def updateContext(fN, fF, wigDir, chrom, strand, switchStrand = False):
    NX = Nexus(fN, fF)
    NX.load(['tcc', 'context'])
    if switchStrand:
        strand = str(-int(strand))
        strand = str(strand)
    print 'loading wig'
    coord_contexts = cgWig.loadSingleWigContext(wigDir, chrom, strand, 'context') 
    print 'done loading'

    ds = bioLibCG.dominantSpotter(['C_EXON', 'C_3UTR', 'C_5UTR', 'NC_EXON', 'NC_3UTR', 'NC_5UTR', 'C_INTRON', 'NC_INTRON', 'INTER']) 

    while NX.nextID():

        oChrom, oStrand, start, end = bioLibCG.tccSplit(NX.tcc)
        #deg wigs is AS to actual clipping site
        if switchStrand:
            oStrand = str(-int(strand))
            oStrand = str(oStrand)

        if oChrom == chrom and oStrand == strand:

            contexts = coord_contexts.get(start, 'INTER').split(',')
            NX.context = ds.spotItem(contexts)