Пример #1
    def _get_sim(self):
        if self._sim is not None:
            return self._sim

        xml = postprocess_model_xml(self._traj.config_str)
        self._depth_norm = None
        if 'sawyer' in xml:
            from hem.datasets.precompiled_models.sawyer import models
            self._sim = models[0]
            self._depth_norm = 'sawyer'
        elif 'baxter' in xml:
            from hem.datasets.precompiled_models.baxter import models
            self._sim = models[0]
        elif 'panda' in xml:
            from hem.datasets.precompiled_models.panda import models
            self._sim = models[0]
            model = load_model_from_xml(xml)
            model.vis.quality.offsamples = 8
            sim = MjSim(load_model_from_xml(xml))
            render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(sim)
            render_context.vopt.geomgroup[0] = 0
            render_context.vopt.geomgroup[1] = 1 
            self._sim = sim

        return self._sim
Пример #2
def create_model(xml):
    model = load_model_from_xml(postprocess_model_xml(xml))
    model.vis.quality.offsamples = 8

    sim = MjSim(model)
    render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(sim)
    render_context.vopt.geomgroup[0] = 0
    render_context.vopt.geomgroup[1] = 1
    return sim
Пример #3
class FastResetMujocoEnv(MujocoEnv):
    """Only loads the mujoco XML file once to allow for quicker resets."""
    def _reset_internal(self):
        """Resets simulation internal configurations."""
        # instantiate simulation from MJCF model
        if not hasattr(self, "mjpy_model"):
            self.mjpy_model = self.model.get_model(mode="mujoco_py")
            self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)

        # create visualization screen or renderer
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = 1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            if self.sim._render_context_offscreen is None:
                render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (
                1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0

        # additional housekeeping
        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0
        self.done = False
Пример #4
class MujocoEnv(metaclass=EnvMeta):
    Initializes a Mujoco Environment.
        has_renderer (bool): If true, render the simulation state in
            a viewer instead of headless mode.
        has_offscreen_renderer (bool): True if using off-screen rendering.
        render_camera (str): Name of camera to render if `has_renderer` is True. Setting this value to 'None'
            will result in the default angle being applied, which is useful as it can be dragged / panned by
            the user using the mouse
        render_collision_mesh (bool): True if rendering collision meshes
            in camera. False otherwise.
        render_visual_mesh (bool): True if rendering visual meshes
            in camera. False otherwise.
        render_gpu_device_id (int): corresponds to the GPU device id to use for offscreen rendering.
            Defaults to -1, in which case the device will be inferred from environment variables
        control_freq (float): how many control signals to receive
            in every simulated second. This sets the amount of simulation time
            that passes between every action input.
        horizon (int): Every episode lasts for exactly @horizon timesteps.
        ignore_done (bool): True if never terminating the environment (ignore @horizon).
        hard_reset (bool): If True, re-loads model, sim, and render object upon a reset call, else,
            only calls sim.reset and resets all robosuite-internal variables
        renderer (str): string for the renderer to use
        renderer_config (dict): dictionary for the renderer configurations
        ValueError: [Invalid renderer selection]

    def __init__(
        # First, verify that both the on- and off-screen renderers are not being used simultaneously
        if has_renderer is True and has_offscreen_renderer is True:
            raise ValueError("the onscreen and offscreen renderers cannot be used simultaneously.")

        # Rendering-specific attributes
        self.has_renderer = has_renderer
        self.has_offscreen_renderer = has_offscreen_renderer
        self.render_camera = render_camera
        self.render_collision_mesh = render_collision_mesh
        self.render_visual_mesh = render_visual_mesh
        self.render_gpu_device_id = render_gpu_device_id
        self.viewer = None

        # Simulation-specific attributes
        self._observables = {}                      # Maps observable names to observable objects
        self._obs_cache = {}                        # Maps observable names to pre-/partially-computed observable values
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        self.horizon = horizon
        self.ignore_done = ignore_done
        self.hard_reset = hard_reset
        self._model_postprocessor = None            # Function to post-process model after load_model() call
        self.model = None
        self.cur_time = None
        self.model_timestep = None
        self.control_timestep = None
        self.deterministic_reset = False            # Whether to add randomized resetting of objects / robot joints

        self.renderer = renderer
        self.renderer_config = renderer_config

        # Load the model

        # Post-process model

        # Initialize the simulation

        #initializes the rendering

        # Run all further internal (re-)initialization required

        # Load observables
        if hasattr(self.viewer, '_setup_observables'):
            self._observables = self.viewer._setup_observables()
            self._observables = self._setup_observables()

        # check if viewer has get observations method and set a flag for future use.
        self.viewer_get_obs = hasattr(self.viewer, '_get_observations')

    def initialize_renderer(self):
        self.renderer = self.renderer.lower()

        if self.renderer_config is None and self.renderer != 'mujoco':
            self.renderer_config = load_renderer_config(self.renderer)

        if self.renderer == 'mujoco' or self.renderer == 'default':
        elif self.renderer == 'nvisii':
            from robosuite.renderers.nvisii.nvisii_renderer import NVISIIRenderer

            self.viewer = NVISIIRenderer(env=self,
        elif self.renderer == 'igibson':
            from robosuite.renderers.igibson.igibson_renderer import iGibsonRenderer

            self.viewer = iGibsonRenderer(env=self,
            raise ValueError(f'{self.renderer} is not a valid renderer name. Valid options include default (native mujoco renderer), nvisii, and igibson')

    def initialize_time(self, control_freq):
        Initializes the time constants used for simulation.
            control_freq (float): Hz rate to run control loop at within the simulation
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.model_timestep = macros.SIMULATION_TIMESTEP
        if self.model_timestep <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Invalid simulation timestep defined!")
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        if control_freq <= 0:
            raise SimulationError("Control frequency {} is invalid".format(control_freq))
        self.control_timestep = 1. / control_freq

    def set_model_postprocessor(self, postprocessor):
        Sets the post-processor function that self.model will be passed to after load_model() is called during resets.
            postprocessor (None or function): If set, postprocessing method should take in a Task-based instance and
                return no arguments.
        self._model_postprocessor = postprocessor

    def _load_model(self):
        """Loads an xml model, puts it in self.model"""

    def _postprocess_model(self):
        Post-processes model after load_model() call. Useful for external objects (e.g.: wrappers) to
        be able to modify the sim model before it is actually loaded into the simulation
        if self._model_postprocessor is not None:

    def _setup_references(self):
        Sets up references to important components. A reference is typically an
        index or a list of indices that point to the corresponding elements
        in a flatten array, which is how MuJoCo stores physical simulation data.
        # Setup mappings from model to IDs

    def _setup_observables(self):
        Sets up observables to be used for this environment.
            OrderedDict: Dictionary mapping observable names to its corresponding Observable object
        return OrderedDict()

    def _initialize_sim(self, xml_string=None):
        Creates a MjSim object and stores it in self.sim. If @xml_string is specified, the MjSim object will be created
        from the specified xml_string. Else, it will pull from self.model to instantiate the simulation
            xml_string (str): If specified, creates MjSim object from this filepath
        # if we have an xml string, use that to create the sim. Otherwise, use the local model
        self.mjpy_model = load_model_from_xml(xml_string) if xml_string else self.model.get_model(mode="mujoco_py")

