class GameController(Controller): def __init__(self, window): super(GameController, self).__init__(window) self.sector, self.highlighted_block, self.crack, self.last_key = (None,) * 4 self.bg_red, self.bg_green, self.bg_blue = (0.0,) * 3 self.mouse_pressed, self.sorted = (False,) * 2 self.block_damage = 0 self.time_of_day = 6.0 self.back_to_main_menu = threading.Event() def update(self, dt): if self.back_to_main_menu.isSet(): self.switch_controller_class(MainMenuController) return self.update_sector(dt) self.update_player(dt) self.update_mouse(dt) self.update_time(dt) def update_sector(self, dt): sector = sectorize(self.player.position) if sector != self.sector: # When the world is loaded, show every visible sector. if self.sector is None: self.sector = sector def update_player(self, dt): m = 8 df = min(dt, 0.2) for _ in range(m): self.player.update(df / m, self) for ply in self.player_ids.values(): for _ in range(m): ply.update(df / m, self) momentum = self.player.get_motion_vector(15 if self.player.flying else 5*self.player.current_density) if momentum != self.player.momentum_previous: self.player.momentum_previous = momentum self.packetreceiver.send_movement(momentum, self.player.position) def update_mouse(self, dt): if self.mouse_pressed: vector = self.player.get_sight_vector() block, previous =, vector, self.player.attack_range) self.set_highlighted_block(block) if self.highlighted_block: hit_block =[self.highlighted_block] if hit_block.hardness >= 0: self.update_block_damage(dt, hit_block) self.update_block_remove(dt, hit_block) def update_block_damage(self, dt, hit_block): multiplier = 1 current_item = self.item_list.get_current_block() if current_item is not None: if isinstance(current_item, Tool): # tool if current_item.tool_type == hit_block.digging_tool: multiplier = current_item.multiplier self.block_damage += self.player.attack_power * dt * multiplier def update_block_remove(self, dt, hit_block): if self.block_damage >= hit_block.hardness:, self.highlighted_block) self.set_highlighted_block(None) if getattr(self.item_list.get_current_block_item(), 'durability', -1) != -1: self.item_list.get_current_block_item().durability -= 1 if self.item_list.get_current_block_item().durability <= 0: self.item_list.remove_current_block() self.item_list.update_items() if hit_block.drop_id is None: return if type(hit_block.drop_id) == list: for index, item in enumerate(hit_block.drop_id): if not self.player.add_item(item, quantity=hit_block.drop_quantity[index]): return elif not self.player.add_item(hit_block.drop_id, quantity=hit_block.drop_quantity): return self.item_list.update_items() self.inventory_list.update_items() def init_gl(self): glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST) glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.1) glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) # glClampColorARB(GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR_ARB, GL_FALSE) # glClampColorARB(GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR_ARB, GL_FALSE) # glClampColorARB(GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR_ARB, GL_FALSE) # glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) def setup(self): if G.SINGLEPLAYER: try: # TODO: create world menu G.SAVE_FILENAME = "world" start_server(internal=True) sock = socket.socket() time.sleep(2) sock.connect(("localhost", 1486)) except socket.error as e: #Otherwise back to the main menu we go return False except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return False else: try: #Make sure the address they want to connect to works ipport = G.IP_ADDRESS.split(":") if len(ipport) == 1: ipport.append(1486) sock = socket.socket() sock.connect((tuple(ipport))) except socket.error as e: #Otherwise back to the main menu we go return False self.init_gl() self.debug_text = TextWidget(self.window, 'Loading information...', 0, self.window.height - 300, 500, 300, visible=True, multi_line=True, readonly=True, font_name='Arial', font_size=8, text_color=(255, 255, 255, 255), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.debug_text.write_escape("$$r") sky_rotation = -20.0 # -20.0 # TERRAIN_CHOICE = self.biome_generator.get_biome_type(sector[0], sector[2]) default_skybox = 'skydome.jpg' # if TERRAIN_CHOICE == G.NETHER: # default_skybox = 'skydome_nether.jpg' # else: # default_skybox = 'skybox.jpg' self.skydome = Skydome( 'resources/' + default_skybox, #'resources/skydome.jpg', 0.7, 100.0, sky_rotation, ) self.player_ids = {} # Dict of all players this session, indexes are their ID's [0: first Player on server,] self.focus_block = Block(width=1.05, height=1.05) = vec(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0) self.white = vec(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.polished = GLfloat(100.0) self.crack_batch = # if G.DISABLE_SAVE and world_exists(G.game_dir, G.SAVE_FILENAME): # open_world(self, G.game_dir, G.SAVE_FILENAME) = World() self.packetreceiver = PacketReceiver(, self, sock) = self.packetreceiver G.CLIENT = self.packetreceiver self.packetreceiver.start() #Get our position from the server self.packetreceiver.request_spawnpos() #Since we don't know it yet, lets disable self.update, or we'll load the wrong chunks and fall self.update_disabled = self.update self.update = lambda dt: None #We'll re-enable it when the server tells us where we should be self.player = Player(game_mode=G.GAME_MODE) self.item_list = ItemSelector(self, self.player, self.inventory_list = InventorySelector(self, self.player, self.item_list.on_resize(self.window.width, self.window.height) self.inventory_list.on_resize(self.window.width, self.window.height) self.text_input = TextWidget(self.window, '', 0, 0, self.window.width, visible=False, font_name=G.CHAT_FONT) self.text_input.push_handlers(on_toggled=self.on_text_input_toggled, key_released=self.text_input_callback) self.chat_box = TextWidget(self.window, '', 0, self.text_input.y + self.text_input.height + 50, self.window.width // 2, height=min(300, self.window.height // 3), visible=False, multi_line=True, readonly=True, font_name=G.CHAT_FONT, text_color=(255, 255, 255, 255), background_color=(0, 0, 0, 100), enable_escape=True) = Camera3D(target=self.player) if G.HUD_ENABLED: self.label = pyglet.text.Label( '', font_name='Arial', font_size=8, x=10, y=self.window.height - 10, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top', color=(255, 255, 255, 255)) self.debug_text.write_escape("$$D") pyglet.clock.schedule_interval_soft(, 1.0 / G.MAX_FPS) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval_soft(, 10.0, self.player) return True def update_time(self, dt: float): self.time_of_day += dt * 24.0 / G.TIME_RATE if self.time_of_day > 24.0: self.time_of_day = 0.0 # Calculate sky colour according to time of day. sin_t = sin(pi * (((self.time_of_day / 12.0) + 1) % 2 - 1)) self.bg_red = 0.1 * (1.0 - sin_t) self.bg_green = 0.9 * sin_t self.bg_blue = min(sin_t + 0.4, 0.8) self.skydome.update_time_of_day(self.time_of_day) def set_highlighted_block(self, block): if self.highlighted_block == block: return self.highlighted_block = block self.block_damage = 0 if self.crack: self.crack.delete() self.crack = None def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if self.window.exclusive: vector = self.player.get_sight_vector() block, previous =, vector, self.player.attack_range) if button == pyglet.window.mouse.LEFT: self.on_mouse_press_left(block, x, y, button, modifiers) else: self.on_mouse_press_right(block, previous, x, y, button, modifiers) else: self.window.set_exclusive_mouse(True) def on_mouse_press_left(self, block, x, y, button, modifiers): if block: self.mouse_pressed = True self.set_highlighted_block(None) def on_mouse_press_right(self, block, previous, x, y, button, modifiers): if previous: hit_block =[block] if == self.inventory_list.switch_mode(1) self.inventory_list.toggle(False) elif == self.inventory_list.switch_mode(2) self.inventory_list.set_furnace(hit_block) self.inventory_list.toggle(False) elif hit_block.density >= 1: self.place_block(previous) elif self.item_list.get_current_block() and getattr(self.item_list.get_current_block(), 'regenerated_health', 0) != 0 and < self.player.max_health: self.eat_food() def place_block(self, previous): current_block = self.item_list.get_current_block() if current_block is not None: if if current_block.on_right_click(, self.player): self.item_list.get_current_block_item().change_amount(-1) self.item_list.update_health() self.item_list.update_items() else: localx, localy, localz = map(operator.sub,previous,normalize(self.player.position)) if localx != 0 or localz != 0 or (localy != 0 and localy != -1):, current_block) self.item_list.remove_current_block() def