def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialize the Find Dialog """ FindReplaceDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.ui.findReplaceForm.hide_replace_widgets() self.setWindowTitle("Find"))
def __init__(self, *args): """ The consctructor of the main application object, i.e. the main window. Calls a lot of other init methods. """ QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.init_vars() self.init_connects() self.init_settings() self.init = 0 self.project = PoioProject(os.getcwd()) self.ui.listFiles.setModel(self.project) self.ui.projectManager.setShown(False) self.ui.projectBtn.setStyleSheet(""" QPushButton#projectBtn { border-style: outset; border-width: 1px; border-color: black; padding: 1px; } QPushButton#projectBtn:checked { background-color: lightblue; border-style: inset; border-width: 2px; }""") self.ui.textedit.append_title("Please create or open a file...")) self._dialog_find_and_replace = FindReplaceDialog(self) self._dialog_find_and_replace.setModal(False) self._dialog_find_and_replace.set_text_edit(self.ui.textedit) self._dialog_find = FindDialog(self) self._dialog_find.setModal(False) self._dialog_find.set_text_edit(self.ui.textedit)
class PoioGRAID(QtGui.QMainWindow): """The main window of the PoioGRAID application.""" def __init__(self, *args): """ The consctructor of the main application object, i.e. the main window. Calls a lot of other init methods. """ QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.init_vars() self.init_connects() self.init_settings() self.init = 0 self.project = PoioProject(os.getcwd()) self.ui.listFiles.setModel(self.project) self.ui.projectManager.setShown(False) self.ui.projectBtn.setStyleSheet(""" QPushButton#projectBtn { border-style: outset; border-width: 1px; border-color: black; padding: 1px; } QPushButton#projectBtn:checked { background-color: lightblue; border-style: inset; border-width: 2px; }""") self.ui.textedit.append_title("Please create or open a file...")) self._dialog_find_and_replace = FindReplaceDialog(self) self._dialog_find_and_replace.setModal(False) self._dialog_find_and_replace.set_text_edit(self.ui.textedit) self._dialog_find = FindDialog(self) self._dialog_find.setModal(False) self._dialog_find.set_text_edit(self.ui.textedit) def init_vars(self): """ Initializes several attributes of the application, for example creates an empty annotation tree and a data structure type. """ self.reset_data_structure_type( self.filepath = None self.projectfilepath = None self.title = '' def init_settings(self): """ Load application settings from QSettings object. """ QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName( "Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation"); QtCore.QCoreApplication.setOrganizationDomain(""); QtCore.QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("PoioGRAID"); #settings = QtCore.QSettings() def init_connects(self): """ Initializes all signal/slots connections of the application. """ # Files self.ui.actionOpenFile.triggered.connect(self.open_file) self.ui.actionSaveFile.triggered.connect(self.save_file) self.ui.actionSaveFileAs.triggered.connect(self.save_file_as) self.ui.actionOpen_Project.triggered.connect(self.open_project) self.ui.actionSave_Project.triggered.connect(self.save_project) self.ui.actionSave_Project_as.triggered.connect(self.save_project_as) self.ui.actionNewFile.triggered.connect(self.new_file) # Application stuff self.ui.actionQuit.triggered.connect(self.close) self.ui.actionAboutPoioGRAID.triggered.connect(self.about_dialog) # insert and delete tables and columns self.ui.actionInsertUtteranceAfter.triggered.connect( self.insert_utterance_after) self.ui.actionInsertUtteranceBefore.triggered.connect( self.insert_utterance_before) self.ui.actionDeleteUtterance.triggered.connect( self.delete_utterance) self.ui.actionInsertColumnBefore.triggered.connect( self.insert_column_before) self.ui.actionInsertColumnAfter.triggered.connect( self.insert_column_after) self.ui.actionDeleteColumn.triggered.connect(self.delete_column) # find and replace self.ui.actionFindAndReplace.triggered.connect( self.find_and_replace) self.ui.actionFind.triggered.connect(self.find) # Poio Project self.ui.listFiles.activated.connect(self.open_selected_file) self.connect(self.ui.projectBtn,SIGNAL("toggled()"),self.show_project) self.connect(self.ui.addfileBtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.add_file) self.connect(self.ui.removefileBtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.remove_file) self.connect(self.ui.saveprojectBtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.save_project) self.connect(self.ui.openprojectBtn,SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.open_project) def about_dialog(self): """ Display the About dialog. """ about = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) about.