Пример #1
cfres.cnLinesOn          =  False             #-- don't draw contour lines
cfres.cnLineLabelsOn     =  False             #-- turn off contour line labels
cfres.lbOrientation      = "horizontal"
cfres.mpGridAndLimbOn           = False         # Turn off grid and limb lines.

pmres.gsMarkerSizeF =  0.0015
pmres.gsMarkerThicknessF = 0.1
pmres.gsMarkerOpacityF = 1

txres    = Ngl.Resources()
txres.txJust = "BottomCenter"
txres.txFontHeightF = 0.025

title = 'Time of emergegence of FWI>p95 frequency~C~1-sigma above all forcing '+str(pyear0[base_pp])+'-'+str(pyear1[base_pp]) 

diff_cyc, lon_cyc = Ngl.add_cyclic(toe_diff_median_masked,lon)
cfres.sfXArray = lon_cyc

cfres.tiMainString      = sf_list[ss]
plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks,diff_cyc,cfres)
pmres.gsMarkerColor = colors[np.int(ncolors/4),:] 
pmres.gsMarkerIndex = 1
marker_all = Ngl.add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon_1d_all,lat_1d_all,pmres)
pmres.gsMarkerColor = colors[np.int(ncolors/4)*3,:] 
pmres.gsMarkerIndex = 1
marker_sf = Ngl.add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon_1d_sf,lat_1d_sf,pmres)

Пример #2
# Main code

# Open file and get variable. The lat/lon variables will be
# generated using fspan.  This data came from another dataset
# that had lat/lon on the file, but lat/lon was nothing more
# than equally-spaced values which we can regenerate exactly.
f = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(Ngl.pynglpath("data"), "cdf", "hgt.nc"), "r")

hgt = f.variables["HGT"][:, :, :]
lat = Ngl.fspan(-90, 90, 73)
lon = Ngl.fspan(0, 357.5, 144)

# Add a cyclic point in the longitude dimension.
hgt0, lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(hgt[0, :, :], lon)

# Start graphics.
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "spaghetti")
Ngl.define_colormap(wks, "default")  # Change color map.

mpres = Ngl.Resources()

mpres.nglDraw = False  # Do not draw until the end.
mpres.nglFrame = False  # Do not automatically advance frame.

# Set contour resources first, because we'll make a copy of them
    print("You can get the files from the NCL website at:")

minval = 250.  #-- minimum contour level
maxval = 315  #-- maximum contour level
inc = 5.  #-- contour level spacing

#-- open file and read variables
f = Nio.open_file(ffile, "r")  #-- open data file
temp = f.variables["tsurf"][0, :, :]  #-- first time step
lat = f.variables["lat"][:]  #-- all latitudes
lon = f.variables["lon"][:]  #-- all longitudes

tempac, lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(temp, lon)

#-- open a workstation
wkres = Ngl.Resources()  #-- generate an res object
wks_type = "png"  #-- output type
wks_name = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, wks_name, wkres)

#-- set resources
res = Ngl.Resources()  #-- generate an resource object for plot

if hasattr(f.variables["tsurf"], "long_name") and hasattr(
        f.variables["tsurf"], "units"):
    res.tiMainString = "{} ({})".format(
        f.variables["tsurf"].units)  #-- set main title
Пример #4
# Add a text string explaining the lines.
text_res                   = Ngl.Resources()      # text resources
text_res.txFontHeightF     = 0.03                 # font height
text_res.txFontColor       = "Red"

Ngl.text_ndc(wks,"dashed red line shows area with no data",0.5,0.17,text_res)

Ngl.frame(wks)                                    # Now advance frame.

