Пример #1
def cn_line_thickness(plot, val=0., factor=2.):
    ''' Increases the thickness of contour lines corresponding to a list of

    cn_line_thickness(contour, val=0., factor=2.)

    plot : plot Id of the plot to modify

    val : scalar or list of values, which contour lines should be modified.

    factor : scaling factor for line thickness
    cnLevels = ngl.get_float_array(plot, "cnLevels")
    cnLineThicknesses = ngl.get_float_array(plot, "cnLineThicknesses")

        (v for v in val)
    except TypeError:
        val = [val]

    for i, thickness in enumerate(cnLineThicknesses[:]):
        if cnLevels[i] in val:
            cnLineThicknesses[i] = thickness * factor

    rlist = {"cnMonoLineThickness": False,
             "cnLineThicknesses": cnLineThicknesses}
    _set_values(plot, rlist)
Пример #2
def tm_lat_lon_labels(plot, ax="XB", direction=None, fmt="%d"):
    '''Add degree symbols to the tickmark labels of one axis of a plot. This
    function has to be called for each axis, that should get degree tickmark

    tm_lat_lon_labels(plot, ax="XB", direction="zonal")

    plot : plot Id of the plot to modify

    ax : one of "XB", "XT", "YL", "YR". Specifies the axis to work on.

    direction : String that starts with either "z" or "m", to indicate the
    direction of the axis (zonal or meridional). If omitted, a x-axis will be
    assumed to be zonal. If the string starts with any other character, there
    will be no hemisperic lables added, i.e N, S, W or E.

    fmt : format string of the number
    def do_nothing(x):
        return x
    func_code = ngl.get_string(plot, "tm" + ax + "LabelFuncCode")
    fmt_s = func_code.join([fmt, "S", "o", "N", ""])
    if not direction:
        if ax[0].lower() == "x":
            direction = "zonal"
            direction = "meridional"
    if direction[0].lower() == "z":
        hem_label = ("W", "E")
        func = abs
    elif direction[0].lower() == "m":
        hem_label = ("S", "N")
        func = abs
        hem_label = ("", "")
        func = do_nothing

    tm_values = ngl.get_float_array(plot, "tm" + ax + "Values")
    mtm_values = ngl.get_float_array(plot, "tm" + ax + "MinorValues")

    labels = [fmt_s % func(val) + hem_label[0] if val < 0.
              else fmt_s % func(val) + hem_label[1] for val in tm_values]

    rlist = {"tm" + ax + "Mode": "Explicit",
             "tm" + ax + "Values": tm_values,
             "tm" + ax + "MinorValues": mtm_values,
             "tm" + ax + "Labels": labels}
    _set_values(plot, rlist)
Пример #3
def add_axis(wks, plot, ax="XB", offset=0., res=None):
    val_ax = ("XT", "XB", "YL", "YR")
    if not res:
        res = {}
        res = _resource2dict(res)
    resp = {}
    keys = ["vpXF", "vpYF", "vpWidthF", "vpHeightF", "trXMinF", "trXMaxF",
            "trYMinF", "trYMaxF"]
    for a in val_ax:
        for k in ("LabelFontHeight", "MajorOutwardLength",
            keys.append("tm{}{}F".format(a, k))
    for k in keys:
        resp[k] = ngl.get_float(plot, k)
    for k in ("tm" + a + k for a in val_ax for k in ("Values", "MinorValues")):
        resp[k] = ngl.get_float_array(plot, k)
    for k in ("tm{}MinorPerMajor".format(a) for a in val_ax):
        resp[k] = ngl.get_integer(plot, k)
    for k in ("tm{}MinorOn".format(a) for a in val_ax):
        resp[k] = (ngl.get_integer(plot, k) == 1)
    for k in ("tm" + a + "Labels".format(a) for a in val_ax):
        resp[k] = ngl.get_string_array(plot, k)

    for a in ("XT", "XB", "YL", "YR"):
        resp["tm{}Mode".format(a)] = "Explicit"
        resp["tm{}On".format(a)] = (a == ax)
        resp["tm{}BorderOn".format(a)] = (a == ax)

    resp["nglDraw"] = False
    resp["nglFrame"] = False

    blank_plot = ngl.blank_plot(wks, _dict2Resource(resp))
    amres = {"amJust": "CenterCenter"}
    if ax[1].lower() in "lt":
        ampos_sig = -1.
        ampos_sig = 1.
    if ax[0].lower() == "x":
        amres["amOrthogonalPosF"] = ampos_sig * offset
        amres["amParallelPosF"] = ampos_sig * offset

    return ngl.add_annotation(plot, blank_plot, _dict2Resource(amres))
Пример #4
def cn_neg_dash_contours(plot, pattern=2):
    '''Changes the line dash pattern of the negative contour lines.

