def start(self):
        '''Starts trying to solve the task, slowly making the solution better.
        It's ok if start() finishes by itself (e.g. if it thinks it found the best possible solution).
        Should periodically (at least once in 10 seconds) check if self.stopped is True, and if it is, stop executing.
        self.stopped = False
        while True:
            m = World.from_string(
            program = ''
            while True:
                if random.randint(1, 100) <= 33:
                    ch = 'A'
                    ch = random.choice('ULDR')
                program += ch
                m, final_score = m.apply_command(ch)
                if final_score is not None:
            if final_score > self.solution[1]:
                self.solution = (program, final_score)

            if self.stopped:
def test_processing_step(tests, step, verbose=False):
    fails = 0
    for test, result in tests:
        if verbose:
            print "-" * 10
            print test
        assert test.startswith("\n")
        test = test[1:]
        world = World.from_string(test)
        width = world.width
        data =

        reachable = step(width, data)

        if verbose:
            print data_to_string(width, reachable)

        w, expected = parse_result(result)

        assert w == width
        assert len(expected) == len(data), (len(expected), len(data))

        expected_bool = [{"0": False, "1": True}[e] for e in expected]
        actual_string = [{False: "0", True: "1"}[e] for e in reachable]

        if expected_bool != reachable:
            if not verbose:
                print "-" * 10
                print test
                print data_to_string(width, actual_string)
            print "fail, expected"
            print data_to_string(width, expected)
            fails += 1

    assert fails == 0, fails
    print "ok"
    score = World(world).apply_commands(solution).score
    print 'genetic done', score
    if score > 0:
        solver.best_score = score
        solver.best_solution = solution

if __name__ == '__main__':
    realout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = sys.stderr

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
    data =
    world = World.from_string(data)
    solver = Solver(world, timeout=1000000)
    print>>realout, solver.get_best()[1]
    print 'final score', solver.get_best()[0]
    sys.stdout = realout
 def from_string(s):
     from dict_world import DictWorld
     from world import World
     return DualWorld(DictWorld.from_string(s), 