# Add cyclic points.  Since lat2d/lon2d are 2D arrays, make them
# cyclic the same way you do the 2D data array.
u   = Ngl.add_cyclic(urot)
v   = Ngl.add_cyclic(vrot)
lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(lon2d)
lat = Ngl.add_cyclic(lat2d)

# Specify new coordinate arrays for data.
resources.vfXArray     = lon
resources.vfYArray     = lat

resources.tiMainString = "Streamline plot with cyclic point added"

plot = Ngl.streamline_map(wks,u,v,resources) 

Пример #5
pres.nglPanelLabelBar = True #False
pres.nglPanelTop      = 0.88

res.cnMinLevelValF     = 1996             #-- contour min. value
res.cnMaxLevelValF     = 2080          #-- contour max. value
res.cnLevelSpacingF    =  4             #-- contour interval

colors00 = Ngl.read_colormap_file("MPL_YlOrRd")
ncolors00= colors00.shape[0]
colors0 = colors00[np.linspace(2,ncolors00-1,int((res.cnMaxLevelValF-res.cnMinLevelValF)/res.cnLevelSpacingF),dtype=int),:]
grey_color = np.expand_dims(np.array([0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1]), axis=0)
colors = np.append(grey_color,colors0[::-1,:],axis=0)

res.cnFillPalette      = colors #BlWhRe' #'MPL_YlOrRd'         #-- choose color map

plot = []
title = 'Time of Emergence ~C~1 standard deviation ~C~ FWI > p95 Frequency'

toe_cyc, lon_cyc = Ngl.add_cyclic(toe_all_ens_agree_masked,lon)
res.sfXArray = lon_cyc

res.tiMainString = 'all forcing' 
p = Ngl.contour_map(wks,toe_cyc,res)


Пример #6
  print("You do not have the necessary file (%s) to run this example." % (diri+fname))
  print("You can get the files from the NCL website at:")

minval =  250.                                 #-- minimum contour level
maxval =  315                                  #-- maximum contour level
inc    =    5.                                 #-- contour level spacing

#-- open file and read variables
f      =  Nio.open_file(diri + fname,"r")      #-- open data file
temp   =  f.variables["tsurf"][0,:,:]          #-- first time step
lat    =  f.variables["lat"][:]                #-- all latitudes
lon    =  f.variables["lon"][:]                #-- all longitudes

tempac,lon =  Ngl.add_cyclic(temp,lon)

#-- open a workstation
wks_type               = "png"                 #-- graphics output type
wkres                  =  Ngl.Resources()      #-- generate an res object 
                                               #-- for workstation
wkres.wkWidth          =  2500                 #-- plot res 2500 pixel width
wkres.wkHeight         =  2500                 #-- plot resolution 2500 
wks                    =  Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"plot_contour_ngl",wkres)  #-- open workstation

#-- set resources
res                    =  Ngl.Resources()      #-- generate an resource object for plot

if hasattr(f.variables["tsurf"],"long_name"):
   res.tiMainString = f.variables["tsurf"].long_name  #-- set main title
Пример #7
filea = "ice5g_21k_1deg.nc"
fileb = "sstanom.robinsonproj.nc"

a = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(dirc,"cdf",filea))
b = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(dirc,"cdf",fileb))

topo = a.variables["Topo"][:,:]
Lat  = a.variables["Lat"][:]
Lon  = a.variables["Lon"][:]
icem = a.variables["Icemask"][:,:]

# Keep topo where icem.eq.1
topo = numpy.ma.where(icem == 1, topo,1e20)

# Add longitude cyclic point
topo,Lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(topo,Lon)

sst       = b.variables["SST"][:,:]
lat       = b.variables["lat"][:]
lon       = b.variables["lon"][:]
sst,lon   = Ngl.add_cyclic(sst,lon)

# Start the graphics
wks_type = "ps"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"multi_plot")

Пример #8
if (not os.path.exists(diri + fname)):
    print("You do not have the necessary file (%s) to run this example." %
          (diri + fname))
    print("You can get the files from the NCL website at:")

