def getBasewireOfStirrupWithExtendedEdges(
        stirrup, view_plane: WorkingPlane.Plane,
        extension_offset: float) -> Part.Wire:
    """Returns stirrup base wire after adding extension_offset to stirrup
    extended edges, so that end edges of stirrup with 90 degree bent angle do
    not overlap with stirrup edges.

    stirrup: <ArchRebar._Rebar>
        The stirrup with 90 degree bent angle.
    view_plane: WorkingPlane.Plane
        The view plane from which stirrup shape is visible.
    extension_offset: float
        The distance to move extended end edges of stirrup apart.

        The generated stirrup base wire.
    basewire = stirrup.Base.Shape.Wires[0].copy()

    # This function is meant for stirrup with bent angle 90 degree
    if stirrup.BentAngle != 90:
        return basewire

    min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = getVertexesMinMaxXY(basewire.Vertexes,

    def getModifiedEndEdgePoints(end_edge, coincident_edge):
        p1 = getProjectionToSVGPlane(end_edge.firstVertex().Point, view_plane)
        p2 = getProjectionToSVGPlane(end_edge.lastVertex().Point, view_plane)
        p3 = getProjectionToSVGPlane(coincident_edge.firstVertex().Point,
        p4 = getProjectionToSVGPlane(coincident_edge.lastVertex().Point,

        # The extended edge is vertical and is left side of stirrup And
        # coincident edge is horizontal
        if (round(p1.x) == round(p2.x) == round(min_x)) and (round(p3.y)
                                                             == round(p4.y)):
            mod_p1 = end_edge.firstVertex().Point.add(
                extension_offset * view_plane.u.negative().normalize())
            mod_p2 = end_edge.lastVertex().Point.add(
                extension_offset * view_plane.u.negative().normalize())
        # The extended edge is vertical and is right side of stirrup And
        # coincident edge is horizontal
        elif (round(p1.x) == round(p2.x) == round(max_x)) and (round(p3.y)
                                                               == round(p4.y)):
            mod_p1 = end_edge.firstVertex().Point.add(extension_offset *
            mod_p2 = end_edge.lastVertex().Point.add(extension_offset *
        # The extended edge is horizontal and is top side of stirrup And
        # coincident edge is vertical
        elif (round(p1.y) == round(p2.y) == round(min_y)) and (round(p3.x)
                                                               == round(p4.x)):
            mod_p1 = end_edge.firstVertex().Point.add(
                extension_offset * view_plane.v.negative().normalize())
            mod_p2 = end_edge.lastVertex().Point.add(
                extension_offset * view_plane.v.negative().normalize())
        # The extended edge is horizontal and is bottom side of stirrup And
        # coincident edge is vertical
        elif (round(p1.y) == round(p2.y) == round(max_y)) and (round(p3.x)
                                                               == round(p4.x)):
            mod_p1 = end_edge.firstVertex().Point.add(extension_offset *
            mod_p2 = end_edge.lastVertex().Point.add(extension_offset *
            # Don't modify any point
            mod_p1 = end_edge.firstVertex().Point
            mod_p2 = end_edge.lastVertex().Point
        return mod_p1, mod_p2

    edges = Part.__sortEdges__(basewire.Edges)
    # Modify one end edge
    point_1, point_2 = getModifiedEndEdgePoints(edges[0], edges[1])
    edges[0] = DraftGeomUtils.edg(point_1, point_2)
    edges[1] = DraftGeomUtils.edg(point_2, edges[1].lastVertex().Point)
    # Modify second end edge
    extension_offset = -1 * extension_offset
    point_1, point_2 = getModifiedEndEdgePoints(edges[-1], edges[-2])
    edges[-1] = DraftGeomUtils.edg(point_1, point_2)
    edges[-2] = DraftGeomUtils.edg(edges[-2].firstVertex().Point, point_1)

    return DraftGeomUtils.connect(edges)