        # Create the simulation instance and run a single step to make sure changes have propagated through sim state
        self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)

        # Setup sim time based on control frequency

    def reset(self):
        Resets simulation.
            OrderedDict: Environment observation space after reset occurs
        # TODO(yukez): investigate black screen of death
        # Use hard reset if requested

        if self.hard_reset and not self.deterministic_reset:
            if self.renderer == 'mujoco' or self.renderer == 'default':
        # Else, we only reset the sim internally
        # Reset necessary robosuite-centric variables
        # Setup observables, reloading if
        self._obs_cache = {}
        if self.hard_reset:
            # If we're using hard reset, must re-update sensor object references
            _observables = self._setup_observables()
            for obs_name, obs in _observables.items():
                self.modify_observable(observable_name=obs_name, attribute="sensor", modifier=obs._sensor)
        # Make sure that all sites are toggled OFF by default
        self.visualize(vis_settings={vis: False for vis in self._visualizations})

        if self.viewer is not None and self.renderer != 'mujoco':
        observations = self.viewer._get_observations(force_update=True) if self.viewer_get_obs else self._get_observations(force_update=True)

        # Return new observations
        return observations

    def _reset_internal(self):
        """Resets simulation internal configurations."""

        # create visualization screen or renderer
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

            # make sure mujoco-py doesn't block rendering frames
            # (see https://github.com/StanfordVL/robosuite/issues/39)
            self.viewer.viewer._render_every_frame = True

            # Set the camera angle for viewing
            if self.render_camera is not None:

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            if self.sim._render_context_offscreen is None:
                render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim, device_id=self.render_gpu_device_id)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

        # additional housekeeping
        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0
        self.done = False

        # Empty observation cache and reset all observables
        self._obs_cache = {}
        for observable in self._observables.values():

    def _update_observables(self, force=False):
        Updates all observables in this environment
            force (bool): If True, will force all the observables to update their internal values to the newest
                value. This is useful if, e.g., you want to grab observations when directly setting simulation states
                without actually stepping the simulation.
        for observable in self._observables.values():
            observable.update(timestep=self.model_timestep, obs_cache=self._obs_cache, force=force)

    def _get_observations(self, force_update=False):
        Grabs observations from the environment.
            force_update (bool): If True, will force all the observables to update their internal values to the newest
                value. This is useful if, e.g., you want to grab observations when directly setting simulation states
                without actually stepping the simulation.
            OrderedDict: OrderedDict containing observations [(name_string, np.array), ...]
        observations = OrderedDict()
        obs_by_modality = OrderedDict()

        # Force an update if requested
        if force_update:

        # Loop through all observables and grab their current observation
        for obs_name, observable in self._observables.items():
            if observable.is_enabled() and observable.is_active():
                obs = observable.obs
                observations[obs_name] = obs
                modality = observable.modality + "-state"
                if modality not in obs_by_modality:
                    obs_by_modality[modality] = []
                # Make sure all observations are numpy arrays so we can concatenate them
                array_obs = [obs] if type(obs) in {int, float} or not obs.shape else obs

        # Add in modality observations
        for modality, obs in obs_by_modality.items():
            # To save memory, we only concatenate the image observations if explicitly requested
            if modality == "image-state" and not macros.CONCATENATE_IMAGES:
            observations[modality] = np.concatenate(obs, axis=-1)

        return observations

    def step(self, action):
        Takes a step in simulation with control command @action.
            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment
                - (OrderedDict) observations from the environment
                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) misc information
            ValueError: [Steps past episode termination]
        if self.done:
            raise ValueError("executing action in terminated episode")

        self.timestep += 1

        # Since the env.step frequency is slower than the mjsim timestep frequency, the internal controller will output
        # multiple torque commands in between new high level action commands. Therefore, we need to denote via
        # 'policy_step' whether the current step we're taking is simply an internal update of the controller,
        # or an actual policy update
        policy_step = True

        # Loop through the simulation at the model timestep rate until we're ready to take the next policy step
        # (as defined by the control frequency specified at the environment level)
        for i in range(int(self.control_timestep / self.model_timestep)):
            self._pre_action(action, policy_step)
            policy_step = False

        # Note: this is done all at once to avoid floating point inaccuracies
        self.cur_time += self.control_timestep

        reward, done, info = self._post_action(action)

        if self.viewer is not None and self.renderer != 'mujoco':

        observations = self.viewer._get_observations() if self.viewer_get_obs else self._get_observations()
        return observations, reward, done, info

    def _pre_action(self, action, policy_step=False):
        Do any preprocessing before taking an action.
            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment
            policy_step (bool): Whether this current loop is an actual policy step or internal sim update step
        self.sim.data.ctrl[:] = action

    def _post_action(self, action):
        Do any housekeeping after taking an action.
            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment
                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) empty dict to be filled with information by subclassed method
        reward = self.reward(action)

        # done if number of elapsed timesteps is greater than horizon
        self.done = (self.timestep >= self.horizon) and not self.ignore_done

        return reward, self.done, {}

    def reward(self, action):
        Reward should be a function of state and action
            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment
            float: Reward from environment
        raise NotImplementedError

    def render(self):
        Renders to an on-screen window.

    def get_pixel_obs(self):
        Gets the pixel observations for the environment from the specified renderer

    def close_renderer(self):
        Closes the renderer

    def observation_spec(self):
        Returns an observation as observation specification.
        An alternative design is to return an OrderedDict where the keys
        are the observation names and the values are the shapes of observations.
        We leave this alternative implementation commented out, as we find the
        current design is easier to use in practice.
            OrderedDict: Observations from the environment
        observation = self.viewer._get_observations() if self.viewer_get_obs else self._get_observations()
        return observation

    def clear_objects(self, object_names):
        Clears objects with the name @object_names out of the task space. This is useful
        for supporting task modes with single types of objects, as in
        @self.single_object_mode without changing the model definition.
            object_names (str or list of str): Name of object(s) to remove from the task workspace
        object_names = {object_names} if type(object_names) is str else set(object_names)
        for obj in self.model.mujoco_objects:
            if obj.name in object_names:
                self.sim.data.set_joint_qpos(obj.joints[0], np.array((10, 10, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0)))

    def visualize(self, vis_settings):
        Do any needed visualization here
            vis_settings (dict): Visualization keywords mapped to T/F, determining whether that specific
                component should be visualized. Should have "env" keyword as well as any other relevant
                options specified.
        # Set visuals for environment objects
        for obj in self.model.mujoco_objects:
            obj.set_sites_visibility(sim=self.sim, visible=vis_settings["env"])

    def set_camera_pos_quat(self, camera_pos, camera_quat):
        if self.renderer in ["nvisii", "igibson"]:
            self.viewer.set_camera_pos_quat(camera_pos, camera_quat)
            raise AttributeError('setting camera position and quat requires renderer to be either NVISII or iGibson.')