#--  open file and read variables
f = Nio.open_file(diri + fname, "r")  #-- open data file
t = f.variables["t"]  #-- get whole "t" variable
t26 = t[0, :, 26, :]  #-- variable at lat index 26
lev = f.variables["lev"][:] * 0.01  #-- all levels, convert to hPa
lat = f.variables["lat"][:]  #-- reverse latitudes
lon = f.variables["lon"][:]  #-- all longitudes

t26, lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(t26, lon)

strlat26 = lat[26]  #-- retrieve data of lat index 26

#-- get the minimum and maximum of the data
minval = int(np.amin(t[:]))  #-- minimum value
maxval = int(np.amax(t[:]))  #-- maximum value
inc = 5  #-- contour level spacing

#-- values on which to place tickmarks on X and Y axis
lons = np.arange(-180, 240, 60)
levs = [1000, 700, 500, 400, 300, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 10]

wks = Ngl.open_wks("png", "plot_rectilinear_slice_ngl")
#-- open workstation
#-- set resources
#-- define variables
diri = "$HOME/NCL/general/data/new_data/"  #-- data directory
fname = "rectilinear_grid_2D.nc"  #-- data file name

minval = 250.  #-- minimum contour level
maxval = 315  #-- maximum contour level
inc = 5.  #-- contour level spacing
ncn = (maxval - minval) / inc + 1  #-- number of contour levels.

#-- open file and read variables
f = Nio.open_file(diri + fname, "r")  #-- open data file
temp = f.variables["tsurf"][0, ::-1, :]  #-- first time step, reverse latitude
lat = f.variables["lat"][::-1]  #-- reverse latitudes
lon = f.variables["lon"][:]  #-- all longitudes

tempac = Ngl.add_cyclic(temp[:, :])

#-- open a workstation
wkres = Ngl.Resources()  #-- generate an res object for workstation
wkres.wkColorMap = "rainbow"  #-- choose colormap
wks_type = "x11"  #-- graphics output type
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "plot_contour_PyNGL", wkres)  #-- open workstation

#-- set resources
res = Ngl.Resources()  #-- generate an resource object for plot

if hasattr(f.variables["tsurf"], "long_name"):
    res.tiMainString = f.variables["tsurf"].long_name  #-- set main title

res.vpXF = 0.1  #-- start x-position of viewport
res.vpYF = 0.9  #-- start y-position of viewport
Пример #10
colors00 = Ngl.read_colormap_file("MPL_RdBu")
ncolors00 = colors00.shape[0]
colors0 = colors00[np.linspace(2,
                               ncolors00 - 1,
                               int((res.cnMaxLevelValF - res.cnMinLevelValF) /
                               dtype=int), :]
grey_color = np.expand_dims(np.array([0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1]), axis=0)
colors = np.append(grey_color, colors0[::-1, :], axis=0)

res.cnFillPalette = colors  #'BlWhRe' #'MPL_YlOrRd'         #-- choose color map
plot = []
title = 'CESM all forcing vs all forcing without ' + sf + ' effect ~C~FWI >= p' + str(
    pxx) + ' risk ratio'
for pp in range(5, nperiods, 1):
    for vv in range(0, n_vars, 1):
        print('period ' + str(pp + 1))
        #  res.tiMainString = var[vv]+' '+str(pyear0[pp])+'-'+str(pyear1[pp])
        res.tiMainString = ''
        riskratio_cyc, lon_cyc = Ngl.add_cyclic(
            riskratio_ens_agree_masked[vv, pp, :, :], lon)
        res.sfXArray = lon_cyc
        p = Ngl.contour_map(wks, riskratio_cyc, res)

Ngl.panel(wks, plot, [n_vars, 1], pres)

