def main() : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tool to update the voter key of a coldstorage address') parser.add_argument('--voteaddress', type=str, help='address that will be allowed to vote with cold funds instead') parser.add_argument('--account', type=str, help='account that will be allowed to vote with cold funds instead') parser.add_argument('--rpcurl', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--rpcuser', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--rpcpasswd', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='filename into which the signed output is stored') parser.set_defaults(rpcurl=config.url, rpcuser=config.user, rpcpasswd=config.passwd) parser.set_defaults(output="signedtx.txt") args = parser.parse_args() slate_id = None ''' Connect to bitshares client via RPC ''' rpc = bitsharesrpc.client(args.rpcurl, args.rpcuser, args.rpcpasswd) if not args.voteaddress and not args.account : print("No voteaddress given! Please specify!") args.voteaddress = ask_for_address() if args.account : args.voteaddress = rpc.wallet_address_create(args.account)[ "result" ] print("Using %s from account %s" %(args.voteaddress, args.account)) ''' Ask for the private key ''' privkey = ask_for_privkey() address = Address.priv2btsaddr(Address.wif2hex(privkey)) ''' balance ids ''' balances = rpc.blockchain_list_address_balances(address)["result"] print("This address holds the following BTS funds (ignoring other assets):") ops = [] for balance in balances : balanceId = balance[0] asset_id = balance[1]["condition"]["asset_id"] asset = rpc.blockchain_get_asset(asset_id)["result"] if asset_id == 0 : if balance[1]["balance"] == 0: continue print("- %f BTS" % ((balance[1]["balance"])/float(asset["precision"]))) votekeyop = Transaction.UpdateBalanceVote(balanceId, args.voteaddress, slate_id) ops.append(Transaction.Operation( "update_balance_vote_op_type", votekeyop )) tx = Transaction.Transaction( 60*60*12, None, ops ) sigtx = Transaction.SignedTransaction(tx, [privkey]) ''' Store signed transaction ''' with open(args.output,"wb") as fp : fp.write(json.dumps(sigtx.tojson())) print("\n%d transaction successfully signed and output written to file '%s'" % (len(ops), args.output) ) print("To broadcast transaction copy the file and run ./ on online computer")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Offline tool to gather balances in cold storage address') parser.add_argument( '--coldaddress', type=str, help='cold storage address to get funds from (required)') parser.add_argument('--filename', type=str, help='filename in which to store the available funds') parser.add_argument('--rpcurl', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--rpcuser', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--rpcpasswd', type=str, help='') parser.set_defaults(rpcurl=config.url, rpcuser=config.user, rpcpasswd=config.passwd) parser.set_defaults(filename="availablefunds.txt") args = parser.parse_args() if not args.coldaddress: print("No voteaddress given! Please specify!") args.coldaddress = ask_for_address() ''' Connect to bitshares client via RPC ''' rpc = bitsharesrpc.client(args.rpcurl, args.rpcuser, args.rpcpasswd) ''' Get available funds ''' balances = get_available_balances(rpc, args.coldaddress) ''' Format for transfer ''' print("Available Funds in cold storage address %s:" % args.coldaddress) funds = [] for t in balances: funds.append("%f ; %s ; %d ; %d ; %s ; %s\n" % (t["balance"], t["symbol"], t["asset_id"], t["precision"], t["balanceid"], t["owner"])) print("- %f %s" % (t["balance"], t["symbol"])) with open(args.filename, "w") as fp: fp.write(str("".join(funds))) print( "Stored funds for %d assets in '%s' for offline construction & signing." % (len(funds), args.filename))