    def reset_from_xml_string(self, xml_string):
        Reloads the environment from an XML description of the environment.
            xml_string (str): Filepath to the xml file that will be loaded directly into the sim

        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        if self.renderer != 'nvisii':

        # Since we are reloading from an xml_string, we are deterministically resetting
        self.deterministic_reset = True

        # initialize sim from xml

        # Now reset as normal

        # Turn off deterministic reset
        self.deterministic_reset = False

    def check_contact(self, geoms_1, geoms_2=None):
        Finds contact between two geom groups.
            geoms_1 (str or list of str or MujocoModel): an individual geom name or list of geom names or a model. If
                a MujocoModel is specified, the geoms checked will be its contact_geoms
            geoms_2 (str or list of str or MujocoModel or None): another individual geom name or list of geom names.
                If a MujocoModel is specified, the geoms checked will be its contact_geoms. If None, will check
                any collision with @geoms_1 to any other geom in the environment
            bool: True if any geom in @geoms_1 is in contact with any geom in @geoms_2.
        # Check if either geoms_1 or geoms_2 is a string, convert to list if so
        if type(geoms_1) is str:
            geoms_1 = [geoms_1]
        elif isinstance(geoms_1, MujocoModel):
            geoms_1 = geoms_1.contact_geoms
        if type(geoms_2) is str:
            geoms_2 = [geoms_2]
        elif isinstance(geoms_2, MujocoModel):
            geoms_2 = geoms_2.contact_geoms
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[: self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms
            c1_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_1
            c2_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_2 if geoms_2 is not None else True
            # check contact geom in geoms (flipped)
            c2_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_1
            c1_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_2 if geoms_2 is not None else True
            if (c1_in_g1 and c2_in_g2) or (c1_in_g2 and c2_in_g1):
                return True
        return False

    def get_contacts(self, model):
        Checks for any contacts with @model (as defined by @model's contact_geoms) and returns the set of
        geom names currently in contact with that model (excluding the geoms that are part of the model itself).
            model (MujocoModel): Model to check contacts for.
            set: Unique geoms that are actively in contact with this model.
            AssertionError: [Invalid input type]
        # Make sure model is MujocoModel type
        assert isinstance(model, MujocoModel), \
            "Inputted model must be of type MujocoModel; got type {} instead!".format(type(model))
        contact_set = set()
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[: self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms; add to contact set if match is found
            g1, g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1), self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2)
            if g1 in model.contact_geoms and g2 not in model.contact_geoms:
            elif g2 in model.contact_geoms and g1 not in model.contact_geoms:
        return contact_set

    def add_observable(self, observable):
        Adds an observable to this environment.
            observable (Observable): Observable instance.
        assert observable.name not in self._observables,\
            "Observable name {} is already associated with an existing observable! Use modify_observable(...) " \
            "to modify a pre-existing observable.".format(observable.name)
        self._observables[observable.name] = observable

    def modify_observable(self, observable_name, attribute, modifier):
        Modifies observable with associated name @observable_name, replacing the given @attribute with @modifier.
             observable_name (str): Observable to modify
             attribute (str): Observable attribute to modify.
                Options are {`'sensor'`, `'corrupter'`,`'filter'`,  `'delayer'`, `'sampling_rate'`,
                `'enabled'`, `'active'`}
             modifier (any): New function / value to replace with for observable. If a function, new signature should
                match the function being replaced.
        # Find the observable
        assert observable_name in self._observables, "No valid observable with name {} found. Options are: {}".\
            format(observable_name, self.observation_names)
        obs = self._observables[observable_name]
        # replace attribute accordingly
        if attribute == "sensor":
        elif attribute == "corrupter":
        elif attribute == "filter":
        elif attribute == "delayer":
        elif attribute == "sampling_rate":
        elif attribute == "enabled":
        elif attribute == "active":
            # Invalid attribute specified
            raise ValueError("Invalid observable attribute specified. Requested: {}, valid options are {}".
                             format(attribute, {"sensor", "corrupter", "filter", "delayer",
                                                "sampling_rate", "enabled", "active"}))

    def _check_success(self):
        Checks if the task has been completed. Should be implemented by subclasses
            bool: True if the task has been completed
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _destroy_viewer(self):
        Destroys the current mujoco renderer instance if it exists
        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        if self.viewer is not None:
            self.viewer.close()  # change this to viewer.finish()?
            self.viewer = None

    def close(self):
        """Do any cleanup necessary here."""

    def observation_modalities(self):
        Modalities for this environment's observations
            set: All observation modalities
        return set([observable.modality for observable in self._observables.values()])

    def observation_names(self):
        Grabs all names for this environment's observables
            set: All observation names
        return set(self._observables.keys())

    def enabled_observables(self):
        Grabs all names of enabled observables for this environment. An observable is considered enabled if its values
        are being continually computed / updated at each simulation timestep.
            set: All enabled observation names
        return set([name for name, observable in self._observables.items() if observable.is_enabled()])

    def active_observables(self):
        Grabs all names of active observables for this environment. An observable is considered active if its value is
        being returned in the observation dict from _get_observations() call or from the step() call (assuming this
        observable is enabled).
            set: All active observation names
        return set([name for name, observable in self._observables.items() if observable.is_active()])

    def _visualizations(self):
        Visualization keywords for this environment
            set: All components that can be individually visualized for this environment
        return {"env"}

    def action_spec(self):
        Action specification should be implemented in subclasses.
        Action space is represented by a tuple of (low, high), which are two numpy
        vectors that specify the min/max action limits per dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def action_dim(self):
        Size of the action space
            int: Action space dimension
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #5
class MujocoEnv(metaclass=EnvMeta):
    """Initializes a Mujoco Environment."""

    def __init__(

            has_renderer (bool): If true, render the simulation state in 
                a viewer instead of headless mode.

            has_offscreen_renderer (bool): True if using off-screen rendering.

            render_collision_mesh (bool): True if rendering collision meshes 
                in camera. False otherwise.

            render_visual_mesh (bool): True if rendering visual meshes 
                in camera. False otherwise.

            control_freq (float): how many control signals to receive 
                in every simulated second. This sets the amount of simulation time 
                that passes between every action input.