Пример #11
def ngl_plot(wks,data2d,lon,lat,title,longname,units,
    if os.path.isfile(scrip_file):
        infile = Nio.open_file(scrip_file,"r")
        clat  = infile.variables["grid_corner_lat"][:,:]
        clon  = infile.variables["grid_corner_lon"][:,:]
        if clon.shape[0] == len(lat):
    res = Ngl.Resources()

    if cmap!=None:
        res.cnFillPalette   = cmap
    if len(clev)==1:
        res.cnLevelSelectionMode  = "AutomaticLevels"
        res.cnMaxLevelCount = clev[0]
        res.cnLevelSelectionMode  = "ManualLevels"

# defaults. some projection options might change:
    res.cnFillOn              = True           # Turn on contour fill.
    res.cnLinesOn             = False          # Turn off contour lines
    res.cnLineLabelsOn        = False          # Turn off line labels.
    res.cnInfoLabelOn         = False          # Turn off info label.

    res.mpOutlineOn          = True
    res.mpFillOn             = False
    res.mpGridAndLimbOn      = False    # dont draw grid lines
    #res.mpShapeMode          = "FreeAspect"

    if projection == "latlon" :
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "MaximalArea"
        #    res.mpMinLatF = -90.
        #    res.mpMaxLatF = 90.
        #    res.mpMinLonF = -180.
        #    res.mpMaxLonF = 180.
    elif projection == "US1":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpMinLatF = -30
        res.mpMaxLatF = 75
        res.mpMinLonF = -180
        res.mpMaxLonF =  0
    elif projection == "andes":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpMinLatF = -40.
        res.mpMaxLatF = 15.
        res.mpMinLonF = -100.
        res.mpMaxLonF =  -40.
    elif projection == "andes2":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpMinLatF = -17.
        res.mpMaxLatF =  3.
        res.mpMinLonF = -85.
        res.mpMaxLonF =  -65.
    elif projection == "himalaya":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpMinLatF = 0.
        res.mpMaxLatF = 60.
        res.mpMinLonF = 50.
        res.mpMaxLonF = 110.
    elif projection == "oro":
        res.mpProjection      = "Orthographic"   
        res.mpCenterLatF      =  45.
        res.mpCenterLonF      = -45.
    elif projection == "oro-debug1":
        res.mpProjection      = "Orthographic"   
    elif projection == "debug1":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpMinLatF = 30.
        res.mpMaxLatF = 50.
        res.mpMinLonF = 85.
        res.mpMaxLonF = 105.
    elif projection == "debug2":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpMinLatF = -10.
        res.mpMaxLatF = 75.
        res.mpMinLonF = 45.
        res.mpMaxLonF = 175.
    elif projection == "baroclinic":
        res.mpProjection = "CylindricalEquidistant"
        res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        res.mpCenterLonF         = 100.
        res.mpMinLatF = 25.
        res.mpMaxLatF = 75.
        res.mpMinLonF = 25.
        res.mpMaxLonF = 175.
        res.cnLinesOn             = True          # Turn off contour lines
        res.mpOutlineOn          = False
        print("Bad projection argument: ",projection)

    res.nglFrame = False # Don't advance frame.
    #res.tiXAxisString = "~F25~longitude"
    #res.tiYAxisString = "~F25~latitude"
    res.nglPointTickmarksOutward = True

    if cellbounds:
        res.cnFillMode = 'CellFill'
        res.sfXCellBounds = clon
        res.sfYCellBounds = clat
        #res.cnFillMode            = "AreaFill"
        res.cnFillMode            = "RasterFill"
        res.cnRasterSmoothingOn = True
        res.sfXArray = lon[:]
        res.sfYArray = lat[:]

