예제 #1
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
 def neg(cpu, opcode, logger):
     old = cpu.A
     cpu.A = 0 - cpu.A
     cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
     cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
     cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
     cpu.PVFlag = Bits.set() if old == 0x80 else Bits.reset()
     cpu.CFlag = Bits.isZero(old)
     cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(0x0, old)
     cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 8
예제 #2
	def sbc(cpu, opcode, logger):
		logger.info("SBC HL")
		regInd = (opcode & 0x30) >> 4
		value = 0
		if regInd == 0:
			value = cpu.BC
		elif regInd == 1:
			value = cpu.DE
		elif regInd == 2:
			value = cpu.HL
		elif regInd == 3:
			value = cpu.SP

		oldHL = cpu.HL
		logger.info("Old value of HL: " + str(oldHL))
		cpu.HL = cpu.HL - value - (1 if cpu.CFlag else 0)
		logger.info("New value of HL: " + str(cpu.HL))

		cpu.flags[SF] = Bits.signFlag(cpu.HL, bits=16)
		cpu.flags[ZF] = Bits.isZero(cpu.HL)
		cpu.flags[HF] = Bits.halfCarrySub16(oldHL, cpu.HL)
		cpu.flags[PVF] = Bits.overflow(Bits.twos_comp(oldHL, bits=16), 
									   Bits.twos_comp(cpu.HL, bits=16))
		cpu.flags[NF] = True
		cpu.flags[CF] = Bits.borrow(cpu.HL, bits=16)
예제 #3
	def _and(cpu, opcode, logger):
		logger.info("AND A")
		regInd = opcode & 7
		cpu.A = cpu.A & cpu.regs[regInd]
		cpu.flags[HF] = True
		cpu.flags[CF] = False
		cpu.flags[NF] = False
		cpu.flags[ZF] = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
		cpu.flags[SF] = Bits.signInTwosComp(cpu.A)
		cpu.flags[PVF] = Bits.paritySet(cpu.A)
예제 #4
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
 def dec_at_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
     old_val = cpu.ram[cpu.HL]
     new_val = old_val - 1
     cpu.ram[cpu.HL] = new_val
     cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(new_val)
     cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(new_val)
     cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
     cpu.PVFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, new_val)
     cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 3, 11
     logger.info("DEC (HL)")
예제 #5
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
 def cp(cpu, opcode, logger):
     regInd = opcode & 7
     value = cpu.A - cpu.regs[regInd]
     cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(value)
     cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(value)
     cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
     cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(cpu.A, value)
     cpu.SFlag = Bits.signFlag(value)
     cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(value, cpu.A)
     cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
     logger.info("CP {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(regInd)))
예제 #6
	def inc8(cpu, opcode, logger):
		logger.info("INC r")
		index = ( opcode >> 3 ) & 7
		oldValue =  cpu.regs[index]
		cpu.regs[index] = (cpu.regs[index] + 1 ) & 0xFF

		cpu.NFlag = False
		cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.regs[index])
		cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(oldValue, cpu.regs[index])
		cpu.PVFlag = True if oldValue == 0x7f else False
		cpu.SFlag = Bits.twos_comp(cpu.regs[index]) < 0
예제 #7
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def adc_r(cpu, opcode, logger):
        reg_idx = (opcode & 7)
        old_val = cpu.A
        cpu.A = old_val + cpu.regs[reg_idx] + (1 if cpu.CFlag else 0)

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
        logger.info("ADC A, {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(reg_idx)))
예제 #8
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def ldar(cpu, opcode, logger):
        cpu.A = cpu.R

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.R)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.R)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.set() if cpu.iff2 == 1 else Bits.reset()
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 9
        logger.info("LD A, R")
예제 #9
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
 def dec_at_ix_d(cpu, opcode, logger):
     d = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
     old_val = cpu.ram[cpu.IX+d]
     new_val = old_val - 1
     cpu.ram[cpu.IX+d] = new_val
     cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(new_val)
     cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(new_val)
     cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
     cpu.PVFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, new_val)
     cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 6, 23
     logger.info("DEC (IX+{:02X})".format(d))
예제 #10
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
 def xorA(cpu, opcode, logger):
     regInd = opcode & 7
     cpu.A = cpu.A ^ cpu.regs[regInd]
     cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
     cpu.CFlag = Bits.reset()
     cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
     cpu.HFlag = Bits.reset()
     cpu.SFlag = Bits.signInTwosComp(cpu.A)
     cpu.PVFlag = Bits.isEvenParity(cpu.A)
     cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
     logger.info("XOR A")
예제 #11
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def _or_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
        cpu.A = cpu.A | cpu.ram[cpu.HL]
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.isEvenParity(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 7
        logger.info("OR (HL)")
예제 #12
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def cp_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
        value = cpu.A - cpu.ram[cpu.HL]

        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(value)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(value)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(cpu.A, value)
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.signFlag(value)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(value, cpu.A)
        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 7
        logger.info("CP (HL)")
예제 #13
	def xorA(cpu, opcode, logger):
		"""XOR A"""
		regInd = opcode & 7
		cpu.A = cpu.A ^ cpu.regs[regInd]
		cpu.flags[ZF] = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
		cpu.flags[CF] = False
		cpu.flags[NF] = False
		cpu.flags[HF] = False
		cpu.flags[SF] = Bits.signInTwosComp(cpu.A)
		cpu.flags[PVF] = Bits.paritySet(cpu.A)
		logger.info("XOR A")
예제 #14
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def sub_n(cpu, opcode, logger):
        n = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        value = cpu.A - n