eat_food(self): self.player.change_health(self.item_list.get_current_block().regenerated_health) self.item_list.get_current_block_item().change_amount(-1) self.item_list.update_health() self.item_list.update_items() def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if self.window.exclusive: self.set_highlighted_block(None) self.mouse_pressed = False def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy): if self.window.exclusive: m = 0.15 x, y = self.player.rotation x, y = x + dx * m, y + dy * m y = max(-90, min(90, y)) self.player.rotation = (x, y), y) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, button, modifiers): if button == pyglet.window.mouse.LEFT: self.on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy) def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): if symbol == G.TOGGLE_HUD_KEY: G.HUD_ENABLED = not G.HUD_ENABLED if symbol == G.TOGGLE_DEBUG_TEXT_KEY: self.debug_text.visible = not self.debug_text.visible self.debug_text.delete() elif symbol == G.INVENTORY_SORT_KEY: if self.last_key == symbol and not self.sorted: self.player.quick_slots.sort() self.player.inventory.sort() self.sorted = True else: self.player.quick_slots.change_sort_mode() self.player.inventory.change_sort_mode() self.item_list.update_items() self.inventory_list.update_items() elif symbol == G.INVENTORY_KEY: self.set_highlighted_block(None) self.mouse_pressed = False self.inventory_list.toggle() elif symbol == G.SOUND_UP_KEY: G.EFFECT_VOLUME = min(G.EFFECT_VOLUME + .1, 1) elif symbol == G.SOUND_DOWN_KEY: G.EFFECT_VOLUME = max(G.EFFECT_VOLUME - .1, 0) elif symbol == G.SCREENCAP_KEY: # dedicated screencap key now = dt = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) st = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S') filename = str(st) + '.png' if not os.path.exists('screencaptures'): os.makedirs('screencaptures') path = 'screencaptures/' + filename pyglet.image.get_buffer_manager().get_color_buffer().save(path) elif symbol == G.SHOWMAP_KEY: self.show_map() elif symbol == G.QUIT_KEY: self.back_to_main_menu.set() savingsystem.save_quit_world(G.SERVER) self.window.set_exclusive_mouse(False) self.last_key = symbol def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers): if symbol == G.TALK_KEY: self.toggle_text_input() return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_resize(self, width, height): if G.HUD_ENABLED: self.label.y = height - 10 self.text_input.resize(x=0, y=0, width=self.window.width) self.chat_box.resize(x=0, y=self.text_input.y + self.text_input.height + 50, width=self.window.width // 2, height=min(300, self.window.height // 3)) self.debug_text.resize(0, self.window.height - 300, 500, 300) def set_3d(self): width, height = self.window.get_size() glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(G.FOV, width / float(height), G.NEAR_CLIP_DISTANCE, G.FAR_CLIP_DISTANCE) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() glPushMatrix() self.skydome.draw() glPopMatrix() def clear(self): glClearColor(self.bg_red, self.bg_green, self.bg_blue, 1.0) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) def on_draw(self): self.clear() #self.window.clear() self.set_3d() glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) self.crack_batch.draw() glDisable(GL_BLEND) self.draw_focused_block() for ply in self.player_ids.values(): ply.model.draw() self.set_2d() if G.HUD_ENABLED: self.item_list.draw() self.inventory_list.draw() self.update_label() self.debug_text.draw() self.text_input.draw() glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) self.chat_box.draw() glDisable(GL_BLEND) def show_cracks(self, hit_block, vertex_data): if self.block_damage: # also show the cracks crack_level = int(CRACK_LEVELS * self.block_damage // hit_block.hardness) # range: [0, CRACK_LEVELS] if crack_level >= CRACK_LEVELS: return texture_data = crack_textures.texture_data[crack_level] count = len(texture_data) // 2 if self.crack: self.crack.delete() self.crack = self.crack_batch.add(count, GL_QUADS,, ('v3f/static', vertex_data), ('t2f/static', texture_data)) def draw_focused_block(self): glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) vector = self.player.get_sight_vector() position =, vector, self.player.attack_range)[0] if position: hit_block =[position] if hit_block.density >= 1: self.focus_block.width = hit_block.width * 1.05 self.focus_block.height = hit_block.height * 1.05 vertex_data = self.focus_block.get_vertices(*position) if hit_block.hardness > 0.0: self.show_cracks(hit_block, vertex_data) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4) glLineWidth(2.0) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) glDepthMask(False) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE), GL_QUADS, ('v3f/static', vertex_data)) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) glDepthMask(True) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) glDisable(GL_BLEND) def update_label(self): x, y, z = self.player.position self.debug_text.clear() self.debug_text.write_line(' '.join((G.APP_NAME, str(G.APP_VERSION)))) self.debug_text.write_line('FPS:%02d Blocks Shown: %d / %d sector_packets:%d' \ % (pyglet.clock.get_fps(),len(,len(, len( self.debug_text.write_line('x: %.2f, chunk: %d' %(x, x // G.SECTOR_SIZE)) self.debug_text.write_line('y: %.2f, chunk: %d' %(y, y // G.SECTOR_SIZE)) self.debug_text.write_line('z: %.2f, chunk: %d' %(z, z // G.SECTOR_SIZE)) dirs = ['East', 'South', 'West', 'North'] vec, direction, angle = self.player.get_sight_direction() dx, dy, dz = vec self.debug_text.write_line('Direction: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) %d(%s) %.2f' % (dx, dy, dz, direction, dirs[direction], angle)) def write_line(self, text, **kwargs): self.chat_box.write_line(text, **kwargs) def text_input_callback(self, symbol, modifier): if symbol == G.VALIDATE_KEY: txt = self.text_input.text.replace('\n', '') self.text_input.clear() if txt: return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def hide_chat_box(self, dt): self.chat_box.toggle(False) def on_text_input_toggled(self): pyglet.clock.unschedule(self.hide_chat_box) # Disable the fade timer self.chat_box.toggle(state=self.text_input.visible) # Pass through the state incase chat_box was already visible if self.chat_box.visible: self.chat_box.focused = True # Allow scrolling self.window.push_handlers(self.chat_box) else: self.chat_box.focused = False self.window.remove_handlers(self.chat_box) def toggle_text_input(self): self.text_input.toggle() if self.text_input.visible: self.player.velocity = 0 self.player.strafe = [0, 0] self.window.push_handlers(self.text_input) self.text_input.focus() else: self.window.remove_handlers(self.text_input) def push_handlers(self): if self.setup(): self.window.push_handlers( self.window.push_handlers(self.player) self.window.push_handlers(self) self.window.push_handlers(self.item_list) self.window.push_handlers(self.inventory_list) else: self.switch_controller_class(MainMenuController) def pop_handlers(self): while self.window._event_stack: self.window.pop_handlers() def on_close(self): G.save_config() # Disconnect from the server so the process can close def show_map(self): # taken from Nebual's biome_explorer, this is ment to be a full screen map that uses mini tiles to make a full 2d map. with open(os.path.join(G.game_dir, "world", "seed"), "r") as f: SEED = b = BiomeGenerator(SEED) x, y, z = self.player.position curx = x cury = y xsize = 79 ysize = 28 pbatch = pgroup = DESERT, PLAINS, MOUNTAINS, SNOW, FOREST = list(range(5)) letters = ["D","P","M","S","F"] # temp background pic... image = load_image('resources', 'textures', 'main_menu_background.png') #map_frame = image_sprite(image, pbatch, 0, y=G.WINDOW_WIDTH, height=G.WINDOW_HEIGHT) #sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image) #sprite.image(image) #sprite.visible = True # map_frame.draw() # map_frame.visible = True for y in range(int(cury),int(cury+ysize)): for x in range(int(curx),int(curx+xsize)): #string += letters[b.get_biome_type(x,y)] tmap = letters[b.get_biome_type(x,y)] tile_map = load_image('resources', 'textures', tmap +'.png') tile_map.anchor_x = x * 8 tile_map.anchor_y = y * 8 sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(tile_map, x=x * 8, y=y * 8, batch=pbatch) game_map = image_sprite(tile_map, pbatch, pgroup, x * 8, y * 8, 8, 8) game_map = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image,x=G.WINDOW_WIDTH, y=G.WINDOW_HEIGHT,batch=pbatch, group=pgroup) game_map = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(tile_map,x=x*8, y=y*8,batch=pbatch, group=pgroup) tile_map.blit(x *8, y * 8) #tile_map.draw() #map.append(tmap) game_map.draw() pbatch.draw()