Пример #1
def main():
    regions = settings.REGIONS  # Get regions from config
    clean_results = {}
    if regions[0] == "global":  # If they want you to clean global resources
        print("Cleaning Global Resources.")
        helpers.set_session()  # Set a blank session for global resources
        clean_results["global"] = clean_account_globally()
        print("Finished Cleaning Globally.")
    for region in regions:
        print("Cleaning In {0}.".format(region))
        helpers.set_session(region)  # Set current region
        clean_results[region] = clean_account_regionally()  # Clean current regions resources
        print("Finished Cleaning In {0}.".format(region))
Пример #2
def run_session(options, args):
    Runs the training simulation given a parsed set of options and its leftover

    Returns a dictionary of {key: value} pairings with information on the results
    of the simulation.
    # leftover args are class names for training methodology
    if len(args) == 0:
        # default
        learners_to_run = ['Learner']
        learners_to_run = parse_learners(args)

    options.learner_class_names = learners_to_run
    options.learner_classes = load_modules(options.learner_class_names)

    n = len(learners_to_run)

    options.video = options.train_tick > 0

    learner_histories = {}
    taught_learners = {}
    learner_scores = {}
    # train each class and store results
    for learner, learner_class in options.learner_classes.iteritems():
        hist, learned = session(learner, options)
        learner_histories[learner] = hist
        taught_learners[learner] = learned

        learner_scores[learner] = get_score(
            hist, options.test_iters if options.test_iters != 0 else min(
                100, options.train_iters))

    # TODO : Here, we have access to each learner's training history as we
    # as the trained learner. Should do stuff with it.
    # create a plot class for each learner
    plots = [
        Plots(learner_histories[learner], learner)
        for learner in options.learner_class_names

    # generate plots for each learner
    learner_plots = {}
    for plot in plots:
        learner_plots[plot.learner] = list(plot.plot_score_by_epoch())
        dist = plot.plot_distribution(options.test_iters)
        if dist is not None:

    # save results if possible
    if not helpers.save_results(options.learner_class_names, taught_learners,
                                learner_histories, learner_scores,
                                learner_plots, options.outfile):
        print "Failed to save results."
Пример #3
    def start(self):
        print(f"Starting experiment {self.experiments_name}...")

        for fold in self.folds:
            for target in self.targets:
                print(f'Processing fold: {fold} and target: {target}')

                train_input_indices, train_output, val_input_indices, val_output, test_input_indices, test_output = self.data_frame.\
                    get_train_val_test_input_output(target, fold, self.validation_set_percentage, self.random_state, self.targets_type, self.prediction_type)

                model, models_identifier, parameters_dict = self.get_the_best_model(target, fold, train_input_indices, train_output, val_input_indices, val_output)
                print(f'Apply best model to test for {target} on fold {fold}.')
                test_loader = self.data_frame.create_minibatches(test_input_indices, test_output, 1, self.cuda_device, model.convert_input)

                regularization = get_regularization(parameters_dict[self.REGULARIZATION])
                alpha = parameters_dict[self.ALPHA]
                test_loss, test_logits, test_true = apply(self.debugger, model, self.loss_function, test_loader, regularization, alpha, self.cuda_device)
                results = model.models_metrics(test_logits, test_true)

                self.metrics_handler.update_test_results(models_identifier, results)
                self.metrics_handler.print_test_results(test_loss, results)

                helpers.save_results(test_logits, test_true, helpers.get_predictions_file_name(self.output_directory, models_identifier, target, fold, self.run_identificator), self.prediction_type)        
                print(f"+++ Finished with training and testing model for {target} on fold {fold}. +++")
Пример #4
        print_line = "\rEpoch: {} Train loss: {:.6f} Val accuracy: {:.4f}%  Loss: {:.6f} Minutes: {:.2f}{}".format(
            epoch + 1, loss_train, acc_val * 100, loss_val, epoch_time,
            " (improved)" if loss_val < best_loss_val else "")

        # And save the model if it improved:
        if loss_val < best_loss_val:
            save_path = saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path)
            best_loss_val = loss_val

# ## Plot loss and accuracy

# In[56]:

save_results(validation_accuracy_values, training_loss_values_final,
             validation_loss_values, model_name)

# ## Run network with test data

# In[57]:

batch_size = 100

test_images = test_images_original - mean
test_images /= std

test_labels = test_labels_original

n_iterations_test = len(test_images) // batch_size

checkpoint_path = model_name
Пример #5
def read_csv(source):
    #for reading unicode
    #f = codecs.open(source, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag="ann_arbor")
    print len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        city = City()
        city.name = "Ann Arbor"
        city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    #setup FeedInfo item
    #and also create a Source item

    permit_sub_types = []
    status_types = []
    building_nums = []
    applicants = []
    managers = []

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), cache_file)
    #keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    #this should help with subsequent calls
    #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'):
        local_cache['buildings'] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key('parcels'):
        local_cache['parcels'] = {}

    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    #geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()

    #with open('eggs.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
    with codecs.open(source, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)

        #just print the first row:
        print '>, <'.join(reader.next())

        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            #could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 10:

            print row

            #type of building (eg: sf attached, duplex, etc)
            permit_id = row[0]

            #should always be "RENTAL" (don't need to track this one)
            permit_type = row[1]
            if not permit_type == "RENTAL" and not permit_type == "MECHANICAL":
                raise ValueError, "Unexpected permit type: %s in row: %s" % (
                    permit_type, row)

            sub_type = row[2]

