Пример #1
    def getConvolvedDepth(self, kern, rep, bias):
        ''' Return a simple cv compatiable 8bit depth map that has had 
        the specified kernel applied rep times '''

        conv = ds.convolveDepthMap(kern, rep, bias)
        np.clip(conv, 0, 2**10 - 1, conv)
        conv >>=2
        conv = conv.astype(np.uint8)
        iE = Image(conv.transpose())
        return iE.invert()
Пример #2
    def getConvolvedDepthFull(self, kern, rep, bias):
        ''' Return a pure numpy array of the convolved in the depthmap ''' 

        iE = ds.convolveDepthMap(kern, rep, bias)
        return iE