예제 #1
    def __init__(self, sampler, texcoord, xmlnode=None):
        """Create a map instance to a sampler using a texcoord channel.

        :param collada.material.Sampler2D sampler:
          A sampler object to map
        :param str texcoord:
          Texture coordinate channel symbol to use
        :param xmlnode:
          If loaded from xml, the xml node

        self.sampler = sampler
        """:class:`collada.material.Sampler2D` object to map"""
        self.texcoord = texcoord
        """Texture coordinate channel symbol to use"""
        if xmlnode != None:
            self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            """ElementTree representation of the map"""
            self.xmlnode = E.texture(texture=self.sampler.id, texcoord=self.texcoord)