    #res.sfCopyData = False
#    "not a valid resource in contour at this time...       
#    if wks_type == "pdf":
#        res.gsnMaximize           = True        
#        res.gsnPaperOrientation   = "portrait"

    res.lbLabelAutoStride   = True         # Clean up labelbar labels.
    #res.lbAutoManage = True
    #res.lbLabelStride       = 10
    res.lbBoxLinesOn        = False        # Turn of labelbar box lines.
    res.lbOrientation       = "horizontal"

    res.tiMainString = title
    print("Title: ",res.tiMainString)

    print("data min/max=",numpy.amin(data2d),numpy.amax(data2d))        
    if res.cnLevelSelectionMode == "ManualLevels":
        print("contour levels: manual [",res.cnMinLevelValF,",",\
              res.cnMaxLevelValF,"] spacing=",res.cnLevelSpacingF)
        print("number of contour levels:",nlevels)
        print("contour levels: auto. number of levels:",res.cnMaxLevelCount)

    if nlevels>20:
        res.lbLabelStride       = nlevels/8

    # for lat/lon plots, add cyclic point:
    if hasattr(res,"sfXArray"):
        if len(res.sfXArray)*len(res.sfYArray) == numpy.prod(data2d.shape):
            print("NGL structured data plot.  Adding cyclic point")
            data2d,lon2= Ngl.add_cyclic(data2d[:,:],res.sfXArray[:])
            print("NGL unstructered plot with internal triangulation")
    elif hasattr(res,"sfXCellBounds"):
        print("NGL unstructered plot with cell bounds")
        print("Error with resource coordinate data")
    # plot:
    map = Ngl.contour_map(wks,data2d,res2)
    print("Contour done.")
    del res2
    #-- write variable long_name and units to the plot
    txres = Ngl.Resources()
    txres.txFontHeightF = 0.016
    Ngl.text_ndc(wks,units, 0.95,0.82,txres)
    del txres
    Ngl.frame(wks)       # advance frame
    return map
Пример #12
#  Send graphics to PNG
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "vector_pop")

#  Get the u/v and lat/lon variables.
urot = file.variables["urot"]
vrot = file.variables["vrot"]
lat2d = file.variables["lat2d"]
lon2d = file.variables["lon2d"]
t = file.variables["t"]

u = Ngl.add_cyclic(urot[290:])
v = Ngl.add_cyclic(vrot[290:])
lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(lon2d[290:])
lat = Ngl.add_cyclic(lat2d[290:])
temp = Ngl.add_cyclic(t[290:])

# Set up resource list.
# First we're going to draw a contour plot with the grid cells outlined
# so you can see what the POP grid looks like.
cnres = Ngl.Resources()

cnres.nglFrame = False
Пример #13
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"ngl11p")

dirc     = Ngl.pynglpath("data")
data     = Ngl.asciiread(os.path.join(dirc,

pressure  = data[:,0]    # First column of data is pressure (mb).
height    = data[:,1]    # Second column is height (km).
u         = data[:,2:14] # Rest of columns are climatological zonal winds
                           # (u: m/s)
unew = Ngl.add_cyclic(u)  # Add cyclic points to u.

#----------- Begin first plot -----------------------------------------

resources = Ngl.Resources()

resources.tiMainString   = "~F26~Cocos Island"   # Main title.
resources.tiYAxisString  = "~F25~Pressure (mb)"  # Y axes label.

resources.sfYCStartV = float(max(pressure))   # Indicate start and end of left
resources.sfYCEndV   = float(min(pressure))   # Y axes values.

resources.trYReverse  = True    # Reverse the Y values.
resources.trYLog      = True    # Use log scale.

resources.tmXBMode      = "Explicit"   # Define your own tick mark labels.
Пример #14
                FileMA['QFLX'] / rhow)  # convert from m/s to mm/day
            varN = 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * np.squeeze(
                FileNA['QFLX'] / rhow)
    elif var in ["SHFLX"]:
        a1, a2, adiff = -30, 30.0, 6.0
        b1, b2, bdiff = -10.0, 10.0, 2.0
        varM = np.squeeze(FileMA[var])  # convert from m/s to mm/day
        varN = np.squeeze(FileNA[var])

    lons = FileMA['lon'].values
    lats = FileMA['lat'].values

    varM = np.where(np.isnan(varM), -9999, varM)
    varN = np.where(np.isnan(varN), -9999, varN)