            #can use this to filter out non-rental or obsolete entries
            #don't need to track otherwise:
            status = row[3]
            parcel_id = row[4]
            address = row[5]

            #should be fixed per source:
            city = row[6]
            if not ((city.lower() == 'ann arbor') or (city == '')):
                raise ValueError, "Unexpected city: %s" % (city)

            sqft = row[7]
            number_of_buildings = row[8]
            applicant_name = row[9]
            number_of_stories = row[10]
            number_of_units = row[11]

            if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type
                                                          in ['RENTAL']):
                #check if we've started processing any results for this row
                #if local_cache['buildings'].has_key(address.upper()):
                #    local_cache_cur = local_cache['buildings'][address.upper()]
                #    local_cache_cur = {}

                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

                #do some geocoding, as needed:
                search = "%s, Ann Arbor MI" % address.upper()

                for source in location.sources:
                    geo.lookup(search, source, location)

                location.address_alt = search

                locations[address.upper()] = location

                #local_cache['buildings'][address.upper()] = local_cache_cur

                #and check if a previous building object in the db exists
                #cur_building = Building()
                bldg = Building()
                bldg.type = sub_type

            #back it up for later
            local_cache['buildings'] = {}
            for key, value in locations.items():
                local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict()

            save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)

            #(to see what data is available)

            if not status in status_types:
                #print "adding: %s" % sub_type

            if not sub_type in permit_sub_types:
                #print "adding: %s" % sub_type

            building_num = row[8]
            if not building_num in building_nums:
                #print "adding: %s" % sub_type

            applicant = row[9]
            if (re.search('MGMT', applicant) or re.search('REALTY', applicant)
                    or re.search('PROPERTIES', applicant)
                    or re.search('MANAGEMENT', applicant)
                    or re.search('GROUP', applicant)
                    or re.search('LLC', applicant)
                    or re.search('L.L.C.', applicant)
                    or re.search('INC', applicant)):
                if not applicant in managers:
                if not applicant in applicants:

            #print ', '.join(row)

    ## print permit_sub_types
    print status_types
    print building_nums

def read_csv(source_csv, city_name, city_tag):
    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag=city_tag)
    print "Number of cities available: %s" % len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        raise ValueError, "CITY NOT FOUND! run make_cities.py first"
        ## city = City()
        ## city.name = city_name
        ## city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        ## city.save()
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    feed_date = "2013-07-31"

    feeds = FeedInfo.objects.filter(city=city).filter(added=feed_date)
    if feeds.exists():
        feed = feeds[0]
        print "Already had feed: %s, %s" % (feed.city, feed.added)
        feed = FeedInfo()
        feed.city = city
        feed.added = feed_date
        feed.version = "0.1"
        print "Created new feed: %s" % feed.city.name

    people = Person.objects.filter(name="Blank")
    if people.exists():
        person = people[0]
        print "Already had person: %s" % (person.name)
        person = Person()
        person.name = "Blank"
        print "Created new person: %s" % person.name

    sources = Source.objects.filter(feed=feed)
    if sources.exists():
        feed_source = sources[0]
        print "Already had source: %s, %s" % (feed_source.feed.city, feed_source.feed.added)
        feed_source = Source()
        feed_source.feed = feed
        feed_source.person = person
        print "Created new source: %s" % feed_source.feed.city.name

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_csv), cache_file)
    #keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    #this should help with subsequent calls
    #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'):
        local_cache['buildings'] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key('parcels'):
        local_cache['parcels'] = {}
    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    #geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()

    skips = 0
    #with codecs.open(source_csv, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    with open(source_csv) as csvfile:
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        #reader = unicodecsv.UnicodeReader(csvfile, encoding='utf-8')

        reader = unicode_csv_reader(csvfile)

        #just print the first row:
        print '>, <'.join(reader.next())

        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            print "Looking at row: %s" % count
            #could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 1000:
            address = row[0]

            #need to fix the number being at the end of the address
            parts = address.split(',')
            anumber = parts[-1]
            parts = parts[:-1]
            street = ",".join(parts)
            address = "%s %s" % (anumber, street)

            invoice_number = row[1]
            bldg_id = row[1]
            print bldg_id

            #this is where owner is stored
            invoice_note = row[6]
            print invoice_note
            if re.match('Sent to:', invoice_note):
                print "changing invoice note from: %s" % invoice_note
                invoice_note = invoice_note[8:]
                print "to: %s" % invoice_note
                #raise ValueError, "invoice note does not start with Sent to"
                print "!!!!!invoice note does not start with Sent to!!!!!"
                print ""
                print ""

            no_units = row[12]
            ## #should always be "RENTAL" (don't need to track this one)
            ## permit_type = row[1]
            ## if not permit_type == "RENTAL" and not permit_type == "MECHANICAL":
            ##     raise ValueError, "Unexpected permit type: %s in row: %s" % (
            ##         permit_type, row)
            ## bldg_type = row[2]
            ## #can use this to filter out non-rental or obsolete entries
            ## #don't need to track otherwise:
            ## status = row[3]
            ## parcel_id = row[4]

            ## #should be fixed per source:
            ## ss_city = row[6]

            ## bldg_sf = row[7]
            ## no_bldgs = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## no_stories = row[10]
            ## no_units = row[11]

