def show(sample_size): global session global scatter_plot global source global pie_chart_source global line_chart_source global slider DB.__init__(sample_size) min_time = DB.min_time() max_time = DB.max_time() print min_time print min_time xs, ys, color, time = DB.get_current() xs = [xs[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] ys = [ys[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] color = [color[i] for i,v in enumerate(time) if time[i] == min_time] time_dict = Counter(time) pie_chart_source = ColumnDataSource(data=ChartMath.compute_color_distribution('x', 'y', 'color', color)) line_chart_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[key for key in time_dict], y=[time_dict[key] for key in time_dict])) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xs, y=ys, color=color)) scatter_plot = Figure(plot_height=800, plot_width=1200, title="Plot of Voters", tools="pan, reset, resize, save, wheel_zoom", )'x', 'y', color='color', source=source, line_width=0, line_alpha=0.001, fill_alpha=0.5, size=15) scatter_plot.patches('x', 'y', source=state_source, fill_alpha=0.1, line_width=3, line_alpha=1) scatter_plot.x_range.on_change('end', update_coordinates) line_chart = Figure(title="Distribution over Time", plot_width=350, plot_height=350) line_chart.line(x='x', y='y', source=line_chart_source) pie_chart_plot = Figure(plot_height=350, plot_width=350, title="Voter Distribution", x_range=(-1, 1), y_range=(-1, 1)) pie_chart_plot.wedge(x=0, y=0, source=pie_chart_source, radius=1, start_angle="x", end_angle="y", color="color") slider = Slider(start=min_time, end=max_time, value=min_time, step=1, title="Time") slider.on_change('value', update_coordinates) h = hplot(scatter_plot, vplot(pie_chart_plot, line_chart)) vplot(slider, h, width=1600, height=1800) session = push_session(curdoc()) #script = autoload_server(scatter_plot, session.loop_until_closed()
def __plot_control_chart(self, index): plot_args = self.__conf.plot_args[index] annotations = self.__conf.annotations[index] if not annotations: annotations = PlotAnnotationContainer() plot = Figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=600, x_range=FactorRange(factors=self.__factors, name='x_factors')) plot.toolbar.logo = None plot.title.text = 'Control chart' hover_tool = self.__create_tooltips() plot.add_tools(hover_tool) plot.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi / 4 plot.xaxis.major_label_standoff = 10 if not self.__values['_calc_value'].empty: if 'color' not in plot_args: plot_args['color'] = 'navy' if 'alpha' not in plot_args: plot_args['alpha'] = 0.5 self.__values['s_fac'] = self.__factors col_ds = ColumnDataSource(self.__values, name='control_data') col_ds.js_on_change('data', CustomJS(code="refresh_maps();"))'s_fac', '_calc_value', source=col_ds, name='circle', **plot_args) plot.line('s_fac', '_calc_value', source=col_ds, name='line', **plot_args) min_anno, max_anno = annotations.calc_min_max_annotation( self.__values['_calc_value']) annotations.plot(plot, self.__values['_calc_value']) anno_range = max_anno - min_anno if anno_range and not isnan(anno_range): plot.y_range.start = min_anno - anno_range plot.y_range.end = max_anno + anno_range return plot
def plot_light_curve_source(figure: Figure, data_source: ColumnDataSource, time_column_name: str = 'Time (BTJD)', flux_column_name: str = 'Relative flux', color_value_column_name: str = 'Time (BTJD)'): """ Plots the light curve data source on the passed figure. :param figure: The figure to plot to. :param data_source: The data source containing the light curve data. :param time_column_name: The name of the time column whose values will be used on the x axis. :param flux_column_name: The name of the flux column whose values will be used on the y axis. :param color_value_column_name: The name of the column whose values will be used to determine data point color. """ mapper = LinearColorMapper( palette='Plasma256', low=np.min([color_value_column_name]), high=np.max([color_value_column_name])) colors = {'field': color_value_column_name, 'transform': mapper}, flux_column_name, source=data_source, fill_color=colors, fill_alpha=0.1, line_color=colors, line_alpha=0.4)
def qqnorm_viz( actual_qs: np.ndarray, theory_qs: np.ndarray, col: str, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, ) -> Panel: """ Render a qq plot """ tooltips = [("x", "@x"), ("y", "@y")] fig = Figure( plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, title=f"{col}", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None, tooltips=tooltips, ) x=theory_qs, y=actual_qs, size=3, color=PALETTE[0], ) all_values = np.concatenate((theory_qs, actual_qs)) fig.line( x=[np.min(all_values), np.max(all_values)], y=[np.min(all_values), np.max(all_values)], color="red", ) tweak_figure(fig, "qq") fig.xaxis.axis_label = "Normal Quantiles" fig.yaxis.axis_label = f"Quantiles of {col}" return Panel(child=fig, title="QQ normal plot")
def construct_figure(self, x, y, metric): # workaround to format date in the hover tool at the moment bokeh source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, time=[e.strftime('%d %b %Y') for e in x])) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Date", "@time"), ("Return", "@y{0.0%}"), ] ) # create a new plot with a a datetime axis type p2 = Figure(x_axis_type="datetime", title=metric,toolbar_location="above", tools=[hover, 'box_zoom, box_select, crosshair,resize, reset, save, wheel_zoom']) # add renderers, y, size=8, color='black', alpha=0.2, legend=metric, source=source) p2.line(x, y, color='navy', legend=metric, source=source) # NEW: customize by setting attributes # p2.title = metric p2.legend.location = "top_left" p2.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0 p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' p2.yaxis.axis_label = metric p2.ygrid.band_fill_color = "olive" p2.ygrid.band_fill_alpha = 0.1 p2.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats={'days': ['%d %b'], 'months': ['%b %Y']}) p2.yaxis.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0%") # format="0.0%" return p2
def plot1(): # copy/pasted from Bokeh Getting Started Guide - used as an example grouped = autompg.groupby("yr") mpg = grouped.mpg avg, std = mpg.mean(), mpg.std() years = list(grouped.groups) american = autompg[autompg["origin"] == 1] japanese = autompg[autompg["origin"] == 3] p = Figure(title="MPG by Year (Japan and US)") p.vbar(x=years, bottom=avg - std, top=avg + std, width=0.8, fill_alpha=0.2, line_color=None, legend="MPG 1 stddev")["yr"], y=japanese["mpg"], size=10, alpha=0.5, color="red", legend="Japanese") p.triangle(x=american["yr"], y=american["mpg"], size=10, alpha=0.3, color="blue", legend="American") p.legend.location = "top_left" return json.dumps(json_item(p, "myplot"))
def create_figure(): xs, ys, colors, sizes = model.get_axes_values() fig_args = dict(tools='pan', plot_height=600, plot_width=800) if model.x_field in model.discrete_column_names and model.y_field in model.discrete_column_names: figure = Figure(x_range=xs, y_range=ys, **fig_args) figure.axis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 4 elif model.x_field in model.discrete_column_names: figure = Figure(x_range=xs, **fig_args) figure.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 4 elif model.y_field in model.discrete_column_names: figure = Figure(y_range=ys, **fig_args) figure.yaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 4 else: figure = Figure(**fig_args), y=ys, color=colors, size=sizes, line_color="white", alpha=0.8) figure.toolbar_location = None figure.xaxis.axis_label = model.x_field figure.yaxis.axis_label = model.y_field figure.background_fill_color = model.background_fill figure.border_fill_color = model.background_fill figure.axis.axis_line_color = "white" figure.axis.axis_label_text_color = "white" figure.axis.major_label_text_color = "white" figure.axis.major_tick_line_color = "white" figure.axis.minor_tick_line_color = "white" figure.axis.minor_tick_line_color = "white" figure.grid.grid_line_dash = [6, 4] figure.grid.grid_line_alpha = .3 return figure
def plotnorm(data, circleinds=[], crossinds=[], edgeinds=[], url_path=None, fileroot=None, tools="hover,tap,pan,box_select,wheel_zoom,reset", plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Make a light-weight norm figure """ fields = ['zs', 'sizes', 'colors', 'abssnr', 'key', 'snrs'] if not circleinds: circleinds = range(len(data['snrs'])) source = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in circleinds if i not in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) norm = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left", x_axis_label='SNR observed', y_axis_label='SNR expected', tools=tools, webgl=True)'abssnr', 'zs', size='sizes', line_color=None, fill_color='colors', fill_alpha=0.2, source=source) if crossinds: sourceneg = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in crossinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) norm.cross('abssnr', 'zs', size='sizes', line_color='colors', line_alpha=0.3, source=sourceneg) if edgeinds: sourceedge = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields}))'abssnr', 'zs', size='sizes', line_color='colors', fill_color='colors', source=sourceedge, line_alpha=0.5, fill_alpha=0.2) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('SNR', '@snrs'), ('key', '@key')]) if url_path and fileroot: url = '{}/cands_{}[email protected]'.format(url_path, fileroot) taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url) return norm
def line_plot(ticker, alias, x_range=None): p = Figure( title=alias, x_range=x_range, x_axis_type='datetime', plot_width=1000, plot_height=200, title_text_font_size="10pt", tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_select,reset" )'date', ticker, size=2, source=source, nonselection_alpha=0.02) return p
def plot_lang(self, fig: Figure, lang: str, source: ColumnDataSource): col = next(COLORS) common_kw = { "line_color": col, "source": source, "legend_label": f"{lang} Code Count", }"x", "y", fill_color="white", size=8, **common_kw) fig.line("x", "y", line_width=2, **common_kw)
def create_2d_plot(self) -> Figure: fig = Figure(width=300, height=300, x_range=(-2, 2), y_range=(-2, 2))'x', y='y', color='color', source=self.data_source) fig.segment(x0='x', y0='y', x1='xn', y1='yn', color='color', line_dash='dotted', source=self.data_source) return fig
def Main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-st", dest="stationId", nargs='*') parser.add_argument("-ct", dest="cityName", nargs='*') parser.add_argument("-pr", dest="percentage", nargs='*') parser.add_argument("-tc1", dest="taskColor1", nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args() for i in range(len(args.stationId)): Data, Date, Max, Min = prepareCSVData(args.cityName[i]) plotDate = Data['right'] source = ColumnDataSource(data=Data) AverageTemp = [] for index in range(len(Min)): Average = (Min[index] + Max[index]) / 2 AverageTemp.append(Average) plot_graph = Figure(x_axis_type="datetime", plot_width=1000, title="2016 Daily Growing Degree Days- " + args.cityName[i], toolbar_location=None) color = "#ADD8E6" for j in range(len(args.percentage)): minPer, MaxPer = getComputePercentage(Min, Max, args.percentage[j]) plot_graph.quad(top=MaxPer, bottom=minPer, left='left', right='right', source=source, color=color, legend="percentile " + str(args.percentage[j]) + "-" + str(100 - int(args.percentage[j]))) color = "#D2B48C", Min, alpha=0.9, color="#0000FF", fill_alpha=0.2, size=10, source=source, legend='2016') plot_graph.line(plotDate, AverageTemp, source=source, line_color='Red', line_width=0.5, legend='Average') plot_graph.xaxis.axis_label = "MONTHS" plot_graph.yaxis.axis_label = "Daily Accumulation Celcius" plot_graph.grid[0].ticker.desired_num_ticks = 12 output_file("./plots/secTask-1" + args.cityName[i] + ".html", title="2016 Daily Growing Degree Days-(" + args.cityName[i] + ")") save(plot_graph)
def plot1(): # copy/pasted from Bokeh Getting Started Guide x = linspace(-6, 6, 100) y = cos(x) p = Figure(width=500, height=500, toolbar_location="below", title="Plot 1"), y, size=7, color="firebrick", alpha=0.5) # following above points: # + pass plot object 'p' into json_item # + wrap the result in json.dumps and return to frontend return bokeh.embed.json_item(p, "myplot")
