Exemple #1
class CanvasProps (QGraphicsItem):

    def __init__(self, parent=None, scene=None):
        QGraphicsItem.__init__ (self)
        self.parent = parent
        self.helper = self.parent.getHelper()
        #self.setFlags (QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable)
        self.setAcceptsHoverEvents (True)
        self.pen_color = QPen (Qt.black, 2)
        self.color = QColor (Qt.white).dark (150)
        # init Canvas Animation Tweening
        self.timeline = QTimeLine (200)
        self.timeline.setFrameRange (0, 100)
        self.anim = QGraphicsItemAnimation ()
        self.anim.setItem (self)
        self.anim.setTimeLine (self.timeline)
        self.helper.connect (self.timeline, SIGNAL("finished()"), self.moveFurtherUp)
        self.anim_active = False
        #self._nodename = QGraphicsTextItem ('text '+str(self.node_id), self)
        self._nodename = QGraphicsTextItem ('', self)
        self._nodename.setPos (QPointF (18, 20))
        self._nodename.setDefaultTextColor (QColor (Qt.white).light (255))
        self._nodename.setFont (QFont ("Helvetica", 11, QFont.Bold, False))
        self._nodename.setToolTip (self._nodename.toPlainText ())
        #self._nodename.setHtml("<h2 align=\"center\">hello</h2><h2 align=\"center\">world 1234345345</h2>123");
        self.props_list = []
        self.props_textItem_value_list = []
        self.FACTOR = 4.0
        self._canvas_height = 0
    def boundingRect (self): return QRectF (0, 0, 122, 150)
    def shape (self):
        path = QPainterPath ()
        path.addRect (0, 0, 122, 20)
        return path
    def paint (self, painter, option, unused_widget):
        if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
            fillColor = self.color.dark (100)
            fillColor = self.color
        if option.state & QStyle.State_MouseOver:
            fillColor = fillColor.light (120)
        if option.levelOfDetail < 0.2:
            if option.levelOfDetail < 0.125:
                painter.fillRect (QRectF (0, 0, 110, 70), fillColor)
            painter.setPen   (QPen (Qt.black, 0))
            painter.setBrush (fillColor)
            painter.drawRect (0, 0, 120, 20)
        oldPen = painter.pen ()
        pen = oldPen
        width = 0
        if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
            width += 2
        pen.setWidth (width)
        if option.state & QStyle.State_Sunken:
            level = 120
            level = 100
        painter.setBrush (QBrush (fillColor.dark (level)))
        #painter.drawRoundRect (QRect (0, 0, 80, 34+self.height), 20)
        painter.drawRect (QRect (0, 20, 120, 30+9*self._canvas_height))
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    def addProp (self, prop_name, prop_value):
        i = len (self.props_list)
        self.props_list.append  (QGraphicsTextItem (prop_name + ' : ', self))
        self.props_textItem_value_list.append (CustomFloatingText (prop_value, self))
        # (1) adding the prop's name.
        self.props_list[i].setPos (QPointF (7, 35+i*10))
        self.props_list[i].setDefaultTextColor (QColor (Qt.white).light (255))
        self.props_list[i].setFont (QFont ("Helvetica", 9, QFont.StyleItalic, False))
        self.props_list[i].setTextWidth (55)
        self.props_list[i].setToolTip (self.props_list[i].toPlainText ())
        # (2) adding the prop's value.
        self.props_textItem_value_list[i].setTextInteractionFlags (Qt.TextEditable)
        self.props_textItem_value_list[i].setPos (QPointF (55, 35+i*10))
        self.props_textItem_value_list[i].setDefaultTextColor (QColor (Qt.white).light (255))
        self.props_textItem_value_list[i].setFont (QFont ("Helvetica", 9, QFont.StyleNormal, False))
        self.props_textItem_value_list[i].setTextWidth (55)
        receiver = lambda value: self.parent.listenToChangedPropsValues (prop_name, value)
        self.helper.connect (self.props_textItem_value_list[i], SIGNAL ("textChanged(QString)"), receiver)
    def getProps (self):
        tmp_list = []
        l = len (self.props_list)
        for i in range (0, l):
            tmp_list[i] = [self.props_list[i].toPlainText(), self.props_textItem_value_list[i].toPlainText()]
        return tmp_list
    def setTitle (self, title): self._nodename.setPlainText (title)
    def setCanvasHeightInUnits (self, ch): self._canvas_height = ch
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    def moveDown (self, canvas_height_in_units):
        self.anim_active  = True
        self.upwards_flag = False
        self.canvas_height = canvas_height_in_units
        self.timeline.stop ()
        self.anim.setPosAt (0, QPointF(0, 1+(self.canvas_height+1)*self.FACTOR))
        self.anim.setPosAt (1, QPointF(0, 1+(self.canvas_height+2)*self.FACTOR))
        self.timeline.start ()
        self.update ()
    def moveUp (self, canvas_height_in_units):
        if self.anim_active == False:
            self.anim_active  = True
            self.upwards_flag = True
            self.canvas_height = canvas_height_in_units
            self.timeline.stop ()
            self.anim.setPosAt (0, QPointF(0, 1+(self.canvas_height+1)*self.FACTOR))
            self.anim.setPosAt (1, QPointF(0, 1+(self.canvas_height)  *self.FACTOR))
            self.timeline.start ()
            self.update ()
    # this method double-checks whether the canvas needs to be further up as a
    # result of receiving other asynchronous "delete link" SIGNALs while moving up.
    def moveFurtherUp (self):
        self.anim_active = False
        if self.upwards_flag==True:
            if self.parent.getMaxLen() < self.canvas_height:
                self.moveUp (self.canvas_height-1)
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    def hoverEnterEvent (self, e):
        self._nodename.setToolTip (self._nodename.toPlainText ())
        QGraphicsItem.hoverEnterEvent (self, e)