            ## if not ( (ss_city.lower() == city_name.lower()) or (ss_city == '') ):
            ##     raise ValueError, "Unexpected city: %s" % (ss_city)

            ## sqft = row[7]
            ## number_of_buildings = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## number_of_stories = row[10]
            ## number_of_units = row[11]
            #check if this is one we want to skip
            if conversions.has_key(address.upper()):
                address = conversions[address.upper()]

            ## if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type in ['RENTAL']):

            #make sure it's not one we're skipping:
            if not address:
                print "SKIPPING ITEM: %s" % row[1]
                skips += 1
                #check if we've started processing any results for this row
                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

            #temporarily just want to look at google again
            #location.sources = ["google"]
            #location.sources = ["google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq"]
            location.sources = ["google", "bing"]

            #do some geocoding, as needed:
            search = "%s, %s, %s" % (address.upper(), city_name, city.state)

            any_updated = False
            for geo_source in location.sources:
                update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=True)
                #update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=False)
                if update:
                    any_updated = True

            location.sources = ["google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq", "mq"]

            #this is the case for brand new searches
            #(which are updated in a different sense)
            if not hasattr(location, "address_alt") or not location.address_alt:
                any_updated = True

            location.address_alt = search
            #location.bldg_units = bldg_units
            #location.units_bdrms = units_bdrms
            locations[address.upper()] = location

            #handle the database storage
            bldg = make_building(location, bldg_id, city, feed_source, no_units=no_units)

            if invoice_note:
                (person, bldg_person) = make_person(invoice_note, bldg, "Permit Applicant")

            if any_updated:
                #back it up for later
                #enable this when downloading GPS coordinates...
                #the rest of the time it slows things down
                local_cache['buildings'] = {}
                for key, value in locations.items():
                    local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict()
                save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)


    destination = '%s.tsv' % city_tag
    save_results(locations, destination)
def read_csv(source):
    #for reading unicode
    #f = codecs.open(source, 'r', encoding='utf-8')

    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag="ann_arbor")
    print len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        city = City()
        city.name = "Ann Arbor"
        city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    #setup FeedInfo item
    #and also create a Source item

    permit_sub_types = []
    status_types = []
    building_nums = []
    applicants = []
    managers = []

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), cache_file)
    #keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    #this should help with subsequent calls
    #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'):
        local_cache['buildings'] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key('parcels'):
        local_cache['parcels'] = {}
    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    #geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()
    #with open('eggs.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
    with codecs.open(source, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)

        #just print the first row:
        print '>, <'.join(reader.next())

        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            #could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 10:

            print row
            #type of building (eg: sf attached, duplex, etc)
            permit_id = row[0]

            #should always be "RENTAL" (don't need to track this one)
            permit_type = row[1]
            if not permit_type == "RENTAL" and not permit_type == "MECHANICAL":
                raise ValueError, "Unexpected permit type: %s in row: %s" % (
                    permit_type, row)
            sub_type = row[2]
            #can use this to filter out non-rental or obsolete entries
            #don't need to track otherwise:
            status = row[3]
            parcel_id = row[4]
            address = row[5]

            #should be fixed per source:
            city = row[6]
            if not ( (city.lower() == 'ann arbor') or (city == '') ):
                raise ValueError, "Unexpected city: %s" % (city)

            sqft = row[7]
            number_of_buildings = row[8]
            applicant_name = row[9]
            number_of_stories = row[10]
            number_of_units = row[11]
            if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type in ['RENTAL']):
                #check if we've started processing any results for this row
                #if local_cache['buildings'].has_key(address.upper()):
                #    local_cache_cur = local_cache['buildings'][address.upper()]
                #    local_cache_cur = {}

                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

                #do some geocoding, as needed:
                search = "%s, Ann Arbor MI" % address.upper()

                for source in location.sources:
                    geo.lookup(search, source, location)

                location.address_alt = search

                locations[address.upper()] = location

                #local_cache['buildings'][address.upper()] = local_cache_cur

                #and check if a previous building object in the db exists
                #cur_building = Building()
                bldg = Building()
                bldg.type = sub_type

            #back it up for later
            local_cache['buildings'] = {}
            for key, value in locations.items():
                local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict()
            save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)

            #(to see what data is available)

            if not status in status_types:
                #print "adding: %s" % sub_type

            if not sub_type in permit_sub_types:
                #print "adding: %s" % sub_type

            building_num = row[8]
            if not building_num in building_nums:
                #print "adding: %s" % sub_type

            applicant = row[9]
            if ( re.search('MGMT', applicant) or
                 re.search('REALTY', applicant) or 
                 re.search('PROPERTIES', applicant) or 
                 re.search('MANAGEMENT', applicant) or 
                 re.search('GROUP', applicant) or 
                 re.search('LLC', applicant) or 
                 re.search('L.L.C.', applicant) or 
                 re.search('INC', applicant)
                if not applicant in managers:
                if not applicant in applicants:

            #print ', '.join(row)