            horizon (int): Every episode lasts for exactly @horizon timesteps.

            ignore_done (bool): True if never terminating the environment (ignore @horizon).

            use_camera_obs (bool): if True, every observation includes a 
                rendered image.

            camera_name (str): name of camera to be rendered. Must be 
                set if @use_camera_obs is True.

            camera_height (int): height of camera frame.

            camera_width (int): width of camera frame.

            camera_depth (bool): True if rendering RGB-D, and RGB otherwise.

        self.has_renderer = has_renderer
        self.has_offscreen_renderer = has_offscreen_renderer
        self.render_collision_mesh = render_collision_mesh
        self.render_visual_mesh = render_visual_mesh
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        self.horizon = horizon
        self.ignore_done = ignore_done
        self.viewer = None
        self.model = None

        # settings for camera observations
        self.use_camera_obs = use_camera_obs
        if self.use_camera_obs and not self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            raise ValueError("Camera observations require an offscreen renderer.")
        self.camera_name = camera_name
        if self.use_camera_obs and self.camera_name is None:
            raise ValueError("Must specify camera name when using camera obs")
        self.camera_height = camera_height
        self.camera_width = camera_width
        self.camera_depth = camera_depth


    def initialize_time(self, control_freq):
        Initializes the time constants used for simulation.
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.model_timestep = self.sim.model.opt.timestep
        if self.model_timestep <= 0:
            raise XMLError("xml model defined non-positive time step")
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        if control_freq <= 0:
            raise SimulationError(
                "control frequency {} is invalid".format(control_freq)
        self.control_timestep = 1. / control_freq

    def _load_model(self):
        """Loads an xml model, puts it in self.model"""

    def _get_reference(self):
        Sets up references to important components. A reference is typically an
        index or a list of indices that point to the corresponding elements
        in a flatten array, which is how MuJoCo stores physical simulation data.

    def reset(self):
        """Resets simulation."""
        # TODO(yukez): investigate black screen of death
        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        return self._get_observation()

    def _reset_internal(self):
        """Resets simulation internal configurations."""
        # instantiate simulation from MJCF model
        self.mjpy_model = self.model.get_model(mode="mujoco_py")
        self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)

        # create visualization screen or renderer
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = 1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            if self.sim._render_context_offscreen is None:
                render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (
                1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0

        # additional housekeeping
        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0
        self.done = False

    def _get_observation(self):
        """Returns an OrderedDict containing observations [(name_string, np.array), ...]."""
        return OrderedDict()

    def step(self, action):
        """Takes a step in simulation with control command @action."""
        if self.done:
            raise ValueError("executing action in terminated episode")

        self.timestep += 1
        end_time = self.cur_time + self.control_timestep
        while self.cur_time < end_time:
            self.cur_time += self.model_timestep
        reward, done, info = self._post_action(action)
        return self._get_observation(), reward, done, info

    def _pre_action(self, action):
        """Do any preprocessing before taking an action."""
        self.sim.data.ctrl[:] = action

    def _post_action(self, action):
        """Do any housekeeping after taking an action."""
        reward = self.reward(action)

        # done if number of elapsed timesteps is greater than horizon
        self.done = (self.timestep >= self.horizon) and not self.ignore_done
        return reward, self.done, {}

    def reward(self, action):
        """Reward should be a function of state and action."""
        return 0

    def render(self):
        Renders to an on-screen window.

    def observation_spec(self):
        Returns an observation as observation specification.

        An alternative design is to return an OrderedDict where the keys
        are the observation names and the values are the shapes of observations.
        We leave this alternative implementation commented out, as we find the
        current design is easier to use in practice.
        observation = self._get_observation()
        return observation

        # observation_spec = OrderedDict()
        # for k, v in observation.items():
        #     observation_spec[k] = v.shape
        # return observation_spec

    def action_spec(self):
        Action specification should be implemented in subclasses.

        Action space is represented by a tuple of (low, high), which are two numpy
        vectors that specify the min/max action limits per dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset_from_xml_string(self, xml_string):
        """Reloads the environment from an XML description of the environment."""

        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it

        # load model from xml
        self.mjpy_model = load_model_from_xml(xml_string)

        self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = 1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim)
            render_context.vopt.geomgroup[0] = 1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0
            render_context.vopt.geomgroup[1] = 1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0

        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0
        self.done = False

        # necessary to refresh MjData

    def find_contacts(self, geoms_1, geoms_2):
        Finds contact between two geom groups.

            geoms_1: a list of geom names (string)
            geoms_2: another list of geom names (string)

            iterator of all contacts between @geoms_1 and @geoms_2
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[0 : self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms
            c1_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_1
            c2_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_2
            # check contact geom in geoms (flipped)
            c2_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_1
            c1_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_2
            if (c1_in_g1 and c2_in_g2) or (c1_in_g2 and c2_in_g1):
                yield contact

    def _check_contact(self):
        """Returns True if gripper is in contact with an object."""
        return False

    def _check_success(self):
        Returns True if task has been completed.
        return False

    def _destroy_viewer(self):
        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        if self.viewer is not None:
            self.viewer.close()  # change this to viewer.finish()?
            self.viewer = None

    def close(self):
        """Do any cleanup necessary here."""
Пример #6
class MujocoEnv(metaclass=EnvMeta):
    Initializes a Mujoco Environment.

        has_renderer (bool): If true, render the simulation state in
            a viewer instead of headless mode.

        has_offscreen_renderer (bool): True if using off-screen rendering.

        render_camera (str): Name of camera to render if `has_renderer` is True. Setting this value to 'None'
            will result in the default angle being applied, which is useful as it can be dragged / panned by
            the user using the mouse

        render_collision_mesh (bool): True if rendering collision meshes
            in camera. False otherwise.

        render_visual_mesh (bool): True if rendering visual meshes
            in camera. False otherwise.

        render_gpu_device_id (int): corresponds to the GPU device id to use for offscreen rendering.
            Defaults to -1, in which case the device will be inferred from environment variables

        control_freq (float): how many control signals to receive
            in every simulated second. This sets the amount of simulation time
            that passes between every action input.

        horizon (int): Every episode lasts for exactly @horizon timesteps.

        ignore_done (bool): True if never terminating the environment (ignore @horizon).

        hard_reset (bool): If True, re-loads model, sim, and render object upon a reset call, else,
            only calls sim.reset and resets all robosuite-internal variables

        ValueError: [Invalid renderer selection]

    def __init__(
        # First, verify that both the on- and off-screen renderers are not being used simultaneously
        if has_renderer is True and has_offscreen_renderer is True:
            raise ValueError("the onscreen and offscreen renderers cannot be used simultaneously.")