    varM, lons = Ngl.add_cyclic(varM, lons)
    varN = Ngl.add_cyclic(varN)

elif var in ["PRECTZM"]:
    varM = 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * np.squeeze(
        FileMA['PRECT'].mean(dim='lon'))  # convert from m/s to mm/day
    varN = 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0 * np.squeeze(
    lats = FileMA['lat'].values

elif var == "FSNSC":
    a1, a2, adiff = 50, 400, 35
    b1, b2, bdiff = 0.0, 10.0, 5.0
    varM = np.squeeze(FileMA['FSNSC'])

    landfrac = np.squeeze(FileMA['LANDFRAC'])
Пример #15
import Nio
import numpy
import os






resource.mpProjection          = "Stereographic"
resource.mpEllipticalBoundary  = True
Пример #16
filea = "ice5g_21k_1deg.nc"
fileb = "sstanom.robinsonproj.nc"

a = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(dirc, "cdf", filea))
b = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(dirc, "cdf", fileb))

topo = a.variables["Topo"][:, :]
Lat = a.variables["Lat"][:]
Lon = a.variables["Lon"][:]
icem = a.variables["Icemask"][:, :]

# Keep topo where icem.eq.1
topo = numpy.ma.where(icem == 1, topo, 1e20)

# Add longitude cyclic point
topo, Lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(topo, Lon)

sst = b.variables["SST"][:, :]
lat = b.variables["lat"][:]
lon = b.variables["lon"][:]
sst, lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(sst, lon)

# Start the graphics
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "multi_plot")
Ngl.merge_colormaps(wks, "BlWhRe", "default")

print("Beginning bar chart section")
Пример #17
#---Test if file exists
if(not os.path.exists(diri+fname)):
  print("You do not have the necessary file (%s) to run this example." % (diri+fname))
  print("You can get the files from the NCL website at:")

#--  open file and read variables
f      =  Nio.open_file(diri + fname,"r") #-- open data file
t      =  f.variables["t"]                #-- get whole "t" variable
t26    =  t[0,:,26,:]                     #-- variable at lat index 26
lev    =  f.variables["lev"][:]*0.01      #-- all levels, convert to hPa
lat    =  f.variables["lat"][:]           #-- reverse latitudes
lon    =  f.variables["lon"][:]           #-- all longitudes

t26,lon = Ngl.add_cyclic(t26,lon)

strlat26 = lat[26]                        #-- retrieve data of lat index 26

#-- get the minimum and maximum of the data
minval =  int(np.amin(t[:]))           #-- minimum value
maxval =  int(np.amax(t[:]))           #-- maximum value
inc    =  5                            #-- contour level spacing

#-- values on which to place tickmarks on X and Y axis
lons = np.arange(-180,240,60)
levs = [1000,700,500,400,300,200,150,100,70,50,30,10]

wks =  Ngl.open_wks("png","plot_rectilinear_slice_ngl")
                                          #-- open workstation
#-- set resources
Пример #18
    res = Ngl.Resources()
    res.lbLabelBarOn = False
    # Filled contour/labels/labelinfos
    res.cnLinesOn = False
    res.cnFillOn = True
    res.cnLineLabelsOn = False
    res.cnInfoLabelOn = False
    res.mpGridAndLimbOn = False
    #anotherway to define colormap (overlay the predefined color map)
    # cmap = Ngl.read_colormap_file("WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed")
    #Level selection
    # res.lbBoxLinesOn  = False
    res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"  # Set explicit contour levels
    res.cnLevels = np.arange(1e-5, 8.e-4, 4e-5)  # 0,5,10,...,70
    # maximize the plot
    res.nglMaximize = True
    res.nglFrame = False
    # coordinate settings
    NewTracerPlot, LonPlot = Ngl.add_cyclic(NewTracer_AI_Low[it, lev, :, :],
    res.sfXArray = LonPlot
    res.sfYArray = lat_low[:]
    res.vpWidthF = 1
    res.vpHeightF = 0.5
    Ngl.contour_map(wks, NewTracerPlot, res)