    ## print permit_sub_types
    print status_types
    print building_nums

Пример #8
        frequencies = calculate_frequency(EOD,
        cv = '{:.2e}'.format(np.std(frequencies) / np.mean(frequencies))

        file_name = helpers.path_to_name(file)

        frequency_info = [frequencies, cv, threshold]
        helpers.save_results(frequency_info, fish, file_name, 'frequency')

npy_files = helpers.get_npy_files(fish, helpers.SAVE_PATH, 'frequency')

frequencies = []

for i in range(len(npy_files)):
    [frequency, cv, threshold] = helpers.load_npy(npy_files[i])
    frequency = frequency.tolist()

size = np.size(frequencies) / len(npy_files)

markers = [size * i for i in range(len(npy_files))]

plt.plot(frequencies, '.')
    frequencies = calculate_frequency(EOD,
    cv = '{:.2e}'.format(np.std(frequencies) / np.mean(frequencies))

    file_name = helpers.path_to_name(file)

    frequency_info = [frequencies, cv, threshold]
    helpers.save_results(frequency_info, fish, file_name, 'frequency')
    fft = [xf, power]
    helpers.save_results(fft, fish, file_name + '_fft', 'fft')

for index in lowrez:
    file = mat_files[index]
    raw_data = helpers.load_mat(file)
    signal_length = len(raw_data)
    EOD = helpers.cleaning_data(raw_data)
    sampling_frequency = 500000
    threshold = np.max(EOD) / 3
    f_estimate = 800
    frequencies = calculate_frequency(EOD,
Пример #10
def read_csv(source_csv, city_name, city_tag):
    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag=city_tag)
    print "Number of cities available: %s" % len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        raise ValueError, "CITY NOT FOUND! run make_cities.py first"
        ## city = City()
        ## city.name = city_name
        ## city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        ## city.save()
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    feed_date = "2013-07-31"

    feeds = FeedInfo.objects.filter(city=city).filter(added=feed_date)
    if feeds.exists():
        feed = feeds[0]
        print "Already had feed: %s, %s" % (feed.city, feed.added)
        feed = FeedInfo()
        feed.city = city
        feed.added = feed_date
        feed.version = "0.1"
        print "Created new feed: %s" % feed.city.name

    people = Person.objects.filter(name="Blank")
    if people.exists():
        person = people[0]
        print "Already had person: %s" % (person.name)
        person = Person()
        person.name = "Blank"
        print "Created new person: %s" % person.name

    sources = Source.objects.filter(feed=feed)
    if sources.exists():
        feed_source = sources[0]
        print "Already had source: %s, %s" % (feed_source.feed.city,
        feed_source = Source()
        feed_source.feed = feed
        feed_source.person = person
        print "Created new source: %s" % feed_source.feed.city.name

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_csv), cache_file)
    #keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    #this should help with subsequent calls
    #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'):
        local_cache['buildings'] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key('parcels'):
        local_cache['parcels'] = {}

    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    #geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()

    skips = 0
    #with codecs.open(source_csv, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    with open(source_csv) as csvfile:
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        #reader = unicodecsv.UnicodeReader(csvfile, encoding='utf-8')

        reader = unicode_csv_reader(csvfile)

        #just print the first row:
        print '>, <'.join(reader.next())

        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            print "Looking at row: %s" % count

            #could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 1000:

            address = row[0]

            #need to fix the number being at the end of the address
            parts = address.split(',')
            anumber = parts[-1]
            parts = parts[:-1]
            street = ",".join(parts)
            address = "%s %s" % (anumber, street)

            invoice_number = row[1]
            bldg_id = row[1]
            print bldg_id

            #this is where owner is stored
            invoice_note = row[6]
            print invoice_note
            if re.match('Sent to:', invoice_note):
                print "changing invoice note from: %s" % invoice_note
                invoice_note = invoice_note[8:]
                print "to: %s" % invoice_note
                #raise ValueError, "invoice note does not start with Sent to"
                print "!!!!!invoice note does not start with Sent to!!!!!"
                print ""
                print ""

            no_units = row[12]

            ## #should always be "RENTAL" (don't need to track this one)
            ## permit_type = row[1]
            ## if not permit_type == "RENTAL" and not permit_type == "MECHANICAL":
            ##     raise ValueError, "Unexpected permit type: %s in row: %s" % (
            ##         permit_type, row)

            ## bldg_type = row[2]

            ## #can use this to filter out non-rental or obsolete entries
            ## #don't need to track otherwise:
            ## status = row[3]
            ## parcel_id = row[4]

            ## #should be fixed per source:
            ## ss_city = row[6]

            ## bldg_sf = row[7]
            ## no_bldgs = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## no_stories = row[10]
            ## no_units = row[11]

            ## if not ( (ss_city.lower() == city_name.lower()) or (ss_city == '') ):
            ##     raise ValueError, "Unexpected city: %s" % (ss_city)

            ## sqft = row[7]
            ## number_of_buildings = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## number_of_stories = row[10]
            ## number_of_units = row[11]

            #check if this is one we want to skip
            if conversions.has_key(address.upper()):
                address = conversions[address.upper()]

            ## if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type in ['RENTAL']):

            #make sure it's not one we're skipping:
            if not address:
                print "SKIPPING ITEM: %s" % row[1]
                skips += 1
                #check if we've started processing any results for this row
                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

            #temporarily just want to look at google again
            #location.sources = ["google"]
            #location.sources = ["google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq"]
            location.sources = ["google", "bing"]

            #do some geocoding, as needed:
            search = "%s, %s, %s" % (address.upper(), city_name, city.state)

            any_updated = False
            for geo_source in location.sources:
                update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=True)
                #update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=False)
                if update:
                    any_updated = True

            location.sources = [
                "google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq", "mq"