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) about.setWindowTitle("About PoioGRAID")) about.setText("<b>PoioGRAID 0.2.1</b><br/>Poio GRAID Editor " "by the <a href=\"\">" "Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and " "Language Documentation</a>.<br/><br/>All " "rights reserved. See LICENSE file for details." "<br/><br/>For more information visit the " "website:<br/><a href=\"" "/poio/\">" "</a>")) about.exec_() def reset_data_structure_type(self, data_structure_type): self.annotation_tree = poioapi.annotationtree.AnnotationTree( data_structure_type) self.ui.textedit.structure_type_handler =\ self.annotation_tree.structure_type_handler def show_project(self): """ Show or hide the project manager. """ self.ui.projectManager.setShown(self.ui.projectBtn.isChecked()) def open_file(self): """ Prompt the user for a file, add it to the project and open it. """ filepaths = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self,"Open File"), "","Pickle files (*.pickle);;All files (*.*)")) if len(filepaths) == 1: self.project.clear() self.project.addFilePaths(filepaths) self.open_file_at_path(filepaths[0]) def open_file_at_path(self, filepath): """ Load the data into the annotation tree and then update the text edit widget. ... Parameters ---------- filepath: str """ if filepath != '': self.annotation_tree.load_tree_from_pickle(filepath) self.ui.textedit.structure_type_handler =\ self.annotation_tree.structure_type_handler #file = open(filepath, "rb") #data = pickle.load(file) #if data[0] == 'poio_pickle_v2': # self.reset_data_structure_type(data[1]) # self.annotation_tree.tree = data[2] #else: # # self.reset_data_structure_type( # self.annotation_tree.tree = pickle.load(file) #file.close() self.update_textedit() self.filepath = filepath def open_project(self): """ Prompt the user for a project, clear previous project and screen and open the project in the manager. """ path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames( self,"Open Project"), "","Poio project file (*.poioprj);;All files (*.*)")) if len(path) > 0: self.project.clear() self.annotation_tree.tree = [] self.update_textedit() self.projectfilepath = path[0] self.project.openproject(path[0]) def add_file(self): """ Add a file to the current project """ filepaths = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self,"Add Files"), "","Pickle files (*.pickle);;All files (*.*)")) self.project.addFilePaths(filepaths) self.open_file_at_path(filepaths[0]) def remove_file(self): """ Remove the selected file from the current project """ countRemoved = 0 for i in self.ui.listFiles.selectedIndexes(): currentrow = i.row()-countRemoved project = self.project.poioFileAt(currentrow) self.project.removeFilePathAt(currentrow) if self.filepath == project.filepath: self.ui.textedit.clear() countRemoved += 1 def open_selected_file(self): """ Open the selected file in the manager to the TextEdit Screen """ selected = self.ui.listFiles.selectedIndexes() count = 0 for item in self.project.projectfiles: if item.filepath == 'tmp\\untitled.pickle': ret = self.project.saveuntitled() if ret == QMessageBox.Save: path = self.save_file_as() self.project.removeFilePathAt(count) self.project.addFilePath(path) elif ret == QMessageBox.Discard: self.project.removeFilePathAt(count) elif ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return count +=1 if len(selected) == 1: project = self.project.poioFileAt(selected[0].row()) self.open_file_at_path(project.filepath) def update_textedit(self): """ Updates the text edit view with the data from the annotation tree. """ self.ui.textedit.blockSignals(True) self.ui.textedit.clear() self.ui.textedit.append_title(self.title) for element in self.annotation_tree.elements(): self.ui.textedit.append_element(element) self.ui.textedit.scrollToAnchor("title") self.ui.textedit.blockSignals(False) def delete_utterance(self): """ Delete one utterance from the text edit widget and from the annotation tree. """ deleted_id = self.ui.textedit.delete_current_element() if deleted_id: self.annotation_tree.remove_element(deleted_id) def insert_utterance_before(self): """ Insert an utteranance *before* the currently edited utterance in the text view. Then adds the utterance to the annotation tree. """ element = self.annotation_tree.empty_element() current_id = self.ui.textedit.insert_element(element) if current_id: self.annotation_tree.insert_element(element, current_id) def insert_utterance_after(self): """ Insert an utteranance *after* the currently edited utterance in the text view. Then adds the utterance to the annotation tree. """ element = self.annotation_tree.empty_element() current_id = self.ui.textedit.insert_element(element, True) if current_id: self.annotation_tree.insert_element(element, current_id, True) def delete_column(self): """ Deletes the column that is currently edited in the text view. Also remove all annotation and sub-elements belonging to this column. Then delete the elements from the annotation tree. """ self.ui.textedit.delete_column_at_cursor() def insert_column_before(self): """ Inserts an empty column at the current cursor position *before* the currently edited element. Then insert the element into the annotation tree. """ next_id = self.ui.textedit.insert_column_at_cursor( self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, False) self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id = next_id def insert_column_after(self): """ Inserts an empty column at the current cursor position *after* the currently edited element. Then insert the element into the annotation tree. """ next_id = self.ui.textedit.insert_column_at_cursor( self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, True) self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id = next_id def new_file(self): """ Create a new file from a given input text. The user has to enter the text in an input dialog. There are two types of input text: plain text or tb style text (with markup like ``\sl`` at the beginning of lines). """ dialog = QtGui.QDialog(self) ui = Ui_NewFileGraid() ui.setupUi(dialog) ret = dialog.exec_() if ret == QtGui.QDialog.Accepted: # get the data structure type that the user chose combo_data_structure_type = ui.comboDataStructureType.currentText() data_structure_type = if combo_data_structure_type == "GRAID2 (Diana)": data_structure_type = self.reset_data_structure_type(data_structure_type) self.title = "" self.statusBar().showMessage("Parsing text..."), 5) if ui.radioButtoTbStyleText.isChecked(): self._parse_tb_style_text( ui.textedit.document().toPlainText()) else: self._parse_plain_text( ui.textedit.document().toPlainText()) self.statusBar().showMessage("Parsing done."), 5) self.update_textedit() self.project.addFilePath('tmp\\untitled.pickle') def save_file(self): """ Save the current data into a file. If no filename is specified yet then ask for the path and filename by opening a file dialog. """ if not self.filepath: self.save_file_as() else: tree = self.ui.textedit.annotation_tree_from_document() self.annotation_tree.tree = tree file = open(self.filepath, "wb") pickle.dump(['poio_pickle_v2', self.annotation_tree.data_structure_type, self.annotation_tree.tree], file) file.close() self.statusBar().showMessage("File saved."), 5) def save_file_as(self): """ Open a file dialog and ask for path and filename for the file. Then call `PoioGRAID.save_file()`. """ filepath = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save File As"), "","Pickle file (*.pickle);;All files (*.*)")) if filepath != '': if not filepath.endswith(".pickle"): filepath += ".pickle" self.filepath = filepath self.save_file() return filepath else: return def save_project(self): """ Save the current project in the manager. Prompt for a path if the current project didn't exist yet """ if not self.projectfilepath: self.save_project_as() else: self.save_file() self.project.saveprojectas(self.projectfilepath) def save_project_as(self): """ Prompt for a path and save the current project to it """ self.save_file() savepath = "" savepath = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save Project As"), "","Poio project file (*.poioprj);;All files (*.*)")) if savepath !