Пример #1
def _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, x, y, angle, res):
    ''' Plots a single arrow head onto the a trajectory plot

    pgon = _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, x, y, angle, res)

    wks :              The identifier returned from calling Ngl.open_wks.

    x,y :              The X and Y coordinates of the arrow heads centre.

    xMarker, yMarker : X and Y coordinates in data coordinates of the marker

    angle:             angle relative to the x axis of the marker

    res:               Resource list using following special resources:

    Special resources:

    trjArrowDirection : can be 'pos' or 'neg' to select direction of the arrows

    trjArrowXShapeF   : Array containing the x coordinates of the arrow head
relative to the heads centre.

    trjArrowYShapeF   : Array containing the y  coordinates of the arrow head
relative to the heads centre.

    # get plot centre in data coordinates
    xMid, yMid = [(ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MaxF")
                   + ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MinF")) / 2.
                          for ax in "XY"]

    # rotate arrow
    if res.trjArrowDirection == "neg":
        angle = angle - np.pi

    xMarker = copy.deepcopy(res.trjArrowXShapeF)
    yMarker = copy.deepcopy(res.trjArrowYShapeF)

    # scale marker
    xMarker = xMarker * res.trjArrowXScaleF * res.trjArrowSizeF + xMid
    yMarker = yMarker * res.trjArrowYScaleF * res.trjArrowSizeF + yMid

    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = ngl.datatondc(plot, xMarker, yMarker)

    # move centre of mass to origin
    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = [xMarker_ndc - np.mean(xMarker_ndc),
                                yMarker_ndc - np.mean(yMarker_ndc)]
    # rotate marker
    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = [
                    np.cos(angle) * xMarker_ndc - np.sin(angle) * yMarker_ndc,
                    np.sin(angle) * xMarker_ndc + np.cos(angle) * yMarker_ndc]

    # shift to final position
    xOffset_ndc, yOffset_ndc = ngl.datatondc(plot, x, y)
    xMarker_ndc += xOffset_ndc
    yMarker_ndc += yOffset_ndc

    # convert back to coordinates
    xMarker, yMarker = ngl.ndctodata(plot, xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc)

    # filter attributes from res
    for attr in dir(res):
        if not attr[0:2] in ["gs", "__"] or attr[0:3] == "gsn":
            delattr(res, attr)

    return ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, xMarker, yMarker, res)
Пример #2
npts = 400
x = Ngl.fspan(100., npts - 1, npts)
y = 500. + x * numpy.sin(0.031415926535898 * x)

wks = Ngl.open_wks("ps", "datandc")

xy = Ngl.xy(wks, x, y)

# Test with all in-range values and no missing values present.
x_dat = x
y_dat = numpy.absolute(y)

x_ndc, y_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(xy, x_dat, y_dat)
x_dat2, y_dat2 = Ngl.ndctodata(xy, x_ndc, y_ndc)


test_values("no oor or msg data: datatondc/ndctodata",
test_values("no oor or msg data: datatondc/ndctodata",
Пример #3
#  Then draw markers.
gsres = Ngl.Resources()
gsres.gsMarkerColor = "Blue"
gsres.gsMarkerIndex = 16
gsres.gsMarkerSizeF = 17.0
Ngl.polymarker_ndc(wks, x_out[::8], y_out[::8], gsres)

gsres.gsMarkerColor = "Red"
gsres.gsMarkerIndex = 12
gsres.gsMarkerSizeF = 22.0
Ngl.polymarker_ndc(wks, x_out[4::8], y_out[4::8], gsres)


#  Show that datatondc and ndctodata are inverse functions by
#  converting a data point to NDC and then converting that point
#  back to data space.
x_ndc, y_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(xy, 100., 600.)
x_dat, y_dat = Ngl.ndctodata(xy, x_ndc, y_ndc)
#  Optional print.
#  print("Original data:    (100.0000, 600.0000)  \nNDC:              (%06.4f, %06.4f)  \nBack to original: (%6.4f, %6.4f)" % (x_ndc,y_ndc,x_dat,y_dat))
