コード例 #1
class Pathing_Algorithm:
    def __init__(self, planning_granularity, data_getter):

        self.aStar = AStar(planning_granularity, data_getter)
        self.granularity = planning_granularity

    #vector magnitude calculator
    def vector_magnitude(self, vector):
        return math.sqrt(math.pow(vector[0], 2) + math.pow(vector[1], 2))

    #normalizes angle in degrees to -180 : 180 degrees
    def normalize_angle(self, angle):

        if angle < 0:
            angle = angle % -360
            if angle < -180:
                angle = 360 + angle
            angle = angle % 360
            if angle > 180:
                angle = -(360 - angle)
        return angle

    #get angle while ON the M-line
    def get_angle_on_m(self, odo_state, direction):

        # can do trigonometric distance estimation as know cells equally spaced form each other
        # and know the coordinates of one of their corners

        direction_angle = math.atan2(direction[1], direction[0])
        #if no difference, well then we never left the spot
        vector_magnitude = self.vector_magnitude(direction)
        if vector_magnitude == 0:
            return 0

        direction_angle = math.degrees(direction_angle) - self.normalize_angle(
        return self.normalize_angle(direction_angle)

    #determines if have left the path
    def is_away_from_path(self, direction):
        #if we are too far away by several cells from the cell it should be heading to
        return self.vector_magnitude(direction) > self.granularity * 1.5

    #snap passed actual X or Y value to a math planning grid granularity
    def snap(self, value):
        return (int(value) / self.granularity) * self.granularity

    #method determining if we have moved to a new cell
    def cell_transition(self, pathing_state, odo_state):

        #next_cell_pose = pathing_state.active_path[1].get_pose()
        current_coordinates = (self.snap(odo_state.x), self.snap(odo_state.y))

        #print current_coordinates

        #we know the cell is unboccupied as we are on it
        pathing_state.current_cell = Cell(current_coordinates[0],
                                          current_coordinates[1], True)

        #check if we have anywhere to go in the firts place
        if len(pathing_state.active_path
               ) == 1 or not pathing_state.algorithm_activated:

        #check if we have advanced along the path
        if pathing_state.active_path[1].get_coordinates(
        ) == current_coordinates:
            #pop the element at index 0
            #update current cell
            pathing_state.current_cell = pathing_state.active_path[0]

    #method returning out current heading cell
    def get_direction(self, odo_state, pathing_state):
        heading_to = pathing_state.active_path[1].get_coordinates()
        direction = (heading_to[0] - odo_state.x, heading_to[1] - odo_state.y)
        return direction

    #method to record a new food source and collect it, or just collect current one
    def drive_over_food(self, pathing_state, comms):

        if pathing_state.are_on_food() != None:
            #stop first
            comms.drive(0, 0)
            #wait to simulate picking up food
            comms.drive(constants.CONST_SPEED, constants.CONST_SPEED)
            #set food source as picked
            #replan, maybe a more efficient route now available

    def add_food_source(self, pathing_state, comms):

        #now the pathing is definitely active
        pathing_state.algorithm_activated = True
        #add current cell as a food source
        #now collect it
        self.drive_over_food(pathing_state, comms)

    #planning after a piece of food is collected
    def replan_sequence(self, pathing_state):

        start = pathing_state.current_cell.get_coordinates()
        end = (0, 0)

        #check if have more food sources to collect
        return_home = not pathing_state.has_uncollected_food()

        #if do have such food sources, then collect them before going home
        if not return_home:
            food = pathing_state.get_closest_food()
            end = food.location.get_coordinates()

        #get new path
        pathing_state.active_path = self.aStar.replan(start, end)

        print "REPLANNING {} to {}".format(start, end)

    #return new state
    def new_state(self, nav_state, odo_state, pathing_state, comms):

        #alwayts update location on grid
        self.cell_transition(pathing_state, odo_state)

        #if algorithm not active or we do not have control, do not waste computational power
        if not (pathing_state.algorithm_activated
                and nav_state.yielding_control):
            return nav_state

        #if at the nest and have no more places to go
        if pathing_state.current_cell.get_coordinates() == (0, 0) and len(
                pathing_state.active_path) == 1:

            #indicate completion of round
            print("Brought %d food back to nest" % pathing_state.food)
            comms.drive(0, 0)

            #drop off food, reset food nodes
            #indicate visually
            comms.drive(0, 0)
            #wait to simulate actual dropping of food
            #drive forward
            comms.drive(constants.CONST_SPEED, constants.CONST_SPEED)
            return nav_state

        #try to begin collecting food
        self.drive_over_food(pathing_state, comms)

        #get current direction vector to heading grid cell
        direction = self.get_direction(odo_state, pathing_state)

        speed_l = nav_state.speed_l
        speed_r = nav_state.speed_r

        #turn aggressively
        turn_less = -constants.CONST_SPEED
        turn_more = constants.CONST_SPEED

        #recalculate path if for some reason strayed from it too far
        if self.is_away_from_path(direction):

            #print "FAR AWAY REPLAN"
            #so get the new path

        #renew our direction
        direction = self.get_direction(odo_state, pathing_state)
        angle_to_m = self.get_angle_on_m(odo_state, direction)
        #OUR angle too small
        if angle_to_m > constants.M_N_ANGLE:

            #no need to check for obstacles as pathing takes cares of it for us
            speed_r = turn_more
            speed_l = turn_less

        #OUR angle too big
        elif angle_to_m < -constants.M_N_ANGLE:
            #no need to check for obstacles as pathing takes cares of it for us
            speed_r = turn_less
            speed_l = turn_more

        #send out the new speed controls
        nav_state.speed_l = speed_l
        nav_state.speed_r = speed_r

        return nav_state