    # Ngl.Draw(wks)
Пример #19
cmap = numpy.zeros((2,3),'f')
cmap[0] = [1.,1.,1.]
cmap[1] = [0.,0.,0.]
rlist = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.wkColorMap = cmap
wks_type = "ps"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"ngl11p",rlist)

dirc     = Ngl.pynglpath("data")
data     = Ngl.asciiread(dirc+"/asc/u.cocos",(39,14),"float")

pressure  = data[:,0]    # First column of data is pressure (mb).
height    = data[:,1]    # Second column is height (km).
u         = data[:,2:14] # Rest of columns are climatological zonal winds
                           # (u: m/s)
unew = Ngl.add_cyclic(u)  # Add cyclic points to u.

#----------- Begin first plot -----------------------------------------

resources = Ngl.Resources()

resources.tiMainString   = "~F26~Cocos Island"   # Main title.
resources.tiYAxisString  = "~F25~Pressure (mb)"  # Y axes label.

resources.sfYCStartV = float(max(pressure))   # Indicate start and end of left
resources.sfYCEndV   = float(min(pressure))   # Y axes values.

resources.trYReverse  = True    # Reverse the Y values.
resources.trYLog      = True    # Use log scale.

resources.tmXBMode      = "Explicit"   # Define your own tick mark labels.
Пример #20
    maxval[k] = int(np.amax(temp[k]))
    i = i + 1

wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "U_winter")

res = set_common_resources()

# set resource for the base plot
bres = set_common_resources()
bres.mpFillOn = False
bres.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.018
bres.cnFillOpacityF = 0.5

# for 850 hPa in spring
U_850, lonnew = Ngl.add_cyclic(temp["winter"][0, 0, 2, :, :], lons[:])
bres.tiMainString = "DJF Mean U Wind (m/s) at 850 hPa from 1979 to 2009"

bres.sfXArray = lonnew[:]
bres.sfYArray = lats[:]
bres.cnMinLevelValF = minval["winter"]
bres.cnMaxLevelValF = maxval["winter"]
bres.cnLevelSpacingF = 3

plot1 = Ngl.contour_map(wks, U_850, bres)

#for 500 hPa
U_500, lonnew = Ngl.add_cyclic(temp["winter"][0, 0, 5, :, :], lons[:])
bres.tiMainString = "DJF Mean U Wind (m/s) at 500 hPa from 1979 to 2009"
bres.cnLevelSpacingF = 3
plot2 = Ngl.contour_map(wks, U_500, bres)
Пример #21
         [0.50,0.00,1.00], [1.00,0.50,0.00], [0.00,0.50,1.00], \
         [0.50,1.00,0.00], [0.50,0.00,0.50], [0.50,1.00,0.50], \
         [1.00,0.50,1.00], [0.00,0.50,0.00], [0.50,0.50,1.00], \
         [1.00,0.00,0.50], [0.50,0.50,0.00], [0.00,0.50,0.50], \
         [1.00,0.50,0.50], [0.00,1.00,0.50], [0.50,0.50,0.50], \
         [0.625,0.625,0.625] ],dtype=float)

rlist = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.wkColorMap = cmap
wks_type = "ps"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"ngl09p",rlist) # Open a workstation.

resources = Ngl.Resources()
resources.sfMissingValueV = fill_value

icemonnew,hlonnew = Ngl.add_cyclic(icemon[0:nsub+1,:],hlon[:])
resources.sfXArray = hlonnew   # Necessary for overlay on a map.
resources.sfYArray = hlat[0:nsub+1]
resources.nglSpreadColors = False    # Do not interpolate color space.

resources.tiMainString = "CSM Y00-99 Mean Ice Fraction Month =" + str(month)

resources.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Never"

map = Ngl.contour_map(wks,icemonnew,resources) # Draw a contour
                                               # over a map.