            #this is the case for brand new searches
            #(which are updated in a different sense)
            if not hasattr(location,
                           "address_alt") or not location.address_alt:
                any_updated = True

            location.address_alt = search
            #location.bldg_units = bldg_units
            #location.units_bdrms = units_bdrms
            locations[address.upper()] = location

            #handle the database storage
            bldg = make_building(location,

            if invoice_note:
                (person, bldg_person) = make_person(invoice_note, bldg,
                                                    "Permit Applicant")

            if any_updated:
                #back it up for later
                #enable this when downloading GPS coordinates...
                #the rest of the time it slows things down
                local_cache['buildings'] = {}
                for key, value in locations.items():
                    local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict()
                save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)


    destination = '%s.tsv' % city_tag
    save_results(locations, destination)
Пример #11
def read_csv(source_csv, city_name, city_tag):
    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag=city_tag)
    print "Number of cities available: %s" % len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        raise ValueError, "CITY NOT FOUND! run make_cities.py first"
        ## city = City()
        ## city.name = city_name
        ## city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        ## city.save()
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    feed_date = "2013-10-16"

    feeds = FeedInfo.objects.filter(city=city).filter(added=feed_date)
    if feeds.exists():
        feed = feeds[0]
        print "Already had feed: %s, %s" % (feed.city, feed.added)
        feed = FeedInfo()
        feed.city = city
        feed.added = feed_date
        feed.version = "0.1"
        print "Created new feed: %s" % feed.city.name

    people = Person.objects.filter(name="Blank")
    if people.exists():
        person = people[0]
        print "Already had person: %s" % (person.name)
        person = Person()
        person.name = "Blank"
        print "Created new person: %s" % person.name

    sources = Source.objects.filter(feed=feed)
    if sources.exists():
        feed_source = sources[0]
        print "Already had source: %s, %s" % (feed_source.feed.city, feed_source.feed.added)
        feed_source = Source()
        feed_source.feed = feed
        feed_source.person = person
        print "Created new source: %s" % feed_source.feed.city.name

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_csv), cache_file)
    #keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    #this should help with subsequent calls
    #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'):
        local_cache['buildings'] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key('parcels'):
        local_cache['parcels'] = {}
    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    #geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()

    skips = 0
    #with codecs.open(source_csv, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    with open(source_csv) as csvfile:
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        #reader = unicodecsv.UnicodeReader(csvfile, encoding='utf-8')

        reader = unicode_csv_reader(csvfile)

        #just print the first row:
        print '>, <'.join(reader.next())

        count = 0

        #want to randomize the order... distribute options more evenly
        #print len(reader)
        #in order to randomize, should randomize the order in the csv
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            print "Looking at row: %s" % count
            #could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 10:

            print row
            address = row[0]

            ## no_units = row[12]

            #can pass this in as bldg_id to make_building
            #that gets used for parcel too
            parcel_id = row[1]
            bldg_id = parcel_id

            street_num = row[2]
            street_dir = row[3]
            street_name = row[4]
            street_sfx = row[5]
            #eg building number
            qualifier_pre = row[6]
            #eg "UNIT" or "APT"
            qualifier_post = row[7]
            apt_num = row[8]
            #skip row9 (in/out... whatever that means)
            zip_code = row[10]
            #skip row11, assessor id
            #skip row12, address num
            #skip row13, x
            #skip row14, y
            #xcoord == lng
            lng = row[15]
            lat = row[16]

            #entry floor number: (named 'z' in sheet)
            floor = row[17]

            #skip row18, strcid... not sure
            #skip row19, parent
            #skip row20, app_
            #skip row21, hteloc
            zone = row[22]
            bldg_type = row[23]
            #number of buildings
            bldg_num = row[24]
            no_units = row[25]

            #skip row[26], inspection type
            #skip row27, app number
            #skip row28, date received
            #skip row29, application type
            #skip row30, ownerid
            #skip row31, operator id
            #skip row32, agent_id
            #skip row33, mail to
            central_heat = row[34]
            if central_heat == 'Y':
                central_heat = True
                central_heat = False

            #heat mechanism? heat mechanic??? not sure
            heat_mech = row[35]
            #skip row36, agent id (2)
            #skip row37, agent last name
            #skip row38 agent first name
            #skip row39 agent middle initial
            #skip row40, agent title
            #skip row41, business name

            #could be owner, could be agent
            owner_name = row[42]
            owner_address1 = row[43]
            owner_address2 = row[44]
            owner_city = row[45]
            owner_state = row[46]
            owner_zip = row[47]

            #address = " ".join([street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre, qualifier_post, apt_num])

            address_main = " ".join([street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre])
            address_main = address_main.strip()
            #get rid of any double spaces
            address_main = address_main.replace("  ", " ")
            apt_main = " ".join([qualifier_post, apt_num])
            apt_main = apt_main.strip()

            address = address_main
            print address

            owner_address = ", ".join([owner_address1, owner_address2, owner_city, owner_state, owner_zip])
            ## #should always be "RENTAL" (don't need to track this one)
            ## permit_type = row[1]
            ## if not permit_type == "RENTAL" and not permit_type == "MECHANICAL":
            ##     raise ValueError, "Unexpected permit type: %s in row: %s" % (
            ##         permit_type, row)
            ## bldg_type = row[2]
            ## #can use this to filter out non-rental or obsolete entries
            ## #don't need to track otherwise:
            ## status = row[3]
            ## parcel_id = row[4]

