예제 #1
    def __init__(self, collada, id, name, sourcebyid, primitives=None, xmlnode=None, double_sided=False):
        """Create a geometry instance

          :param collada.Collada collada:
            The collada object this geometry belongs to
          :param str id:
            A unique string identifier for the geometry
          :param str name:
            A text string naming the geometry
          :param sourcebyid:
            A list of :class:`collada.source.Source` objects or
            a dictionary mapping source ids to the actual objects
          :param list primitives:
            List of primitive objects contained within the geometry.
            Do not set this argument manually. Instead, create a
            :class:`collada.geometry.Geometry` first and then append
            to :attr:`primitives` with the `create*` functions.
          :param xmlnode:
            When loaded, the xmlnode it comes from.
          :param bool double_sided:
            Whether or not the geometry should be rendered double sided

        self.collada = collada
        """The :class:`collada.Collada` object this geometry belongs to"""

        self.id = id
        """The unique string identifier for the geometry"""

        self.name = name
        """The text string naming the geometry"""

        self.double_sided = double_sided
        """A boolean indicating whether or not the geometry should be rendered double sided"""

        self.sourceById = sourcebyid
        """A dictionary containing :class:`collada.source.Source` objects indexed by their id."""

        if type(sourcebyid) is types.ListType:
            self.sourceById = {}
            for src in sourcebyid:
                self.sourceById[src.id] = src

        self.primitives = []
        """List of primitives (base type :class:`collada.primitive.Primitive`) inside this geometry."""
        if primitives is not None:
            self.primitives = primitives

        if xmlnode != None:
            self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            """ElementTree representation of the geometry."""
            sourcenodes = []
            verticesnode = None
            for srcid, src in self.sourceById.iteritems():
                if verticesnode is None:
                    # pick first source to be in the useless <vertices> tag
                    verticesnode = E.vertices(
                        E.input(semantic="POSITION", source="#%s" % srcid), id=srcid + "-vertices"
            meshnode = E.mesh(*sourcenodes)
            self.xmlnode = E.geometry(meshnode)
            if len(self.id) > 0:
                self.xmlnode.set("id", self.id)
            if len(self.name) > 0:
                self.xmlnode.set("name", self.name)