Пример #1
config_file_name = "forecastio.config"

# warning: don't interrupt program using ctrl c, press enter instead to avoid file writing problems
def get_api_key():
    if os.path.isfile(config_file_name) and len(open("forecastio.config", "rb").read().splitlines()) > 0:
        return open("forecastio.config", "rb").read().splitlines()[0]
        raise Exception(
            "The configuration file '{0}' containing your API key is invalid or does not exist.".format(

d = DataUtility()
weather_config = d.read_json_file("weather-data-collection.json")

start_time = int(
        datetime.datetime.strptime(weather_config["meta"]["dateRange"]["start"], "%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000Z").timetuple()
end_time = int(
        datetime.datetime.strptime(weather_config["meta"]["dateRange"]["end"], "%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.000Z").timetuple()

start_lat = weather_config["meta"]["geographicRange"]["upperLeft"]["latitude"]
Пример #2
import json
from DataUtility import DataUtility

d = DataUtility()
weather_source = d.read_json_file('weather-data-collection.json')
weatherData = weather_source["data"]

temperatureData = []
windData = []
cloudCoverData = []
precipitationData = []

# goes through all Datapoints in the mixed weather-data-collection,
# splits the Data into the different weatherSources and finally writes
# them into different Data-Arrays
for index, entry in enumerate(weatherData):
	# not every entry has every key included. so every key is checked first
	keyTemperature = "temperature"
	if keyTemperature in entry:
		temperatureEntry = {'latitude':entry["latitude"],'longitude':entry["longitude"],'temperature':entry["temperature"],'timestamp':entry["time"],"children": []}
	keyWindSpeed = "windSpeed"
	keyWindBearing = "windBearing"
	if keyWindSpeed and keyWindBearing in entry:
		windEntry = {'latitude':entry["latitude"],'longitude':entry["longitude"],'speed':entry["windSpeed"],'direction':entry["windBearing"],'timestamp':entry["time"],"children": []}
	keyCloudCover = "cloudCover"
	if keyCloudCover in entry:
		cloudCoverEntry = {'latitude':entry["latitude"],'longitude':entry["longitude"],'cloudCover':entry["cloudCover"],'timestamp':entry["time"],"children": []}
Пример #3
from DataUtility import DataUtility

d = DataUtility()

# Read an example CSV file
csv_file = d.read_csv_file('example-data/test.csv')
print csv_file

# Access a specific row and key
print csv_file[0]['author']

# Read an example XML file
xml_file = d.read_xml_file('example-data/test.xml')
print xml_file

# Access a specific entry from the XML tree
print xml_file['cities']['stadt']['stadt'][1]['name']

# Read an example JSON file
json_file = d.read_json_file('example-data/test.json')
print json_file

# Access a specific entry from the JSON tree
print json_file['globe']['radius']

# Write one of the dictionaries to a new JSON file
d.write_json_file(csv_file, 'example-data/output.json')