def create_fig(self, sources): """ Implementation of :meth:`LivePlot.create_fig` to set up the bokeh figure """ fig = Figure(background_fill_color= None, toolbar_location = None, x_range=[-100, 100], y_range=[-100, 100], tools="", **self._fig_args) # Remove existing axes and grid fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig.axis.visible = False # Draw circular grid th = np.linspace(0, 360, 100) # Draw visibility field self.vis_horizon = 10 #fig.patch(*pol2rect([90 - self.vis_horizon]*len(th), th), color='lightgray') fig.patch(*azel2rect(th, [self.vis_horizon]*len(th)), color='lightgray') for r in [0, 20, 40, 60, 80]: fig.line(*azel2rect(th, [r]*len(th)), line_dash='dashed') for th in np.arange(0,360,45): fig.line(*azel2rect([th,th], [0,90]), line_dash='dashed') # Add grid labels lx,ly = azel2rect([0, 90, 180, 270], [0]*4) lx[1] -= 30 lx[2] -= 20 ly[0] -= 10 lx[0] -= 10 src_labels = ColumnDataSource(dict( labels= ['N (0)', 'E (90)', 'S (180)', 'W (270)'], label_x= lx, label_y =ly)) fig.add_layout(LabelSet(x='label_x', y='label_y', text='labels', source=src_labels)) fig.line(source=sources['dpass'], x='x', y = 'y', line_width=2)['ant_cmd'], x='x', y='y', size=20, fill_color=None)['ant_cur'], x='x', y='y', size=10, color='green')['sat'], x= 'x', y ='y', size=10, color= 'yellow') return fig
class ScatterDiagram(Component): def __init__(self, environment: Environment): super().__init__() self.environment = environment self.data_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x_axis=[], y_axis=[], color=[])) self.diagram = Figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=400) self.x_axis_menu = Select(title="x axis", value="radius", options=list(BlobStatistics)) self.y_axis_menu = Select(title="y axis", value="speed", options=list(BlobStatistics)) self.color_menu = Select(title="colours", value="time of birth", options=list(BlobStatistics)) self.color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette='Cividis11') self.color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=self.color_mapper, location=(0, 0))'x_axis', 'y_axis', color={ 'field': 'color', 'transform': self.color_mapper }, source=self.data_source) self.diagram.add_layout(self.color_bar, 'right') self.component = column( self.diagram, row(self.x_axis_menu, self.y_axis_menu, self.color_menu)) def refresh(self): = { 'x_axis': [ BlobStatistics[self.x_axis_menu.value](organism, self.environment) for organism in self.environment.organisms.organism_list ], 'y_axis': [ BlobStatistics[self.y_axis_menu.value](organism, self.environment) for organism in self.environment.organisms.organism_list ], 'color': [ BlobStatistics[self.color_menu.value](organism, self.environment) for organism in self.environment.organisms.organism_list ] }
def make_plot(source, AverageTemp, Parcentile_5_Min, Parcentile_5_Max, Parcentile_25_Min, Parcentile_25_Max, MinTemp, MaxTemp, plotDate, cityName): plot = Figure(title='Optional Task # 1 : Growing Degree-day for ' + cityName, x_axis_type="datetime", plot_width=1000, title_text_font_size='12pt', tools="", toolbar_location=None) colors = Blues4[0:3], MinTemp, alpha=0.9, color="#66ff33", fill_alpha=0.2, size=10, source=source, legend='2015') plot.quad(top=Parcentile_5_Max, bottom=Parcentile_5_Min, left='left', right='right', source=source, color="#e67300", legend="Percentile 5-95") plot.quad(top=Parcentile_25_Max, bottom=Parcentile_25_Min, left='left', right='right', source=source, color="#66ccff", legend="percentile 25-75") plot.line(plotDate, AverageTemp, source=source, line_color='Red', line_width=0.75, legend='AverageTemp') plot.border_fill_color = "whitesmoke" plot.xaxis.axis_label = "Months" plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Temperature (C)" plot.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "10pt" plot.axis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" plot.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = "bold" plot.x_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0.0, bounds=None) plot.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 plot.grid[0].ticker.desired_num_ticks = 12 return plot
def make_line(self): ''' makes a bokeh line chart with markers ''' p = Figure(x_axis_label=self.xlabel, y_axis_label=self.ylabel, title=self.title) p.line(y='y', x='x', source=self.source_visible)'y', x='x', source=self.source_visible, size=4, hover_fill_color='firebrick', hover_line_color='white') return p
def _add_nodes(G: nx.Graph, plot: Figure) -> Union[ColumnDataSource, GlyphRenderer]: """Add nodes from G to the plot. Args: G (nx.Graph): Networkx graph. plot (figure): Plot to add the nodes to. Returns: Union[ColumnDataSource, GlyphRenderer]: node source and glyphs. """ nodes_df = pd.DataFrame([G.nodes[u] for u in sorted(G.nodes())]) nodes_src = ColumnDataSource(data=nodes_df.to_dict(orient='list')) nodes_glyph ='x', y='y', size=NODE_SIZE, level=NODE_LEVEL, line_color='line_color', fill_color='fill_color', line_width='line_width', nonselection_fill_alpha=1, nonselection_line_alpha=1, source=nodes_src) return nodes_src, nodes_glyph
def init_plot(self): x = fft.rfftfreq(self.CHUNK_SIZE) * self.SAMPLE_RATE x_max = x[-1] self.init_y = linspace(0, x_max, len(x)) y = self.init_y source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) # TODO: range and size (toolbar), maybe could be user settings plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=800, title="freq anal", tools="crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom", x_range=[0, x_max], y_range=[0, 15]) rad = x_max / float(len(x)) data ='x', 'y', source=source, line_color=None, radius=rad) self.data_source = data.data_source # TODO: maybe not the best place curdoc().add_root(plot)
def jwst_noise(result_dict, plot=True, output_file='noise.html'): """Plot background Parameters ---------- result_dict : dict Dictionary from pandexo output. If parameter space was run in run_pandexo make sure to restructure the input as a list of dictionaries without they key words that run_pandexo assigns. plot : bool (Optional) True renders plot, Flase does not. Default=True output_file : str (Optional) Default = 'noise.html' Return ------ x : numpy array micron y : numpy array 1D noise (ppm) See Also -------- jwst_1d_spec, jwst_1d_bkg, jwst_1d_flux, jwst_1d_snr, jwst_2d_det, jwst_2d_sat """ TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save" #saturation x = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'] y = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['error_w_floor'] * 1e6 x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] ymed = np.median(y) plot_noise_1d1 = Figure( tools=TOOLS, #responsive=True, x_axis_label='Wavelength (micron)', y_axis_label='Error on Spectrum (PPM)', title="Error Curve", plot_width=800, plot_height=300, y_range=[0, 2.0 * ymed]) ymed = np.median(y), y, line_width=4, alpha=.7) if plot: outputfile(output_file) show(plot_noise_1d1) return x, y
def gen_fig(shape, source, tool=''): '''function to generate either a circle or line graph''' p = Figure(plot_width=500, plot_height=500,\ title='Selected - Sample by Wave', tools = [tool]) p.title_text_color = "CadetBlue" p.title_text_font = "helvetica" p.xaxis.axis_label = "Wave" p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '9pt' p.yaxis.axis_label = "Sample Size" p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '9pt' if shape == 'circle':'Years', 'SampleSize', source=source,\ size=10, color="CadetBlue", alpha=0.5) elif shape == 'line': p.line('Years', 'SampleSize', source=source,\ line_width=3, color='CadetBlue',line_alpha=0.7) return p
def plotstat(data, circleinds=None, crossinds=None, edgeinds=None, url_path=None, fileroot=None, tools="hover,tap,pan,box_select,wheel_zoom,reset", plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Make a light-weight stat figure """ fields = ['imkur', 'specstd', 'sizes', 'colors', 'snrs', 'key'] if not circleinds: circleinds = range(len(data['snrs'])) # set ranges datalen = len(data['dm']) inds = circleinds + crossinds + edgeinds specstd = [data['specstd'][i] for i in inds] specstd_min = min(specstd) specstd_max = max(specstd) imkur = [data['imkur'][i] for i in inds] imkur_min = min(imkur) imkur_max = max(imkur) source = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in circleinds if i not in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) stat = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left", x_axis_label='Spectral std', y_axis_label='Image kurtosis', x_range=(specstd_min, specstd_max), y_range=(imkur_min, imkur_max), tools=tools, webgl=True)'specstd', 'imkur', size='sizes', line_color=None, fill_color='colors', fill_alpha=0.2, source=source) if crossinds: sourceneg = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in crossinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) stat.cross('specstd', 'imkur', size='sizes', line_color='colors', line_alpha=0.3, source=sourceneg) if edgeinds: sourceedge = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields}))'specstd', 'imkur', size='sizes', line_color='colors', fill_color='colors', source=sourceedge, line_alpha=0.5, fill_alpha=0.2) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('SNR', '@snrs'), ('key', '@key')]) if url_path and fileroot: url = '{}/cands_{}[email protected]'.format(url_path, fileroot) taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url) return stat
def plotdmt(data, circleinds=[], crossinds=[], edgeinds=[], url_path=None, fileroot=None, tools="hover,tap,pan,box_select,wheel_zoom,reset", plot_width=950, plot_height=500): """ Make a light-weight dm-time figure """ fields = ['dm', 'time', 'sizes', 'colors', 'snrs', 'key'] if not circleinds: circleinds = range(len(data['snrs'])) # set ranges datalen = len(data['dm']) inds = circleinds + crossinds + edgeinds dm = [data['dm'][i] for i in inds] dm_min = min(min(dm), max(dm)/1.2) dm_max = max(max(dm), min(dm)*1.2) time = [data['time'][i] for i in inds] time_min = min(time) time_max = max(time) source = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in circleinds if i not in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) dmt = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left", x_axis_label='Time (s; relative)', y_axis_label='DM (pc/cm3)', x_range=(time_min, time_max), y_range=(dm_min, dm_max), webgl=True, tools=tools)'time', 'dm', size='sizes', fill_color='colors', line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.2, source=source) if crossinds: sourceneg = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in crossinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) dmt.cross('time', 'dm', size='sizes', fill_color='colors', line_alpha=0.3, source=sourceneg) if edgeinds: sourceedge = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields}))'time', 'dm', size='sizes', line_color='colors', fill_color='colors', line_alpha=0.5, fill_alpha=0.2, source=sourceedge) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('SNR', '@snrs'), ('key', '@key')]) if url_path and fileroot: # url = '{}/cands_{}_sc@scan-seg@seg-i@candint-dm@[email protected]'.format(url_path, fileroot) url = '{}/cands_{}[email protected]'.format(url_path, fileroot) taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url) return dmt
def plotloc(data, circleinds=[], crossinds=[], edgeinds=[], url_path=None, fileroot=None, tools="hover,tap,pan,box_select,wheel_zoom,reset", plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Make a light-weight loc figure """ fields = ['l1', 'm1', 'sizes', 'colors', 'snrs', 'key'] if not circleinds: circleinds = range(len(data['snrs'])) # set ranges datalen = len(data['dm']) inds = circleinds + crossinds + edgeinds l1 = [data['l1'][i] for i in inds] l1_min = min(l1) l1_max = max(l1) m1 = [data['m1'][i] for i in inds] m1_min = min(m1) m1_max = max(m1) source = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in circleinds if i not in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) loc = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="left", x_axis_label='l1 (rad)', y_axis_label='m1 (rad)', x_range=(l1_min, l1_max), y_range=(m1_min,m1_max), tools=tools, webgl=True)'l1', 'm1', size='sizes', line_color=None, fill_color='colors', fill_alpha=0.2, source=source) if crossinds: sourceneg = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in crossinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields})) loc.cross('l1', 'm1', size='sizes', line_color='colors', line_alpha=0.3, source=sourceneg) if edgeinds: sourceedge = ColumnDataSource(data = dict({(key, tuple([value[i] for i in edgeinds])) for (key, value) in data.iteritems() if key in fields}))'l1', 'm1', size='sizes', line_color='colors', fill_color='colors', source=sourceedge, line_alpha=0.5, fill_alpha=0.2) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([('SNR', '@snrs'), ('key', '@key')]) if url_path and fileroot: url = '{}/cands_{}[email protected]'.format(url_path, fileroot) taptool = taptool.callback = OpenURL(url=url) return loc