="": self.project.saveprojectas(savepath) self.projectfilepath = savepath def find_and_replace(self): """ Shows find and replace dialog """ def find(self): """ Shows find dialog """ # Private functions ####################################################### def _parse_plain_text(self, text): """ Parses plain text data into an annotation tree. ... Parameters ---------- text : str """ lines = text.split("\n") progress = QtGui.QProgressDialog("Parsing text..."),"Abort"), 0, len(lines), self.parent()) progress.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal) for i, line in enumerate(lines): progress.setValue(i) line = line.strip() utterance = line clause_unit = re.sub("[.,;:]", "", line) words = clause_unit.split() il_elements = list() for w in words: if self.annotation_tree.data_structure_type == \ il_elements.append([ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : w }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }]) elif self.annotation_tree.data_structure_type ==\ il_elements.append([ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : w }, # morphemes [ [ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' } ] ], # graid1, graid 3 { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }]) elements = [ [ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : clause_unit }, il_elements, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }] ] utterance = [ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : utterance }, elements, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' } ] if self.annotation_tree.data_structure_type ==\ utterance.append( { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : '' }) self.annotation_tree.append_element(utterance) if (progress.wasCanceled()): initCorpusReader() break progress.setValue(len(lines)) def _parse_tb_style_text(self, text): """ Parses tb style data into an annotation tree. In tb style data lines start with markup like ``\sl``. ... Parameters ---------- text : str """ block = list() lines = text.split("\n") line = lines.pop(0) title = [] while not line.startswith("\\"): if line: title.append(line) line = lines.pop(0) self.title = " ".join(title) for line in lines: if line and line.startswith("\\id") and len(block): utterance = self._parse_element_from_tb_style(block) self.annotation_tree.append_element(utterance) block = list() elif line: if line.startswith("\\"): block.append(line.strip()) utterance = self._parse_element_from_tb_style(block) self.annotation_tree.append_element(utterance) #print self.annotation_tree.tree def _parse_element_from_tb_style(self, block): """ Helper function for `PoioGRAID._parse_tb_style_text()`. Parse one paragraph of tb style data. ... Parameters ---------- block : list """ element_tb = dict() utterance = "" translation = "" comment = "" for line in block: line = re.sub(" +", " ", line) line = line.strip() line_elements = line.split(None, 1) if len(line_elements) < 2: type = line text = "" else: type = line_elements[0] text = line_elements[1] if type.startswith("\\"): if type[1:] == "sl": #text = re.sub("\(\d+\) ?", "", text) utterance = text utterance = re.sub("\d?# ?", "", utterance) utterance = re.sub(" +", " ", utterance) utterance = utterance.strip() if type[1:] == "ft": translation = text elif type[1:] == "com": comment = text else: #text = re.sub("^x ", "", text) element_tb[type[1:]] = list() last_start = 0 for m in re.finditer("(?:\d?#|$)", text): element_tb[type[1:]].append( text[last_start:m.start(0)]) last_start = m.end(0) elements = [] for i, phrase in enumerate(element_tb['sl']): words = phrase.split() wfw = [] try: wfw = element_tb['wfw'][i].split() except IndexError: pass except KeyError: pass graid1 = [] try: graid1 = element_tb['gr_1'][i].split() except IndexError: pass except KeyError: pass graid2 = '' try: graid2 = element_tb['gr_2'][i] except IndexError: pass except KeyError: pass il_elements = [] for i in range(max(len(words), len(wfw), len(graid1))): e1 = '' e2 = '' e3 = '' if i < len(words): e1 = words[i] if i < len(wfw): e2 = wfw[i] if i < len(graid1): e3 = graid1[i] il_elements.append([ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : e1 }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : e2 }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : e3 }]) elements.append([ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : phrase }, il_elements, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : graid2 }]) return [ { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : utterance }, elements, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : translation }, { 'id' : self.annotation_tree.next_annotation_id, 'annotation' : comment } ]