Пример #1
	keyPrecipitationType = "precipType"
	keyPrecipitationIntensity = "precipIntensity"
	type = False
	intens = False
	if keyPrecipitationType in entry:
		type = True
	if keyPrecipitationIntensity in entry:
		intens = True
	if type == True and intens == True:
		precipitationEntry = {'latitude':entry["latitude"],'longitude':entry["longitude"],'precipitationRate':entry["precipIntensity"],'precipitationType':entry["precipType"],'timestamp':entry["time"],"children": []}
	elif type == False and intens == True:
		#precipitationEntry = {'latitude':entry["latitude"],'longitude':entry["longitude"],'precipitationRate':entry["precipIntensity"],'timestamp':entry["time"]}
		precipitationEntry = {'latitude':entry["latitude"],'longitude':entry["longitude"],'precipitationRate':entry["precipIntensity"],'precipitationType':"NoData",'timestamp':entry["time"],"children": []}

# adds a header to each DataArray	
timeResolution = 1 * 60 * 60

temperatureDict = {'meta': {'dataType': 'temperature', 'temporal': True, 'timeResolution': timeResolution}, 'root':{"children":temperatureData}}
windDict = {'meta': {'dataType': 'wind', 'temporal': True, 'timeResolution': timeResolution}, 'root':{"children":windData}}
cloudCoverDict = {'meta': {'dataType': 'cloudCover', 'temporal': True, 'timeResolution': timeResolution}, 'root':{"children":cloudCoverData}}
precipitationDict = {'meta': {'dataType': 'precipitation', 'temporal': True, 'timeResolution': timeResolution}, 'root':{"children":precipitationData}}

# writes the different kJson-files for the different weatherSources	
d.write_json_file(temperatureDict, 'test-data/temperature-data.kJson', True)
d.write_json_file(windDict, 'test-data/wind-data.kJson', True)
d.write_json_file(cloudCoverDict, 'test-data/cloud-coverage-data.kJson', True)
d.write_json_file(precipitationDict, 'test-data/precipitation-data.kJson', True)
Пример #2
                    print url
                    data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=1.5))

                    hoursArray = data["hourly"]["data"]

                    # add lat and lon to hourly data
                    for hourdata in hoursArray:
                        hourdata["longitude"] = current_longitude
                        hourdata["latitude"] = current_latitude

                    globallyDownloadedSets = currentlyDownloadedDataSets

                    # store in JSON file
                    weather_config["meta"]["downloadedSets"] = globallyDownloadedSets
                    weather_config["data"] = weather_config["data"] + hoursArray
                    d.write_json_file(weather_config, "weather-data-collection.json")
                currentlyDownloadedDataSets += 1
                # next day
                current_time += 86400
            except KeyError as e:
                # no weather data available for this request :(
                print "No weather data available for this request :("
                current_time += 86400
                currentlyDownloadedDataSets += 1
                if currentlyDownloadedDataSets > globallyDownloadedSets:
                    globallyDownloadedSets = currentlyDownloadedDataSets
                    weather_config["meta"]["downloadedSets"] = globallyDownloadedSets
                    d.write_json_file(weather_config, "weather-data-collection.json")
        current_latitude += 1
    current_longitude -= 1
Пример #3
tweets = []

count = 0
for tweet in twitterjsondata:

		tweet["longitude"] = float(tweet["lon"])
		tweet["latitude"] = float(tweet["lat"])
		tweet["children"] = []
		#tweet["timestamp"] = 0
		tweet["numberOfRetweets"] = randint(0,101)
		timestamp = tweet["timestamp"]
		#print tweet

		tweet["timestamp"] = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(timestamp), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").timetuple()))

		#print tweet
		if count < 10000:
		count = count + 1

	except KeyError as e:
		print "error" + str(e)

newtwitterjsondata = {'meta': {'dataType': 'tweets', 'temporal': True, 'timeResolution': 1}, 'root': {'children': tweets}}

d.write_json_file(newtwitterjsondata, "tweets.kJson", True)
Пример #4
        d['children'] = []
    for k, v in d.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, OrderedDict):
            if k == 'children':
                d[k] = [v]
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            for e in v:
            if k == 'longitude' or k == 'latitude':
                d[k] = float(v)
            if k == 'name':
                count[0] += 1
                if count[0] % 100 == 0:
                    print "Formatting city {0}".format(count[0])

d = DataUtility()

print 'Reading the XML file...'

xml_content = d.read_xml_file('cities.xml')
xml_content = xml_content['root']

cities = {'meta': {'dataType': 'cities', 'temporal': False}, 'root': xml_content}

print 'Writing the JSON file...'

d.write_json_file(cities, 'cities.json', True)
Пример #5
    new_tree = segmented_flights[index]
    current_index = 0
    for item in tree:
        best_parent_index = {}
        current_distance = maxint
        for parent_index, parent in enumerate(new_tree):
            parent_distance = distance(
                item['startPosition']['latitude'], item['startPosition']['longitude'],
                parent['startPosition']['latitude'], parent['startPosition']['longitude']
            if (parent_distance < current_distance):
                best_parent_index = parent_index
                current_distance = parent_distance
        if current_index % 20 == 0 or current_index + 1 == len(tree):
            stdout.write('\r' + str('Item {0}/{1}'.format(current_index, len(tree) - 1)))
        current_index += 1
    tree = new_tree
    print '\n'

print 'Writing rearranged data to JSON file...'

flights = {'meta': {'dataType': 'flights', 'temporal': False}, 'root': { 'children': tree}}
d.write_json_file(flights, '../test-data/flights.json', True)

Пример #6
from DataUtility import DataUtility

d = DataUtility()

# Read an example CSV file
csv_file = d.read_csv_file('example-data/test.csv')
print csv_file

# Access a specific row and key
print csv_file[0]['author']

# Read an example XML file
xml_file = d.read_xml_file('example-data/test.xml')
print xml_file

# Access a specific entry from the XML tree
print xml_file['cities']['stadt']['stadt'][1]['name']

# Read an example JSON file
json_file = d.read_json_file('example-data/test.json')
print json_file

# Access a specific entry from the JSON tree
print json_file['globe']['radius']

# Write one of the dictionaries to a new JSON file
d.write_json_file(csv_file, 'example-data/output.json')