def jwst_noise(result_dict, plot=True, output_file= 'noise.html'): """Plot background Parameters ---------- result_dict : dict Dictionary from pandexo output. If parameter space was run in run_pandexo make sure to restructure the input as a list of dictionaries without they key words that run_pandexo assigns. plot : bool (Optional) True renders plot, Flase does not. Default=True output_file : str (Optional) Default = 'noise.html' Return ------ x : numpy array micron y : numpy array 1D noise (ppm) See Also -------- jwst_1d_spec, jwst_1d_bkg, jwst_1d_flux, jwst_1d_snr, jwst_2d_det, jwst_2d_sat """ TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,save" #saturation x = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'] y = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['error_w_floor']*1e6 x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] ymed = np.median(y) plot_noise_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Wavelength (micron)', y_axis_label='Error on Spectrum (PPM)', title="Error Curve", plot_width=800, plot_height=300, y_range = [0,2.0*ymed]) ymed = np.median(y), y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) if plot: outputfile(output_file) show(plot_noise_1d1) return x,y
def _replacement_plot(self, source): start = - datetime.timedelta(days=self.RECOATING_PERIOD) start_timestamp = datetime.datetime(start.year, start.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0).timestamp() end_timestamp = datetime.datetime(,,, 0, 0, 0, 0).timestamp() x_range = DataRange1d(start=1000 * start_timestamp, end=1000 * end_timestamp) y_range = DataRange1d(start=0, end=120) plot = Figure(x_axis_type='datetime', x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, tools=['tap'], toolbar_location=None) # required recoated segments plot.line(x=[start,], y=[0, 91], legend='required recoated segments', line_width=2, line_color='blue') # recoated segments plot.line(x='ReplacementDate', y='RecoatingsSinceYearStart', source=source, legend='recoated segments', line_width=2, color='orange')'ReplacementDate', y='RecoatingsSinceYearStart', source=source, legend='recoated segments', size=6, color='orange') date_format = '%d %b %Y' formats = dict(hours=[date_format], days=[date_format], months=[date_format], years=[date_format]) plot.xaxis[0].formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=formats) plot.legend.location = 'top_left' plot.min_border_top = 20 plot.min_border_bottom = 30 return plot
def add_geom(fig: Figure, geom: BaseGeometry, **kwargs): """Add Shapely geom into Bokeh plot. Args: fig (Figure): geom (BaseGeometry): """ if isinstance(geom, Point):*geom.xy, **kwargs) elif isinstance(geom, LineString): fig.line(*geom.xy, **kwargs) elif isinstance(geom, Polygon): fig.patch(*geom.exterior.xy, **kwargs) elif isinstance(geom, BaseMultipartGeometry): for item in geom: add_geom(fig, item, **kwargs) else: raise TypeError('Object geom {geom} no instance of {types}.'.format( geom=geom, types=BaseGeometry))
def construct_best_odds_figure(self, x, y, z, t, trade_id, sticker): # workaround to format date in the hover tool at the moment bokeh does not supported in the tool tips source_back_odds = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, time=[e.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') for e in x])) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("index", "$index"), ("x", "@time"), ("y", "@y"), ], active=False ) # create a new plot with a a datetime axis type p2 = Figure(plot_width=1000, plot_height=600, title=sticker, toolbar_location="above", x_axis_type="datetime", tools=[hover, 'box_zoom, box_select, crosshair, resize, reset, save, wheel_zoom']) orders = self.map_trade_id_to_orders[trade_id, sticker] for order in orders: a = [order.placed_dt] b = [order.price] source_placed = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(a=a, b=b, time=[a[0].strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')])) p2.square(a, b, legend="placed", fill_color="red", line_color="red", size=8, source=source_placed), y, size=8, color='navy', alpha=0.2, legend="best back odds", source=source_back_odds) p2.line(x, y, color='navy', legend="best back odds", source=source_back_odds) # lay odds source_lay_odds = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(z=z, t=t, time=[e.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') for e in z])) p2.triangle(z, t, size=8, color='green', alpha=0.2, legend="best lay odds", source=source_lay_odds) p2.line(z, t, color='green', legend="best lay odds", source=source_lay_odds) # NEW: customize by setting attributes # p2.title = sticker p2.legend.location = "top_left" p2.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0 p2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' p2.yaxis.axis_label = "Best odds" p2.ygrid.band_fill_color = "olive" p2.ygrid.band_fill_alpha = 0.1 return p2
def make_plot(source,AverageTemp,Parcentile_5_Min,Parcentile_5_Max,Parcentile_25_Min,Parcentile_25_Max,MinTemp,MaxTemp,plotDate,cityName): plot = Figure(title='Optional Task # 1 : Growing Degree-day for '+cityName, x_axis_type="datetime", plot_width=1000, title_text_font_size='12pt', tools="", toolbar_location=None) colors = Blues4[0:3],MinTemp, alpha=0.9, color="#66ff33", fill_alpha=0.2, size=10,source=source,legend ='2015') plot.quad(top=Parcentile_5_Max, bottom=Parcentile_5_Min, left='left',right='right', source=source,color="#e67300", legend="Percentile 5-95") plot.quad(top=Parcentile_25_Max, bottom=Parcentile_25_Min,left='left',right='right', source=source,color="#66ccff",legend="percentile 25-75") plot.line(plotDate,AverageTemp,source=source,line_color='Red', line_width=0.75, legend='AverageTemp') plot.border_fill_color = "whitesmoke" plot.xaxis.axis_label = "Months" plot.yaxis.axis_label = "Temperature (C)" plot.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "10pt" plot.axis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" plot.axis.axis_label_text_font_style = "bold" plot.x_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0.0, bounds=None) plot.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0.3 plot.grid[0].ticker.desired_num_ticks = 12 return plot
def show_light_curve(self, light_curve_path: Path): """ Shows a figure of the light curve at the passed path. :param light_curve_path: The path of the light curve. """ fluxes, times = self.load_fluxes_and_times_from_fits_file( light_curve_path) figure = Figure(title=str(light_curve_path), x_axis_label='Flux', y_axis_label='Time', active_drag='box_zoom') color = 'mediumblue' figure.line(times, fluxes, line_color=color, line_alpha=0.1), fluxes, line_color=color, line_alpha=0.4, fill_color=color, fill_alpha=0.1) figure.sizing_mode = 'stretch_width' show(figure)
def make_plots(linesources, pointsources): plots = [] i=0 for linesource, pointsource in zip(linesources, pointsources): fig = Figure(title=None, toolbar_location=None, tools=[], x_axis_type="datetime", width=300, height=70) fig.xaxis.visible = False if i in [0, 9] : fig.xaxis.visible = True fig.height = 90 fig.yaxis.visible = False fig.xgrid.visible = True fig.ygrid.visible = False fig.min_border_left = 10 fig.min_border_right = 10 fig.min_border_top = 5 fig.min_border_bottom = 5 if not i in [0, 9]: fig.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" #fig.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "0pt" fig.xaxis.major_tick_line_color = None fig.yaxis.major_tick_line_color = None fig.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None fig.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None fig.background_fill_color = "whitesmoke" fig.line(x='date', y="y", source=linesource)'date', y='y', size=5, source=pointsource) fig.text(x='date', y='y', text='text', x_offset=5, y_offset=10, text_font_size='7pt', source=pointsource) fig.title.align = 'left' fig.title.text_font_style = 'normal' plots.append(fig) i+=1 return plots
def handle_submit(self): filename_sentence_pairs = utils.get_sentences(self.text_input.value) sentences = [pair[1] for pair in filename_sentence_pairs] encodings = utils.get_encodings(sentences) embedding = self.projector.fit_transform(encodings) tooltip_sentences = [] for sentence in sentences: index = sentence.lower().index(self.text_input.value) subsentence = sentence[max(index-settings.TEXT_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_SIZE, 0):\ min(settings.TEXT_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_SIZE+index, len(sentence))] if len(subsentence) < len(sentence): subsentence = '...' + subsentence + '...' tooltip_sentences.append(subsentence) filename_to_color = dict() for filename, _ in filename_sentence_pairs: if filename not in filename_to_color: filename_to_color[filename] = self.COLORS[len( filename_to_color)] color = [ filename_to_color[filename] for filename, _ in filename_sentence_pairs ] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=embedding[:, 0], y=embedding[:, 1], text=tooltip_sentences, fill_color=color)) figure = Figure(tooltips=[('text', '@text')])'x', 'y', fill_color='fill_color', radius=0.05, line_color=None, source=source) self.layout.children[-1] = column(figure, sizing_mode='stretch_both')
def plotCorrelation(res): from bokeh.models import HoverTool,ColumnDataSource from bokeh.plotting import Figure width=600 height=600 plot = Figure(title='',title_text_font_size="11pt", plot_width=width, plot_height=height, x_axis_label='method1',y_axis_label='method2', tools="pan, wheel_zoom, resize, hover, reset, save", background_fill="#FAFAFA") x=res['perc_x'] y=res['perc_y'] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x,y=y, protein=res.locus_tag)),y, color='blue', line_color='gray',fill_alpha=0.5, size=10, source=source) hover = hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("binders1", "@x"), ("binders2", "@y"), ("protein", "@protein"), ]) js,html = embedPlot(plot) return html
def map(): x_range = (-10000000, -11000000) y_range = (3500000, 5200000) plot = Figure( tools=TOOLS, title="Power Plant Locations", plot_width=1000, plot_height=500, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range ) plot.add_tile(STAMEN_TONER) plot.axis.visible = False plot.xgrid.grid_line_color = None plot.ygrid.grid_line_color = None m1 ="lat", y="lon", source=source_map_bwr, size="size", fill_alpha=0, line_width=2, color="red") m2 = plot.square(x="lat", y="lon", source=source_map_pwr, size="size", fill_alpha=0, line_width=2, color="red") = [("Plant Name", "@name"), ("Reactor and Containment", "@type")] return plot
def init_plot(self): x = fft.rfftfreq(self.CHUNK_SIZE)*self.SAMPLE_RATE x_max = x[-1] self.init_y = linspace(0, x_max, len(x)) y = self.init_y source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y)) # TODO: range and size (toolbar), maybe could be user settings plot = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=800, title="freq anal", tools="crosshair,pan,reset,resize,save,wheel_zoom", x_range=[0, x_max], y_range=[0, 15]) rad = x_max/float(len(x)) data ='x', 'y', source=source, line_color=None, radius=rad) self.data_source = data.data_source # TODO: maybe not the best place curdoc().add_root(plot)
# Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=[], y=[], color=[], title=[], year=[], revenue=[])) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[("Title", "@title"), ("Year", "@year"), ("$", "@revenue")]) p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, title="", toolbar_location=None, tools=[hover])"x", y="y", source=source, size=7, color="color", line_color=None, fill_alpha="alpha") def select_movies(): genre_val = genre.value director_val = director.value.strip() cast_val = cast.value.strip() selected = movies[(movies.Reviews >= reviews.value) & (movies.BoxOffice >= (boxoffice.value * 1e6)) & (movies.Year >= min_year.value) & (movies.Year <= max_year.value) & (movies.Oscars >= oscars.value)] if (genre_val != "All"):
import pandas as pd from bokeh.plotting import Figure, show, output_file, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.models import HoverTool df = pd.read_csv('mean_success_housing.csv') df['success_metric'] = df['_c0'] print df.head() source1 = ColumnDataSource(data=df) hover1 = HoverTool(tooltips=[("zipcode","@zipcode"), ("success_metric","@success_metric")]) p = Figure(title='Mean Success by zip vs Housing Costs', x_axis_label='$/sq. ft.', y_axis_label='success_metric', tools=['crosshair,resize,reset,save', hover1])'2016_02', 'success_metric', color='red',alpha=0.4, source=source1) output_file("mean_success_housing.html", title="Success vs Housing cost") show(p)
