Exemple #1
import numpy as np

from Common.VN_config import VN_config


#how round a circle needs to be. Perfect circle = 1
VN_config.set_float('algorithm', 'eccentricity', 0.6)
#acceptable distance(pixels) between cocentric circle centers
VN_config.set_integer('algorithm', 'distance_threshold', 15)
# number of circles needed for a valid target(times 2); 2 circles are often overlayed
VN_config.set_integer('algorithm', 'min_circles', 5)
#pixels: used to identify repeat circles(stacked circles). Problem caused by findContours()
VN_config.set_integer('algorithm', 'radius_tolerance', 2)
#Tolerance used in comparing actaul ratios and preceived ratios
VN_config.set_float('algorithm', 'ratio_tolerance', 0.015)

#target specific data
#target_code is the unique ratio between rings
target_code_def = np.array([0.8, 0.91, 0.76, 0.84, 0.7, 0.66, 0.49])
VN_config.set_array('algorithm', 'target_code', target_code_def)
#the outer_ring is a scaling factor for targets of various sizes; radius of outer ring in meters
VN_config.set_float('algorithm', 'outer_ring', 0.08255)


VN_config.set_integer('processing', 'desired_cores', 4)
#check if a core is already in use for background image capture
Exemple #2
import numpy as np

from Common.VN_config import VN_config


#how round a circle needs to be. Perfect circle = 1
VN_config.set_float('algorithm', 'eccentricity', 0.6)
#acceptable distance(pixels) between cocentric circle centers
VN_config.set_integer('algorithm','distance_threshold', 15)
# number of circles needed for a valid target(times 2); 2 circles are often overlayed
#pixels: used to identify repeat circles(stacked circles). Problem caused by findContours()
VN_config.set_integer('algorithm', 'radius_tolerance', 2)
#Tolerance used in comparing actaul ratios and preceived ratios 
VN_config.set_float('algorithm', 'ratio_tolerance', 0.015)

#target specific data
#target_code is the unique ratio between rings
target_code_def = np.array([0.8,0.91,0.76,0.84,0.7,0.66,0.49])
VN_config.set_array('algorithm', 'target_code',target_code_def)
#the outer_ring is a scaling factor for targets of various sizes; radius of outer ring in meters
VN_config.set_float('algorithm', 'outer_ring', 0.08255)