            ## #should be fixed per source:
            ## ss_city = row[6]

            ## bldg_sf = row[7]
            ## no_bldgs = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## no_stories = row[10]
            ## no_units = row[11]

            ## sqft = row[7]
            ## number_of_buildings = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## number_of_stories = row[10]
            ## number_of_units = row[11]
            #check if this is one we want to skip
            if conversions.has_key(address.upper()):
                address = conversions[address.upper()]

            ## if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type in ['RENTAL']):

            #make sure it's not one we're skipping:
            if not address:
                print "SKIPPING ITEM: %s" % row[1]
                skips += 1
                #check if we've started processing any results for this row
                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

            #temporarily just want to look at google again
            #location.sources = ["google"]
            #location.sources = ["google", "bing"]
            #location.sources = ["google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq"]
            #skip geocoding for columbia
            location.sources = []
            #do some geocoding, as needed:
            search = "%s, %s, %s" % (address.upper(), city_name, city.state)

            any_updated = False
            for geo_source in location.sources:
                update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=True)
                #update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=False)
                if update:
                    any_updated = True

            location.sources = ['csv', "google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq", "mq"]

            #manually add data from csv here:
            result = []
            result.append({'place': address, 'lat': lat, 'lng': lng})
            setattr(location, 'csv', result)

            #this is the case for brand new searches
            #(which are updated in a different sense)
            if not hasattr(location, "address_alt") or not location.address_alt:
                any_updated = True

            location.address_alt = search
            #location.bldg_units = bldg_units
            #location.units_bdrms = units_bdrms
            locations[address.upper()] = location

            #handle the database storage
            bldg = make_building(location, bldg_id, city, feed_source, no_units=no_units, bldg_type=bldg_type)

            if apt_main:
                unit = make_unit(apt_main, bldg)

            (person, bldg_person) = make_person(owner_name, bldg, "Agent", address=owner_address)

            if any_updated:
                #back it up for later
                #enable this when downloading GPS coordinates...
                #the rest of the time it slows things down
                local_cache['buildings'] = {}
                for key, value in locations.items():
                    local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict()
                save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)


    destination = '%s.tsv' % city_tag
    save_results(locations, destination)
Пример #12
def read_csv(source_csv, city_name, city_tag):
    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag=city_tag)
    print "Number of cities available: %s" % len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        raise ValueError, "CITY NOT FOUND! run make_cities.py first"
        ## city = City()
        ## city.name = city_name
        ## city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        ## city.save()
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    feed_date = "2013-10-16"

    feeds = FeedInfo.objects.filter(city=city).filter(added=feed_date)
    if feeds.exists():
        feed = feeds[0]
        print "Already had feed: %s, %s" % (feed.city, feed.added)
        feed = FeedInfo()
        feed.city = city
        feed.added = feed_date
        feed.version = "0.1"
        print "Created new feed: %s" % feed.city.name

    people = Person.objects.filter(name="Blank")
    if people.exists():
        person = people[0]
        print "Already had person: %s" % (person.name)
        person = Person()
        person.name = "Blank"
        print "Created new person: %s" % person.name

    sources = Source.objects.filter(feed=feed)
    if sources.exists():
        feed_source = sources[0]
        print "Already had source: %s, %s" % (feed_source.feed.city,
        feed_source = Source()
        feed_source.feed = feed
        feed_source.person = person
        print "Created new source: %s" % feed_source.feed.city.name

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_csv), cache_file)
    #keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    #this should help with subsequent calls
    #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'):
        local_cache['buildings'] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key('parcels'):
        local_cache['parcels'] = {}

    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    #geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()

    skips = 0
    #with codecs.open(source_csv, 'rb', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
    with open(source_csv) as csvfile:
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        #reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        #reader = unicodecsv.UnicodeReader(csvfile, encoding='utf-8')

        reader = unicode_csv_reader(csvfile)

        #just print the first row:
        print '>, <'.join(reader.next())

        count = 0

        #want to randomize the order... distribute options more evenly
        #print len(reader)
        #in order to randomize, should randomize the order in the csv
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            print "Looking at row: %s" % count

            #could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 10:

            print row
            address = row[0]

            ## no_units = row[12]

            #can pass this in as bldg_id to make_building
            #that gets used for parcel too
            parcel_id = row[1]
            bldg_id = parcel_id

            street_num = row[2]
            street_dir = row[3]
            street_name = row[4]
            street_sfx = row[5]
            #eg building number
            qualifier_pre = row[6]
            #eg "UNIT" or "APT"
            qualifier_post = row[7]
            apt_num = row[8]
            #skip row9 (in/out... whatever that means)
            zip_code = row[10]
            #skip row11, assessor id
            #skip row12, address num
            #skip row13, x
            #skip row14, y
            #xcoord == lng
            lng = row[15]
            lat = row[16]

            #entry floor number: (named 'z' in sheet)
            floor = row[17]

            #skip row18, strcid... not sure
            #skip row19, parent
            #skip row20, app_
            #skip row21, hteloc
            zone = row[22]
            bldg_type = row[23]
            #number of buildings
            bldg_num = row[24]
            no_units = row[25]