def plot(): # FIGURES AND X-AXIS fig1 = Figure(title = 'Dive Profile', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS) fig2 = Figure(title = 'Dive Controls', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS, x_range=fig1.x_range) fig3 = Figure(title = 'Attitude', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS, x_range=fig1.x_range) figs = gridplot([[fig1],[fig2],[fig3]]) # Formatting x-axis timeticks = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(seconds =["%b%d %H:%M:%S"], minutes =["%b%d %H:%M"], hourmin =["%b%d %H:%M"], hours =["%b%d %H:%M"], days =["%b%d %H:%M"], months=["%b%d %H:%M"], years =["%b%d %H:%M %Y"])) fig1.xaxis.formatter = timeticks fig2.xaxis.formatter = timeticks fig3.xaxis.formatter = timeticks # removing gridlines fig1.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig1.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig2.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig2.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig3.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig3.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # INPUT WIDGETS collection_list = CONN[DB].collection_names(include_system_collections=False) gliders = sorted([platformID for platformID in collection_list if len(platformID)>2]) gliders = Select(title = 'PlatformID', value = gliders[0], options = gliders) prev_glider = Button(label = '<') next_glider = Button(label = '>') glider_controlbox = HBox(children = [gliders, prev_glider, next_glider], height=80) chunkations = Select(title = 'Chunkation', value = 'segment', options = ['segment', '24hr', '30days', '-ALL-']) chunk_indicator = TextInput(title = 'index', value = '0') prev_chunk = Button(label = '<') next_chunk = Button(label = '>') chunk_ID = PreText(height=80) chunk_controlbox = HBox(chunkations, HBox(chunk_indicator, width=25), prev_chunk, next_chunk, chunk_ID, height = 80) control_box = HBox(glider_controlbox, chunk_controlbox) # DATA VARS deadby_date = '' depth = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) vert_vel = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mbpump = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) battpos = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) pitch = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mfin = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) cfin = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mroll = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mheading = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) cheading = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) # AXIS setup colors = COLORS[:] fig1.y_range.flipped = True fig1.yaxis.axis_label = 'm_depth (m)' fig1.extra_y_ranges = {'vert_vel': Range1d(start=-50, end=50), 'dummy': Range1d(start=0, end=100)} fig1.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'vert_vel', axis_label = 'vertical velocity (cm/s)')) fig1.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'dummy', axis_label = ' ')) fig1.yaxis[1].visible = False fig1.yaxis[1].axis_line_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].major_label_text_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig2.yaxis.axis_label = 'pitch (deg)' fig2.y_range.start, fig2.y_range.end = -40,40 fig2.extra_y_ranges = {'battpos': Range1d(start=-1, end = 1), 'bpump': Range1d(start=-275, end=275)} fig2.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'battpos', axis_label = 'battpos (in)')) fig2.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'bpump', axis_label = 'bpump (cc)')) fig2.yaxis[1].visible = False # necessary for spacing. later gets set to true fig3.yaxis.axis_label = 'fin/roll (deg)' fig3.y_range.start, fig3.y_range.end = -30, 30 fig3.extra_y_ranges = {'heading': Range1d(start=0, end=360), #TODO dynamic avg centering 'dummy': Range1d(start=0, end=100)} fig3.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'heading', axis_label = 'headings (deg)')) fig3.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'dummy', axis_label = ' ')) fig3.yaxis[1].visible = False fig3.yaxis[1].axis_line_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].major_label_text_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 # PLOT OBJECTS fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = depth, legend = 'm_depth', color = 'red')'x', 'y', source = depth, legend = 'm_depth', color = 'red') fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = vert_vel, legend = 'vert_vel', color = 'green', y_range_name = 'vert_vel')'x', 'y', source = vert_vel, legend = 'vert_vel', color = 'green', y_range_name = 'vert_vel') fig1.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', y_range_name = 'vert_vel', line_color= 'green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = pitch, legend = "m_pitch", color = 'indigo')'x', 'y', source = pitch, legend = "m_pitch", color = 'indigo') fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = battpos, legend = 'm_battpos', color = 'magenta', y_range_name = 'battpos')'x', 'y', source = battpos, legend = 'm_battpos', color = 'magenta', y_range_name = 'battpos') fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = mbpump, legend = "m_'bpump'", color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'bpump')'x', 'y', source = mbpump, legend = "m_'bpump'", color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'bpump') fig2.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', line_color= 'black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mfin, legend = 'm_fin', color = 'cyan')'x', 'y', source = mfin, legend = 'm_fin', color = 'cyan') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = cfin, legend = 'c_fin', color = 'orange')'x', 'y', source = cfin, legend = 'c_fin', color = 'orange') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mroll, legend = 'm_roll', color = 'magenta')'x', 'y', source = mroll, legend = 'm_roll', color = 'magenta') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mheading, legend = 'm_heading', color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'heading')'x', 'y', source = mheading, legend = 'm_heading', color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'heading') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = cheading, legend = 'c_heading', color = 'indigo', y_range_name = 'heading')'x', 'y', source = cheading, legend = 'c_heading', color = 'indigo', y_range_name = 'heading') fig3.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', y_range_name = 'default', line_color= 'black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) # CALLBACK FUNCS def update_data(attrib,old,new): g = gliders.value chnk = chunkations.value chindex = abs(int(chunk_indicator.value)) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]),startend = load_sensor(g, 'm_depth', chnk, chindex) if chnk == 'segment': xbd = startend[2] chunk_ID.text = '{} {} \n{} ({}) \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g, xbd['mission'], xbd['onboard_filename'], xbd['the8x3_filename'], e2ts(xbd['start']), e2ts(xbd['end'])) if len(set(['x']))<=1 and attrib == 'chunk': if old > new: next_chunk.clicks += 1 else: prev_chunk.clicks += 1 return elif len(set(['x']))<=1 and chunk_indicator.value == 0: chunk_indicator.value = 1 elif chnk in ['24hr', '30days']: chunk_ID.text = '{} \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g, e2ts(startend[0]), e2ts(startend[1])) elif chnk == '-ALL-': chunk_ID.text = '{} \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g,e2ts(['x'][0] /1000), e2ts(['x'][-1]/1000)) = calc_vert_vel(,_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_de_oil_vol', chnk, chindex) if len(['x']) > 1: #for yax in'mbpump'): # yax.legend = 'm_de_oil_vol' pass else:,_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_ballast_pumped', chnk, chindex) #for yax in'mbpump'): # yax.legend = 'm_ballast_pumped',_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_battpos', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_pitch', chnk, chindex)['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']],_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_fin', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'c_fin', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_roll', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_heading', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'c_heading', chnk, chindex)['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']] fig1.yaxis[1].visible = True fig2.yaxis[1].visible = True fig3.yaxis[1].visible = True #GLIDER SELECTS def glider_buttons(increment): ops = gliders.options new_index = ops.index(gliders.value) + increment if new_index >= len(ops): new_index = 0 elif new_index < 0: new_index = len(ops)-1 gliders.value = ops[new_index] chunkation_update(None, None, None) #reset chunk indicator and clicks def next_glider_func(): glider_buttons(1) def prev_glider_func(): glider_buttons(-1) def update_glider(attrib,old,new): chunk_indicator.value = '0' #update_data(None,None,None) gliders.on_change('value', update_glider) next_glider.on_click(next_glider_func) prev_glider.on_click(prev_glider_func) #CHUNK SELECTS def chunkation_update(attrib,old,new): chunk_indicator.value = '0' prev_chunk.clicks = 0 next_chunk.clicks = 0 update_data(None,None,None) if new == '-ALL-': chunk_indicator.value = '-' def chunk_func(): chunkdiff = prev_chunk.clicks - next_chunk.clicks if chunkdiff < 0: prev_chunk.clicks = 0 next_chunk.clicks = 0 chunkdiff = 0 print (chunkdiff) chunk_indicator.value = str(chunkdiff) def chunk_indicator_update(attrib,old,new): try: if abs(int(old)-int(new))>1: #manual update, triggers new non-manual indicator update, ie else clause below prev_chunk.clicks = int(new) next_chunk.clicks = 0 else: update_data('chunk',int(old),int(new)) print("UPDATE", old, new) except Exception as e: print(type(e),e, old, new) chunkations.on_change('value', chunkation_update) chunk_indicator.on_change('value', chunk_indicator_update) next_chunk.on_click(chunk_func) prev_chunk.on_click(chunk_func) update_data(None,None,None) return vplot(control_box, figs)
start=0.00, end=0.40, step=0.01) x_axis = Select(title="X Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value='Annual Income') y_axis = Select(title='Y Axis', options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value='Expected ROI') # Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], color=[], title=[], year=[], revenue=[])) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Interest Rate', '@interest_rate%'), ('Payments / Income', '@payments_to_income%'), ('FICO', '@fico') ]) p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, title='', toolbar_location=None, tools=[hover])'x', y='y', source=source, size=7, color='blue', line_color=None, alpha=0.8) # Remove scientific notation yaxis =, layout='left'))[0] yaxis.formatter.use_scientific = False p.xaxis[0].formatter = yaxis.formatter def select_notes(): """ Filters the dataframe into notes that satisfy all constraints in web app """ selected = df[ (df.annual_inc >= min_income.value * 1000) & (df.default_prob <= max_default.value) &
def correlation(): "the scatter plot" args = flask.request.args xattr = args.get("x", "atomic_number") yattr = args.get("y", "covalent_radius_pyykko") categ = args.get("categ", "name_series") data = get_data() properties = get_property_names(data) categories = get_category_names() fig = Figure(title="{} vs {}".format(properties[xattr], properties[yattr]), plot_width=PLOT_WIDTH, plot_height=PLOT_HEIGHT, tools="box_zoom,pan,resize,save,reset", toolbar_location="above", toolbar_sticky=False, ) fig.xaxis.axis_label = properties[xattr] fig.yaxis.axis_label = properties[yattr] ccm = get_color_mapper(categ, data) if categ == "None": legend = None color_dict = "#1F77B4" else: legend = categ color_dict = {"field": categ, "transform": ccm}, y=yattr, fill_alpha=0.7, size=10, source=ColumnDataSource(data=data), fill_color=color_dict, line_color=color_dict, legend=legend) if categ != "None": fig.legend.location = (0, 0) fig.legend.plot = None fig.add_layout(fig.legend[0], "right") hover = HoverTool(tooltips=HOVER_TOOLTIPS) fig.add_tools(hover) script, div = components(fig) js_resources = INLINE.render_js() css_resources = INLINE.render_css() html = render_template( "correlations.html", plot_script=script, plot_div=div, properties=properties, categories=categories, xselected=xattr, yselected=yattr, catselected=categ, js_resources=js_resources, css_resources=css_resources, ) return encode_utf8(html)