    cn_neg_dash_contours(plot, pattern=2)

    plot : plot Id of the plot to modify

    pattern : Pattern index. See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Images/dashpatterns.png
    for a list of available patterns.
    levels = ngl.get_float_array(plot, "cnLevels")

    patterns = np.zeros((len(levels)), 'i')
    patterns[:] = 0     # solid line
    for i in xrange(len(levels)):
        if (levels[i] < 0.):
            patterns[i] = pattern
    rlist = {"cnLineDashPatterns": patterns,
             "cnMonoLineDashPattern": False}
    _set_values(plot, rlist)
Пример #5
def neg_dash_contours(contour):

# Retrieve the contour levels used.
  levels = Ngl.get_float_array(contour,"cnLevels")

# Create an array to hold the line dash patterns.
  patterns = numpy.zeros((len(levels)),'i')
  patterns[:] = 0     # solid line
# Make contour lines above 0 dashed.
  for i in xrange(len(levels)):
    if (levels[i] > 0.):
      patterns[i] = 2

  rlist                       = Ngl.Resources()
  rlist.cnLineDashPatterns    = patterns
  rlist.cnMonoLineDashPattern = False
Пример #6
def neg_dash_contours(contour):

# Retrieve the contour levels used.
  levels = Ngl.get_float_array(contour,"cnLevels")

# Create an array to hold the line dash patterns.
  patterns = numpy.zeros((len(levels)),'i')
  patterns[:] = 0     # solid line
# Make contour lines above 0 dashed.
  for i in xrange(len(levels)):
    if (levels[i] > 0.):
      patterns[i] = 2

  rlist                       = Ngl.Resources()
  rlist.cnLineDashPatterns    = patterns
  rlist.cnMonoLineDashPattern = False
Пример #7
res.sfYCellBounds        =  vlat                   #-- needed if set cnFillMode = "CellFill"

res.tiMainString         = "ICON grid - raster fill"
res.tiMainOffsetYF       =  0.03                   #-- move main title towards plot

#-- create the contour plot to retrieve levels and colors
plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks,var,res)


#========== second plot ============

#-- retrieve the colors and levels from contour plot
levels   =  list(Ngl.get_float_array(plot.contour,"cnLevels"))
labels   =  list(Ngl.get_string_array(plot.contour,"cnLevels"))
nlevels  =  len(levels)

#-- define colormap (RGB value range 0-255)
colormap255 = np.array([[  0,   0,   0], [255, 255, 255], [ 80, 255, 255], \
                        [ 27,  44,  98], [ 45, 102, 175], [ 66, 133, 196], \
                        [ 90, 166, 217], [119, 189, 230], [148, 211, 243], \
                        [215, 239, 249], [237, 248, 252], [255, 255, 255], \
                        [254, 248, 218], [253, 208, 107], [253, 167,  49], \
                        [247, 124,  43], [231,  75,  41], [203,  30,  38], \
                        [146,  21,  25]], int)

ncol     =  colormap255.shape[0]                     #-- number of colors
colormap =  np.array(colormap255)/255.               #-- convert to RGB value range 0.0-1.0
Пример #8
print("\n-----------printing some colormap values------------\n")
print("color index  5 (NavyBlue) = ", cmap[5, :])
print("color index 10 (Purple)   = ", cmap[10, :])
print("color index 15 (Gold)     = ", cmap[15, :])