            #skip row[26], inspection type
            #skip row27, app number
            #skip row28, date received
            #skip row29, application type
            #skip row30, ownerid
            #skip row31, operator id
            #skip row32, agent_id
            #skip row33, mail to
            central_heat = row[34]
            if central_heat == 'Y':
                central_heat = True
                central_heat = False

            #heat mechanism? heat mechanic??? not sure
            heat_mech = row[35]
            #skip row36, agent id (2)
            #skip row37, agent last name
            #skip row38 agent first name
            #skip row39 agent middle initial
            #skip row40, agent title
            #skip row41, business name

            #could be owner, could be agent
            owner_name = row[42]
            owner_address1 = row[43]
            owner_address2 = row[44]
            owner_city = row[45]
            owner_state = row[46]
            owner_zip = row[47]

            #address = " ".join([street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre, qualifier_post, apt_num])

            address_main = " ".join([
                street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre
            address_main = address_main.strip()
            #get rid of any double spaces
            address_main = address_main.replace("  ", " ")

            apt_main = " ".join([qualifier_post, apt_num])
            apt_main = apt_main.strip()

            address = address_main
            print address

            owner_address = ", ".join([
                owner_address1, owner_address2, owner_city, owner_state,

            ## #should always be "RENTAL" (don't need to track this one)
            ## permit_type = row[1]
            ## if not permit_type == "RENTAL" and not permit_type == "MECHANICAL":
            ##     raise ValueError, "Unexpected permit type: %s in row: %s" % (
            ##         permit_type, row)

            ## bldg_type = row[2]

            ## #can use this to filter out non-rental or obsolete entries
            ## #don't need to track otherwise:
            ## status = row[3]
            ## parcel_id = row[4]

            ## #should be fixed per source:
            ## ss_city = row[6]

            ## bldg_sf = row[7]
            ## no_bldgs = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## no_stories = row[10]
            ## no_units = row[11]

            ## sqft = row[7]
            ## number_of_buildings = row[8]
            ## applicant_name = row[9]
            ## number_of_stories = row[10]
            ## number_of_units = row[11]

            #check if this is one we want to skip
            if conversions.has_key(address.upper()):
                address = conversions[address.upper()]

            ## if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type in ['RENTAL']):

            #make sure it's not one we're skipping:
            if not address:
                print "SKIPPING ITEM: %s" % row[1]
                skips += 1
                #check if we've started processing any results for this row
                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

            #temporarily just want to look at google again
            #location.sources = ["google"]
            #location.sources = ["google", "bing"]
            #location.sources = ["google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq"]
            #skip geocoding for columbia
            location.sources = []

            #do some geocoding, as needed:
            search = "%s, %s, %s" % (address.upper(), city_name, city.state)

            any_updated = False
            for geo_source in location.sources:
                update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=True)
                #update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=False)
                if update:
                    any_updated = True

            location.sources = [
                'csv', "google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq", "mq"

            #manually add data from csv here:
            result = []
            result.append({'place': address, 'lat': lat, 'lng': lng})
            setattr(location, 'csv', result)

            #this is the case for brand new searches
            #(which are updated in a different sense)
            if not hasattr(location,
                           "address_alt") or not location.address_alt:
                any_updated = True

            location.address_alt = search
            #location.bldg_units = bldg_units
            #location.units_bdrms = units_bdrms
            locations[address.upper()] = location

            #handle the database storage
            bldg = make_building(location,

            if apt_main:
                unit = make_unit(apt_main, bldg)

            (person, bldg_person) = make_person(owner_name,

            if any_updated:
                #back it up for later
                #enable this when downloading GPS coordinates...
                #the rest of the time it slows things down
                local_cache['buildings'] = {}
                for key, value in locations.items():
                    local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict()
                save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)



    destination = '%s.tsv' % city_tag
    save_results(locations, destination)
Пример #13
import numpy as np

fish_names = helpers.get_all_fish(helpers.RECORDING_PATH8)
indexes = []
fish = fish_names[1]
for fish in tqdm(fish_names):
    npy_files = helpers.get_high_frequency_files(fish, helpers.RECORDING_PATH8)
    file = npy_files[0]
    for file in tqdm(npy_files):
        data = helpers.load_npy(file)
        data = np.array(data, dtype='int')
        sampling_frequency = helpers.NPY_FREQUENCY
        EOD = data - np.mean(data)
        t_max = int(len(data) / helpers.NPY_FREQUENCY)
        time_array = np.arange(0, t_max - 1 / sampling_frequency,
                               1 / sampling_frequency)  # IMPLEMENT IN HELPERS
        threshold = max(data) / 2
        fest = calculate_frequency(EOD[::20],
                                   sampling_frequency / 20,
        frequencies = calculate_frequency(EOD,
                                          crossing_threshold=threshold / 2,
        cv = '{:.2e}'.format(np.std(frequencies) / np.mean(frequencies))

        file_name = helpers.path_to_name(file)
        helpers.save_results(frequencies, fish, file_name)
Пример #14
def read_csv(source_csv):
    city_options = City.objects.filter(tag="bloomington_in")
    print "Number of cities available: %s" % len(city_options)
    if not len(city_options):
        raise ValueError, "CITY NOT FOUND! run make_cities.py first"
        ## city = City()
        ## city.name = "Bloomington"
        ## city.tag = to_tag(city.name)
        ## city.save()
        city = city_options[0]

    print city

    feed_date = "2013-08-29"

