예제 #1
    def __init__(self, id, data, components, xmlnode=None):
        """Create a name source instance.

        :param str id:
          A unique string identifier for the source
        :param numpy.array data:
          Numpy array (unshaped) with the source values
        :param tuple components:
          Tuple of strings describing the semantic of the data,
          e.g. ``('JOINT')`` would cause :attr:`data` to be
          reshaped as ``(-1, 1)``
        :param xmlnode:
          When loaded, the xmlnode it comes from.

        self.id = id
        """The unique string identifier for the source"""
        self.data = data
        """Numpy array with the source values. This will be shaped as ``(-1,N)`` where ``N = len(self.components)``"""
        self.data.shape = (-1, len(components) )
        self.components = components
        """Tuple of strings describing the semantic of the data, e.g. ``('JOINT')``"""
        if xmlnode != None:
            self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            """ElementTree representation of the source."""
            self.data.shape = (-1,)
            txtdata = ' '.join(map(str, self.data.tolist() ))
            rawlen = len( self.data )
            self.data.shape = (-1, len(self.components) )
            acclen = len( self.data )
            stridelen = len(self.components)
            sourcename = "%s-array"%self.id
            self.xmlnode = E.source(
                E.Name_array(txtdata, count=str(rawlen), id=sourcename),
                        *[E.param(type='Name', name=c) for c in self.components]
                    , **{'count':str(acclen), 'stride':str(stridelen), 'source':sourcename})
            , id=self.id )