        # Rendering-specific attributes
        self.has_renderer = has_renderer
        self.has_offscreen_renderer = has_offscreen_renderer
        self.render_camera = render_camera
        self.render_collision_mesh = render_collision_mesh
        self.render_visual_mesh = render_visual_mesh
        self.render_gpu_device_id = render_gpu_device_id
        self.viewer = None

        # Simulation-specific attributes
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        self.horizon = horizon
        self.ignore_done = ignore_done
        self.hard_reset = hard_reset
        self._model_postprocessor = None            # Function to post-process model after load_model() call
        self.model = None
        self.cur_time = None
        self.model_timestep = None
        self.control_timestep = None
        self.deterministic_reset = False            # Whether to add randomized resetting of objects / robot joints

        # Load the model

        # Post-process model

        # Initialize the simulation

        # Run all further internal (re-)initialization required

    def initialize_time(self, control_freq):
        Initializes the time constants used for simulation.

            control_freq (float): Hz rate to run control loop at within the simulation
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.model_timestep = self.sim.model.opt.timestep
        if self.model_timestep <= 0:
            raise XMLError("xml model defined non-positive time step")
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        if control_freq <= 0:
            raise SimulationError(
                "control frequency {} is invalid".format(control_freq)
        self.control_timestep = 1. / control_freq

    def set_model_postprocessor(self, postprocessor):
        Sets the post-processor function that self.model will be passed to after load_model() is called during resets.

            postprocessor (None or function): If set, postprocessing method should take in a Task-based instance and
                return no arguments.
        self._model_postprocessor = postprocessor

    def _load_model(self):
        """Loads an xml model, puts it in self.model"""

    def _postprocess_model(self):
        Post-processes model after load_model() call. Useful for external objects (e.g.: wrappers) to
        be able to modify the sim model before it is actually loaded into the simulation
        if self._model_postprocessor is not None:

    def _get_reference(self):
        Sets up references to important components. A reference is typically an
        index or a list of indices that point to the corresponding elements
        in a flatten array, which is how MuJoCo stores physical simulation data.

    def _initialize_sim(self, xml_string=None):
        Creates a MjSim object and stores it in self.sim. If @xml_string is specified, the MjSim object will be created
        from the specified xml_string. Else, it will pull from self.model to instantiate the simulation

            xml_string (str): If specified, creates MjSim object from this filepath
        # if we have an xml string, use that to create the sim. Otherwise, use the local model
        self.mjpy_model = load_model_from_xml(xml_string) if xml_string else self.model.get_model(mode="mujoco_py")

        # Create the simulation instance and run a single step to make sure changes have propagated through sim state
        self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)

        # Setup sim time based on control frequency

    def reset(self):
        Resets simulation.

            OrderedDict: Environment observation space after reset occurs
        # TODO(yukez): investigate black screen of death
        # Use hard reset if requested
        if self.hard_reset and not self.deterministic_reset:
        # Else, we only reset the sim internally
        # Reset necessary robosuite-centric variables
        # Make sure that all sites are toggled OFF by default
        self.visualize(vis_settings={vis: False for vis in self._visualizations})
        # Return new observations
        return self._get_observation()

    def _reset_internal(self):
        """Resets simulation internal configurations."""

        # create visualization screen or renderer
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

            # make sure mujoco-py doesn't block rendering frames
            # (see https://github.com/StanfordVL/robosuite/issues/39)
            self.viewer.viewer._render_every_frame = True

            # Set the camera angle for viewing
            if self.render_camera is not None:

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            if self.sim._render_context_offscreen is None:
                render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim, device_id=self.render_gpu_device_id)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

        # additional housekeeping
        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0
        self.done = False

    def _get_observation(self):
        Grabs observations from the environment.

            OrderedDict: OrderedDict containing observations [(name_string, np.array), ...]

        return OrderedDict()

    def step(self, action):
        Takes a step in simulation with control command @action.

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment


                - (OrderedDict) observations from the environment
                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) misc information

            ValueError: [Steps past episode termination]

        if self.done:
            raise ValueError("executing action in terminated episode")

        self.timestep += 1

        # Since the env.step frequency is slower than the mjsim timestep frequency, the internal controller will output
        # multiple torque commands in between new high level action commands. Therefore, we need to denote via
        # 'policy_step' whether the current step we're taking is simply an internal update of the controller,
        # or an actual policy update
        policy_step = True

        # Loop through the simulation at the model timestep rate until we're ready to take the next policy step
        # (as defined by the control frequency specified at the environment level)
        for i in range(int(self.control_timestep / self.model_timestep)):
            self._pre_action(action, policy_step)
            policy_step = False

        # Note: this is done all at once to avoid floating point inaccuracies
        self.cur_time += self.control_timestep

        reward, done, info = self._post_action(action)
        return self._get_observation(), reward, done, info

    def _pre_action(self, action, policy_step=False):
        Do any preprocessing before taking an action.

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment
            policy_step (bool): Whether this current loop is an actual policy step or internal sim update step
        self.sim.data.ctrl[:] = action

    def _post_action(self, action):
        Do any housekeeping after taking an action.

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment


                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) empty dict to be filled with information by subclassed method

        reward = self.reward(action)

        # done if number of elapsed timesteps is greater than horizon
        self.done = (self.timestep >= self.horizon) and not self.ignore_done

        return reward, self.done, {}

    def reward(self, action):
        Reward should be a function of state and action

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment

            float: Reward from environment
        raise NotImplementedError

    def render(self):
        Renders to an on-screen window.

    def observation_spec(self):
        Returns an observation as observation specification.

        An alternative design is to return an OrderedDict where the keys
        are the observation names and the values are the shapes of observations.
        We leave this alternative implementation commented out, as we find the
        current design is easier to use in practice.

            OrderedDict: Observations from the environment
        observation = self._get_observation()
        return observation

    def clear_objects(self, object_names):
        Clears objects with the name @object_names out of the task space. This is useful
        for supporting task modes with single types of objects, as in
        @self.single_object_mode without changing the model definition.

            object_names (str or list of str): Name of object(s) to remove from the task workspace
        object_names = {object_names} if type(object_names) is str else set(object_names)
        for obj in self.model.mujoco_objects:
            if obj.name in object_names:
                self.sim.data.set_joint_qpos(obj.joints[0], np.array((10, 10, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0)))

    def visualize(self, vis_settings):
        Do any needed visualization here

            vis_settings (dict): Visualization keywords mapped to T/F, determining whether that specific
                component should be visualized. Should have "env" keyword as well as any other relevant
                options specified.
        # Set visuals for environment objects
        for obj in self.model.mujoco_objects:
            obj.set_sites_visibility(sim=self.sim, visible=vis_settings["env"])

    def _visualizations(self):
        Visualization keywords for this environment

            set: All components that can be individually visualized for this environment
        return {"env"}

    def action_spec(self):
        Action specification should be implemented in subclasses.