from import curdoc from bokeh.layouts import column, row from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource, Figure from bokeh.models.widgets import Select, TextInput def get_data(N): return dict(x=random(size=N), y=random(size=N), r=random(size=N) * 0.03) source = ColumnDataSource(data=get_data(200)) p = Figure(tools="", toolbar_location=None) r ='x', y='y', radius='r', source=source, color="navy", alpha=0.6, line_color="white") COLORS = ["black", "firebrick", "navy", "olive", "goldenrod"] select = Select(title="Color", value="navy", options=COLORS) input = TextInput(title="Number of points", value="200") def update_color(attrname, old, new): r.glyph.fill_color = select.value select.on_change('value', update_color) def update_points(attrname, old, new): N = int(input.value) = get_data(N) input.on_change('value', update_points)
dataset_type = Select(title = "Dataset", value='movielens_1m', options = ['All', 'All MovieLens', 'movielens_1m', 'Last_FM', 'git']) checkbox_button_group = CheckboxGroup(labels=labels, active = [0,1,2]) checkbox_button_group_content = CheckboxGroup(labels=c_labels, active = [0]) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("Dataset","@dataset"), ("User Vector","@user_vector"), ("Content Vector", "@content_vector"), ("Algorithm", "@alg_type"), ("Num_preds", "@num_run") ]) p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, title="", toolbar_location=None, tools=[hover])"x", y="y", source=source, size=7, color="color", line_color=None) def select_run(): num_preds_val = num_preds.value alg_type_val = alg_type.value dataset_val = dataset_type.value selected = hermes_data # selected = movies[ # (movies.Reviews >= reviews.value) & # (movies.BoxOffice >= (boxoffice.value * 1e6)) & # (movies.Year >= min_year.value) & # (movies.Year <= max_year.value) & # (movies.Oscars >= oscars.value) # ] if num_preds_val != 'All':
def create_component_jwst(result_dict): """Generate front end plots JWST Function that is responsible for generating the front-end interactive plots for JWST. Parameters ---------- result_dict : dict the dictionary returned from a PandExo run Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing `(script, div)`, where the `script` is the front-end javascript required, and `div` is a dictionary of plot objects. """ noccultations = result_dict['timing']['Number of Transits'] # select the tools we want TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,save" #Define units for x and y axis punit = result_dict['input']['Primary/Secondary'] p=1.0 if punit == 'fp/f*': p = -1.0 else: punit = '('+punit+')^2' if result_dict['input']['Calculation Type'] =='phase_spec': x_axis_label='Time (secs)' frac = 1.0 else: x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]' frac = result_dict['timing']['Num Integrations Out of Transit']/result_dict['timing']['Num Integrations In Transit'] electrons_out = result_dict['RawData']['electrons_out'] electrons_in = result_dict['RawData']['electrons_in'] var_in = result_dict['RawData']['var_in'] var_out = result_dict['RawData']['var_out'] x = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'] y = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['spectrum_w_rand'] err = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['error_w_floor'] y_err = [] x_err = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(x, y, err): np.array(x_err.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, y_err=y_err, x_err=x_err, err=err, electrons_out=electrons_out, electrons_in=electrons_in, var_in=var_in, var_out=var_out, p=var_in*0+p,nocc=var_in*0+noccultations, frac = var_in*0+frac)) original = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, y_err=y_err, x_err=x_err, err=err, electrons_out=electrons_out, electrons_in=electrons_in, var_in=var_in, var_out=var_out)) ylims = [min(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'])- 0.1*min(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec']), 0.1*max(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'])+max(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'])] xlims = [min(result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave']), max(result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'])] plot_spectrum = Figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, x_range=xlims, y_range=ylims, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=punit, title="Original Model with Observation") plot_spectrum.line(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_wave'],result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'], color= "black", alpha = 0.5, line_width = 4)'x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) plot_spectrum.multi_line('x_err', 'y_err', source=source) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, original=original), code=""" // Grab some references to the data var sdata = source.get('data'); var odata = original.get('data'); // Create copies of the original data, store them as the source data sdata['x'] = odata['x'].slice(0); sdata['y'] = odata['y'].slice(0); sdata['y_err'] = odata['y_err'].slice(0); sdata['x_err'] = odata['x_err'].slice(0); sdata['err'] = odata['err'].slice(0); sdata['electrons_out'] = odata['electrons_out'].slice(0); sdata['electrons_in'] = odata['electrons_in'].slice(0); sdata['var_in'] = odata['var_in'].slice(0); sdata['var_out'] = odata['var_out'].slice(0); // Create some variables referencing the source data var x = sdata['x']; var y = sdata['y']; var y_err = sdata['y_err']; var x_err = sdata['x_err']; var err = sdata['err']; var p = sdata['p']; var frac = sdata['frac']; var og_ntran = sdata['nocc']; var electrons_out = sdata['electrons_out']; var electrons_in = sdata['electrons_in']; var var_in = sdata['var_in']; var var_out = sdata['var_out']; var f = wbin.get('value'); var ntran = ntran.get('value'); var wlength = Math.pow(10.0,f); var ind = []; ind.push(0); var start = 0; for (i = 0; i < x.length-1; i++) { if (x[i+1] - x[start] >= wlength) { ind.push(i+1); start = i; } } if (ind[ind.length-1] != x.length) { ind.push(x.length); } var xout = []; var foutout = []; var finout = []; var varinout = []; var varoutout = []; var xslice = []; var foutslice = []; var finslice = []; var varoutslice = []; var varinslice = []; function add(a, b) { return a+b; } for (i = 0; i < ind.length-1; i++) { xslice = x.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); foutslice = electrons_out.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); finslice = electrons_in.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); varinslice = var_in.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); varoutslice = var_out.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); xout.push(xslice.reduce(add, 0)/xslice.length); foutout.push(foutslice.reduce(add, 0)); finout.push(finslice.reduce(add, 0)); varinout.push(varinslice.reduce(add, 0)); varoutout.push(varoutslice.reduce(add, 0)); xslice = []; foutslice = []; finslice = []; varinslice = []; varoutslice = []; } var new_err = 1.0; var rand = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { new_err = Math.pow((frac[i]/foutout[i]),2)*varinout[i] + Math.pow((finout[i]*frac[i]/Math.pow(foutout[i],2)),2)*varoutout[i]; new_err = Math.sqrt(new_err)*Math.sqrt(og_ntran[i]/ntran); rand = new_err*(Math.random()-Math.random()); y[i] = p[i]*((1.0 - frac[i]*finout[i]/foutout[i]) + rand); x[i] = xout[i]; x_err[i][0] = xout[i]; x_err[i][1] = xout[i]; y_err[i][0] = y[i] + new_err; y_err[i][1] = y[i] - new_err; } source.trigger('change'); """) #var_tot = (frac/electrons_out)**2.0 * var_in + (electrons_in*frac/electrons_out**2.0)**2.0 * var_out sliderWbin = Slider(title="binning", value=np.log10(x[1]-x[0]), start=np.log10(x[1]-x[0]), end=np.log10(max(x)/2.0), step= .05, callback=callback) callback.args["wbin"] = sliderWbin sliderTrans = Slider(title="Num Trans", value=noccultations, start=1, end=50, step= 1, callback=callback) callback.args["ntran"] = sliderTrans layout = column(row(sliderWbin,sliderTrans), plot_spectrum) #out of transit 2d output out = result_dict['PandeiaOutTrans'] # Flux 1d x, y = out['1d']['extracted_flux'] x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] plot_flux_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]', y_axis_label='Flux (e/s)', title="Out of Transit Flux Rate", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_flux_1d1.line(x, y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab1 = Panel(child=plot_flux_1d1, title="Total Flux") # BG 1d x, y = out['1d']['extracted_bg_only'] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] x = x[~np.isnan(y)] plot_bg_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]', y_axis_label='Flux (e/s)', title="Background", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_bg_1d1.line(x, y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab2 = Panel(child=plot_bg_1d1, title="Background Flux") # SNR 1d accounting for number of occultations x= out['1d']['sn'][0] y = out['1d']['sn'][1] x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] y = y*np.sqrt(noccultations) plot_snr_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label='SNR', title="Pandeia SNR", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_snr_1d1.line(x, y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab3 = Panel(child=plot_snr_1d1, title="SNR") # Error bars (ppm) x = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'] y = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['error_w_floor']*1e6 x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] ymed = np.median(y) plot_noise_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label='Error on Spectrum (PPM)', title="Error Curve", plot_width=800, plot_height=300, y_range = [0,2.0*ymed]) ymed = np.median(y), y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab4 = Panel(child=plot_noise_1d1, title="Error") #Not happy? Need help picking a different mode? plot_spectrum2 = Figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, x_range=xlims,y_range=ylims, tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=punit, title="Original Model",y_axis_type="log") plot_spectrum2.line(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_wave'],result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'], line_width = 4,alpha = .7) tab5 = Panel(child=plot_spectrum2, title="Original Model") #create set of five tabs tabs1d = Tabs(tabs=[ tab1, tab2,tab3, tab4, tab5]) # Detector 2d data = out['2d']['detector'] xr, yr = data.shape plot_detector_2d = Figure(tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,hover,save", x_range=[0, yr], y_range=[0, xr], x_axis_label='Pixel', y_axis_label='Spatial', title="2D Detector Image", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_detector_2d.image(image=[data], x=[0], y=[0], dh=[xr], dw=[yr], palette="Spectral11") #2d tabs #2d snr data = out['2d']['snr'] data[np.isinf(data)] = 0.0 xr, yr = data.shape plot_snr_2d = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_range=[0, yr], y_range=[0, xr], x_axis_label='Pixel', y_axis_label='Spatial', title="Signal-to-Noise Ratio", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_snr_2d.image(image=[data], x=[0], y=[0], dh=[xr], dw=[yr], palette="Spectral11") tab1b = Panel(child=plot_snr_2d, title="SNR") #saturation data = out['2d']['saturation'] xr, yr = data.shape plot_sat_2d = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_range=[0, yr], y_range=[0, xr], x_axis_label='Pixel', y_axis_label='Spatial', title="Saturation", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_sat_2d.image(image=[data], x=[0], y=[0], dh=[xr], dw=[yr], palette="Spectral11") tab2b = Panel(child=plot_sat_2d, title="Saturation") tabs2d = Tabs(tabs=[ tab1b, tab2b]) result_comp = components({'plot_spectrum':layout, 'tabs1d': tabs1d, 'det_2d': plot_detector_2d, 'tabs2d': tabs2d}) return result_comp
indye = set(indb).intersection( indt).intersection(set(indyey).union(indyex)) noerrorlegend = bandname if len(indne) == 0 else '' source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=[phototime[i] for i in indne], y=[photoAB[i] for i in indne], err=[photoABerrs[i] for i in indne], desc=[photoband[i] for i in indne], instr=[photoinstru[i] for i in indne], src=[photoevent[i] for i in indne] ) )'x', 'y', source=source, color=bandcolorf(band), legend='', size=2, line_alpha=0.75, fill_alpha=0.75) source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=[phototime[i] for i in indye], y=[photoAB[i] for i in indye], err=[photoABerrs[i] for i in indye], desc=[photoband[i] for i in indye], instr=[photoinstru[i] for i in indye], src=[photoevent[i] for i in indye] ) )'x', 'y', source=source, color=bandcolorf(band), legend=bandname, size=2, line_alpha=0.75, fill_alpha=0.75) p1.legend.label_text_font_size = '8pt'
