Пример #1
        d['children'] = []
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, OrderedDict):
            if k == 'children':
                d[k] = [v]
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            for e in v:
            if k == 'longitude' or k == 'latitude':
                d[k] = float(v)
            if k == 'name':
                count[0] += 1
                if count[0] % 100 == 0:
                    print "Formatting city {0}".format(count[0])

d = DataUtility()

print 'Reading the XML file...'

xml_content = d.read_xml_file('cities.xml')
xml_content = xml_content['root']

cities = {'meta': {'dataType': 'cities', 'temporal': False}, 'root': xml_content}

print 'Writing the JSON file...'

d.write_json_file(cities, 'cities.json', True)
Пример #2
from DataUtility import DataUtility

d = DataUtility()

# Read an example CSV file
csv_file = d.read_csv_file('example-data/test.csv')
print csv_file

# Access a specific row and key
print csv_file[0]['author']

# Read an example XML file
xml_file = d.read_xml_file('example-data/test.xml')
print xml_file

# Access a specific entry from the XML tree
print xml_file['cities']['stadt']['stadt'][1]['name']

# Read an example JSON file
json_file = d.read_json_file('example-data/test.json')
print json_file

# Access a specific entry from the JSON tree
print json_file['globe']['radius']

# Write one of the dictionaries to a new JSON file
d.write_json_file(csv_file, 'example-data/output.json')