class ImageqHandlerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(self):
        self.block_thresholds = {
            1: (0, 0, 77, 78),
            2: (77, 0, 154, 78),
            3: (154, 0, 231, 78),
            4: (231, 0, 308, 78),
            5: (308, 0, 385, 78),
            6: (385, 0, 462, 78),
            7: (462, 0, 539, 78),
            8: (539, 0, 616, 78),
            9: (0, 78, 77, 156),
            10: (77, 78, 154, 156),
            11: (154, 78, 231, 156),
            12: (231, 78, 308, 156),
            13: (308, 78, 385, 156),
            14: (385, 78, 462, 156),
            15: (462, 78, 539, 156),
            16: (539, 78, 616, 156),
            17: (0, 156, 77, 234),
            18: (77, 156, 154, 234),
            19: (154, 156, 231, 234),
            20: (231, 156, 308, 234),
            21: (308, 156, 385, 234),
            22: (385, 156, 462, 234),
            23: (462, 156, 539, 234),
            24: (539, 156, 616, 234),
            25: (0, 234, 77, 312),
            26: (77, 234, 154, 312),
            27: (154, 234, 231, 312),
            28: (231, 234, 308, 312),
            29: (308, 234, 385, 312),
            30: (385, 234, 462, 312),
            31: (462, 234, 539, 312),
            32: (539, 234, 616, 312),
            33: (0, 312, 77, 390),
            34: (77, 312, 154, 390),
            35: (154, 312, 231, 390),
            36: (231, 312, 308, 390),
            37: (308, 312, 385, 390),
            38: (385, 312, 462, 390),
            39: (462, 312, 539, 390),
            40: (539, 312, 616, 390),
            41: (0, 390, 77, 468),
            42: (77, 390, 154, 468),
            43: (154, 390, 231, 468),
            44: (231, 390, 308, 468),
            45: (308, 390, 385, 468),
            46: (385, 390, 462, 468),
            47: (462, 390, 539, 468),
            48: (539, 390, 616, 468),
            49: (0, 468, 77, 546),
            50: (77, 468, 154, 546),
            51: (154, 468, 231, 546),
            52: (231, 468, 308, 546),
            53: (308, 468, 385, 546),
            54: (385, 468, 462, 546),
            55: (462, 468, 539, 546),
            56: (539, 468, 616, 546),
            57: (0, 546, 77, 624),
            58: (77, 546, 154, 624),
            59: (154, 546, 231, 624),
            60: (231, 546, 308, 624),
            61: (308, 546, 385, 624),
            62: (385, 546, 462, 624),
            63: (462, 546, 539, 624),
            64: (539, 546, 616, 624)

        self.block_id_threshold_Dictionary = {
            'f8': (385, 0, 462, 78),
            'g5': (462, 234, 539, 312),
            'c3': (154, 390, 231, 468),
            'f7': (385, 78, 462, 156),
            'c5': (154, 234, 231, 312),
            'e3': (308, 390, 385, 468),
            'f4': (385, 312, 462, 390),
            'a3': (0, 390, 77, 468),
            'h4': (539, 312, 616, 390),
            'a7': (0, 78, 77, 156),
            'h7': (539, 78, 616, 156),
            'e2': (308, 468, 385, 546),
            'c1': (154, 546, 231, 624),
            'b2': (77, 468, 154, 546),
            'a4': (0, 312, 77, 390),
            'h2': (539, 468, 616, 546),
            'a2': (0, 468, 77, 546),
            'd2': (231, 468, 308, 546),
            'd1': (231, 546, 308, 624),
            'b6': (77, 156, 154, 234),
            'a1': (0, 546, 77, 624),
            'd3': (231, 390, 308, 468),
            'f3': (385, 390, 462, 468),
            'g7': (462, 78, 539, 156),
            'f6': (385, 156, 462, 234),
            'h6': (539, 156, 616, 234),
            'b4': (77, 312, 154, 390),
            'f2': (385, 468, 462, 546),
            'h1': (539, 546, 616, 624),
            'a8': (0, 0, 77, 78),
            'd8': (231, 0, 308, 78),
            'd7': (231, 78, 308, 156),
            'g2': (462, 468, 539, 546),
            'h5': (539, 234, 616, 312),
            'd4': (231, 312, 308, 390),
            'b1': (77, 546, 154, 624),
            'a5': (0, 234, 77, 312),
            'f1': (385, 546, 462, 624),
            'h8': (539, 0, 616, 78),
            'e1': (308, 546, 385, 624),
            'e5': (308, 234, 385, 312),
            'b3': (77, 390, 154, 468),
            'b5': (77, 234, 154, 312),
            'c2': (154, 468, 231, 546),
            'd6': (231, 156, 308, 234),
            'c6': (154, 156, 231, 234),
            'e4': (308, 312, 385, 390),
            'c7': (154, 78, 231, 156),
            'g4': (462, 312, 539, 390),
            'c4': (154, 312, 231, 390),
            'g3': (462, 390, 539, 468),
            'b7': (77, 78, 154, 156),
            'g1': (462, 546, 539, 624),
            'd5': (231, 234, 308, 312),
            'e6': (308, 156, 385, 234),
            'f5': (385, 234, 462, 312),
            'c8': (154, 0, 231, 78),
            'g6': (462, 156, 539, 234),
            'g8': (462, 0, 539, 78),
            'e7': (308, 78, 385, 156),
            'e8': (308, 0, 385, 78),
            'h3': (539, 390, 616, 468),
            'a6': (0, 156, 77, 234),
            'b8': (77, 0, 154, 78)

        self.image_handler = ImageHandler()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        os.remove(os.getcwd() + "\Resources\CapturedImage\cropped_board.png")

    def test_load_captured_image(self):

        self.assertNotEqual(len(self.image_handler.captured_image), 0)

    def test_set_thresholds(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.image_handler.crop_thresholds), 2)

    def test_crop_and_save(self):
            os.path.exists(os.getcwd() +

    def test_slice_image(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.image_handler.block_thresholds), 64)

    def test_create_block_id_threshold_dictionary(self):
        self.image_handler.block_thresholds = self.block_thresholds

    def test_iterate_blocks(self):
        self.image_handler.block_id_threshold_dictionary = self.block_id_threshold_Dictionary
        self.assertTrue(type(self.image_handler.iterate_blocks()) is dict)

    def test_ml_iterate_blocks(self):
        os.chdir(os.getcwd() + '\..\\')  # change directory to load graph
        self.image_handler.block_id_threshold_dictionary = self.block_id_threshold_Dictionary
        os.chdir(os.getcwd() + '\Tests\\')  # change directory back to Tests
        output = self.image_handler.ml_iterate_blocks()
        self.assertTrue(type(output) is dict)
        self.assertNotEqual(len(output), 0)
            len(self.image_handler.get_second_square_value_dict()), 0)