from robot import Robot

def printText(txt):
    lines = txt.split('\n')
    for line in lines:
        print line.strip()

def get_move(url, robot):
    sends request to agent controlling given robot and returns move parsed from response
    httpServ = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
    httpServ.request('POST', "/test", robot.to_json())
    response = httpServ.getresponse()
#    httpServ.close()
    if response.status == httplib.OK:
        body =
        print body
        dictionary = json.loads(body)
        return tuple(dictionary['move']), dictionary['speed'], tuple(dictionary['velocity'])
        #TODO throw exception

if __name__ == '__main__':
    r = Robot()
    r.allowedMoves.append((1, 1))
    r.setOwnPosition((0, 0))
    r.robots.append((0, 0))
    print get_move("", r)