        Action space is represented by a tuple of (low, high), which are two numpy
        vectors that specify the min/max action limits per dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def action_dim(self):
        Size of the action space

            int: Action space dimension
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset_from_xml_string(self, xml_string):
        Reloads the environment from an XML description of the environment.

            xml_string (str): Filepath to the xml file that will be loaded directly into the sim

        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it

        # Since we are reloading from an xml_string, we are deterministically resetting
        self.deterministic_reset = True

        # initialize sim from xml

        # Now reset as normal

        # Turn off deterministic reset
        self.deterministic_reset = False

    def check_contact(self, geoms_1, geoms_2=None):
        Finds contact between two geom groups.

            geoms_1 (str or list of str or MujocoModel): an individual geom name or list of geom names or a model. If
                a MujocoModel is specified, the geoms checked will be its contact_geoms
            geoms_2 (str or list of str or MujocoModel or None): another individual geom name or list of geom names.
                If a MujocoModel is specified, the geoms checked will be its contact_geoms. If None, will check
                any collision with @geoms_1 to any other geom in the environment

            bool: True if any geom in @geoms_1 is in contact with any geom in @geoms_2.
        # Check if either geoms_1 or geoms_2 is a string, convert to list if so
        if type(geoms_1) is str:
            geoms_1 = [geoms_1]
        elif isinstance(geoms_1, MujocoModel):
            geoms_1 = geoms_1.contact_geoms
        if type(geoms_2) is str:
            geoms_2 = [geoms_2]
        elif isinstance(geoms_2, MujocoModel):
            geoms_2 = geoms_2.contact_geoms
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[: self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms
            c1_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_1
            c2_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_2 if geoms_2 is not None else True
            # check contact geom in geoms (flipped)
            c2_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_1
            c1_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_2 if geoms_2 is not None else True
            if (c1_in_g1 and c2_in_g2) or (c1_in_g2 and c2_in_g1):
                return True
        return False

    def get_contacts(self, model):
        Checks for any contacts with @model (as defined by @model's contact_geoms) and returns the set of
        geom names currently in contact with that model (excluding the geoms that are part of the model itself).

            model (MujocoModel): Model to check contacts for.

            set: Unique geoms that are actively in contact with this model.

            AssertionError: [Invalid input type]
        # Make sure model is MujocoModel type
        assert isinstance(model, MujocoModel), \
            "Inputted model must be of type MujocoModel; got type {} instead!".format(type(model))
        contact_set = set()
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[: self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms; add to contact set if match is found
            g1, g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1), self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2)
            if g1 in model.contact_geoms and g2 not in model.contact_geoms:
            elif g2 in model.contact_geoms and g1 not in model.contact_geoms:
        return contact_set

    def _check_success(self):
        Checks if the task has been completed. Should be implemented by subclasses

            bool: True if the task has been completed
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _destroy_viewer(self):
        Destroys the current mujoco renderer instance if it exists
        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        if self.viewer is not None:
            self.viewer.close()  # change this to viewer.finish()?
            self.viewer = None

    def close(self):
        """Do any cleanup necessary here."""
Пример #7
class MujocoEnv(metaclass=EnvMeta):
    """Initializes a Mujoco Environment."""
    def __init__(
            has_renderer (bool): If true, render the simulation state in a viewer instead of headless mode.
            has_offscreen_renderer (bool): True if using off-screen rendering.
            render_camera (str): Name of camera to render if `has_renderer` is True.
            render_collision_mesh (bool): True if rendering collision meshes in camera. False otherwise.
            render_visual_mesh (bool): True if rendering visual meshes in camera. False otherwise.
            control_freq (float): how many control signals to receive in every simulated second. This sets the amount of simulation time that passes between every action input.
            horizon (int): Every episode lasts for exactly @horizon timesteps.
            ignore_done (bool): True if never terminating the environment (ignore @horizon).
        # Rendering-specific attributes
        self.has_renderer = has_renderer
        self.has_offscreen_renderer = has_offscreen_renderer
        self.render_camera = render_camera
        self.render_collision_mesh = render_collision_mesh
        self.render_visual_mesh = render_visual_mesh
        self.viewer = None
        self.viewers = {}

        # Simulation-specific attributes
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        self.horizon = horizon
        self.ignore_done = ignore_done
        self.model = None
        self.cur_time = None
        self.model_timestep = None
        self.control_timestep = None
        self.deterministic_reset = False  # Whether to add randomized resetting of objects / robot joints

        # Load the model

        # Initialize the simulation

        # Run all further internal (re-)initialization required

    def initialize_time(self, control_freq):
        Initializes the time constants used for simulation.
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.model_timestep = self.sim.model.opt.timestep
        if self.model_timestep <= 0:
            raise XMLError("xml model defined non-positive time step")
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        if control_freq <= 0:
            raise SimulationError(
                "control frequency {} is invalid".format(control_freq))
        self.control_timestep = 1. / control_freq

    def _load_model(self):
        """Loads an xml model, puts it in self.model"""

    def _get_reference(self):
        Sets up references to important components. A reference is typically an
        index or a list of indices that point to the corresponding elements
        in a flatten array, which is how MuJoCo stores physical simulation data.

    def _initialize_sim(self, xml_string=None):
        Creates a MjSim object and stores it in self.sim. If @xml_string is specified, the MjSim object will be created
        from the specified xml_string. Else, it will pull from self.model to instantiate the simulation
        # if we have an xml string, use that to create the sim. Otherwise, use the local model
        self.mjpy_model = load_model_from_xml(
            xml_string) if xml_string else self.model.get_model(

        # Create the simulation instance and run a single step to make sure changes have propagated through sim state
        self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)

        self.init_qpos = np.copy(self.sim.data.qpos)
        self.init_qvel = np.copy(self.sim.data.qvel)

        # Setup sim time based on control frequency

    def reset(self, **kwargs):
        """Resets simulation."""
        # TODO(yukez): investigate black screen of death
        return self._get_observation()

    def _reset_internal(self):
        """Resets simulation internal configurations."""