def main(): global PREFIX parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Online tool to define and sign transaction from coldstorage') parser.add_argument( '--address', type=str, help= 'Address to send the funds to (hot address) (default: scan per QR-code)' ) parser.add_argument( '--filename', type=str, help='File created by the online tool containing available balances') parser.add_argument('--txfee', type=float, help='txfee substracted from your funds') parser.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, help='defaults to "BTS" (advanced feature)') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='filename into which the signed output is stored') parser.set_defaults(filename="availablefunds.txt", output="signedtx.txt", txfee=0.5) parser.set_defaults(prefix="BTS") args = parser.parse_args() PREFIX = args.prefix ''' If an address is given, verify validity ''' if args.address: try: b58.btsBase58CheckDecode(args.address[len(PREFIX):]) except: raise Exception("Invalid address format") ''' Read the balance file ''' availableBalance = readBalanceFile(args.filename) ''' Ask the user to input the funds to be transfered ''' transferbalances = input_transfer_asset_balances() ''' Add the TX fee in BTS ''' transferbalances = addfee(transferbalances, args.txfee) ''' Check if the funds entered (plus fee) can be paid ''' check_availability(availableBalance, transferbalances) ''' construct withdrawal amounts and assets ''' withdrawSet = prepare_withdraw(availableBalance, transferbalances) ''' Ask for the target address if not given as parameter ''' if not args.address: args.address = ask_for_address() ''' Construct the transaction ''' ops = [] for w in withdrawSet: amount = w[0] asset_id = w[2] balanceid = w[4] ''' Withdrawal from coldstorage ''' ops.append( Transaction.Operation("withdraw_op_type", Transaction.Withdraw(balanceid, int(amount)))) ''' Deposit to hot wallet ''' if asset_id == 0: # substract txfee amount -= args.txfee * 1e5 if not amount: continue wst = Transaction.WithdrawSignatureType(args.address) wc = Transaction.WithdrawCondition(asset_id, None, "withdraw_signature_type", wst) deposit = Transaction.Deposit(int(amount), wc) ops.append(Transaction.Operation("deposit_op_type", deposit)) tx = Transaction.Transaction(60 * 60 * 12, 0, ops) print("Raw and unsigned transaction for verification:") print(json.dumps(tx.tojson(), indent=4)) print("The following funds will be moved out of cold storage:") for w in withdrawSet: amount = w[0] symbol = w[1] precision = w[3] print(" - %f %s" % (amount / precision, symbol)) print("%d Operation(s) need to be signed." % (len(ops))) ''' Ask for the private key ''' privkey = ask_for_privkey(withdrawSet[0][5]) ''' Sign transaction ''' sigtx = Transaction.SignedTransaction(tx, [privkey]) ''' Store signed transaction ''' with open(args.output, "wb") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(sigtx.tojson())) print( "\n%d transaction successfully signed and output written to file '%s'" % (len(ops), args.output)) print( "To broadcast transaction copy the file and run ./online/ on online computer" )
def main() : global PREFIX parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Online tool to define and sign transaction from coldstorage') parser.add_argument('--address', type=str, help='Address to send the funds to (hot address) (default: scan per QR-code)') parser.add_argument('--filename', type=str, help='File created by the online tool containing available balances') parser.add_argument('--txfee', type=float, help='txfee substracted from your funds') parser.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, help='defaults to "BTS" (advanced feature)') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='filename into which the signed output is stored') parser.set_defaults(filename="availablefunds.txt", output="signedtx.txt", txfee=0.5) parser.set_defaults(prefix="BTS") args = parser.parse_args() PREFIX = args.prefix ''' If an address is given, verify validity ''' if args.address : try : b58.btsBase58CheckDecode(args.address[len(PREFIX):]) except : raise Exception("Invalid address format") ''' Read the balance file ''' availableBalance = readBalanceFile(args.filename) ''' Ask the user to input the funds to be transfered ''' transferbalances = input_transfer_asset_balances() ''' Add the TX fee in BTS ''' transferbalances = addfee(transferbalances, args.txfee) ''' Check if the funds entered (plus