        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(value)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(cpu.A, value)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(cpu.A, value)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(value)
        cpu.A = value

        logger.info("SUB {:02X}".format(n))
예제 #15
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def _or(cpu, opcode, logger):
        regInd = opcode & 7
        cpu.A = cpu.A | cpu.regs[regInd]
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.isEvenParity(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
        logger.info("OR {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(regInd)))
예제 #16
	def cp(cpu, opcode, logger):
		regInd = opcode & 7
		value = cpu.A - cpu.regs[regInd]
		cpu.flags[ZF] = Bits.isZero(value)
		cpu.flags[CF] = Bits.carryFlag(value)
		cpu.flags[NF] = True
		cpu.flags[HF] = Bits.halfCarrySub(cpu.A, value)
		cpu.flags[SF] = Bits.signFlag(value)
		cpu.flags[PVF] = Bits.overflow(cpu.A, value)
		logger.info("CP r")
예제 #17
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def dec8b(cpu, opcode, logger):
        reg_index = (opcode >> 3) & 7
        old_val = cpu.regs[reg_index]
        cpu.regs[reg_index] = cpu.regs[reg_index] - 1

        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.regs[reg_index])
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.regs[reg_index])
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, cpu.regs[reg_index])
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, cpu.regs[reg_index])

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
        logger.info("DEC {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(reg_index)))
예제 #18
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def _and_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
        val = cpu.ram[cpu.HL]
        cpu.A = cpu.A & val

        cpu.HFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.signInTwosComp(cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.isEvenParity(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 7
        logger.info("AND (HL)")
예제 #19
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def sbc_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
        old_val = cpu.A
        cpu.A = old_val - cpu.ram[cpu.HL] - (1 if cpu.CFlag else 0)

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old_val, cpu.A)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 7
        logger.info("SDC A, (HL)")
예제 #20
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def cp_n(cpu, opcode, logger):
        n = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        old = cpu.A
        new = old - n
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(new)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(new)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old, new)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old, new)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(new)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 7
        logger.info("CP {:02X}".format(n))
예제 #21
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def dec_mem_at_iy(cpu, opcode, logger):
        displacement = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        addr = cpu.IY + displacement
        value = cpu.ram[addr]
        new_value = value - 1
        cpu.ram[addr] = new_value

        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(new_value)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(new_value)
        cpu.PVFlag = True if value == 0x80 else False
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(value, new_value)
        logger.info("DEC (IY+{:2X})".format(displacement))
예제 #22
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def inc8(cpu, opcode, logger):
        index = (opcode >> 3) & 7
        oldValue = cpu.regs[index]
        cpu.regs[index] = Bits.limitTo8Bits(cpu.regs[index] + 1)

        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.regs[index])
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(oldValue, cpu.regs[index])
        cpu.PVFlag = True if oldValue == 0x7f else False
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.regs[index])

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
        logger.info("INC {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(index)))
예제 #23
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def adc_a_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
        v = cpu.ram[cpu.HL]
        old = cpu.A
        cpu.A += v

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old, cpu.A)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(cpu.A, old)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(old + v)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 7
        logger.info("ADC A, (HL)")
예제 #24
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def sub_a_hl(cpu, opcode, logger):
        v = cpu.ram[cpu.HL]
        old_A = cpu.AFPrim
        cpu.A -= v

        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_A, cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old_A, cpu.A)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 7
        logger.info("SUB A, (HL)")
예제 #25
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def add_r(cpu, opcode, logger):
        index = (opcode & 7)
        old = cpu.A
        cpu.A = old + cpu.regs[index]

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old, cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old, cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
        logger.info("ADD A, {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(index)))
예제 #26
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def or_n(cpu, opcode, logger):
        n = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        old = cpu.A
        cpu.A = cpu.A | n

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old, cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.reset()

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 7
        logger.info("OR {:02X}".format(n))
예제 #27
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def sbc_r(cpu, opcode, logger):
        reg_idx = (opcode & 7)
        old_val = cpu.A
        cpu.A = old_val - cpu.regs[reg_idx] - (1 if cpu.CFlag else 0)

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.set()
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old_val, cpu.A)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 1, 4
        logger.info("SDC A, {}".format(IndexToReg.translate8Bit(reg_idx)))
예제 #28
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def add_iy(cpu, opcode, logger):
        d = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        value = cpu.A + cpu.ram[cpu.IY+d]

        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(value)
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(cpu.A, value)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(cpu.A, value)

        cpu.A = value
        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 4, 15
        logger.info("ADD A, (IY+{:02X})".format(d))
예제 #29
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def xor_n(cpu, opcode, logger):
        n = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        old = cpu.A
        cpu.A = old ^ n

        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.isEvenParity(cpu.A)

        cpu.m_cycles, cpu.t_states = 2, 7
        logger.info("XOR {:02X}".format(n))
예제 #30
파일: opcodes.py 프로젝트: pawlos/Timex.Emu
    def adc_n(cpu, opcode, logger):
        n = cpu.ram[cpu.PC]
        old_val = cpu.A
        new_val = cpu.A + n + (1 if cpu.CFlag else 0)
        cpu.A = new_val

        cpu.SFlag = Bits.isNegative(cpu.A)
        cpu.ZFlag = Bits.isZero(cpu.A)
        cpu.HFlag = Bits.halfCarrySub(old_val, cpu.A)
        cpu.PVFlag = Bits.overflow(old_val, cpu.A)
        cpu.NFlag = Bits.reset()
        cpu.CFlag = Bits.carryFlag(new_val)

        logger.info("ADC A, {:02X}".format(n))
예제 #31
 def test_bits_isZero_returns_true_when_value_is_zero(self):
예제 #32
 def test_bits_isZero_returns_false_when_value_is_non_zero(self):