# Retrieve some resource values of various types.
# Note that in order to retrieve some XY resources, like line colors,
# dash patterns, markers, etc, you need to use the "xydspec"
# attribute. This represents the DataSpec object which is created
# internally whenever an XY plot is created.
cmap_len = Ngl.get_integer(wks, "wkColorMapLen")
markers = Ngl.get_integer_array(xy.xydspec, "xyMarkers")
thicknesses = Ngl.get_float_array(xy.xydspec, "xyLineThicknesses")
line_mode = Ngl.get_string(xy.xydspec, "xyMarkLineMode")
style = Ngl.get_integer(xy, "xyYStyle")

print("\n-----------printing some resource values------------\n")
print("color map len  = ", cmap_len, " (should be 23)")
print("markers        = ", markers, " (should be [11 12 15 16])")
print("thicknesses    = ", thicknesses, " should be ([3. 4. 5. 6.])")
print("mark/line mode = ", line_mode, " (should be 'MarkLines')")
print("style          = ", style, " (should be 1)")

# Here's another way to retrieve the color map.
del cmap
cmap = Ngl.get_MDfloat_array(wks, "wkColorMap")
Пример #9
resources.cnFillOn          = True  # Turn on contour level fill.
resources.cnMonoFillColor   = True  # Use one fill color.
resources.cnMonoFillPattern = False # Use multiple fill patterns.

resources.cnLineLabelAngleF = 0. # Draw contour line labels right-side up.
resources.cnLevelSpacingF   = 1.0

resources.nglDraw  = False  # Don't draw the plot or advance the
resources.nglFrame = False  # frame in the call to Ngl.contour.

resources.nglMaximize = False
resources.pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Never"    # Turn off label bar.
contour = Ngl.contour(wks, unew, resources)  # Create a contour plot.

levels = Ngl.get_float_array(contour,"cnLevels")

patterns = numpy.zeros((len(levels)+1),'i')
patterns[:] = -1

for i in xrange(len(levels)):
  if (levels[i] <= -6.):
    patterns[i] = 5
    if (levels[i] > 0.):
      patterns[i] = 17.
patterns[-1]  = 17 # last pattern

rlist = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.cnFillPatterns = patterns
rlist.cnFillScaleF = 0.8
Пример #10
resources.cnFillOn          = True  # Turn on contour level fill.
resources.cnMonoFillColor   = True  # Use one fill color.
resources.cnMonoFillPattern = False # Use multiple fill patterns.

resources.cnLineLabelAngleF = 0. # Draw contour line labels right-side up.
resources.cnLevelSpacingF   = 1.0

resources.nglDraw  = False  # Don't draw the plot or advance the
resources.nglFrame = False  # frame in the call to Ngl.contour.

resources.nglMaximize = False
resources.pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Never"    # Turn off label bar.
contour = Ngl.contour(wks, unew, resources)  # Create a contour plot.

levels = Ngl.get_float_array(contour,"cnLevels")

patterns = numpy.zeros((len(levels)+1),'i')
patterns[:] = -1

for i in xrange(len(levels)):
  if (levels[i] <= -6.):
    patterns[i] = 5
    if (levels[i] > 0.):
      patterns[i] = 17.
patterns[-1]  = 17 # last pattern

rlist = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.cnFillPatterns = patterns
rlist.cnFillScaleF = 0.8
Пример #11
print "\n-----------printing some colormap values------------\n"
print "color index  5 (NavyBlue) = ",cmap[5,:]
print "color index 10 (Purple)   = ",cmap[10,:]
print "color index 15 (Gold)     = ",cmap[15,:]

# Retrieve some resource values of various types.
# Note that in order to retrieve some XY resources, like line colors,
# dash patterns, markers, etc, you need to use the "xydspec" 
# attribute. This represents the DataSpec object which is created
# internally whenever an XY plot is created.
cmap_len    = Ngl.get_integer(wks,"wkColorMapLen")
markers     = Ngl.get_integer_array(xy.xydspec,"xyMarkers")
thicknesses = Ngl.get_float_array(xy.xydspec,"xyLineThicknesses")
line_mode   = Ngl.get_string(xy.xydspec,"xyMarkLineMode")
style       = Ngl.get_integer(xy,"xyYStyle")

print "\n-----------printing some resource values------------\n"
print "color map len  = ",cmap_len," (should be 23)"
print "markers        = ",markers," (should be [11 12 15 16])"
print "thicknesses    = ",thicknesses," should be ([3. 4. 5. 6.])"
print "mark/line mode = ",line_mode," (should be 'MarkLines')"
print "style          = ",style," (should be 1)"

# Here's another way to retrieve the color map.
del cmap
cmap = Ngl.get_MDfloat_array(wks,"wkColorMap")