    feeds = FeedInfo.objects.filter(city=city).filter(added=feed_date)
    if feeds.exists():
        feed = feeds[0]
        print "Already had feed: %s, %s" % (feed.city, feed.added)
        feed = FeedInfo()
        feed.city = city
        feed.added = feed_date
        feed.version = "0.1"
        print "Created new feed: %s" % feed.city

    people = Person.objects.filter(name="Blank")
    if people.exists():
        person = people[0]
        print "Already had person: %s" % (person.name)
        person = Person()
        person.name = "Blank"
        print "Created new person: %s" % person.name

    sources = Source.objects.filter(feed=feed)
    if sources.exists():
        feed_source = sources[0]
        print "Already had source: %s, %s" % (feed_source.feed.city, feed_source.feed.added)
        feed_source = Source()
        feed_source.feed = feed
        feed_source.person = person
        print "Created new source: %s" % feed_source.feed.city

    cache_file = "%s.json" % city.tag
    cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_csv), cache_file)
    # keep a local copy of data we've processed...
    # this should help with subsequent calls
    # to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs:
    local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True)
    if not local_cache.has_key("buildings"):
        local_cache["buildings"] = {}
    if not local_cache.has_key("parcels"):
        local_cache["parcels"] = {}

    locations = {}
    for key, value in local_cache["buildings"].items():
        locations[key] = Location(value)

    # geocoder helper:
    geo = Geo()

    skips = 0
    with codecs.open(source_csv, "rb", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile:
        # reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)

        # just print the first row:
        print ">, <".join(reader.next())

        count = 0
        for row in reader:
            count += 1
            print "Looking at row: %s" % count

            # could exit out early here, if needed
            if count > 1000:
                # exit()

            bldg_id = row[0]
            print bldg_id

            address = row[1]
            print address

            owner = row[2]

            # skip this:
            ownder_contact = row[3]

            agent = row[4]

            bldg_units = row[9]
            print bldg_units

            units_bdrms = row[10]
            print units_bdrms

            # check if this is one we want to skip
            if conversions.has_key(address.upper()):
                address = conversions[address.upper()]

            # make sure it's not one we're skipping:
            if not address:
                print "SKIPPING ITEM: %s" % row[1]
                skips += 1
                if locations.has_key(address.upper()):
                    location = locations[address.upper()]
                    location = Location()

                # temporarily just want to look at google again
                location.sources = ["google"]

                # do some geocoding, as needed:
                search = "%s, Bloomington IN" % address.upper()

                any_updated = False
                for geo_source in location.sources:
                    update = geo.lookup(search, geo_source, location, force=True)
                    if update:
                        any_updated = True

                location.sources = ["google", "bing", "usgeo", "geonames", "openmq", "mq"]

                if not hasattr(location, "address_alt") or not location.address_alt:
                    any_updated = True

                location.address_alt = search
                location.bldg_units = bldg_units
                location.units_bdrms = units_bdrms
                locations[address.upper()] = location

                # handle the database storage
                bldg = make_building(location, bldg_id, city, feed_source)

                # owner_details = parse_person(owner)
                if owner:
                    result = special_cases(owner)
                    if result:
                        (owner_name, owner_address) = result
                        (owner_name, owner_address, owner_phone, remainder) = parse_person(owner)
                        ## print "owner name: %s" % owner_name
                        ## print "owner address: %s" % owner_address
                        ## print ""

                        if owner_name:
                            (person, bldg_person) = make_person(owner_name, bldg, "Owner", address=owner_address)

                if agent and agent != "No Agent":
                    # agent_details = parse_person(agent)
                    (agent_name, agent_address, agent_phone, remainder) = parse_person(agent)
                    ## print "agent name: %s" % agent_name
                    ## print "agent address: %s" % agent_address
                    ## print ""

                    if agent_name:
                        (person, bldg_person) = make_person(agent_name, bldg, "Agent", address=agent_address, city=city)

                if any_updated:
                    # back it up for later
                    # enable this when downloading GPS coordinates...
                    # the rest of the time it slows things down
                    local_cache["buildings"] = {}
                    for key, value in locations.items():
                        local_cache["buildings"][key] = value.to_dict()
                    save_json(cache_destination, local_cache)


    save_results(locations, "bloomington-filtered.tsv")
Пример #15
import helpers
import numpy as np

fish_names = helpers.get_all_fish(helpers.RECORDING_PATH16)
indexes = []
fish = fish_names[6]
sampling_frequency = 500000
step = 12  # 15 seconds
for fish in (fish_names):
    mat_files = helpers.get_mat_files(fish, helpers.RECORDING_PATH16)
    file = mat_files[19]
    for file in mat_files:
        raw_data = helpers.load_mat(file)
        EOD = helpers.cleaning_data(raw_data)
        step_size = np.size(EOD) / step
        i = 0
        for i in range(0, int(step)):
            sub_data = EOD[int(i * step_size):int((i + 1) * step_size)]
            sub_sampling = 1
            sub_EOD = sub_data[::sub_sampling]
            [xf, power] = helpers.compute_fft(sub_EOD, 1, sampling_frequency)
            file_name = helpers.path_to_name(file)
            fft = [xf, power]
            helpers.save_results(fft, fish,
                                 file_name + '_fft_' + '{0:03}'.format(i),

        #   asdf  = ["a_1", "b_2", "c_10"]
        #   asdf.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1]))