Exemple #1
def MCon(episodes, initValue=15,epsilon=0.1, alpha=0.5,discount=0.9):
	# world object, (starting state is trivial)
	world = World((0,0),(1,1))

	# initialize Q value table and Return list for every (s,a)-pair
	Q = {}
	R = {}
	for state in world.allStates():
		for move in world.moveList():
			Q[state,move] = initValue # some value
			R[state,move] = [] # empty list; return = cummulative discounted reward
	steps = [0]*episodes # list counting number of iterations

	for i in range(episodes):
		iterations = 0
		# initialize world
		stateActionPairs = {}
		# generate an episode using current policy
		while True:
			state = world.position
			# move the predator according to policy
			action = epsGreedyPolicy(state, world, Q, epsilon)
			if not (state,action) in stateActionPairs: # store first occurence
				stateActionPairs[(state,action)] = iterations # will be used for discounting
			iterations += 1
			# check if predator caught the prey
			if world.stopState():
			# move the prey (stochasticly)
			newState = world.position
		steps[i] = iterations # save amount of iterations needed to catch the prey
		# update Q and R
		for pair in stateActionPairs.keys():
			firstReturn = 10.0*discount**(iterations-stateActionPairs[pair]) # always zero but 10 when episode ends
			Q[pair] = np.mean(np.array(R[pair]))
		# update policy done in epsilon greedy policy code
	return steps
def Qlearning(episodes, policy, startState=(-5,-5), initValue=15,policyParam=0.1, alpha=0.4,discount=0.9):
	# world object, (starting state is trivial)
	world = World((0,0),(1,1))

	# Q value table
	Q = {}
	for state in world.allStates():
		for move in world.moveList():
			Q[state,move] = initValue

	steps = [0]*episodes

	for i in range(episodes):
		iterations = 0
		# initialize world
		while True:
			state = world.position
			# move the predator according to policy with one parameter (epsilon for E-greedy or Tua for softmax)
			action = policy(state, world, Q, policyParam)
			iterations += 1
			# check if predator caught the prey
			if world.stopState():
				# the Q(s,a) update rule (note that the next state is the absorbing state)
				Q[state,action] = Q[state,action] + alpha * (10 - Q[state,action])
			# move the prey (stochasticly)
			newState = world.position
			# the maximum value the agent can have after another move
			maxQ = max([Q[newState,nextAction] for nextAction in world.moveList()])
			# the Q(s,a) update rule (note that the immediate reward is zero)
			Q[state,action] = Q[state,action] + alpha * ( discount*maxQ - Q[state,action])
		# print the number of steps the predator took
		steps[i] = iterations
	return steps
Exemple #3
def MCoff(episodes, behaPolicy, matches=[], initValue=15,discount=0.9):
	# behaPolicy = dictionary with keys (state,action) and value P(action|state)

	world = World((0,0),(1,1))
	movelist = world.moveList()
	def policy(world):
		return world.pickElementWithProbs([(move,behaPolicy[(world.position,move)]) for move in movelist])

	# initialize Q value table and Return list for every (s,a)-pair
	Q = {}
	R = {}
	num = {}
	denum = {} 
	for state in world.allStates():
		for move in world.moveList():
			num[state,move] = 0.0
			denum[state,move] = 0.0
			Q[state,move] = float(initValue) # some value
			R[state,move] = [] # empty list; return = cummulative discounted reward
	steps = [0]*episodes # list counting number of iterations
	for epi in range(episodes):
		time = 0
		totalTime =0
		# initialize world
		episode = []
		while True:
			action = policy(world)
			episode.append((world.position, action))
			if action == None:
				print action, state
			if world.stopState():

		# save the pairs that match, and their first occurence
		matchingHistory = {}
		# last time move was equal to policy
		last = 0
		for i, (state, action) in enumerate(episode[::-1]):
			actionValues = [(Q[state,maction],maction) for maction in world.moveList()]
			bestActions = [actionValues[j][1] for j in maxIndices(actionValues)]
			matchingHistory[(state, action)] = len(episode)-i - 1
			if action not in bestActions:
				last = len(episode)-i
		for (state, action) in matchingHistory:
			if matchingHistory[(state, action)] >= last-1:
				w = np.prod([ 1.0/behaPolicy[episode[j]] for j in range(matchingHistory[(state, action)],len(episode))])
				num[(state,move)]   += w * (10.0*discount**matchingHistory[(state, action)]) # return is gamma^{T-t}*10
				denum[(state,move)] += w
				Q[(state,move)]= num[(state,move)]/float(denum[(state,move)])

		iterations = 0
		while True:
			iterations += 1
			actionValues = [(maction, Q[state,maction]) for maction in world.moveList()]
			bestAction = random.choice([actionValues[j][0] for j in maxIndices(actionValues)])
			if world.stopState() or iterations > 2000:
		steps[epi] = iterations
	return steps