        # create visualization screen or renderer
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (
                1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

            # make sure mujoco-py doesn't block rendering frames
            # (see https://github.com/StanfordVL/robosuite/issues/39)
            self.viewer.viewer._render_every_frame = True

            # Set the camera angle for viewing

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            if self.sim._render_context_offscreen is None:
                render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (
                1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

        # additional housekeeping
        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0

    def _get_observation(self):
        """Returns an OrderedDict containing observations [(name_string, np.array), ...]."""
        return OrderedDict()

    def step(self, action):
        """Takes a step in simulation with control command @action."""
        self.timestep += 1

        # Since the env.step frequency is slower than the mjsim timestep frequency, the internal controller will output
        # multiple torque commands in between new high level action commands. Therefore, we need to denote via
        # 'policy_step' whether the current step we're taking is simply an internal update of the controller,
        # or an actual policy update
        policy_step = True

        # Loop through the simulation at the model timestep rate until we're ready to take the next policy step
        # (as defined by the control frequency specified at the environment level)
            for i in range(int(self.control_timestep / self.model_timestep)):
                self._pre_action(action, policy_step)
                policy_step = False
            print("error. resetting")
            return self.step(action)

        # Note: this is done all at once to avoid floating point inaccuracies
        self.cur_time += self.control_timestep
        next_state = self._get_observation()
        reward, done, info = self._post_action(action)
        return next_state, reward, done, info

    def _pre_action(self, action, policy_step=False):
        """Do any preprocessing before taking an action."""
        self.sim.data.ctrl[:] = action

    def _post_action(self, action):
        """Do any housekeeping after taking an action."""
        reward = self.reward(action)
        done = self.done()
        return reward, done, {}

    def reward(self, action):
        """Reward should be a function of state and action."""
        return 0

    def done(self):
        # done if number of elapsed timesteps is greater than horizon
        return (self.timestep >= self.horizon) and not self.ignore_done

    def render(self,
        if mode == 'rgb_array':
            camera_id = self.mjpy_model.camera_name2id(
            ) if camera_name in self.mjpy_model._camera_name2id else None
            self.get_viewer(mode).render(width, height, camera_id=camera_id)
            data = self.get_viewer(mode).read_pixels(width,
            return data[::-1, :, :]
        elif mode == 'depth_array':
            self.get_viewer(mode).render(width, height)
            data = self.get_viewer(mode).read_pixels(width, height,
            return data[::-1, :]
        elif mode == 'human':

    def get_viewer(self, mode):
        self.viewer = self.viewers.get(mode)
        if self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = mujoco_py.MjViewer(self.sim) if mode in [
            ] else mujoco_py.MjRenderContextOffscreen(
                self.sim, -1) if mode in ["rgb_array", "depth_array"] else None
            self.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (1 if self.render_collision_mesh
                                             else 0)
            self.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (1
                                             if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)
            self.viewer._hide_overlay = True
            self.viewer._render_every_frame = True
            self.viewer.cam.trackbodyid = 0
            self.viewer.cam.azimuth = 180
            self.viewer.cam.elevation = -15
            self.viewers[mode] = self.viewer
        return self.viewer

    def observation_spec(self):
        Returns an observation as observation specification.

        An alternative design is to return an OrderedDict where the keys
        are the observation names and the values are the shapes of observations.
        We leave this alternative implementation commented out, as we find the
        current design is easier to use in practice.
        observation = self._get_observation()
        return observation

        # observation_spec = OrderedDict()
        # for k, v in observation.items():
        #     observation_spec[k] = v.shape
        # return observation_spec

    def action_spec(self):
        Action specification should be implemented in subclasses.

        Action space is represented by a tuple of (low, high), which are two numpy
        vectors that specify the min/max action limits per dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset_from_xml_string(self, xml_string):
        """Reloads the environment from an XML description of the environment."""

        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it

        # Since we are reloading from an xml_string, we are deterministically resetting
        self.deterministic_reset = True

        # initialize sim from xml

        # Now reset as normal

        # Turn off deterministic reset
        self.deterministic_reset = False

    def find_contacts(self, geoms_1, geoms_2):
        Finds contact between two geom groups.

            geoms_1: a list of geom names (string)
            geoms_2: another list of geom names (string)

            iterator of all contacts between @geoms_1 and @geoms_2
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[0:self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms
            c1_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_1
            c2_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_2
            # check contact geom in geoms (flipped)
            c2_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_1
            c1_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_2
            if (c1_in_g1 and c2_in_g2) or (c1_in_g2 and c2_in_g1):
                yield contact

    def _check_contact(self):
        """Returns True if gripper is in contact with an object."""
        return False

    def _check_success(self):
        Returns True if task has been completed.
        return False

    def _destroy_viewer(self):
        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        if self.viewer is not None:
            self.viewer.close()  # change this to viewer.finish()?
            self.viewer = None

    def get_body_pos(self, body_name):
        # pos = self.sim.data.get_body_xpos(body_name)
        pos = self.sim.model.body_pos[self.sim.model.body_names.index(
        return pos

    def set_state(self, qpos=None, qvel=None):
        old_state = self.sim.get_state()
        qpos = old_state.qpos if qpos is None else qpos
        qvel = old_state.qvel if qvel is None else qvel
        new_state = mujoco_py.MjSimState(old_state.time, qpos, qvel,
                                         old_state.act, old_state.udd_state)

    def close(self):
        """Do any cleanup necessary here."""
Пример #8
class MujocoEnv(metaclass=EnvMeta):
    Initializes a Mujoco Environment.

        has_renderer (bool): If true, render the simulation state in
            a viewer instead of headless mode.

        has_offscreen_renderer (bool): True if using off-screen rendering.

        render_camera (str): Name of camera to render if `has_renderer` is True. Setting this value to 'None'
            will result in the default angle being applied, which is useful as it can be dragged / panned by
            the user using the mouse

        render_collision_mesh (bool): True if rendering collision meshes
            in camera. False otherwise.

        render_visual_mesh (bool): True if rendering visual meshes
            in camera. False otherwise.

        control_freq (float): how many control signals to receive
            in every simulated second. This sets the amount of simulation time
            that passes between every action input.

        horizon (int): Every episode lasts for exactly @horizon timesteps.

        ignore_done (bool): True if never terminating the environment (ignore @horizon).

        hard_reset (bool): If True, re-loads model, sim, and render object upon a reset call, else,
            only calls sim.reset and resets all robosuite-internal variables

        ValueError: [Invalid renderer selection]
    def __init__(self,
        # First, verify that both the on- and off-screen renderers are not being used simultaneously
        if has_renderer is True and has_offscreen_renderer is True:
            raise ValueError(
                "the onscreen and offscreen renderers cannot be used simultaneously."