fee) can be paid ''' check_availability(availableBalance, transferbalances) ''' construct withdrawal amounts and assets ''' withdrawSet = prepare_withdraw( availableBalance, transferbalances ) ''' Ask for the target address if not given as parameter ''' if not args.address : args.address = ask_for_address() ''' Construct the transaction ''' ops = [] for w in withdrawSet : amount = w[0] asset_id = w[2] balanceid = w[4] ''' Withdrawal from coldstorage ''' ops.append(Transaction.Operation("withdraw_op_type", Transaction.Withdraw(balanceid, int(amount)) )) ''' Deposit to hot wallet ''' if asset_id == 0 : # substract txfee amount -= args.txfee * 1e5 if not amount : continue wst = Transaction.WithdrawSignatureType( args.address ) wc = Transaction.WithdrawCondition( asset_id, None, "withdraw_signature_type", wst) deposit = Transaction.Deposit(int(amount), wc ) ops.append(Transaction.Operation( "deposit_op_type", deposit)) tx = Transaction.Transaction( 60*60*12, 0, ops ) print("Raw and unsigned transaction for verification:") print(json.dumps( tx.tojson( ), indent=4 ) ) print("The following funds will be moved out of cold storage:") for w in withdrawSet : amount = w[0] symbol = w[1] precision = w[3] print(" - %f %s" %(amount/precision, symbol)) print("%d Operation(s) need to be signed." % (len(ops)) ) ''' Ask for the private key ''' privkey = ask_for_privkey(withdrawSet[0][5]) ''' Sign transaction ''' sigtx = Transaction.SignedTransaction(tx, [privkey]) ''' Store signed transaction ''' with open(args.output,"wb") as fp : fp.write(json.dumps(sigtx.tojson())) print("\n%d transaction successfully signed and output written to file '%s'" % (len(ops), args.output) ) print("To broadcast transaction copy the file and run ./online/ on online computer")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Tool to update the voter key of a coldstorage address') parser.add_argument( '--voteaddress', type=str, help='address that will be allowed to vote with cold funds instead') parser.add_argument( '--account', type=str, help='account that will be allowed to vote with cold funds instead') parser.add_argument('--rpcurl', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--rpcuser', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--rpcpasswd', type=str, help='') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='filename into which the signed output is stored') parser.set_defaults(rpcurl=config.url, rpcuser=config.user, rpcpasswd=config.passwd) parser.set_defaults(output="signedtx.txt") args = parser.parse_args() slate_id = None ''' Connect to bitshares client via RPC ''' rpc = bitsharesrpc.client(args.rpcurl, args.rpcuser, args.rpcpasswd) if not args.voteaddress and not args.account: print("No voteaddress given! Please specify!") args.voteaddress = ask_for_address() if args.account: args.voteaddress = rpc.wallet_address_create(args.account)["result"] print("Using %s from account %s" % (args.voteaddress, args.account)) ''' Ask for the private key ''' privkey = ask_for_privkey() address = Address.priv2btsaddr(Address.wif2hex(privkey)) ''' balance ids ''' balances = rpc.blockchain_list_address_balances(address)["result"] print( "This address holds the following BTS funds (ignoring other assets):") ops = [] for balance in balances: balanceId = balance[0] asset_id = balance[1]["condition"]["asset_id"] asset = rpc.blockchain_get_asset(asset_id)["result"] if asset_id == 0: if balance[1]["balance"] == 0: continue print("- %f BTS" % ((balance[1]["balance"]) / float(asset["precision"]))) votekeyop = Transaction.UpdateBalanceVote(balanceId, args.voteaddress, slate_id) ops.append( Transaction.Operation("update_balance_vote_op_type", votekeyop)) tx = Transaction.Transaction(60 * 60 * 12, None, ops) sigtx = Transaction.SignedTransaction(tx, [privkey]) ''' Store signed transaction ''' with open(args.output, "wb") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(sigtx.tojson())) print( "\n%d transaction successfully signed and output written to file '%s'" % (len(ops), args.output)) print( "To broadcast transaction copy the file and run ./ on online computer" )