コード例 #1
def find_astar_corner(image, corner_x, corner_y):
    x,y,_ = image.shape
    g = Graph(x,y,image)
    g.startNode = g.grid[x//2][y//2]
    g.goalNode = g.grid[corner_x][corner_y]
    state = AStar(g)

    result = state.iterateAStar()
    best = state.bestNode
    updates = 0
    while result.state != 'goal' and updates < 50:
        result = state.iterateAStar()
        new_best = state.bestNode
        if new_best == best:
            updates += 1
            best = new_best
            updates = 0
    return best.y, best.x # yes, in this order
コード例 #2
class Astar_GAC(Graph): 
    """Astar_GAC integrates Astar and GAC"""
    def __init__(self, variables, domains, expressions):
        super(Astar_GAC, self).__init__()
        self.cnet = CNET(variables, domains, expressions)
        self.currentState = self.initializeState(self.cnet)
        self.gac = GAC(self.currentState)
        self.Astar = AStar(self)

    def createNewState( self, variables, constraints):

    def initializeState(self, cnet):
        """in initState each variable has its full domain. It will be set as root node
        initilizes cnet"""
        s = self.createNewState( cnet.variables, cnet.constraints )
        self.startNode = s
        self.stateCounter = 0
        self.nofAssumption = 0
        self.nofExpanded = 0
        return s 

    def search(self):
        self.currentState = self.gac.domainFiltering(self.currentState)
        self.stateCounter += 1
        if self.currentState.isSolution():
            return self.currentState

        return self.iterateSearch()

    def iterateSearch(self):
            prev = self.currentState 
            if prev.isSolution():
                return prev

            self.currentState = self.Astar.iterateAStar()
            # self.currentState.updateColors()
            self.stateCounter += 1
            self.currentState.parent = prev #used for backtracking to find 'shortest path' for statistics
            self.nofExpanded = self.Astar.nofExpandedNodes
            if self.currentState.isSolution():
                return self.currentState

            self.currentState = self.gac.domainFiltering(self.currentState)
            return self.currentState

    def makeAssumption(self, newVI, parentState):
        """Generate one successor, and make sure all pointers are correct"""

        newVertices = {}
        newVIList = []
        for vi in parentState.viList:
            viID = vi.getID()
            tmpVI = VI(viID, vi.domain.copy())
            newVertices[viID] = tmpVI
            newVIList.append( tmpVI )

        for vi in parentState.viList:
            viID = vi.getID()
            for neighbor in vi.neighbors:
                n = newVertices[ neighbor.getID() ]
                newVertices[viID].add_neighbor( n )

        for vi in newVIList:
            if vi.getID() == newVI.getID():
                for vi_n in vi.neighbors:
                    if vi_n.getID() == newVI.getID():

        succ = self.createNewState(newVIList, parentState.constraintList)
        succ.parent = parentState
        succ.updateUndecided() # maybe not needed

        succ.ciList = []
        constraints = self.cnet.getConstraints()
        for v in succ.undecidedVariables:
            for n in v.neighbors:
                for c in constraints:
                    succ.ciList.append( CI(c,[v,n]) )

        return succ

    def generateSucc(self, state):
        """ make a guess. start gussing value for variables with min. domain length"""
        succStates = []
        finishedVIs = []
        varsCopy = state.undecidedVariables.copy()

        if not len(varsCopy):
            return []

        otherVIs = sorted(varsCopy, key=lambda v: len(v.domain), reverse=True)
        betterVI = otherVIs.pop()

        if betterVI.domain:
            initID = betterVI.getID()
            for d in betterVI.domain:
                newVI = VI( initID, [d])
                newVI.neighbors = betterVI.neighbors.copy()
                successor = self.makeAssumption(newVI, state)

                succStates.append( self.gac.rerun(successor) )
            return succStates
            return []

# Not complete : TODO
    def printStatistics(self, state):
        print ( 'The number of unsatisfied constraints = ', self.countUnsatisfiedConstraints(state), '\n' )
        print ( 'The total number of verticies without color assignment = ', self.countColorLess(state), '\n' )
        print ( 'The total number of nodes in search tree = ', self.stateCounter, '\n' )
        print ( 'The total number of nodes poped from agenda and expanded = ', self.nofExpanded, '\n' )
        print ( 'The length of the path = ', self.nofAssumption ,'\n')

    def countColorLess(self, state):
        nofColorLess = 0
        for vi in state.viList:
            if len(vi.domain) != 1:
                nofColorLess += 1
        return nofColorLess

    # def countUnsatisfiedConstraints(self, state):
    #     unsatisfied = 0
    #     varList = state.viList
    #     for c in state.ciList:
    #         for var in varList: 
    #             if var in c.variables:
    #                 if self.countInconsistentDomainValues(var, c) or not len(var.domain):
    #                     unsatisfied += 1
    #     return unsatisfied

    def countUnsatisfiedConstraints(self, state):
           unsatisfied = 0
           varList = state.viList
           for var in varList: 
               if len(var.domain) != 1:
                   unsatisfied += 1
           return unsatisfied

    # Needed for Graph
    def getGoal(self):
        return None

    def countInconsistentDomainValues(self, x, c):
        pairs = []
        nofInconsistency = 0
        for k in c.variables:
            for value in x.domain:
                pairs.extend( list(itertools.product([value], k.domain)) )
        for p in pairs :
            if not c.constraint( p[0], p[1] ):
                nofInconsistency += 1

        return nofInconsistency