Example #1
def new_browser(data: Classes.Data,
                page: Classes.Page = None,
                debug: bool = False,
                remove_alerts: bool = True):
    This function creates a new browser instance with a new session.

    @param data: The data object of the program.
    @type data: Classes.Data
    @param page: The page to be opened with the new browser to initialize cookies and get page (optional).
    @type page: Classes.Page
    @param debug: In case of debugging, in case of True the chrome window will appear.
    @type debug: bool
    @param interceptor: A pointer to an interceptor function.
    @type interceptor: a function
    @param remove_alerts: If True, the browser will remove every alert on `get` and `refresh` methods.
    @type remove_alerts: bool
    @return: Chrome web driver object.
    @rtype: Classes.Browser
    if not data.driver:
        # There is no driver file path.
        raise Exception("There is no driver file path", "\t")
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    if not debug:
        # If it's not debug, the browser will be headless.
        options.headless = True
    options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-logging"])
        browser = Classes.Browser(data.driver, options, remove_alerts)
    except Exception as e:
        # In case of failure, we need to try again
        return new_browser(data, page, debug, interceptor)

    def default_interceptor(request: selenium_request.Request):
        Inner function that acts like a proxy, it removes any requests we don't want.

        @param request: The current request
        @type request: selenium_request.Request
        @return: None
        # Block PNG, JPEG and GIF images.
        if request.path.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.gif')):
            request.abort()  # Abort the unwanted request.

    # Setting up request interceptor.
    if interceptor:
        browser.request_interceptor = interceptor
        browser.request_interceptor = default_interceptor
    # Setting long timeout.
    if page:
        # If a page was specified.
        if page.parent:
            browser.get(page.parent.url)  # Getting parent URL.
            browser.get(page.url)  # Getting current URL.
        for cookie in page.cookies:  # Adding cookies.
        # Getting the page again, with the loaded cookies.
    return browser