### Step 3: Build the charts # Build state bar chart state_bar_chart = Bar(build_state_data(), label="state", values='complaint_count', toolbar_location=None, title="Complaints by State", width=1300, height=200, ylabel="", xlabel="", color="#2cb34a") # Build zip code scatter plot zip_data = build_zip_data() = dict(x = zip_data["median_income"], y = zip_data["complaint_count"]) zip_scatter_plot = Figure(plot_height=500, plot_width=1000, title="Complaints by Median Income", title_text_font_size='14pt', x_range=Range1d(0,100000))"x", y="y", source=zip_source, size=4, color="#addc91", line_color=None, fill_alpha="0.95") zip_xaxis =, layout="below"))[0] zip_xaxis.formatter.use_scientific = False # Build the data table columns = [ TableColumn(field="labels", title="Label"), TableColumn(field="data", title="Data") ] data_table = DataTable(source=table_source, columns=columns, height=150, width=250) = build_data_table() ### Step 4: Construct the document
from bokeh.plotting import Figure, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource from bokeh.models import HBox from bokeh.models.widgets import Slider, Select # from bokeh.sampledata.autompg import autompg as am cir_x=[10] cir_y=[10] cir_size=[10] cir_source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x1=cir_x, y1=cir_y, sz=cir_size)) p1 = Figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=300)'x1', 'y1', size='sz', color='red', source=cir_source) my_slider = Slider(start=0, end=100, step=1, value=50, title="Circle Radius") def update_size(attrname, old, new): new_sz = [my_slider.value] = dict(x1=cir_x, y1=cir_y, sz=new_sz) for w in [my_slider]: w.on_change('value', update_size) hlayout = HBox(my_slider, p1) output_file('circle1.html') curdoc().add_root(hlayout) #show(hlayout)
y=[evhys[i] for i in ind], ra=[evras[i] for i in ind], dec=[evdecs[i] for i in ind], event=[evnames[i] for i in ind], claimedtype=[evtypes[i] for i in ind])) if ct == 'Unknown': tcolor = 'black' falpha = 0.0 else: tcolor = colors[ci] falpha = 1.0 glyphs.append('x', 'y', source=source, color=tcolor, fill_alpha=falpha, legend=ct, size=glsize)) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tt, renderers=glyphs) p1.add_tools(hover) p1.legend.location = "bottom_center" p1.legend.orientation = "horizontal" p1.legend.label_text_font_size = '7pt' p1.legend.label_width = 20 p1.legend.label_height = 8 p1.legend.glyph_height = 8 p1.legend.spacing = 0
# set up initial data n_samples = 1500 n_clusters = 2 algorithm = 'MiniBatchKMeans' dataset = 'Noisy Circles' X, y = get_dataset(dataset, n_samples) X, y_pred = clustering(X, algorithm, n_clusters) spectral = np.hstack([Spectral6] * 20) colors = [spectral[i] for i in y] # set up plot (styling in theme.yaml) plot = Figure(toolbar_location=None, title=algorithm) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=X[:, 0], y=X[:, 1], colors=colors))'x', 'y', fill_color='colors', line_color=None, source=source) # set up widgets clustering_algorithms= [ 'MiniBatchKMeans', 'AffinityPropagation', 'MeanShift', 'SpectralClustering', 'Ward', 'AgglomerativeClustering', 'DBSCAN', 'Birch' ] datasets_names = [ 'Noisy Circles',
def update_explorer(): games = pd.read_csv('static/games_full.csv') games["color"] = "blue" games.fillna(0, inplace=True) axis_map = { "Year Published": "yearpublished", "Average Rating": "bayes_avg_rating", "Boardgamegeek Rank": "rank", "Min Players": "minplayers", "Max Players": "maxplayers", "Min Playtime": "minplaytime", "Max Playtime": "maxplaytime", "Min Age": "minage" } ordered_keys = [ "Year Published", "Average boardgamegeek Rating", "Rank", "Min Players", "Max Players", "Min Playtime", "Max Playtime", "Min Age" ] # Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], color=[], name=[], year=[], thumbnail=[])) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=""" <section style="width:350px; float:left; padding:10px;"> <img src="@img" height="42" alt="@name" width="42" style="float: left; margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px;" border="2"></img> <span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">@name (@year)</span> </section> """) x_axis = Select(title="X Axis", options=ordered_keys, value="Year Published") y_axis = Select(title="Y Axis", options=ordered_keys, value="Average boardgamegeek Rating") filter = {} filter['minplayers'] = request.args.get('minplayers', type=int) filter['maxplayers'] = request.args.get('maxplayers', type=int) filter['minplaytime'] = request.args.get('minplaytime', type=int) filter['maxplaytime'] = request.args.get('maxplaytime', type=int) filter['minyear'] = request.args.get("minyear", type=int) filter['maxyear'] = request.args.get("maxyear", type=int) filter['minage'] = request.args.get("minage", type=int) filter['rank'] = request.args.get("rank", type=int) x_axis = request.args.get("xaxis") y_axis = request.args.get("yaxis") p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=750, title="", toolbar_location=None, tools=[hover])"x", y="y", source=source, size=7, color="color", line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.25) def select_games(): selected = games[ (games["maxplayers"] <= filter['maxplayers']) & (games["minplayers"] >= filter['minplayers']) & (games["maxplaytime"] <= filter['maxplaytime']) & (games["minplaytime"] >= filter['minplaytime']) & (games["yearpublished"] >= filter['minyear']) & (games["yearpublished"] <= filter['maxyear']) & (games["minage"] >= filter['minage']) & (games["rank"] <= filter['rank']) ] return selected def update(attrname, old, new): df = select_games() x_name = axis_map[x_axis] y_name = axis_map[y_axis] p.xaxis.axis_label = x_axis p.yaxis.axis_label = y_axis p.title = "%d games selected" % len(df) = dict( x=df[x_name], y=df[y_name], color=df["color"], name=df["name"], year=df["yearpublished"], img=df['thumbnail'].apply(lambda s: 'http:'+str(s)) ) update(None, None, None) # initial view script, div = components(p) return jsonify(plot=render_template('explore_plot.html',script=script, div=div), flag = 0)
plot_field = Figure(plot_height=400, plot_width=400, tools=toolset, title="Vector valued function", x_range=[curveintegral_settings.x_min, curveintegral_settings.x_max], y_range=[curveintegral_settings.y_min, curveintegral_settings.y_max] ) # remove grid from plot plot_field.grid[0].grid_line_alpha = 0.0 plot_field.grid[1].grid_line_alpha = 0.0 # Plot the direction field plot_field.segment('x0', 'y0', 'x1', 'y1', source=source_segments) plot_field.patches('xs', 'ys', source=source_patches)'x', 'y', source=source_basept, color='blue', size=1.5) # Plot curve plot_field.line('x', 'y', source=source_curve, color='black', legend='curve') # Plot parameter point plot_field.scatter('x', 'y', source=source_param, color='black', legend='c(t)') # Plot corresponding tangent vector plot_field.segment('x0', 'y0', 'x1', 'y1', source=source_param, color='black') plot_field.patches('xs', 'ys', source=source_param, color='black') # Generate a figure container for the integral value plot_integral = Figure(title_text_font_size="12pt", plot_height=200, plot_width=400, title="Integral along curve", x_range=[curveintegral_settings.parameter_min, curveintegral_settings.parameter_max], y_range=[-10,10]
director = TextInput(title="Director name contains") cast = TextInput(title="Cast names contains") x_axis = Select(title="X Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value="Tomato Meter") y_axis = Select(title="Y Axis", options=sorted(axis_map.keys()), value="Number of Reviews") # Create Column Data Source that will be used by the plot source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], color=[], title=[], year=[], revenue=[])) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("Title","@title"), ("Year", "@year"), ("$", "@revenue") ]) p = Figure(plot_height=600, plot_width=800, title="", toolbar_location=None, tools=[hover])"x", y="y", source=source, size=7, color="color", line_color=None, fill_alpha="alpha") def select_movies(): genre_val = genre.value director_val = director.value.strip() cast_val = cast.value.strip() selected = movies[ (movies.Reviews >= reviews.value) & (movies.BoxOffice >= (boxoffice.value * 1e6)) & (movies.Year >= min_year.value) & (movies.Year <= max_year.value) & (movies.Oscars >= oscars.value) ] if (genre_val != "All"): selected = selected[selected.Genre.str.contains(genre_val)==True] if (director_val != ""):
def create_component_hst(result_dict): """Generate front end plots HST Function that is responsible for generating the front-end spectra plots for HST. Parameters ---------- result_dict : dict The dictionary returned from a PandExo (HST) run Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing `(script, div)`, where the `script` is the front-end javascript required, and `div` is a dictionary of plot objects. """ TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,save" #plot planet spectrum mwave = result_dict['planet_spec']['model_wave'] mspec = result_dict['planet_spec']['model_spec'] binwave = result_dict['planet_spec']['binwave'] binspec = result_dict['planet_spec']['binspec'] error = result_dict['planet_spec']['error'] error = np.zeros(len(binspec))+ error xlims = [result_dict['planet_spec']['wmin'], result_dict['planet_spec']['wmax']] ylims = [np.min(binspec)-2.0*error[0], np.max(binspec)+2.0*error[0]] eventType = result_dict['calc_start_window']['eventType'] if eventType=='tranist': y_axis = '(Rp/R*)^2' elif eventType =='eclipse': y_axis='Fp/F*' plot_spectrum = Figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, x_range=xlims, y_range=ylims, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]', y_axis_label=y_axis, title="Original Model with Observation") y_err = [] x_err = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(binwave, binspec, error): np.array(x_err.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) plot_spectrum.line(mwave,mspec, color= "black", alpha = 0.5, line_width = 4),binspec, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) plot_spectrum.multi_line(x_err, y_err) #earliest and latest start times obsphase1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obsphase1'] obstr1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obstr1'] rms = result_dict['calc_start_window']['light_curve_rms'] obsphase2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obsphase2'] obstr2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obstr2'] phase1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['phase1'] phase2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['phase2'] trmodel1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['trmodel1'] trmodel2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['trmodel2'] if isinstance(rms, float): rms = np.zeros(len(obsphase1))+rms y_err1 = [] x_err1 = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(obsphase1, obstr1, rms): np.array(x_err1.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err1.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) y_err2 = [] x_err2 = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(obsphase2, obstr2, rms): np.array(x_err2.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err2.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) early = Figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=300, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Orbital Phase', y_axis_label='Flux', title="Earliest Start Time") early.line(phase1, trmodel1, color='black',alpha=0.5, line_width = 4), obstr1, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) early.multi_line(x_err1, y_err1) late = Figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=300, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Orbital Phase', y_axis_label='Flux', title="Latest Start Time") late.line(phase2, trmodel2, color='black',alpha=0.5, line_width = 3), obstr2, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) late.multi_line(x_err2, y_err2) start_time = row(early, late) result_comp = components({'plot_spectrum':plot_spectrum, 'start_time':start_time}) return result_comp