        # Rendering-specific attributes
        self.has_renderer = has_renderer
        self.has_offscreen_renderer = has_offscreen_renderer
        self.render_camera = render_camera
        self.render_collision_mesh = render_collision_mesh
        self.render_visual_mesh = render_visual_mesh
        self.viewer = None

        # Simulation-specific attributes
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        self.horizon = horizon
        self.ignore_done = ignore_done
        self.hard_reset = hard_reset
        self.model = None
        self.cur_time = None
        self.model_timestep = None
        self.control_timestep = None
        self.deterministic_reset = False  # Whether to add randomized resetting of objects / robot joints

        # Load the model

        # Initialize the simulation

        # Run all further internal (re-)initialization required

    def initialize_time(self, control_freq):
        Initializes the time constants used for simulation.

            control_freq (float): Hz rate to run control loop at within the simulation
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.model_timestep = self.sim.model.opt.timestep
        if self.model_timestep <= 0:
            raise XMLError("xml model defined non-positive time step")
        self.control_freq = control_freq
        if control_freq <= 0:
            raise SimulationError(
                "control frequency {} is invalid".format(control_freq))
        self.control_timestep = 1. / control_freq

    def _load_model(self):
        """Loads an xml model, puts it in self.model"""

    def _get_reference(self):
        Sets up references to important components. A reference is typically an
        index or a list of indices that point to the corresponding elements
        in a flatten array, which is how MuJoCo stores physical simulation data.

    def _initialize_sim(self, xml_string=None):
        Creates a MjSim object and stores it in self.sim. If @xml_string is specified, the MjSim object will be created
        from the specified xml_string. Else, it will pull from self.model to instantiate the simulation

            xml_string (str): If specified, creates MjSim object from this filepath
        # if we have an xml string, use that to create the sim. Otherwise, use the local model
        self.mjpy_model = load_model_from_xml(
            xml_string) if xml_string else self.model.get_model(

        # Create the simulation instance and run a single step to make sure changes have propagated through sim state
        self.sim = MjSim(self.mjpy_model)

        # Setup sim time based on control frequency

    def reset(self):
        Resets simulation.

            OrderedDict: Environment observation space after reset occurs
        # TODO(yukez): investigate black screen of death
        # Use hard reset if requested
        if self.hard_reset and not self.deterministic_reset:
        # Else, we only reset the sim internally
        # Reset necessary robosuite-centric variables
        return self._get_observation()

    def _reset_internal(self):
        """Resets simulation internal configurations."""

        # create visualization screen or renderer
        if self.has_renderer and self.viewer is None:
            self.viewer = MujocoPyRenderer(self.sim)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.viewer.viewer.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (
                1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

            # hiding the overlay speeds up rendering significantly
            self.viewer.viewer._hide_overlay = True

            # make sure mujoco-py doesn't block rendering frames
            # (see https://github.com/StanfordVL/robosuite/issues/39)
            self.viewer.viewer._render_every_frame = True

            # Set the camera angle for viewing
            if self.render_camera is not None:

        elif self.has_offscreen_renderer:
            if self.sim._render_context_offscreen is None:
                render_context = MjRenderContextOffscreen(self.sim)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[0] = (
                1 if self.render_collision_mesh else 0)
            self.sim._render_context_offscreen.vopt.geomgroup[1] = (
                1 if self.render_visual_mesh else 0)

        # additional housekeeping
        self.sim_state_initial = self.sim.get_state()
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.timestep = 0
        self.done = False

    def _get_observation(self):
        Grabs observations from the environment.

            OrderedDict: OrderedDict containing observations [(name_string, np.array), ...]

        return OrderedDict()

    def step(self, action):
        Takes a step in simulation with control command @action.

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment


                - (OrderedDict) observations from the environment
                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) misc information

            ValueError: [Steps past episode termination]

        if self.done:
            raise ValueError("executing action in terminated episode")

        self.timestep += 1

        # Since the env.step frequency is slower than the mjsim timestep frequency, the internal controller will output
        # multiple torque commands in between new high level action commands. Therefore, we need to denote via
        # 'policy_step' whether the current step we're taking is simply an internal update of the controller,
        # or an actual policy update
        policy_step = True

        # Loop through the simulation at the model timestep rate until we're ready to take the next policy step
        # (as defined by the control frequency specified at the environment level)
        for i in range(int(self.control_timestep / self.model_timestep)):
            self._pre_action(action, policy_step)
            policy_step = False

        # Note: this is done all at once to avoid floating point inaccuracies
        self.cur_time += self.control_timestep

        reward, done, info = self._post_action(action)
        return self._get_observation(), reward, done, info

    def _pre_action(self, action, policy_step=False):
        Do any preprocessing before taking an action.

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment
            policy_step (bool): Whether this current loop is an actual policy step or internal sim update step
        self.sim.data.ctrl[:] = action

    def _post_action(self, action):
        Do any housekeeping after taking an action.

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment


                - (float) reward from the environment
                - (bool) whether the current episode is completed or not
                - (dict) empty dict to be filled with information by subclassed method

        reward = self.reward(action)

        # done if number of elapsed timesteps is greater than horizon
        self.done = (self.timestep >= self.horizon) and not self.ignore_done
        return reward, self.done, {}

    def reward(self, action):
        Reward should be a function of state and action

            action (np.array): Action to execute within the environment

            float: Reward from environment
        raise NotImplementedError

    def render(self):
        Renders to an on-screen window.

    def observation_spec(self):
        Returns an observation as observation specification.

        An alternative design is to return an OrderedDict where the keys
        are the observation names and the values are the shapes of observations.
        We leave this alternative implementation commented out, as we find the
        current design is easier to use in practice.

            OrderedDict: Observations from the environment
        observation = self._get_observation()
        return observation

    def action_spec(self):
        Action specification should be implemented in subclasses.

        Action space is represented by a tuple of (low, high), which are two numpy
        vectors that specify the min/max action limits per dimension.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def action_dim(self):
        Size of the action space
            int: Action space dimension
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset_from_xml_string(self, xml_string):
        Reloads the environment from an XML description of the environment.

            xml_string (str): Filepath to the xml file that will be loaded directly into the sim

        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it

        # Since we are reloading from an xml_string, we are deterministically resetting
        self.deterministic_reset = True

        # initialize sim from xml

        # Now reset as normal

        # Turn off deterministic reset
        self.deterministic_reset = False

    def find_contacts(self, geoms_1, geoms_2):
        Finds contact between two geom groups.

            geoms_1 (list of str): a list of geom names
            geoms_2 (list of str): another list of geom names

            generator: iterator of all contacts between @geoms_1 and @geoms_2
        for contact in self.sim.data.contact[0:self.sim.data.ncon]:
            # check contact geom in geoms
            c1_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_1
            c2_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_2
            # check contact geom in geoms (flipped)
            c2_in_g1 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom2) in geoms_1
            c1_in_g2 = self.sim.model.geom_id2name(contact.geom1) in geoms_2
            if (c1_in_g1 and c2_in_g2) or (c1_in_g2 and c2_in_g1):
                yield contact

    def _check_success(self):
        Checks if the task has been completed. Should be implemented by subclasses

            bool: True if the task has been completed
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _destroy_viewer(self):
        Destroys the current mujoco renderer instance if it exists
        # if there is an active viewer window, destroy it
        if self.viewer is not None:
            self.viewer.close()  # change this to viewer.finish()?
            self.viewer = None

    def close(self):
        """Do any cleanup necessary here."""