in_file = "spettro.preamp.dat" out_file = "preamp.grafici.out" with open(out_file, "w") as output: with open(in_file) as file: for line, tuple in zip(file, means): pot, tens, _ = [float(x) for x in line.split()] media, err_media = tuple new_line = [pot, tens, media, 0, 0.03 * tens, err_media] new_line = [str(x) for x in new_line] new_line = " ".join(new_line) + "\n" output.write(new_line) can_pot = TCanvas(out_file, out_file) gr_pot = TGraphErrors(out_file, "%lg %*lg %lg %lg %*g %lg") gr_pot.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr_pot.Draw("ap") f_pot = TF1("retta", "pol1") gr_pot.Fit("retta") print(gr_pot.GetCorrelationFactor()) print(f_pot.GetChisquare(), "/", f_pot.GetNDF()) can_tens = TCanvas(out_file + "2", out_file) gr_tens = TGraphErrors(out_file, "%*lg %lg %lg %*lg %g %lg") gr_tens.SetMarkerStyle(8) gr_tens.Draw("ap") f_tens = TF1("retta", "pol1") gr_tens.Fit("retta") print(f_tens.GetChisquare(), "/", f_tens.GetNDF()) input()
] out_intensity = "intensity.out" with open(out_intensity, "w") as out_file: for dist, intens, int_err in zip(prefissi, intensity, intensity_error): line = dist + " " + str(intens) + " " + "0" + " " + str(int_err) + "\n" out_file.write(line) can = TCanvas("dist", "dist") can.SetFillColor(0) intensity_graph = TGraphErrors(out_intensity) intensity_graph.SetTitle() line = TF1("line", "pol1") intensity_graph.SetMarkerStyle(8) intensity_graph.Fit("line") intensity_graph.GetYaxis().SetDecimals() intensity_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("I^{-1/2} #[]{n_events^{-1/2}}") intensity_graph.GetYaxis().SetDecimals() intensity_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("distance #[]{mm}") intensity_graph.Draw("ap") r = intensity_graph.GetCorrelationFactor() #correlation coefficient=? print(r) #r = 0.826 #correlation coefficient=? npoints = 6 ndf = npoints - 2 t = r * sqrt(ndf / (1 - r**2)) prob = TMath.StudentI(t, ndf) print('probability = ', (prob) * 100, '%') can.SaveAs("distance.eps") input()