class DynamicPlotHandler(Handler): def __init__(self, network): self._network = weakref.ref(network) self.sources = {} self._last_time_list = None self._update_complete = False self._recurring_update = RecurringTask(self.plan_update_data, delay=5) self._pcb = None # Periodic callback self._ntcb = None # Next Tick callback super().__init__() @property def network(self): return self._network() def organize_data(self): self._log.debug("Organize Data") self.s = {} for point in self.s[] = (point.history, point.history.units) self.lst_of_trends = [his[0] for name, his in self.s.items()] def build_data_sources(self): sources = {} self.organize_data() for each in self.lst_of_trends: df = pd.DataFrame(each) df = df.reset_index() df["name"] = df["units"] = str(each.units) df["time_s"] = df["index"].apply(str) df.states = each.states try: df = ( df.fillna(method="ffill") .fillna(method="bfill") .replace(["inactive", "active"], [0, 1]) ) except TypeError: df = df.fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill") sources[] = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=df["index"], y=df[], time=df["time_s"], name=df["name"], units=df["units"], ) ) return sources def build_plot(self): self._log.debug("Build Plot") self.stop_update_data() self.sources = self.build_data_sources() TOOLS = "pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,save,reset" self.p = Figure( x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label="Time", y_axis_label="Numeric Value", title="BAC0 Trends", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=800, plot_height=600, toolbar_location="above", ) self.p.background_fill_color = "#f4f3ef" self.p.border_fill_color = "#f4f3ef" self.p.extra_y_ranges = { "bool": Range1d(start=0, end=1.1), "enum": Range1d(start=0, end=10), } self.p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="bool", axis_label="Binary"), "left") self.p.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="enum", axis_label="Enumerated"), "right" ) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("name", "@name"), ("value", "@y"), ("units", "@units"), ("time", "@time"), ] ) self.p.add_tools(hover) self.legends_list = [] length = len(self.s.keys()) if length <= 10: if length < 3: length = 3 color_mapper = dict(zip(self.s.keys(), d3["Category10"][length])) else: # This would be a very loaded trend... color_mapper = dict(zip(self.s.keys(), Spectral6[:length])) for each in self.lst_of_trends: if each.states == "binary": "x", "y", source=self.sources[],, color=color_mapper[], legend=("{} | {} (OFF-ON)".format(, each.description)), y_range_name="bool", size=10, ) # self.legends_list.append( # (("{} | {} (OFF-ON)".format(, each.description)), [c]) # ) elif each.states == "multistates": self.p.diamond( "x", "y", source=self.sources[],, color=color_mapper[], legend=( "{} | {} ({})".format(, each.description, each.units) ), y_range_name="enum", size=20, ) else: self.p.line( "x", "y", source=self.sources[],, color=color_mapper[], legend=( "{} | {} ({})".format(, each.description, each.units) ), line_width=2, ) self.p.legend.location = "top_left" # legend = Legend(items=self.legends_list, location=(0, -60)) self.p.legend.click_policy = "hide" # self.p.add_layout(legend, "right") self.plots = [self.p] def update_data(self): self._log.debug("Update Data") doc = curdoc() # self.organize_data() if self._last_time_list: if self._last_time_list != self.s.keys(): self._list_have_changed = True self.stop_update_data() # doc.add_next_tick_callback(self.modify_document) self.modify_document(doc) else: self._list_have_changed = False l = [] for each in self.p.renderers: l.append( # for each in self.lst_of_trends: # df = pd.DataFrame(each) # df = df.reset_index() # df['name'] = # df['units'] = str(each.units) # df['time_s'] = df['index'].apply(str) # try: # df = df.fillna(method='ffill').fillna( # method='bfill').replace(['inactive', 'active'], [0, 1]) # except TypeError: # df = df.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill') index = l.index( # renderer = self.p.renderers[index] # new_data = {} # new_data['name'] = df['name'] # new_data['x'] = df['index'] # new_data['y'] = df[] # if each.states == 'binary': # new_data['units'] = [each.units[int(x)] for x in df[]] # elif each.states == 'multistates': # new_data['units'] = [ # each.units[int(math.fabs(x-1))] for x in df[]] # else: # new_data['units'] = df['units'] # new_data['time'] = df['time_s'] # = new_data try: new_data = self.build_data_sources() for each in self.lst_of_trends: self.sources[].data = new_data[].data except KeyError: self._log.warning( "Problem updating {} on chart, will try again next time.".format( ) ) else: self._last_time_list = self.s.keys() # self.start_update_data() self._update_complete = True def modify_document(self, doc): doc.clear() self.build_plot() layout = gridplot(self.plots, ncols=2) doc.add_root(layout) self._pcb = doc.add_periodic_callback(self.update_data, 10000) return doc def plan_update_data(self): doc = curdoc() if self._update_complete == True: self._update_complete = False self._ntcb = doc.add_next_tick_callback(self.update_data) def stop_update_data(self): doc = curdoc() try: doc.remove_periodic_callback(self._pcb) except: pass if self._recurring_update.is_running: self._recurring_update.stop() while self._recurring_update.is_running: pass try: doc.remove_next_tick_callback(self._ntcb) except (ValueError, RuntimeError): pass # Already gone def start_update_data(self): if not self._recurring_update.is_running: try: self._recurring_update.start() while not self._recurring_update.is_running: pass except RuntimeError: pass
def create_component_jwst(result_dict): """Generate front end plots JWST Function that is responsible for generating the front-end interactive plots for JWST. Parameters ---------- result_dict : dict the dictionary returned from a PandExo run Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing `(script, div)`, where the `script` is the front-end javascript required, and `div` is a dictionary of plot objects. """ timing = result_dict['timing'] noccultations = result_dict['timing']['Number of Transits'] out = result_dict['PandeiaOutTrans'] # select the tools we want TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,save" #Define units for x and y axis punit = result_dict['input']['Primary/Secondary'] p=1.0 if punit == 'fp/f*': p = -1.0 else: punit = punit if result_dict['input']['Calculation Type'] =='phase_spec': x_axis_label='Time (secs)' frac = 1.0 else: x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]' frac = result_dict['timing']['Num Integrations Out of Transit']/result_dict['timing']['Num Integrations In Transit'] electrons_out = result_dict['RawData']['electrons_out'] electrons_in = result_dict['RawData']['electrons_in'] var_in = result_dict['RawData']['var_in'] var_out = result_dict['RawData']['var_out'] x = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'] y = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['spectrum_w_rand'] err = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['error_w_floor'] y_err = [] x_err = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(x, y, err): np.array(x_err.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, y_err=y_err, x_err=x_err, err=err, electrons_out=electrons_out, electrons_in=electrons_in, var_in=var_in, var_out=var_out, p=var_in*0+p,nocc=var_in*0+noccultations, frac = var_in*0+frac)) original = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=x, y=y, y_err=y_err, x_err=x_err, err=err, electrons_out=electrons_out, electrons_in=electrons_in, var_in=var_in, var_out=var_out)) ylims = [min(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'])- 0.1*min(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec']), 0.1*max(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'])+max(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'])] xlims = [min(result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave']), max(result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'])] plot_spectrum = Figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, x_range=xlims, y_range=ylims, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=punit, title="Original Model with Observation") plot_spectrum.line(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_wave'],result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'], color= "black", alpha = 0.5, line_width = 4)'x', 'y', source=source, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) plot_spectrum.multi_line('x_err', 'y_err', source=source) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, original=original), code=""" // Grab some references to the data var sdata = source.get('data'); var odata = original.get('data'); // Create copies of the original data, store them as the source data sdata['x'] = odata['x'].slice(0); sdata['y'] = odata['y'].slice(0); sdata['y_err'] = odata['y_err'].slice(0); sdata['x_err'] = odata['x_err'].slice(0); sdata['err'] = odata['err'].slice(0); sdata['electrons_out'] = odata['electrons_out'].slice(0); sdata['electrons_in'] = odata['electrons_in'].slice(0); sdata['var_in'] = odata['var_in'].slice(0); sdata['var_out'] = odata['var_out'].slice(0); // Create some variables referencing the source data var x = sdata['x']; var y = sdata['y']; var y_err = sdata['y_err']; var x_err = sdata['x_err']; var err = sdata['err']; var p = sdata['p']; var frac = sdata['frac']; var og_ntran = sdata['nocc']; var electrons_out = sdata['electrons_out']; var electrons_in = sdata['electrons_in']; var var_in = sdata['var_in']; var var_out = sdata['var_out']; var f = wbin.get('value'); var ntran = ntran.get('value'); var wlength = Math.pow(10.0,f); var ind = []; ind.push(0); var start = 0; for (i = 0; i < x.length-1; i++) { if (x[i+1] - x[start] >= wlength) { ind.push(i+1); start = i; } } if (ind[ind.length-1] != x.length) { ind.push(x.length); } var xout = []; var foutout = []; var finout = []; var varinout = []; var varoutout = []; var xslice = []; var foutslice = []; var finslice = []; var varoutslice = []; var varinslice = []; function add(a, b) { return a+b; } for (i = 0; i < ind.length-1; i++) { xslice = x.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); foutslice = electrons_out.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); finslice = electrons_in.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); varinslice = var_in.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); varoutslice = var_out.slice(ind[i],ind[i+1]); xout.push(xslice.reduce(add, 0)/xslice.length); foutout.push(foutslice.reduce(add, 0)); finout.push(finslice.reduce(add, 0)); varinout.push(varinslice.reduce(add, 0)); varoutout.push(varoutslice.reduce(add, 0)); xslice = []; foutslice = []; finslice = []; varinslice = []; varoutslice = []; } var new_err = 1.0; var rand = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { new_err = Math.pow((frac[i]/foutout[i]),2)*varinout[i] + Math.pow((finout[i]*frac[i]/Math.pow(foutout[i],2)),2)*varoutout[i]; new_err = Math.sqrt(new_err)*Math.sqrt(og_ntran[i]/ntran); rand = new_err*(Math.random()-Math.random()); y[i] = p[i]*((1.0 - frac[i]*finout[i]/foutout[i]) + rand); x[i] = xout[i]; x_err[i][0] = xout[i]; x_err[i][1] = xout[i]; y_err[i][0] = y[i] + new_err; y_err[i][1] = y[i] - new_err; } source.trigger('change'); """) #var_tot = (frac/electrons_out)**2.0 * var_in + (electrons_in*frac/electrons_out**2.0)**2.0 * var_out sliderWbin = Slider(title="binning", value=np.log10(x[1]-x[0]), start=np.log10(x[1]-x[0]), end=np.log10(max(x)/2.0), step= .05, callback=callback) callback.args["wbin"] = sliderWbin sliderTrans = Slider(title="Num Trans", value=noccultations, start=1, end=50, step= 1, callback=callback) callback.args["ntran"] = sliderTrans layout = column(row(sliderWbin,sliderTrans), plot_spectrum) #out of transit 2d output raw = result_dict['RawData'] # Flux 1d x, y = raw['wave'], raw['e_rate_out']*result_dict['timing']['Seconds per Frame']*(timing["APT: Num Groups per Integration"]-1) x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] plot_flux_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]', y_axis_label='e-/integration', title="Flux Per Integration", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_flux_1d1.line(x, y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab1 = Panel(child=plot_flux_1d1, title="Flux per Int") # BG 1d #x, y = out['1d']['extracted_bg_only'] #y = y[~np.isnan(y)] #x = x[~np.isnan(y)] #plot_bg_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS, # x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]', # y_axis_label='Flux (e/s)', title="Background", # plot_width=800, plot_height=300) #plot_bg_1d1.line(x, y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) #tab2 = Panel(child=plot_bg_1d1, title="Background Flux") # SNR y = np.sqrt(y) #this is computing the SNR (sqrt of photons in a single integration) plot_snr_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label='sqrt(e-)/integration', title="SNR per integration", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_snr_1d1.line(x, y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab3 = Panel(child=plot_snr_1d1, title="SNR per Int") # Error bars (ppm) x = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['wave'] y = result_dict['FinalSpectrum']['error_w_floor']*1e6 x = x[~np.isnan(y)] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] ymed = np.median(y) plot_noise_1d1 = Figure(tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label='Spectral Precision (ppm)', title="Spectral Precision", plot_width=800, plot_height=300, y_range = [0,2.0*ymed]) ymed = np.median(y), y, line_width = 4, alpha = .7) tab4 = Panel(child=plot_noise_1d1, title="Precision") #Not happy? Need help picking a different mode? plot_spectrum2 = Figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, x_range=xlims,y_range=ylims, tools=TOOLS, x_axis_label=x_axis_label, y_axis_label=punit, title="Original Model",y_axis_type="log") plot_spectrum2.line(result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_wave'],result_dict['OriginalInput']['model_spec'], line_width = 4,alpha = .7) tab5 = Panel(child=plot_spectrum2, title="Original Model") #create set of five tabs tabs1d = Tabs(tabs=[ tab1,tab3, tab4, tab5]) # Detector 2d data = out['2d']['detector'] xr, yr = data.shape plot_detector_2d = Figure(tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,hover,save", x_range=[0, yr], y_range=[0, xr], x_axis_label='Pixel', y_axis_label='Spatial', title="2D Detector Image", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_detector_2d.image(image=[data], x=[0], y=[0], dh=[xr], dw=[yr], palette="Spectral11") #2d tabs #2d snr data = out['2d']['snr'] data[np.isinf(data)] = 0.0 xr, yr = data.shape plot_snr_2d = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_range=[0, yr], y_range=[0, xr], x_axis_label='Pixel', y_axis_label='Spatial', title="Signal-to-Noise Ratio", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_snr_2d.image(image=[data], x=[0], y=[0], dh=[xr], dw=[yr], palette="Spectral11") tab1b = Panel(child=plot_snr_2d, title="SNR") #saturation data = out['2d']['saturation'] xr, yr = data.shape plot_sat_2d = Figure(tools=TOOLS, x_range=[0, yr], y_range=[0, xr], x_axis_label='Pixel', y_axis_label='Spatial', title="Saturation", plot_width=800, plot_height=300) plot_sat_2d.image(image=[data], x=[0], y=[0], dh=[xr], dw=[yr], palette="Spectral11") tab2b = Panel(child=plot_sat_2d, title="Saturation") tabs2d = Tabs(tabs=[ tab1b, tab2b]) result_comp = components({'plot_spectrum':layout, 'tabs1d': tabs1d, 'det_2d': plot_detector_2d, 'tabs2d': tabs2d}) return result_comp
indne = set(indb).intersection(indt).intersection(indne) indye = set(indb).intersection(indt).intersection(indye) noerrorlegend = bandname if len(indne) == 0 else '' source = ColumnDataSource( data = dict( x = [phototime[i] for i in indne], y = [photoAB[i] for i in indne], err = [photoerrs[i] for i in indne], desc = [photoband[i] for i in indne], instr = [photoinstru[i] for i in indne], src = [photosource[i] for i in indne] ) )'x', 'y', source = source, color=bandcolorf(band), fill_color="white", legend=noerrorlegend, size=4) source = ColumnDataSource( data = dict( x = [phototime[i] for i in indye], y = [photoAB[i] for i in indye], err = [photoerrs[i] for i in indye], desc = [photoband[i] for i in indye], instr = [photoinstru[i] for i in indye], src = [photosource[i] for i in indye] ) ) p1.multi_line([err_xs[x] for x in indye], [err_ys[x] for x in indye], color=bandcolorf(band))'x', 'y', source = source, color=bandcolorf(band), legend=bandname, size=4) upplimlegend = bandname if len(indye) == 0 and len(indne) == 0 else ''
class DynamicPlotHandler(Handler): def __init__(self, network): self._network = weakref.ref(network) self.sources = {} self._last_time_list = None self._update_complete = False self._recurring_update = RecurringTask(self.plan_update_data, delay=5) self._pcb = None # Periodic callback self._ntcb = None # Next Tick callback super().__init__() @property def network(self): return self._network() def organize_data(self): self._log.debug("Organize Data") self.s = {} for point in self.s[] = (point.history, point.history.units) self.lst_of_trends = [his[0] for name, his in self.s.items()] def build_data_sources(self): sources = {} self.organize_data() for each in self.lst_of_trends: df = pd.DataFrame(each) df = df.reset_index() df["name"] = df["units"] = str(each.units) df["time_s"] = df["index"].apply(str) df.states = each.states try: df = ( df.fillna(method="ffill") .fillna(method="bfill") .replace(["inactive", "active"], [0, 1]) ) except TypeError: df = df.fillna(method="ffill").fillna(method="bfill") sources[] = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=df["index"], y=df[], time=df["time_s"], name=df["name"], units=df["units"], ) ) return sources def build_plot(self): self._log.debug("Build Plot") self.stop_update_data() self.sources = self.build_data_sources() TOOLS = "pan,box_zoom,wheel_zoom,save,reset" self.p = Figure( x_axis_type="datetime", x_axis_label="Time", y_axis_label="Numeric Value", title="BAC0 Trends", tools=TOOLS, plot_width=800, plot_height=600, toolbar_location="above", ) self.p.background_fill_color = "#f4f3ef" self.p.border_fill_color = "#f4f3ef" self.p.extra_y_ranges = { "bool": Range1d(start=0, end=1.1), "enum": Range1d(start=0, end=10), } self.p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="bool", axis_label="Binary"), "left") self.p.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="enum", axis_label="Enumerated"), "right" ) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("name", "@name"), ("value", "@y"), ("units", "@units"), ("time", "@time"), ] ) self.p.add_tools(hover) length = len(self.s.keys()) if length <= 10: if length < 3: length = 3 color_mapper = dict(zip(self.s.keys(), d3["Category10"][length])) else: # This would be a very loaded trend... color_mapper = dict(zip(self.s.keys(), Spectral6[:length])) for each in self.lst_of_trends: if each.states == "binary": "x", "y", source=self.sources[],, color=color_mapper[], legend=("%s | %s (OFF-ON)" % (, each.description)), y_range_name="bool", size=10, ) elif each.states == "multistates": self.p.diamond( "x", "y", source=self.sources[],, color=color_mapper[], legend=("%s | %s (%s)" % (, each.description, each.units)), y_range_name="enum", size=20, ) else: self.p.line( "x", "y", source=self.sources[],, color=color_mapper[], legend=("%s | %s (%s)" % (, each.description, each.units)), line_width=2, ) self.p.legend.location = "bottom_right" self.p.legend.click_policy = "hide" self.plots = [self.p] def update_data(self): self._log.debug("Update Data") doc = curdoc() # self.organize_data() if self._last_time_list: if self._last_time_list != self.s.keys(): self._list_have_changed = True self.stop_update_data() # doc.add_next_tick_callback(self.modify_document) self.modify_document(doc) else: self._list_have_changed = False l = [] for each in self.p.renderers: l.append( # for each in self.lst_of_trends: # df = pd.DataFrame(each) # df = df.reset_index() # df['name'] = # df['units'] = str(each.units) # df['time_s'] = df['index'].apply(str) # try: # df = df.fillna(method='ffill').fillna( # method='bfill').replace(['inactive', 'active'], [0, 1]) # except TypeError: # df = df.fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill') index = l.index( # renderer = self.p.renderers[index] # new_data = {} # new_data['name'] = df['name'] # new_data['x'] = df['index'] # new_data['y'] = df[] # if each.states == 'binary': # new_data['units'] = [each.units[int(x)] for x in df[]] # elif each.states == 'multistates': # new_data['units'] = [ # each.units[int(math.fabs(x-1))] for x in df[]] # else: # new_data['units'] = df['units'] # new_data['time'] = df['time_s'] # = new_data try: new_data = self.build_data_sources() for each in self.lst_of_trends: self.sources[].data = new_data[].data except KeyError: self._log.warning( "Problem updating {} on chart, will try again next time.".format( ) ) else: self._last_time_list = self.s.keys() # self.start_update_data() self._update_complete = True def modify_document(self, doc): curdoc().clear() # doc = curdoc() try: curdoc().remove_periodic_callback(self._pcb) except: pass doc.clear() self.build_plot() layout = gridplot(self.plots, ncols=2) doc.add_root(layout) self._pcb = doc.add_periodic_callback(self.update_data, 10000) return doc def plan_update_data(self): doc = curdoc() if self._update_complete == True: self._update_complete = False self._ntcb = doc.add_next_tick_callback(self.update_data) def stop_update_data(self): doc = curdoc() if self._recurring_update.is_running: self._recurring_update.stop() while self._recurring_update.is_running: pass try: doc.remove_next_tick_callback(self._ntcb) except (ValueError, RuntimeError): pass # Already gone def start_update_data(self): if not self._recurring_update.is_running: try: self._recurring_update.start() while not self._recurring_update.is_running: pass except RuntimeError: pass
def create_component_hst(result_dict): """Generate front end plots HST Function that is responsible for generating the front-end spectra plots for HST. Parameters ---------- result_dict : dict The dictionary returned from a PandExo (HST) run Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing `(script, div)`, where the `script` is the front-end javascript required, and `div` is a dictionary of plot objects. """ TOOLS = "pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,resize,reset,save" #plot planet spectrum mwave = result_dict['planet_spec']['model_wave'] mspec = result_dict['planet_spec']['model_spec'] binwave = result_dict['planet_spec']['binwave'] binspec = result_dict['planet_spec']['binspec'] error = result_dict['planet_spec']['error'] error = np.zeros(len(binspec))+ error xlims = [result_dict['planet_spec']['wmin'], result_dict['planet_spec']['wmax']] ylims = [np.min(binspec)-2.0*error[0], np.max(binspec)+2.0*error[0]] plot_spectrum = Figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=300, x_range=xlims, y_range=ylims, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Wavelength [microns]', y_axis_label='(Rp/R*)^2', title="Original Model with Observation") y_err = [] x_err = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(binwave, binspec, error): np.array(x_err.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) plot_spectrum.line(mwave,mspec, color= "black", alpha = 0.5, line_width = 4),binspec, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) plot_spectrum.multi_line(x_err, y_err) #earliest and latest start times obsphase1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obsphase1'] obstr1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obstr1'] rms = result_dict['calc_start_window']['light_curve_rms'] obsphase2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obsphase2'] obstr2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['obstr2'] phase1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['phase1'] phase2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['phase2'] trmodel1 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['trmodel1'] trmodel2 = result_dict['calc_start_window']['trmodel2'] if isinstance(rms, float): rms = np.zeros(len(obsphase1))+rms y_err1 = [] x_err1 = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(obsphase1, obstr1, rms): np.array(x_err1.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err1.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) y_err2 = [] x_err2 = [] for px, py, yerr in zip(obsphase2, obstr2, rms): np.array(x_err2.append((px, px))) np.array(y_err2.append((py - yerr, py + yerr))) early = Figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=300, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Orbital Phase', y_axis_label='Flux', title="Earliest Start Time") early.line(phase1, trmodel1, color='black',alpha=0.5, line_width = 4), obstr1, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) early.multi_line(x_err1, y_err1) late = Figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=300, tools=TOOLS,#responsive=True, x_axis_label='Orbital Phase', y_axis_label='Flux', title="Latest Start Time") late.line(phase2, trmodel2, color='black',alpha=0.5, line_width = 3), obstr2, line_width=3, line_alpha=0.6) late.multi_line(x_err2, y_err2) start_time = row(early, late) result_comp = components({'plot_spectrum':plot_spectrum, 'start_time':start_time}) return result_comp
plot_width=400, tools=toolset, title="Time dependent PDEs", x_range=[pde_settings.x_min, pde_settings.x_max], y_range=[-1, 1] ) # Plot the numerical solution at time=t by the x,u values in the source property plot.line('x', 'u', source=plot_data_num, line_width=.5, line_alpha=.6, line_dash=[4, 4], color='red') plot.line('x', 'u', source=plot_data_ana, line_width=.5, line_alpha=.6, color='blue', legend='analytical solution')'x', 'u', source=plot_data_num, color='red', legend='numerical solution') # calculate data init_pde() # lists all the controls in our app controls = widgetbox(initial_condition,time_slider,h_slider,k_slider,pde_type, solver_type,width=400) # make layout curdoc().add_root(row(plot,controls,width=800))