetween( self.ennemy, self.player, 1 )),
            texts = [(0,"Wait for them to get hit."),
            (config.fps*4, "Every ship caught in the explosion will have its engines disabled for a few seconds..."),
            (config.fps*8, "its shield will also be badly hit.")] ) )
        steps.append( Step( 
            goal=lambda self, game: not self.ennemy.flagships,
            failure=lambda self, game: not self.player.flagship or not self.player.flagship.alive,
            texts = [(0,"Wait for them to recover from the EMP and to get caught in the mine field!"),
                (config.fps*4, "Then finish them.")] ) )
        Scenario.__init__(self, game, steps=steps, stats=stats )
        self.sol = Sun( game.stats.S_SOL, 0, 0 )
        self.mercury = Planet( game.stats.P_MERCURY, -4100, 1400 )
        self.venus = Planet( game.stats.P_VENUS, 5000, 2300 )
        self.earth = Planet( game.stats.P_EARTH, -3100, 6700 )
        self.mars = Planet( game.stats.P_MARS_1, -7800, -2300 )
        self.moon = Planet( game.stats.P_MOON, -3900, 6400 )
        self.jupiter = Planet( game.stats.P_JUPITER, -13000, -4800 )
        self.saturn = Planet( game.stats.P_SATURN, 13000, 2500 )
        self.neptune = Planet( game.stats.P_NEPTUNE, 15000, 7000 )
        self.moon.zp = -50
        self.moon.yi = 0.1
        self.moon.orbiting = self.earth
        # asteroids near the station
        for i in xrange( 1 ):
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.moon.xp+200, self.moon.yp+430, 0 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )
        for i in xrange( 10 ): # civilians around self.earth
            dist = randint( 100, 800 )
            angle = 2*pi*random()

            (x,y) = (self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
            s = Ship( game.stats.CIVILIAN_0, AiCivilian(), x, y, -20 )
            game.objects.append( s )

        for i in range( 50 ): # asteroids outer self.mars
            dist = 9000
            angle = (1-2*random())*pi/8+pi*9/8
            asteroid = Asteroid( game, self.sol.xp+dist*cos(angle), self.sol.yp+dist*sin(angle), 300 )
            game.harvestables.append( asteroid )

        game.astres = [self.sol, self.mercury, self.venus, self.earth, self.moon, self.mars, self.jupiter, self.saturn, self.neptune, self.moon ]
      #  dist = self.earth.stats.maxRadius*1.2
      #  angle = 7/8*pi
     #   self.orbitalbase = OrbitalBase( None, game.stats.HUMAN_BASE, None, self.earth.xp+dist*cos(angle),self.earth.yp+dist*sin(angle))
      #  self.orbitalbase.ri = -0.013
      #  game.objects.append( self.orbitalbase )
        self.player = None