nmos = 12    # Specify the number of months in the loop (max 120).
for nmo in range(1,nmos): 
  month  = nmo+1
  for i in xrange(fice_masked.shape[0]):
#-- define variables
diri   = "$HOME/NCL/general/data/new_data/"    #-- data directory
fname  = "rectilinear_grid_2D.nc"              #-- data file name

minval =  250.                                 #-- minimum contour level
maxval =  315                                  #-- maximum contour level
inc    =    5.                                 #-- contour level spacing
ncn    = (maxval-minval)/inc + 1               #-- number of contour levels.

#-- open file and read variables
f      =  Nio.open_file(diri + fname,"r")      #-- open data file
temp   =  f.variables["tsurf"][0,::-1,:]       #-- first time step, reverse latitude
lat    =  f.variables["lat"][::-1]             #-- reverse latitudes
lon    =  f.variables["lon"][:]                #-- all longitudes

tempac =  Ngl.add_cyclic(temp[:,:])

#-- open a workstation
wkres                  =  Ngl.Resources()      #-- generate an res object for workstation
wkres.wkColorMap       = "rainbow"             #-- choose colormap
wks_type               = "x11"                 #-- graphics output type
wks                    =  Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"plot_contour_PyNGL",wkres)  #-- open workstation

#-- set resources
res                    =  Ngl.Resources()      #-- generate an resource object for plot

if hasattr(f.variables["tsurf"],"long_name"):
   res.tiMainString = f.variables["tsurf"].long_name  #-- set main title

res.vpXF                  =  0.1               #-- start x-position of viewport
res.vpYF                  =  0.9               #-- start y-position of viewport
Пример #23
rlist            = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.wkColorMap = ["White","Black","Tan1","SkyBlue","Red"]
wks_type = "ps"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"vector_pop",rlist)

#  Get the u/v and lat/lon variables.
urot  = file.variables["urot"]
vrot  = file.variables["vrot"]
lat2d = file.variables["lat2d"]
lon2d = file.variables["lon2d"]
t     = file.variables["t"]

u    = Ngl.add_cyclic(urot[290:])
v    = Ngl.add_cyclic(vrot[290:])
lon  = Ngl.add_cyclic(lon2d[290:])
lat  = Ngl.add_cyclic(lat2d[290:])
temp = Ngl.add_cyclic(t[290:])

# Set up resource list.
# First we're going to draw a contour plot with the grid cells outlined
# so you can see what the POP grid looks like.
cnres = Ngl.Resources()

cnres.nglFrame               = False
Пример #24
nsub = 16 # Subscript location of northernmost hlat to be plotted.

cmap = numpy.array([                                           \
         [1.00,1.00,0.50], [0.00,0.00,0.50], [0.50,1.00,1.00], \
         [0.50,0.00,0.00], [1.00,0.00,1.00], [0.00,1.00,1.00], \
         [1.00,1.00,0.00], [0.00,0.00,1.00], [0.00,1.00,0.00], \
         [1.00,0.00,0.00] ],dtype=float)

wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"ngl09p")

resources = Ngl.Resources()

# Add a longitude cyclic point
icemonnew,hlonnew = Ngl.add_cyclic(icemon[0:nsub+1,:],hlon[:])

resources.sfMissingValueV = fill_value
resources.cnFillPalette   = cmap
resources.sfXArray        = hlonnew   # Necessary for overlay on a map.
resources.sfYArray        = hlat[0:nsub+1]
resources.tiMainString    = "CSM Y00-99 Mean Ice Fraction Month =" + str(month)

resources.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Never"

map = Ngl.contour_map(wks,icemonnew,resources) # Draw a contour
                                               # over a map.

nmos = 12    # Specify the number of months in the loop (max 120).
for nmo in range(1,nmos): 
  month  = nmo+1